Gay Relationships
TT has been very good at giving us variety when it comes to their characters but it would be nice to see some gay relationships or characters.
It's becoming more and more accepted. I'm an avid supporter of gay rights and I even had a crush on a boy who turned out to be gay and started dating my best guy friend! (Story of my life)
But seriously, wouldn't it be nice to see that, and other things like that. Well done TT, you're doing a smashing job so far!
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Lee and Kenny? And im sure Doug had a wee boner for Lee " I think your a great guy "
Yeah, I would love that. Perhaps Luke is ...
TT doesn't even give us relationships in the game, Almost had one with Carley but then BANG! dead, so I doubt there would be gay ones either.
I wouldn't mind seeing a gay couple, but not seeing them would be more realistic. (since they are a small minority)
If that happend I delete this game
If that happend I delete this game
like eric and aaron from the comics
Omid and Christa?
As long as it fits within the story, I've got no problem with it. I just don't want (and I don't think telltale would do this) them to have gay characters just for the sake of having gay characters. Keep in mind, there are only two gay characters in the comics over 10 years and 110 issues. The walking dead game is only a year and a half old.
So as long as they are well written characters and not walking stereotypes (pardon the pun), I would welcome it.
For some reason, I think this thread is going to make hate for people being realistic and be a safe-haven for those here to appease.
Don't care either way.
Usually I'm not a supporter of gay people, but if they are like Aaron and Eric I don't see a problem with it. At least they are not the women-like kind who act all high but then puss out while still insisting on that the world is owing them something.
honestly it seems unlikely, mostly because it's a zombie apocalypse. factoring in that gays make up about 2% of the population, and the remaining amount of people in the walking dead is...... 10,000? so 1% of 10,000 is 100 so less than 200 gay people left, if we assume that the survivors were all correctly representing their respective minorities. plus.... I don't think any relationships are really what twd fans want.
It personally wouldn't bother me, It depends on the effect it has on the story if its just something they decided to put in the game for a nice change I could see them doing it but nothing else cause Telltale isn't gonna focus on something not related to the story
I think it would be interesting to see. In one of my fanfics, I'm planning to add a lesbian couple (OCs) so I see where you're going with this.
I like that Telltale puts some much variety into this game and I would like to see a gay character. But I don't want it to be one those stereotypical effeminate gays 'cause they're just annoying (when portrayed on the media, I don't know any real life ones) and it's little bit discriminatory, in my opinion. Not to mention, how the hell would someone like that survive in a ZA?
Also, having a closeted gay character is always a possibility. None of the characters seen so far seem to be this, but it's a possibility.
Why do people want to politicize entertainment?. If I want to be bombarded with liberal ideological messages i'll walk through a university campus, please keep political campaigning in it's place.This is a video game not an ad campaign for Stonewall.
nuh dem libroolz r evul!1!
Because they think that their ideologies must be spread around the world. They don't even think about the fact that other people have different opinions and want to create a world where everything is like they want it to be.
I think it shouldn't be done for the sake of it but for storytelling purposes. That said I'm unsure why you view it as a purely political thing when it's just an every day orientation
Well hello there random bigot!
Yeah, it's a shame that didn't last long. Perhaps Aaron will find someone at the Hilltop? Or he might just die.
I don't have a problem with it. In the comics, there have been two instances of this, and both were for storytelling purposes, so it was okay.
First, there was Dexter and Andrew, who were together due to... Well, for several months, they only had each other. So... Yeah. Their relationship was meant to show I guess just how lonely they were.
Then, there was Aaron and Eric. The purpose of them existing, or at least, of them being gay, was to show variety in a large group of people. Alexandria was the largest group that Rick and his people had come across, so it made sense that there'd be different people there. Their relationship was meant to show that yes, within a large group there will be some gay people, or people of other minorities as well.
Even if there's no "reason" for there to be a relationship like that in Telltale's, I wouldn't mind it if there were. So long as they were well written characters. If they added two gay characters who were just walking stereotypes, and poorly written characters, then I wouldn't be a fan. Otherwise, it really makes no difference to me. I suppose it would be nice for Telltale to have variety with it's characters.
Very nice comment. I agree with you for 100%. Sometimes I have a feeling that the majority of the users here are still in Highschool or never finished it. Would be really nice if there were more comments like yours here.
The hell is wrong with people in this thead?
This likely won't end well.
Personally, I don't care either way. If they're well written and make sense, by all means. Otherwise, to throw them in to just be there is a bad idea.
