have just started playing SoMI:SE now. The download (over Steam) was over 2 gig, and has TOP-NOTCH sound quality!!
Now, this is how a MI game should sound like! ;D
Loving the remake btw.. ahh.. so many memories.. *nostalgic overload*
Completely agree. The quality is "good enough" for normal playing. It's not spectacular and you'll always find a few spots where you think "it could be better", but it's not a dealbreaker. Additional packages would be nice though. If only to stop the whining.
I doubt anything will stop the whining at this point.
TOP-NOTCH sound quality!!
Now, this is how a MI game should sound like! ;D
eh, blow it out your ear hole. :mad: I'm ticked because I probably won't get to play it for weeks. Don't have any extra money to spend right now. Blew it all on TMI WHICH HAS FINE SOUND QUALITY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
eh, blow it out your ear hole. :mad: I'm ticked because I probably won't get to play it for weeks. Don't have any extra money to spend right now. Blew it all on TMI WHICH HAS FINE SOUND QUALITY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
So stop wasting your time and energy defending something you're perfectly happy with...go clean some cars kid, won't take long to earn ten dollars.
Oh yeah, the reason I came back to the thread, SoMI:SE...the sound is just lovely, definitely an example of what adventure game sound should be like, now they need to see if they can tackle iMUSE for Le Chuck's Revenge :cool:
But I join the whole "petition" about the compression. Since 2006 I see (and make) complaints about the sound quality, and never been heard because they want to keep small size packages. But come on... a W&G episode takes about 600mb and a MI takes 300mb. Same compagny, same kind of game, and I'm quite sure it would not double the size of the whole game to just have a fine audio quality (I don't care about incredible lossless or whoa it's 5.1).
For the textures, I suppose it's not only a matter of size... they probably don't have the time to make very very high quality textures (and map it correctly) with the only 30 days they have to make a game. Of course, if it's not that, I want better textures :P I can easily accept my friends criticism "look, its the same boat for Elaine's and Guybrushs !" or "autosmooth is nice, but why they don't use it on this rope, it's just a cube with a dirty texture on it". But if some details can be increased just by letting people downloading bigger file, of course I'm in.
I'm currently downloading SoMI:SE, and now it's done, so I have to go now :P
Hope some day TTG wil hear that...
But come on... a W&G episode takes about 600mb and a MI takes 300mb..
Actually MI only takes about 185MB, thank Le Chuck that Lucasarts didn't do a similar compress with SOMI, otherwise we would need a special special edition.
I'm perfectly fine with the compression level of the PC version. Heck, I even played the demo (that's all I have as my system can't comfortably run the game and I'm waiting to get the WiiWare version) wearing headphones and thought it sounded fine.
And I consider myself to be picky when it comes to audio. (Wouldn't call myself an audiophile though...don't want to be that guy.)
I'm perfectly fine with the compression level of the PC version. Heck, I even played the demo (that's all I have as my system can't comfortably run the game and I'm waiting to get the WiiWare version) wearing headphones and thought it sounded fine.
And I consider myself to be picky when it comes to audio. (Wouldn't call myself an audiophile though...don't want to be that guy.)
Again, the Internet is for complaining.
Yah, me have no complaints about the sound. Don't know what you guys are complaining about.
I disagree with the premise of this thread. I think if you're making a Wii-Ware game (because the Wii has such limited download and storage ability) then you have to make it a smaller file. For being a small compressed download, I found the sound quality to be outstanding playing with my awesome skullcandy headphones.
I disagree with the premise of this thread. I think if you're making a Wii-Ware game (because the Wii has such limited download and storage ability) then you have to make it a smaller file. For being a small compressed download, I found the sound quality to be outstanding playing with my awesome skullcandy headphones.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
But this is not the Wii, we're talking about the PC version. 188MB isn't that big to most people and I'm certain people wouldn't mind waiting an extra few minutes for an extra 30-40MB to download so the people with good sound systems and hearing can get a higher quality of Voice and Music in the game.
If you can't tell the difference, then good, you're just going to be happy, if you're fighting for the small file size, then why don't we reduce the textures and make them smaller to, hey, you might not notice it after all. The fact is, there are people who can notice the compression, something which is blown apart egven more by The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition which has brilliant sound quality on all Voice, SFX and Music.
