That may be true, I don't see a person who- doesn't want to be gay, won't admit they are gay, or doesn't understand their gay feelings enough to realize they are gay, as gay. If a person doesn't even know they are gay how can anyone else consider them gay? This is my perspective on the situation, though. By the way I truely hope I am not coming off as homophobic, I am extremely accepting of homosexuals in all walks of life.
Those werent close friends moments they were having in the car, that was a couple bickering.
"Oh, who should go" "no ill go" "no we should … moreboth go" "no we should decide this fairly"
"Lets play rock paper scissors" "No ill go" "No i cant let you do that" "Then you go" "No" "Then ill just go" "No, rock paper scissors"
oh my fucking god, get me out of this car before i see them have sex
'Does a homosexual couple make sense in the zombie apocalypse?' ??????
Well they still exist in Z-apocalypse, and would be pretty uncool to judge them from that and then throw those guys out from community don't you think? In TWD universe repopulation plan is super dumb and is doomed to fail begin with, cause one death in this settlement and whole plays could fall, and i dont think this little community would last in generations. Gayness would not be an big issue here.
This likely won't end well.
Personally, I don't care either way. If they're well written and make sense, by all means. Otherwise, to thro… morew them in to just be there is a bad idea.
From a practical viewpoint: in an apocalypse, trying to survive and eventually rebuild the human race is far more important. Two homosexuals won't have children so unless they're REALLY helpful to the group, they're just a burden because they won't do anything to increase the population. A population needs roughly 100-120 breeding individuals to remain healthy. If some of those didn't reproduce, the population would eventually face severe inbreeding and face dying out. This is the case of the Cheetah population currently. There are so few and they're so spread out so inbreeding often occurs. After a generation or two, a gay couple may not be so much of a burden, but the initial generation is another matter.
Again, if they're well written and actually mak… [view original content]
Your post isn't very clear, but I assume you are arguing that the posts in the thread justify its closing. Mods usually don't close threads based on derailing comments unless they are very severe and numerous. Some discussion in this thread is heated, but at least it is vaguely on-topic. The subject is perfectly reasonable, which usually allows a thread to stay open.
LAWL at least this thread is better then Jabba's ridiculous threads that are only meant to troll people and get them angry. He then enjoys looking at the results he gets from the people he offended. If he's really an adult then why the hell is he trolling and getting pleasure out of the results he gets. I think he's the 12 year old. What type of grown ass man constantly stalks and trolls people for attention and pleasure. He probably has nothing much to do at home and lives in his mama's basement. Only things he has to do is troll on the web and play TTG's. Trolling is for immature idiots who has nothing else to do and need a life. They are lonely and need attention so people can like and follow him. I tried my best being nice to Jabba but seems he doesn't want to play fair with anyone. Since he likes to troll on my threads Imma do the same to his dumb immature ass. You can also tell he's lonely and needs a GF because what type of man Makes threads about an 11 year old girl being attractive and should go with a 20 yr old man? Jabba needs a GF so he faps off to little girls and game characters. I can care less if my threads aren't 100% great. At least my threads aren't for trolling or grabbing attention like his. He loves talking crap to others and have others follow him. I know I'll get Jabba supporters on my ass for this but I don't care he started this war. I'm sure everyone else is getting tired of him too. Haha Jabba lets see how many results for this post. You will become the laughing stock now. Grow up and stop trolling you Nin Come Poop. PS. OP this has nothing to do with you okay? I have nothing against Gays. I have gay famliy and friends . This was just a message to Jabba's dumb ass...
Winston and all his bandit friends were gay, none of them ever found out about each other though because they were afraid of what Winston's reaction might have been. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
We will say 5% of the US population is gay, a nice bump up from the actual known percentage (last I checked), 5% chance that any number of 40 … morepeople is homosexual in nature, those are low odds. Now I am not sure, but I do believe the states we have been in (in game) have no legal recognition of homosexual marriage, so the chance of a gay couple being in that area are even lower than, say, California. It is much more unrealistic to see them vs not seeing them. And frankly it comes off as petty that homosexuals and their supporters (of which I am one) are specifically asking a gay couple be put in the game.