From a practical viewpoint: in an apocalypse, trying to survive and eventually rebuild the human race is far more important. Two homosexuals won't have children so unless they're REALLY helpful to the group, they're just a burden because they won't do anything to increase the population. A population needs roughly 100-120 breeding individuals to remain healthy. If some of those didn't reproduce, the population would eventually face severe inbreeding and face dying out. This is the case of the Cheetah population currently. There are so few and they're so spread out so inbreeding often occurs. After a generation or two, a gay couple may not be so much of a burden, but the initial generation is another matter.
Again, if they're well written and actually make sense, by all means. Otherwise, perhaps it's best to just leave romance out of the game. So many people expect it in games anymore that it's becoming a bit predictable.
Things should not be done just to include them. Do them wrong and it can put a bitter taste in people's mouths. Forcing an Hispanic, African American, Chinese, Indian, and Native American into something just to be politically correct can result in things becoming convoluted and make people grow bored or irritated. Include an Hispanic and the French might become pissed because they don't have a representative. So include one and the German get pissed for the same reason. On it goes. It's like a strong woman should not be included just to include one. Include her because she makes sense in the situation. A strong woman in the 1500s? Not likely since women were considered property of her male kin (father, husband, brother, son, etc). A strong woman in the zombie apocalypse? Very possible due to lack of people.
Does a homosexual couple make sense in the zombie apocalypse? What would they bring to the table to ensure the group can survive keeping in mind that for the population to be healthy in the future, there has to be over 100 breeding individuals? You have to be practical when death looms every hour of the day. Chances are, as soon as someone came out as gay, they'd be kicked out unless they're indispensable. Supplies are tight and safe places are limited. Would you take the gay couple with you or the heterosexual couple who can have kids to increase your population? In the apocalypse, the only skills that matter are your abilities with weapons and how quick you are on your feet. Other skills aren't as needed except maybe medical skills, but people often learn when they have to. Trial, error, and observation. That's how our ancestors learned.
What does a homosexual bring to the table a heterosexual would not? What could a homosexual bring to the table that would make them indispensable to the group? If all they bring to the table is bringing another sexual viewpoint, then they're not worth including in the game. The comic and TV show already went into it. The game does not have to follow suit just because they did.
Wow, you're very pragmatic. I wouldn't kick anybody out of the group, even if they were borderline useless, they're still human.
If telltale put in an an obviously gay character for the sake of being obviously gay, I would be disappointed. it would ruin the story. likewise, if they were to put in a gay character who is always the smartest, calmest, nicest person in the group, I would be a little annoyed(I hate stereotyping). but if it were a character, with flaws and benefits like every other character, who might die or might survive, then it would be better.
I understand your viewpoint, and it is indeed very pragmatic. if this were the overall goal then yes, everything you are saying would make sense.
This. Bill in TLOU is a good comparison. Eric and Aaron in the TWD comic. If it isn't forced then it could be a good idea
well, it didn't last long for the comic readers, but they are around 2 years in the apocalypse now, but its sad it didn;t last long
Bill was gay? I never caught that. But yeah, the comics have done gay relations very well, even in the prison story arc with Dexter and Andrew. I think the TV show did it as well with Tara and what's-her-name. The problem with what the TV show did is that I really didn't care about those characters. It does however do a good job of not pushing it in the viewers faces.
It doesn't seem like most groups even care about rebuilding the population though. Lee's group certainly weren't so it could make sense storywise. If written like any other character
Ya. That's why I think it was well written. It wasn't obvious because it was just another realistic thing. Basically it's hinted at with things like Bill saying he cared about someone once, then Joel gives him Frank's note, etc. Then the dirty magazine Ellie made sure to swipe. Tara is another good example. Hopefully she'll be more important in part two so we care about her more
Wrong. There were four gay characters (there were also Dexter and Andrew in the prison probably)
Lee's group was focused first on getting the hell out of there and finding a safe place. They would probably come up with the idea of rebuilding once they were in a safe place for a while.
It's clear from the OP's post that their advocacy for Telltale implementing it into the game is politcal otherwise the following statement is irrelevant to this topic: "It's becoming more and more accepted. I'm an avid supporter of gay rights"
Homosexuality itself is obviously not politcal, neither is abortion or any other such issue, but it's inclusion to the game would politicize the game unless it served to advance the narrative in some way.
So that being said I fail to see how homosexual relationships would serve to advance the narrative in a way that heterosexual relationships couldn't. Unless it was dealing with social/politcal issues like "equality" "discrimination" and "predjudice" which would then politicize the game.
Like I said before the purpose of this game is not social advocacy it is entertainment.
Still, even in the comics, Alexandria was only 50+ people, yet they didn't kick Aaron and Eric out. I just don't see that ever happenign unless it's Crawford or someplace similar.