Tales From the Borderlands Wins Best Comedy, 2nd in Adventure.



  • All is right with the world again... For now.

    Linnet posted: »

    We Did It! 1st place comedy 2nd place adventure

  • Not related to TFTB but LiS had more votes than Fallout 4 in the GOTY 2015 vote. I found it funny, lol. Not hating LiS here though.

    enter image description here

  • edited November 2015

    I have no words

    CarL_J posted: »

    Not related to TFTB but LiS had more votes than Fallout 4 in the GOTY 2015 vote. I found it funny, lol. Not hating LiS here though.

  • jmmjmm
    edited November 2015

    If there was a way to actually restrict voting to games you have actually played, and not just stating your blind preference, it would matter.

    Don't be upset, just be disappointed on people believing that this popularity contest actually matters.

    I have no words

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah, I don't want to start an argument and I may be a little biased, but...

    Firstly, F4 came out very recently. It certainly doesn't deserve a very high spot, because there just hasn't been enough time for it to bloom to it's fullest. I even saw a lot of people complaining it didn't beat Witcher. Seriously? I'm surprised it surpassed GTA5, to be honest.

    Secondly, it fell flat. So much hype was surrounding the game, and people had insanely high expectations for it. What comes out is a better-than-average game, but it's more of a shooter with RPG elements rather than a quality RPG. For example, all dialogue choices lead to practically the same. Compare it to New Vegas, where you could resolve almost any situation in various ways. I admit Bethesda can build a great world, which they did again, but story-telling wise... Not so great.

    While F4 struggled, LiS shined. I saw the majority of people hating it here based on their opinion and without providing solid arguments, except for lip-syncing. Also, whether you like it or not, LiS was indeed a hit, despite it's flaws and all that. I feel like it definitely deserves a second spot, and I would personally even give it the first place, but that's just because I love it a lot, not because it was better than Witcher.

    Keep in mind that this post is only my opinion.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Not related to TFTB but LiS had more votes than Fallout 4 in the GOTY 2015 vote. I found it funny, lol. Not hating LiS here though.

  • Pffffff wtf LiS being voted higher than Fallout, MGS V, AND Bloodborne?! Wtf are these people smoking.

    CarL_J posted: »

    Not related to TFTB but LiS had more votes than Fallout 4 in the GOTY 2015 vote. I found it funny, lol. Not hating LiS here though.

  • How is Metal Gear in 6th, and under Life is Strange?

    CarL_J posted: »

    Not related to TFTB but LiS had more votes than Fallout 4 in the GOTY 2015 vote. I found it funny, lol. Not hating LiS here though.

  • enter image description here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    How is Metal Gear in 6th, and under Life is Strange?

  • edited November 2015

    Life is Strange wasnt even pretty good.

    enter image description here

  • I thought it was terrible and incredibly overrated.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Life is Strange wasnt even pretty good.

  • Well, episode 1 and 2 we're kinda bad in my opinion, 3 and 4 we're good, but episode 5 honestly just killed it and everything about it.

    I hate how they added an extra hour for some "nightmare" thing, and having one ending being super lack luster compared to the other. Along with the bad acting and lip sync, never has "eat shit and die" been so not threatening in anyway at all.

    I thought it was terrible and incredibly overrated.

  • I found it a reverse Telltale, the only good episode was the penultimate episode and everything else sucked. The nightmare was actually kind of cool, and I was glad that they were able to poke fun at themselves, like with the bottles, but it went on for far too long and began to feel like filler. Actually, the first like 45 minutes of the finale were kind of pointless, when Max "escapes," goes to San Francisco, tears up her picture, and then just ends up right back where she was. The part with David and Mr. Jefferson also went on for far too long and became both hilarious and tedious. I found both endings sucked, but the one with Chloe was way, way worse. Couldn't agree more with the "eat shit and die" comment, I honestly really hated the way Max was performed throughout the series, she was so lifeless and boring, she had the same monotone voice for literally everything, like when she tells Jefferson that. The only person that I feel did an amazing job was Ashly Burch as Chloe, hated the character, but she put on an amazing performance.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well, episode 1 and 2 we're kinda bad in my opinion, 3 and 4 we're good, but episode 5 honestly just killed it and everything about it. I

  • Oh yeah, I hated how we just kept ending up back with Jefferson, it was so dumb and was just getting pointless. Like you said, Max was always so monotone. Chloe was the only character that I liked in anyway until the end of ep 5, when I finally liked Warren.

    In terms of the endings, I hated how if you save Chloe they just go "LOL BIEEEEEEEEEEE" and just leave.

    And if you let her die, although its a much better ending, non of the choices you made mattered at all.

    And one more thing, I really dont like any story when a character is just "given" powers. Max just "got" these powers which cause all these issues, but why? Why her, why do they cause these issues, and why then if the only way to make the storm stop is to not time travel at all?

    I found it a reverse Telltale, the only good episode was the penultimate episode and everything else sucked. The nightmare was actually kind

  • edited November 2015

    I just never found Chloe likable at all, from the very beginning she irritated me, from the way she spoke, to her personality, to how she expects you to take the blame for her pot, my God I fucking hated her. Was she a developed character? Yes, by far the most developed in the game. Was she a likable character? Hell fucking no. And yeah, Max just getting her powers is stupid, it could have been cool to learn how she got them, but the writers were like "Nah, she can rewind time because, reasons."

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Oh yeah, I hated how we just kept ending up back with Jefferson, it was so dumb and was just getting pointless. Like you said, Max was alway

  • When does this happen? How can you make this happen?

  • Bro fist Vaughn in episode 5 as Fiona.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    When does this happen? How can you make this happen?

  • I'm late to the party, but...