LAWL at least this thread is better then Jabba's ridiculous threads that are only meant to troll people and get them angry. He then enjoys loo… moreking at the results he gets from the people he offended. If he's really an adult then why the hell is he trolling and getting pleasure out of the results he gets. I think he's the 12 year old. What type of grown ass man constantly stalks and trolls people for attention and pleasure. He probably has nothing much to do at home and lives in his mama's basement. Only things he has to do is troll on the web and play TTG's. Trolling is for immature idiots who has nothing else to do and need a life. They are lonely and need attention so people can like and follow him. I tried my best being nice to Jabba but seems he doesn't want to play fair with anyone. Since he likes to troll on my threads Imma do the same to his dumb immature ass. You can also tell he's lonely and needs a GF because what type of man Makes threa… [view original content]
Yeah Jabba was an ass hat to Jill, back on topic though, Telltale puts in characters that suit the story, above all else. It's highly likely that they will do some kind of LGBT character for the variety and interesting issues it would bring up. So yeah you don't have to ask Telltale for it, they will do it when it suits the story, not before.
Wanting something to be fair =/= being in a relationship with the other person. Eddie just wanted both of them to have an equal chance at going out of the car and doing the dangerous thing. I don't see how RPS means wanting to "rear each other" as you so eloquently put it above.
Those werent close friends moments they were having in the car, that was a couple bickering.
"Oh, who should go" "no ill go" "no we should … moreboth go" "no we should decide this fairly"
"Lets play rock paper scissors" "No ill go" "No i cant let you do that" "Then you go" "No" "Then ill just go" "No, rock paper scissors"
oh my fucking god, get me out of this car before i see them have sex
All you wangus faces are arguing that people who aren't cishet "aren't necessary" or whatever, let's remove the straight people instead. There is no reason for them to be straight, change two lines of dialogue and suddenly everyone's gay and the plot progresses in 100% exactly the same way y'all are a bunch of twerps
It has been over half an hour and not one person on this clearly active forum has raised any counterargument to my flawless idea so that means I win, I'll gladly take my new place as Ultimate Queen of Telltale Forums I'd like to thank the academy
Also Clementine's a trans girl now. Everyone is trans it's canon now
All you wangus faces are arguing that people who aren't cishet "aren't necessary" or whatever, let's remove the straight people instead. There… more is no reason for them to be straight, change two lines of dialogue and suddenly everyone's gay and the plot progresses in 100% exactly the same way y'all are a bunch of twerps
yea Jabba is obsessed with me and a stalker. He waits till I post to comment and monitor me. He needs a GF for Valentines Day I wants me. He better go on with that. Go stalk someone else Jabba
yea lol I don't know who that is. I joined this community last year December but either way he has issues lol. I find Jabba funny because he spends most of his day being his self as well as being an idiot. Does he have multiple personality disorder?
Wait, you think that rearing your Bro-est friend makes you gay now? Because it doesn't, it makes you a Bromosexual. The best kind of relationship and sexual Brorientation.
Did anyone play 400 days? Wyatt and Eddie were clearly a couple.
I mean seriously, no grown men talk like that with each other unless ones rearin the other.
So in your community, women over 50, ill and handicapped people would be kicked out? are you for real? Would you care about the survival of the human race or better reasure your own. I don't think procreation is the goal of most of the survivors.
"Only if there's a storytelling purpose," "Only if this...," "Only if that..."
I'm trying to wrap my head around the "logic" that gay characters need to prove themselves in a special way in order to justify their existence/inclusion. Meanwhile, no such high standards for straight characters. Privileged much? But at least that's more open-minded than the ultra-sheltered "homosexual characters = left wing political propaganda" folks.
I think they just mean many fools will view it as a political propaganda thing when it isn't which could hurt Telltale if it looks like they're spreading propaganda. Which it shouldn't, because it isn't propaganda, but the amount of stupid media outlets and other people will call it this
"Only if there's a storytelling purpose," "Only if this...," "Only if that..."
I'm trying to wrap my head around the "logic" that gay chara… morecters need to prove themselves in a special way in order to justify their existence/inclusion. Meanwhile, no such high standards for straight characters. Privileged much? But at least that's more open-minded than the ultra-sheltered "homosexual characters = left wing political propaganda" folks.