It doesn't matter about the Wii as the game needs to be converted and things changed anyway for the Wii so surely it would be no problem to also convert a higher compressed Music and Vocal archive for the Wii whilst giving PC users a Higher Quality version. If anything, sorry to say this, if it is because of the Wii, then TellTale are doing a very lazy job on this game regarding sound. Which is a shame because the talent involved should be represented better in the game, I mean, The Curse of Monkey Island sounds better and that was out in 1997!
i actually found this more of an issue with monkey island special ediion but yeah its stil an issue with tomi, i put on day ofthe tentacle and sam and max hit the road earlier and was blown away by how damn good the voices were.
Ok, this thread has gone on long enough, here are the facts... there should be no remaining arguments after this post.
Reused models: Aside from Eliane, the monkey, and Le Chuck in the intro... there are only 3 base models in the entire episode
#1) The guybrush model (which is also De Singe, just with a different head, legs and texture... I wonder if anyone noticed THAT!)
#2) The pirate model (which is used for the pirate who wakes you up, the Glassblower, and Magee)
#3) The short fat model (which is used for Nipperkin, Winslow, D'oro, and the club 41 bouncer)
(there is also the lab monkey)
But this technique of reusing "base" models has been used FOR YEARS with telltale, and we only begin complaining now? carefully examine any telltale game and you will see repeated base character models, (with only slight alterations in each) you guys need to get real. Nobody complained when all the zombies in sam and max: night of the raving dead looked alike!
And what of the other models? The horn that the giant statue is blowing looks like the bottle breaker, Guybrush's shovel is from bone, half the flowers in the jungle are repainted models from felicity's garden in W&G, both ships in the intro are identical (just repainted) Not to mention the rope sack on Elaine! It's not just the characters... they reuse assets all the time, and nobody ever notices or complains.
But they need to reuse assets, and reusing them in clever ways is a GOOD thing. Because if they want to bring you a new game each month, they have to cut some corners... and most of the time, you don't even notice them.
Texture quality: I run the game at 1440X900 in HD, and I see no texture issues at all... no lack of detail, no distortion from scaling up the image. They are adequate, end of story.
As for the sound quality: I say NO to better quality voices in their DOWNLOADED game versions. Their release system is already very complicated to newcomers without there being a "high bitrate" option in the mix... individual episodes, season passes, season upgrades, DVD bundles. Its a conundrum to a first timer who does not know which way to go. Get the picture? Not to mention the already well stated argument of those who are stuck with net download caps, or inferiour internet connections.
Trying to shut up a few dozen screaming babies using equipment that highlights the audio compression artifacts is not worth loosing 100's of game orders because the newcomers can't figure out the order page, or can't afford the increased download size! ... END OF DISCUSSION!
Although, yes, they should include higher quality sound and voice recordings on the DVD game versions, despite the fact that it would take considerable work to swap out all of the SFX, music, and voice files (Plus retesting). But the DVD versions are always worked over and given some bug fixes anyways.
So perhaps they could start putting higher quality assets in the DVD game versions, and start charging a nominal fee for them. (to compensate for the work needed to replace the above said assets)
Your receiver should be able to remix the signal accordingly.
I can't see a way of doing that. It's only a Realtek 7.1 soundcard integrated into the motherboard. There's a 'speaker fill' option in Vista which remixes music and sounds in Windows but that doesn't seem to have an affect in this game, nor does it for DVD videos.
I meant the receiver, or do you have the speakers directly attached to your soundcard?
I have an old Yamaha and I can chose different profiles for different purposes. Among the settings is the "center width" that is used to redirect a signal sent to L and R to C
I meant the receiver, or do you have the speakers directly attached to your soundcard?
I have an old Yamaha and I can chose different profiles for different purposes. Among the settings is the "center width" that is used to redirect a signal sent to L and R to C
Speakers (Creative Inspire T7900) only have direct connection to sound card and only remixing options on them are 5.1 to 7.1 or 6.1 to 7.1
Trying to shut up a few dozen screaming babies using equipment that highlights the audio compression artifacts is not worth loosing 100's of game orders because the newcomers can't figure out the order page, or can't afford the increased download size! ... END OF DISCUSSION!