    Dontnod has outdone Telltale at its own game with Life is Strange.


    CarL_J posted: »

    R.I.P TFTB

  • Ok thanks.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Bro fist Vaughn in episode 5 as Fiona.

  • I'm telling you, Life Is Strange will win ANY fucking section. Just leave it to the fandom to say "best children's game" or "best first person shooter"

    CarL_J posted: »

    Not related to TFTB but LiS had more votes than Fallout 4 in the GOTY 2015 vote. I found it funny, lol. Not hating LiS here though.

  • People tend to hate sequel now a day, Nostalgia make people blind sometimes, And Yes I agreed with all of your opinion.
    It's sometimes about love it or not, Not about the game greatness.

    armis37 posted: »

    Yeah, I don't want to start an argument and I may be a little biased, but... Firstly, F4 came out very recently. It certainly doesn't des

  • They kinda saying like "Giving Telltales some credit", There won't be this game if isn't for Telltales popularized the genres.

    Seriously, calm down.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I have another post that I regret to place ._. Honestly what are they saying...?

  • Reading this thread

    enter image description here

  • They are saying that this game wouln't have come into a reality, if it wasn't for Telltale making episodic games a new hit in the gaming industry.

    TUMBLR 101.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I have another post that I regret to place ._. Honestly what are they saying...?

  • Girls can be bros too.

    We're all bros, bros! T.T bro bro bro

  • Life Is Salt.

    lis =life

  • salty like telltale's forums.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Life Is Salt.

  • enter image description here

    salty like telltale's forums.

  • Dontnod has outdone Telltale at its own game with Life is Strange

    enter image description here

    Wow, fuck you too buddy. You know what, I'm going to take this handy dandy advice, and when I hold contests one day, I'm going rub it in the loser faces in this same professional manner, because I'm an adult! At least Telltale won best comedy and got 2nd in Adventure, so suck it you dick of a dicky person on your dicky reward site!

    Sigh....okay ^_^ I feel much better now.

    CarL_J posted: »

    R.I.P TFTB

  • 'Seriously, calm down.'

    They are calling out telltale and it wasn't just one fluke. And I never gave any reasons for you to say calm down. I simply asked what they were saying since I didn't understand. So I think you need to calm down...

    Armorchin posted: »

    They kinda saying like "Giving Telltales some credit", There won't be this game if isn't for Telltales popularized the genres. Seriously, calm down.

  • edited November 2015

    Witcher 3 Deserved to Win, and even though I love the Fallout series. (Fallout and Borderlands are my favourite franchise). But Fallout 4 has barely been out long enough for 2015 GOTY. Hasn't had time to shine, if you get me.

    I still have no idea what LiS is about, just hear people moaning about it, well about it beating other games.

    Well done TFTBL for Best Comedy!
    And 2nd in Adventure!

    CarL_J posted: »

    Not related to TFTB but LiS had more votes than Fallout 4 in the GOTY 2015 vote. I found it funny, lol. Not hating LiS here though.

  • Congratulations Tales. Congratulations LIS. You both deserve.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2015

    The part with David and Mr. Jefferson also went on for far too long and became both hilarious and tedious



    [Kicks table 2 inches, gets shot]

    I also like in one of David's deaths, Jefferson's like "Christ David Madsen, you are one stupid son of a bitch"

    Summed up how I started feeling towards that scene

    I found it a reverse Telltale, the only good episode was the penultimate episode and everything else sucked. The nightmare was actually kind

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited November 2015

    To shift away from Life is Strange: Until Dawn winning best horror game?

    I mean, Until Dawn is pretty great, but it's about as run-of-the-mill as they come in terms of horror. Not to mention that almost all of the scares are, as expected, a bunch of dumb jump scares, and even worse, the first half of the game is front-loaded with a bunch of fake-outs, which quickly wear out their welcome.

    And Dying Light getting second is also pretty confusing, because how in the HELL does that game even constitute as horror in the first place? I mean sure, it's technically a 'survival horror' game by genre, but that name, quite frankly, has long since lost it's meaning. The only parts that really count as 'horror' would be, as expected, when the sun sets. Which I'll give it credit for, but that definitely doesn't make up a majority of the game's horror aspects. If anything, that's about the only horror aspects really played straight. The rest is an admittedly better Dead Island, with free-running elements. And I wouldn't say that "better Dead Island with free-running elements" is horror.

    I honestly think Soma deserves first (or second, because I can't account for Stasis since I never played it). It might not be as outwardly scary as Amnesia or Penumbra are, but it's still easily one of the top-tier horror games for me. It focuses a lot more on the psychological aspect of horror, which I feel a lot of games tend to glaze over.

  • First, I must apology for misunderstanding, and seemingly offended you.

    Honestly what are they saying...?

    Your word could go in different direction depending on tone of using it.

    So i assume based on your earlier comment that you were just not happy with what they did, And did not mean to asking a question.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    'Seriously, calm down.' They are calling out telltale and it wasn't just one fluke. And I never gave any reasons for you to say calm down. I simply asked what they were saying since I didn't understand. So I think you need to calm down...

  • ive never played lis so i dont know whats so great about it

  • edited November 2015

    I think these awards get way too much attention. The people who ultimately decide who will win are people who don't even care about the category and haven't played all of the nominated games in said category, but voted a couple hundred times. I guess you could just throw all of the games into one category and call it "Game with the most dedicated clickbot fanbase".

    The awards that are decided upon by a jury are much more meaningful imo. Of course I won't agree with all of their decisions, but at least they had a look at all of the games they have to choose from and all members have the same amount of votes.

  • I can tell you...nothing.

    ive never played lis so i dont know whats so great about it

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