I think we are way beyond that now, culturally; at least in the US. Telltale would not be breaking new ground, not even in video games. No one but the troglodytes over at Fox News and maybe some bullshitty Facebook page of "concerned moms" would care, but that never amounts to anything real.
I think they just mean many fools will view it as a political propaganda thing when it isn't which could hurt Telltale if it looks like they'r… moree spreading propaganda. Which it shouldn't, because it isn't propaganda, but the amount of stupid media outlets and other people will call it this
True. Most media could actually view it in a positive light which would be good but it shouldn't be either. It shouldn't be newsworthy for bad or good, it should just be another casual thing
I think we are way beyond that now, culturally; at least in the US. Telltale would not be breaking new ground, not even in video games. No one… more but the troglodytes over at Fox News and maybe some bullshitty Facebook page of "concerned moms" would care, but that never amounts to anything real.
I know this is anecdotal, but I live in GA (you know, where TWD takes place most of the time)... I know/have known/known of, off the top of my head, at least a dozen out-of-the-closet gay people in this town alone (I haven't always lived here). And there's something like 30-40 or so straight (OR THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT ME TO THINK!) people that have come and gone through my social circle. Now, I'm not gay nor do I seek out "the gay community," so this isn't a result of that. I live in Athens, and it IS gay-friendly (as is nearby ATL), so obviously that plays a part (in both the sampling and the openness), but there it is.
And what is petty about people wanting to see the diversity they experience in RL presented in their favorite entertainment?
We will say 5% of the US population is gay, a nice bump up from the actual known percentage (last I checked), 5% chance that any number of 40 … morepeople is homosexual in nature, those are low odds. Now I am not sure, but I do believe the states we have been in (in game) have no legal recognition of homosexual marriage, so the chance of a gay couple being in that area are even lower than, say, California. It is much more unrealistic to see them vs not seeing them. And frankly it comes off as petty that homosexuals and their supporters (of which I am one) are specifically asking a gay couple be put in the game.
No one would care about it here in western Europe, too. In my country the former foreign minister was openly gay as is the major of our capital city. Bad media reputation would only appear if the game had a homophobic propaganda. All media protest against the russian anti-gay campaigns. There is nothing like Fox channel here, luckily.
In Japan mangas with homosexual content aimed for female readers are quite common and popular (genres: shonen ai and yaoi (latter is explicit). Although homosexuality in real life is as far as I know still a problem there.
I think we are way beyond that now, culturally; at least in the US. Telltale would not be breaking new ground, not even in video games. No one… more but the troglodytes over at Fox News and maybe some bullshitty Facebook page of "concerned moms" would care, but that never amounts to anything real.
For that to be the case it would have to a situation were sexuality had no significance or bearing whatsoever, which would then beg the question why telltale would include it? If the sexuality of the person has no bearing on the story then why reveal it at all? It would be inclusion for inclusions sake, which to me would suggest that the addition had a politcal motive of some kind.
You could argue "Well their are Homosexuals in society, so it adds realism", but as I said before their are lots of other minorities that have not been included but no one complains about it.Where are the threads asking for a the inclusion of a Polygamous Mormon Character? There aren't any as far as I am aware. Yet there have already been a number of threads asking for the inclusion of homosexuals, why? The answer is plain from the OP's post, some people want telltale to use the game to promote the acceptance of homosexuality.
What I find hard to understand is why those who want Homosexuals to be treated like everybody else always insist on pushing for their explicit representation in entertainment. It would better (and more realistic) to leave a persons sexuality undiscussed, the vast majority of people we see in our everyday lives never disclose their sexual practices to us, it would be strange if they did.
If homosexual inclusion means that much to you think of it like this. Maybe you have already met a homosexual character in the game but you never found out their sexuality because just like in the vast amounts of our meetings with people in real life the topic was never raised.
That may be true, I don't see a person who- doesn't want to be gay, won't admit they are gay, or doesn't understand their gay feelings enough to realize they are gay, as gay. If a person doesn't even know they are gay how can anyone else consider them gay? This is my perspective on the situation, though. By the way I truely hope I am not coming off as homophobic, I am extremely accepting of homosexuals in all walks of life.