Dangerzone, again, calm down. Seriously. You're going to give yourself hypertension or something.
Second, if a large download size is such a deterrent, how is it that Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition has been such a hit? After all, the download for that is over a gigabyte isn't it? And incidentally, it sounds fabulous.
Yeah, so since the game already separates music, voices and effects with three separate volume controls I was thinking it might be fairly trivial in future episode releases to route the music through L + R, voices through C and effects through all channels .... or something along those lines.
Better Sound Quality would be cool, but its no big issue to me. I honestly dont want Telltale to upgrade the Textures, as i´m glad i can play this game on my fairly old rig. If you do, please include lower Textures aswell.
Dangerzone, again, calm down. Seriously. You're going to give yourself hypertension or something.
Second, if a large download size is such a deterrent, how is it that Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition has been such a hit? After all, the download for that is over a gigabyte isn't it? And incidentally, it sounds fabulous.
Trying to shut up a few dozen screaming babies using equipment that highlights the audio compression artifacts is not worth loosing 100's of game orders because the newcomers can't figure out the order page, or can't afford the increased download size! ... END OF DISCUSSION!
Unless I see a poll or something that would implicate that they would lose more customers than gain because of larger download sizes I won't believe it. In some other gaming forums I have never seen anyone complaining about large download size but I have seen them complaining about the audio quality in TT games.
Ok, want me to be serious? Fine... I'll get serious and show you how pointless your argument is.
Read VERY carefully: so you can understand how pointless your request is.
Lets begin with a question...
So, what size do you presume they increase the game to?
Every game has about 2,000 lines of dialogue... about 10,000 every season.
That's a lot... one single telltale episode contains more original music, SFX, and dialogue than some FULL sized games on the market at the moment.
Even if you only decrease the audio compression by a few bits per second, multiplied over all the lines... Then the file size would be multiplied over one hundred fold
Even if they increased it to a 700MB size game, you would all STILL be bitching! Because they would still need to employ some compression to keep the game at even THAT file size. And lets face it, no compression is truly "loss-less" so you all would still be here.
Then you all would want surround sound, or completely uncompressed sound... and if they do that, then they would need to use a separate DVD for EACH episode... and that would drive up their cost of production. Causing them to charge more for their games to cover that, not to mention covering their increased bandwidth and equipment costs... that would undoubtedly raise the prices of their games... then you would all be here bitching about how the episodes are too short to be paying 60$ for a season...
Get my point?
Seriously, guys... shut up. :rolleyes:
<--- I have been around long enough to know which side of this argument ALWAYS wins.
So, I could use your same reasoning, if you don't like the sound compression... Then don't play the damn game.
DangerZone, you should actually learn how Audio Coding works before you lose your lid over the subject. The Voices in Episode 1 only take up 30.7MB of Space, even doubling the bitrate and giving the files more leanway means the maximum that file will be is 61.4MB and that's if every single line requires the double bitrate.
And don't think you know all about a game as well... That telltale archive file is only the voices... the episode has about 100 MB in different sound assets which would all need to use the different compression system. (the models file is 20MB and the texture file is around 75 IIRC, so the rest is mostly all sound assets)
Even when multiplying that, it becomes very large suite suddenly... because even if they double the current bitrate, there would still be the "flatness" to the voices.
No, right now they use a 128 ogg vorbis compression, but to make them decent they would need to employ at least a 196 bitrate (which is what decent MP3's use as the industry standard) with better cross fading to create the illusion that the voice is actually coming from the direction of who is speaking (possibly even add a 3rd rear channel to the voices for surround sound use)
The games would then need about 300-370MB for the sound assets then... increasing each episode to about 500MB...
Bottom line, that is still kinda big... yes, I do hear the compression at times when I play with headphones ... but no, it does not bother me any other time, and because my earlier argument about the cost and size still stands.
I still stand at a strong: NO to less compression.
Don't hold your breath!
It's still a nice game. But it would have been nicer with some extra time and (obviously) data-space.
