Tales From the Borderlands Wins Best Comedy, 2nd in Adventure.



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    Green613 posted: »

    From what I've seen of Life is Strange how can it be winning best story at all over any of those games?

  • My opinion restricted to narrative/story:
    Life is Strange is not a good narrative series (I'd rate it about a notch above mediocre). Dontnod built a good universe and a nice broad story but executed it poorly (even ignoring main plot points) in favor of getting emotional responses and shock moments. In the end, the "ride" was more about getting emotional responses than telling a good story that had a sensible end (I can elaborate more but I don't want to derail the thread)

    That being said, Tales also has several issues (mostly from the rewrites) but considering the Borderlands universe and the clearly comedic flavor, we can forgive a lot of those issues (exception: killing off Scooter for being clumsy and getting his hand trapped). The only major things that bothers me in Tales are pacing in some places and trigger actions with "no return" (while exploring accidentally clicking something triggers an event that pushes the story forward, and you can't get back unless reloading and replaying)

    Overall, I consider Tales to have a better narrative than Life is Strange, it is not perfect but is clearly better.
    I'd buy and play another season of Tales. For an eventual new season of LiS (or any other game from Dontnod) I will stick to let's play.

  • The giant LiS fanbase of underaged kids is taking over,this is just sad.I wish more people would know that tales is such a better game

  • Tales was emotional in certain parts.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    The chances, that TftBL wins are bigger, now that there is a Jury. But i think it will lose anyway, Because they probably think that a good narrative needs to Be emotional.

  • He says a thing like that yet he can't make his own game... :/

    Sorry, the thing I said is a little bit immature... I know...

    I hate people like that, it's not even an opinion, it's just hate.

  • Thats true. But Tales Main focus is on Comedy and Not on "sadness". It's kind of sad, Because sadness can Be way easier achieved, Then comedy. People have different types of Humor. Wich makes the writing of TftBL so much better than LiS. TftBL has nearly everything. LiS only the emotional Part.

    Tales was emotional in certain parts.

  • I agree and I really hope that Tales wins.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Thats true. But Tales Main focus is on Comedy and Not on "sadness". It's kind of sad, Because sadness can Be way easier achieved, Then comed

  • only the first episode of LiS is compared to whole series of games. That's stupid and limiting. That's like me comparing the last episode of TWD to other games.

    TFBL for best comedy and I wish there was a best character category. But the witcher needs to win hella awards too

  • More like: Too bad "i only care for the graphics of a game" isn't a category

    I hate people like that, it's not even an opinion, it's just hate.

  • Tales looked way better than LiS though.

    Is that just me?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Probably if TT had half the budget Squar Enix has,Tales would have put LiS to the ground (which it already did)

  • Ok seriously, Saints Row is beating Tales in best comedy now...

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    CarL_J posted: »

    Ok seriously, Saints Row is beating Tales in best comedy now... ...


  • (?) Telltale will remember that.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Ok seriously, Saints Row is beating Tales in best comedy now... ...

  • I already voted for it ;p

    And yes, it deserves an award... But I can't believe LiS is going to win for Best Adventure instead of TFTBL. LiS doesn't actually deserve any award IMO (except for Best Perfomance for Chloe's VA). -_-


  • It is a cruel and unfair world that we live in....

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I already voted for it ;p And yes, it deserves an award... But I can't believe LiS is going to win for Best Adventure instead of TFTBL. LiS doesn't actually deserve any award IMO (except for Best Perfomance for Chloe's VA). -_-

  • Yeah... :/

    If Tales' doesn't win at least 1 award, I'm going to be extremely pissed. :|

    It is a cruel and unfair world that we live in....

  • I honestly don't see that much of an adventure in LiS compared to Tales. Tales is way more adventuristic.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I already voted for it ;p And yes, it deserves an award... But I can't believe LiS is going to win for Best Adventure instead of TFTBL. LiS doesn't actually deserve any award IMO (except for Best Perfomance for Chloe's VA). -_-

  • I think the same. Although I think many people vote for LiS cuz of its fanbase, I suppose. Most people played LiS instead of Tales which made me kinda upset :|

    Oh well... :\

    I honestly don't see that much of an adventure in LiS compared to Tales. Tales is way more adventuristic.

  • As much as i hate to admit it, It just hard to stand a chance. We only losing because of the amount of fanbase and community we got..

    And Also those game were very well advertised, I only knew TFBL because of some gearbox promotional mails and had to looks up for it.

    In fact, all telltales games is not well advertised as those game, Except The walking dead, that game is bloody everywhere on the internets.