Those werent close friends moments they were having in the car, that was a couple bickering.
"Oh, who should go" "no ill go" "no we should both go" "no we should decide this fairly"
"Lets play rock paper scissors" "No ill go" "No i cant let you do that" "Then you go" "No" "Then ill just go" "No, rock paper scissors"
oh my fucking god, get me out of this car before i see them have sex
That's just regular stoner talk, doesn't technically mean they were bangin buddies.
'Does a homosexual couple make sense in the zombie apocalypse?' ??????
Well they still exist in Z-apocalypse, and would be pretty uncool to judge them from that and then throw those guys out from community don't you think? In TWD universe repopulation plan is super dumb and is doomed to fail begin with, cause one death in this settlement and whole plays could fall, and i dont think this little community would last in generations. Gayness would not be an big issue here.
Mods Close conversational threads but leave this open? CLOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What's wrong with the subject of this thread?
BANG! dead
Last time I checked.
I'd only count one of those examples as a true relationship in TWD. Alvin and Rebecca is another example, though.
lol no wonder this thread got popular
all looks on the level to me, especially with all the links to youtube videos and animated gifs
I mean really, animated gifs are a sign of quality
Your post isn't very clear, but I assume you are arguing that the posts in the thread justify its closing. Mods usually don't close threads based on derailing comments unless they are very severe and numerous. Some discussion in this thread is heated, but at least it is vaguely on-topic. The subject is perfectly reasonable, which usually allows a thread to stay open.
LAWL at least this thread is better then Jabba's ridiculous threads that are only meant to troll people and get them angry. He then enjoys looking at the results he gets from the people he offended. If he's really an adult then why the hell is he trolling and getting pleasure out of the results he gets. I think he's the 12 year old. What type of grown ass man constantly stalks and trolls people for attention and pleasure. He probably has nothing much to do at home and lives in his mama's basement. Only things he has to do is troll on the web and play TTG's. Trolling is for immature idiots who has nothing else to do and need a life. They are lonely and need attention so people can like and follow him. I tried my best being nice to Jabba but seems he doesn't want to play fair with anyone. Since he likes to troll on my threads Imma do the same to his dumb immature ass. You can also tell he's lonely and needs a GF because what type of man Makes threads about an 11 year old girl being attractive and should go with a 20 yr old man? Jabba needs a GF so he faps off to little girls and game characters. I can care less if my threads aren't 100% great. At least my threads aren't for trolling or grabbing attention like his. He loves talking crap to others and have others follow him. I know I'll get Jabba supporters on my ass for this but I don't care he started this war. I'm sure everyone else is getting tired of him too. Haha Jabba lets see how many results for this post. You will become the laughing stock now. Grow up and stop trolling you Nin Come Poop. PS. OP this has nothing to do with you okay? I have nothing against Gays. I have gay famliy and friends
. This was just a message to Jabba's dumb ass...
Winston and all his bandit friends were gay, none of them ever found out about each other though because they were afraid of what Winston's reaction might have been. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"
Yeah Jabba was an ass hat to Jill, back on topic though, Telltale puts in characters that suit the story, above all else. It's highly likely that they will do some kind of LGBT character for the variety and interesting issues it would bring up. So yeah you don't have to ask Telltale for it, they will do it when it suits the story, not before.
Wanting something to be fair =/= being in a relationship with the other person. Eddie just wanted both of them to have an equal chance at going out of the car and doing the dangerous thing. I don't see how RPS means wanting to "rear each other" as you so eloquently put it above.
No, there is no need for it. Not saying it isn't accepted I just don't see the need for it.
All you wangus faces are arguing that people who aren't cishet "aren't necessary" or whatever, let's remove the straight people instead. There is no reason for them to be straight, change two lines of dialogue and suddenly everyone's gay and the plot progresses in 100% exactly the same way y'all are a bunch of twerps
It has been over half an hour and not one person on this clearly active forum has raised any counterargument to my flawless idea so that means I win, I'll gladly take my new place as Ultimate Queen of Telltale Forums I'd like to thank the academy
Also Clementine's a trans girl now. Everyone is trans it's canon now
But of course good fellow
yes obviously the guy above you is one of them
yea Jabba is obsessed with me and a stalker. He waits till I post to comment and monitor me. He needs a GF for Valentines Day I wants me. He better go on with that. Go stalk someone else Jabba
Hello GOUSTTTT, how's it been?