Now, this is how a MI game should sound like! ;D
Loving the remake btw.. ahh.. so many memories.. *nostalgic overload*
I doubt anything will stop the whining at this point.
eh, blow it out your ear hole. :mad: I'm ticked because I probably won't get to play it for weeks. Don't have any extra money to spend right now. Blew it all on TMI WHICH HAS FINE SOUND QUALITY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
So stop wasting your time and energy defending something you're perfectly happy with...go clean some cars kid, won't take long to earn ten dollars.
Well suppose you could be 13 or 30, cleaning two cars is still worth $10
hmmm... Is it a really evil looking car?
*Look At - thatdude98*....."Murray?" :eek:
You had me on this one
But I join the whole "petition" about the compression. Since 2006 I see (and make) complaints about the sound quality, and never been heard because they want to keep small size packages. But come on... a W&G episode takes about 600mb and a MI takes 300mb. Same compagny, same kind of game, and I'm quite sure it would not double the size of the whole game to just have a fine audio quality (I don't care about incredible lossless or whoa it's 5.1).
For the textures, I suppose it's not only a matter of size... they probably don't have the time to make very very high quality textures (and map it correctly) with the only 30 days they have to make a game. Of course, if it's not that, I want better textures :P I can easily accept my friends criticism "look, its the same boat for Elaine's and Guybrushs !" or "autosmooth is nice, but why they don't use it on this rope, it's just a cube with a dirty texture on it". But if some details can be increased just by letting people downloading bigger file, of course I'm in.
I'm currently downloading SoMI:SE, and now it's done, so I have to go now :P
Hope some day TTG wil hear that...
Actually MI only takes about 185MB, thank Le Chuck that Lucasarts didn't do a similar compress with SOMI, otherwise we would need a special special edition.
And I consider myself to be picky when it comes to audio. (Wouldn't call myself an audiophile though...don't want to be that guy.)
Again, the Internet is for complaining.
Yah, me have no complaints about the sound. Don't know what you guys are complaining about.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
But this is not the Wii, we're talking about the PC version. 188MB isn't that big to most people and I'm certain people wouldn't mind waiting an extra few minutes for an extra 30-40MB to download so the people with good sound systems and hearing can get a higher quality of Voice and Music in the game.
If you can't tell the difference, then good, you're just going to be happy, if you're fighting for the small file size, then why don't we reduce the textures and make them smaller to, hey, you might not notice it after all.
It doesn't matter about the Wii as the game needs to be converted and things changed anyway for the Wii so surely it would be no problem to also convert a higher compressed Music and Vocal archive for the Wii whilst giving PC users a Higher Quality version. If anything, sorry to say this, if it is because of the Wii, then TellTale are doing a very lazy job on this game regarding sound. Which is a shame because the talent involved should be represented better in the game, I mean, The Curse of Monkey Island sounds better and that was out in 1997!
Wrong. The Glassblower and Hemlock had the same model as well.
I compared them directly. They are.
Reused models: Aside from Eliane, the monkey, and Le Chuck in the intro... there are only 3 base models in the entire episode
#1) The guybrush model (which is also De Singe, just with a different head, legs and texture... I wonder if anyone noticed THAT!)
#2) The pirate model (which is used for the pirate who wakes you up, the Glassblower, and Magee)
#3) The short fat model (which is used for Nipperkin, Winslow, D'oro, and the club 41 bouncer)
(there is also the lab monkey)
But this technique of reusing "base" models has been used FOR YEARS with telltale, and we only begin complaining now? carefully examine any telltale game and you will see repeated base character models, (with only slight alterations in each) you guys need to get real. Nobody complained when all the zombies in sam and max: night of the raving dead looked alike!
And what of the other models? The horn that the giant statue is blowing looks like the bottle breaker, Guybrush's shovel is from bone, half the flowers in the jungle are repainted models from felicity's garden in W&G, both ships in the intro are identical (just repainted) Not to mention the rope sack on Elaine! It's not just the characters... they reuse assets all the time, and nobody ever notices or complains.
But they need to reuse assets, and reusing them in clever ways is a GOOD thing. Because if they want to bring you a new game each month, they have to cut some corners... and most of the time, you don't even notice them.