    At least for me, This game win every awards and my heart. Definitely my 2015 GOTY.

  • That was just yesterday's performance. Most days, Tales was winning, only a couple of times has Saint Row got more votes than Tales. That being said DAMMIT PEOPLE, KEEP VOTING!!!!

    CarL_J posted: »

    Ok seriously, Saints Row is beating Tales in best comedy now... ...

  • Saints row is not even funny.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Ok seriously, Saints Row is beating Tales in best comedy now... ...

  • Voted for LiS in every category

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    Voted for tales for best comedy though.

  • edited November 2015

    So much salt in here about LiS that if we were to dump in in a sea it'd become saltier than the Black one.

    Keep hating on while LiS wins in every category it's nominated in.

  • TFTB has made me laugh more then any other game I've ever played. Why is Saints Row winning? Also LIS was good intill EP 5, that ep was just utter shit.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah, I like the choices in life is strange. They seem big, but you can rewind and go back and forth on "do I want this one?" "I don't like how that played out, etc." I tried to use the rewind as little as possible because it made sense for the plot and that my choices were "permanent". (IMO)

    I think Tales will beat Life is Strange, if the jury actually looks at choices impacting the story. In LiS you can literally undo any major

  • Tales deserves to beat LiS for adventure. Both were great, but unlike Tales, LiS collapsed on itself at the final episode. It's only dominating it's categories because of the insanely devoted fanbase it has. Like, scary insane...

  • It's only dominating it's categories because of the insanely devoted fanbase it has. Like, scary insane...

    Not to offend more moderate fans of the game, but I have to agree with this statement. I've seen the LiS fan base, and they are very, how should I put this, loyal to the game. They defend it no matter what and are quite obsessed with it. And I'm sure Tales has some of those fans as well, and I know as hell TWD does too, but LiS is on another level.

    ElJacko posted: »

    Tales deserves to beat LiS for adventure. Both were great, but unlike Tales, LiS collapsed on itself at the final episode. It's only dominating it's categories because of the insanely devoted fanbase it has. Like, scary insane...

  • Haters? I prefer realistically visioned beings.

    Voted for LiS in every category Voted for tales for best comedy though.

  • That feel you get when Tales from the Borderlands made your choices matter more than Life is Strange.

    (Don't get me wrong. I liked Life is Strange for the most part other than the finale but I just found this funny.)

  • Part of me hopes that Tales ends up being a sleeper hit: it passes under everyone's radar for the time being, then by 2016 everyone's like "this is great, why did we vote for all that stuff last year instead of this"

  • But wouldn't there need to be a reason for it to suddenly get popular? I mean, pretty much the only way for people to get interest is for it to win an award for something. Other than that, it'll probably just stay under the radar.

    Deltino posted: »

    Part of me hopes that Tales ends up being a sleeper hit: it passes under everyone's radar for the time being, then by 2016 everyone's like "this is great, why did we vote for all that stuff last year instead of this"

  • Sometimes things get spontaneously popular without much reason

    I'm holding out for something like that happening, because I'm a hopeless optimist

    lupinb0y posted: »

    But wouldn't there need to be a reason for it to suddenly get popular? I mean, pretty much the only way for people to get interest is for it to win an award for something. Other than that, it'll probably just stay under the radar.

  • edited November 2015

    People in here judging LiS community as if they were on some kind of Moral high ground. Well fuck me sideways.

  • Keep hating on while LiS wins in every category it's nominated it.


    armis37 posted: »

    So much salt in here about LiS that if we were to dump in in a sea it'd become saltier than the Black one. Keep hating on while LiS wins in every category it's nominated in.

  • This guy knows stuff.

    Zumoshiteki posted: »

    People in here judging LiS community as if they were on some kind of Moral high ground. Well fuck me sideways.

  • R.I.P TFTB

    enter image description here

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  • edited November 2015

    Dontnod has outdone Telltale at its own game with Life is Strange.

    Basically my reaction:

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    But for real, did they really had to add that, was that necessary? I hope I'm not the only one, who got really pissed off by that. (I know, I'm acting unmature, but I'm so sick of Life is Strange)

    CarL_J posted: »

    R.I.P TFTB

  • You are not the only one.

    Dontnod has outdone Telltale at its own game with Life is Strange. Basically my reaction: But for real, did they really had t

  • Dontnod has outdone Telltale at its own game with Life is Strange

    enter image description here

    That is not only wrong, but completely unnecessary

    CarL_J posted: »

    R.I.P TFTB

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