Its just his alternate account...remember kosamja? He had a lot of alternate accounts, so its just like that
yea lol I don't know who that is. I joined this community last year December but either way he has issues lol. I find Jabba funny because he spends most of his day being his self as well as being an idiot. Does he have multiple personality disorder?
Wait, you think that rearing your Bro-est friend makes you gay now? Because it doesn't, it makes you a Bromosexual. The best kind of relationship and sexual Brorientation.
And what of straight people who are just otherwise sterile/infertile? Or people who just didn't want to have kids (what's the solution there, rape)?
It's been quite fantastical. The usual, fighting off criminal scum.
"Only if there's a storytelling purpose," "Only if this...," "Only if that..."
I'm trying to wrap my head around the "logic" that gay characters need to prove themselves in a special way in order to justify their existence/inclusion. Meanwhile, no such high standards for straight characters. Privileged much? But at least that's more open-minded than the ultra-sheltered "homosexual characters = left wing political propaganda" folks.
I think they just mean many fools will view it as a political propaganda thing when it isn't which could hurt Telltale if it looks like they're spreading propaganda. Which it shouldn't, because it isn't propaganda, but the amount of stupid media outlets and other people will call it this
I think we are way beyond that now, culturally; at least in the US. Telltale would not be breaking new ground, not even in video games. No one but the troglodytes over at Fox News and maybe some bullshitty Facebook page of "concerned moms" would care, but that never amounts to anything real.
True. Most media could actually view it in a positive light which would be good but it shouldn't be either. It shouldn't be newsworthy for bad or good, it should just be another casual thing
delete this tread!!
Almost as if straight relationships by and large outnumber gay ones in reality.
Oh hell no, it's just getting interesting.
I know this is anecdotal, but I live in GA (you know, where TWD takes place most of the time)... I know/have known/known of, off the top of my head, at least a dozen out-of-the-closet gay people in this town alone (I haven't always lived here). And there's something like 30-40 or so straight (OR THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT ME TO THINK!) people that have come and gone through my social circle. Now, I'm not gay nor do I seek out "the gay community," so this isn't a result of that. I live in Athens, and it IS gay-friendly (as is nearby ATL), so obviously that plays a part (in both the sampling and the openness), but there it is.
And what is petty about people wanting to see the diversity they experience in RL presented in their favorite entertainment?
Nick and Luke turn out to be a couple.
No one would care about it here in western Europe, too. In my country the former foreign minister was openly gay as is the major of our capital city. Bad media reputation would only appear if the game had a homophobic propaganda. All media protest against the russian anti-gay campaigns. There is nothing like Fox channel here, luckily.
In Japan mangas with homosexual content aimed for female readers are quite common and popular (genres: shonen ai and yaoi (latter is explicit). Although homosexuality in real life is as far as I know still a problem there.
For that to be the case it would have to a situation were sexuality had no significance or bearing whatsoever, which would then beg the question why telltale would include it? If the sexuality of the person has no bearing on the story then why reveal it at all? It would be inclusion for inclusions sake, which to me would suggest that the addition had a politcal motive of some kind.
You could argue "Well their are Homosexuals in society, so it adds realism", but as I said before their are lots of other minorities that have not been included but no one complains about it.Where are the threads asking for a the inclusion of a Polygamous Mormon Character? There aren't any as far as I am aware. Yet there have already been a number of threads asking for the inclusion of homosexuals, why? The answer is plain from the OP's post, some people want telltale to use the game to promote the acceptance of homosexuality.
What I find hard to understand is why those who want Homosexuals to be treated like everybody else always insist on pushing for their explicit representation in entertainment. It would better (and more realistic) to leave a persons sexuality undiscussed, the vast majority of people we see in our everyday lives never disclose their sexual practices to us, it would be strange if they did.
If homosexual inclusion means that much to you think of it like this. Maybe you have already met a homosexual character in the game but you never found out their sexuality because just like in the vast amounts of our meetings with people in real life the topic was never raised.