Texture quality: I run the game at 1440X900 in HD, and I see no texture issues at all... no lack of detail, no distortion from scaling up the image. They are adequate, end of story.
As for the sound quality: I say NO to better quality voices in their DOWNLOADED game versions. Their release system is already very complicated to newcomers without there being a "high bitrate" option in the mix... individual episodes, season passes, season upgrades, DVD bundles. Its a conundrum to a first timer who does not know which way to go. Get the picture? Not to mention the already well stated argument of those who are stuck with net download caps, or inferiour internet connections.
Trying to shut up a few dozen screaming babies using equipment that highlights the audio compression artifacts is not worth loosing 100's of game orders because the newcomers can't figure out the order page, or can't afford the increased download size! ... END OF DISCUSSION!
Although, yes, they should include higher quality sound and voice recordings on the DVD game versions, despite the fact that it would take considerable work to swap out all of the SFX, music, and voice files (Plus retesting). But the DVD versions are always worked over and given some bug fixes anyways.
So perhaps they could start putting higher quality assets in the DVD game versions, and start charging a nominal fee for them. (to compensate for the work needed to replace the above said assets)
particularly speech out the centre speaker rather than L and R
Your receiver should be able to remix the signal accordingly.
I have an old Yamaha and I can chose different profiles for different purposes. Among the settings is the "center width" that is used to redirect a signal sent to L and R to C
Dangerzone, again, calm down. Seriously. You're going to give yourself hypertension or something.
Second, if a large download size is such a deterrent, how is it that Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition has been such a hit? After all, the download for that is over a gigabyte isn't it? And incidentally, it sounds fabulous.
Then I know what I should never buy (do they really expect all content to be available in at least 5.1?)
Sorry, I thought that anything that is able to produce 5.1 should be able to process stereo into a useful 5.1 layout.
Hear hear!
Unless I see a poll or something that would implicate that they would lose more customers than gain because of larger download sizes I won't believe it. In some other gaming forums I have never seen anyone complaining about large download size but I have seen them complaining about the audio quality in TT games.
Well you can, and knowing some of the people on the internet they would, but normally you don't worry about it until in is a problem.
You don't have to open this thread if it bothers you, just ignore it like the sound problems.
Read VERY carefully: so you can understand how pointless your request is.
Lets begin with a question...
So, what size do you presume they increase the game to?
Every game has about 2,000 lines of dialogue... about 10,000 every season.
That's a lot... one single telltale episode contains more original music, SFX, and dialogue than some FULL sized games on the market at the moment.
Even if you only decrease the audio compression by a few bits per second, multiplied over all the lines... Then the file size would be multiplied over one hundred fold
Even if they increased it to a 700MB size game, you would all STILL be bitching! Because they would still need to employ some compression to keep the game at even THAT file size. And lets face it, no compression is truly "loss-less" so you all would still be here.
Then you all would want surround sound, or completely uncompressed sound... and if they do that, then they would need to use a separate DVD for EACH episode... and that would drive up their cost of production. Causing them to charge more for their games to cover that, not to mention covering their increased bandwidth and equipment costs... that would undoubtedly raise the prices of their games... then you would all be here bitching about how the episodes are too short to be paying 60$ for a season...
Get my point?
Seriously, guys... shut up. :rolleyes:
<--- I have been around long enough to know which side of this argument ALWAYS wins.
So, I could use your same reasoning, if you don't like the sound compression... Then don't play the damn game.
Even when multiplying that, it becomes very large suite suddenly... because even if they double the current bitrate, there would still be the "flatness" to the voices.
No, right now they use a 128 ogg vorbis compression, but to make them decent they would need to employ at least a 196 bitrate (which is what decent MP3's use as the industry standard) with better cross fading to create the illusion that the voice is actually coming from the direction of who is speaking (possibly even add a 3rd rear channel to the voices for surround sound use)
The games would then need about 300-370MB for the sound assets then... increasing each episode to about 500MB...
Bottom line, that is still kinda big... yes, I do hear the compression at times when I play with headphones ... but no, it does not bother me any other time, and because my earlier argument about the cost and size still stands.
I still stand at a strong: NO to less compression.