Ohhh... shit.



  • I wasted it on goggles, suits, arms, etc

  • I'm leaving, I'm leaving already!

    [sobs hysterically]

  • Could you imagine going with no Vault Hunters? That would not end well but might be entertaining to see.

    What if it's like the end of Walking Dead Season 1, where you can have several potential groups including different combinations of Vault Hunters together, solo Vault Hunters, or no Vault Hunters?

  • That would be the new version of Lee and Ben only, haha!

    Could you imagine going with no Vault Hunters? That would not end well but might be entertaining to see.

  • Everyone faints

    That would be the new version of Lee and Ben only, haha!

  • These b*tches better be holding their impoverished a**es because the Baroness(hopefully qq) is about to Pimp slap some lower class peasants.

    It would be funny if she showed up only to say "You can't afford me" and leave.

  • edited October 2015

    Zer0: Do you require need of my services?

    Rhys: Sure do emoticon man, but we're broke so, Vaughn here says he's happy to hand over his kidneys to pay for the expense! Great huh?

    Zer0: =D


    Hopefully Zer0 costs Zer0 dollars. ...I'll show myself out the door.

  • Muhahaha. I cheated and have over $8000.00 plus all the outfits. Not joking. You can infinitely gain money in this game, but it takes up a lot of your time.

  • Freaking A! My only run that has all the moneys is the Rhys/Fiona are super douches to everyone. Well at least they'll be rich while miserable... :/

  • Too bad it was something way back in the first episode. Tough break.

    It was only like a $100 mask, it wasn't that much money, that's not going to mean anything right? RIGHT?

  • Freaking A! My only run that has all the moneys is the Rhys/Fiona are super douches to everyone.

    In your douche playthrough did you trust Fiona or Jack? Because siding with Jack makes you lose an oportunity to get money.

    Freaking A! My only run that has all the moneys is the Rhys/Fiona are super douches to everyone. Well at least they'll be rich while miserable...

  • You did the rewind glitch?

    You must have a lot of time on your hands. ;)

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Muhahaha. I cheated and have over $8000.00 plus all the outfits. Not joking. You can infinitely gain money in this game, but it takes up a lot of your time.

  • Ah. I forgot about that. I did trust Jack on that run (then turned him down later).

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Freaking A! My only run that has all the moneys is the Rhys/Fiona are super douches to everyone. In your douche playthrough did you trust Fiona or Jack? Because siding with Jack makes you lose an oportunity to get money.

  • So adding all the money together you should have $4935 by the end of episode 4 if you collect it all. There's probably going to be some more money you'll have to pick up in episode 5 (hopefully it isn't hard to miss).

  • Wait...Does that mean your forced to take a Trust Fiona path in order to get all of the money? (Since you pick pocket that lady guarding the corridor). Oh man tough break for people who trust Jack.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    So adding all the money together you should have $4935 by the end of episode 4 if you collect it all. There's probably going to be some more money you'll have to pick up in episode 5 (hopefully it isn't hard to miss).

  • I don't think so. It's not like we're missing out on a huge amount of money if we trust Jack.

    Plus, Dumpy.

    Wait...Does that mean your forced to take a Trust Fiona path in order to get all of the money? (Since you pick pocket that lady guarding the corridor). Oh man tough break for people who trust Jack.

  • Shit they are gona punish us for choosing Jack in New Haven.

  • Every scrap of cash Infinite. No exceptions.

    enter image description here

    I don't think so. It's not like we're missing out on a huge amount of money if we trust Jack. Plus, Dumpy.

  • Yep and well.... I really wanted that butler outfit for Loader bot, plus some extra for future expenses in ep. 5.

    You did the rewind glitch? You must have a lot of time on your hands.

  • edited October 2015

    Plus, Dumpy.


    dojo32161 posted: »

    Every scrap of cash Infinite. No exceptions.

  • I suppose you could sell him for cash.

    Plus, Dumpy. ):<

  • Wow. Had no idea this was a thing. I would feel ripped off but at least I'll have more cash for the finale.

    Yeah, the Quick Change dojo632161 is talking about is far off to the left when you can freely walk around in Cassius' work station. It's off camera, but just walk left for a few seconds and you will see it behind a table I think.

  • D:

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I suppose you could sell him for cash.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited October 2015

    You can buy Loader Bot a tuxedo, it's a really cool machine! I love that other characters in the game would mention your outfits as well.

    Wow. Had no idea this was a thing. I would feel ripped off but at least I'll have more cash for the finale.

  • Tell yer secret or i'll rip ye innard out of ye bunghole ya rotten Grog bucket!

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Yep and well.... I really wanted that butler outfit for Loader bot, plus some extra for future expenses in ep. 5.

  • As tempting as it is to do a new save for money...I gotta stick by my policy of "you make choices, you live with them". We'll see how badly splurging on cool outfits will bite me in the butt. 8D;

  • This isnt fair. What's the point of having all that loot if you cant spend it? There's way too many temptations lol.

  • I said it in the waiting thread, but if this is the way that Telltale is able to include ALL the (presumably alive) Vault Hunters in the game, and it works similar to the Quick Change machine, then that is seriously so freakin' clever...

    Also, please have Timothy, please have Timothy, PLEASE HAVE TIMOTHY!!!

    enter image description here

  • So if we don't have all the money the VH's will tell us to go f ourselves

  • Well, I blew all my money as soon as I got the option, just like in rl... guess it's Claptrap for me.

  • ...Motherfucker.

    As an actual player...


    Oh, right, you have to HIRE them.

  • Aw, YES! My hoarder tendencies will finally pay off!

  • HOLY SHIT I should have not wasted my money..


  • If there's an option to hire Maya and I don't have enough money I'm going to be replaying the whole game without spending a little bit of cash.

  • I imagine Maya would be pretty expensive.

    If there's an option to hire Maya and I don't have enough money I'm going to be replaying the whole game without spending a little bit of cash.

  • Yeah, which sucks. :(

    Pipas posted: »

    I imagine Maya would be pretty expensive.

  • I'm suddenly very happy that I didn't notice the Quick Change machine

  • So how will this work all the money for all of them and less cash needed if we pick and choose

  • edited October 2015

    Well my physco pal it is quite simple, but time consuming. What I do is play through from episode 1 to episode 3 without spending any money as Fiona. Get as much as you can, like taking the deal + $1000 from Scooter. Then take Fiona's side at the end of ep. 2 to collect one last good chunk of cash from knocking out the bandit at the beggining of ep. 3. Hit the checkpoint in the next chapter (after breaking down the Atlas door) then quit to main menu. Go to episode select, hit restart episode on episode 2 with the same save. This will lose your choices from ep. 2 foward, but you keep all the money you've collected. You can keep doing this as long as you want.

    papai46 posted: »

    Tell yer secret or i'll rip ye innard out of ye bunghole ya rotten Grog bucket!

  • Also doing this gives you freedom to do the playthrough you want, but you can buy anything.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Well my physco pal it is quite simple, but time consuming. What I do is play through from episode 1 to episode 3 without spending any money

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