Chapter 5 - 8th Dec! (in the afternoon)



  • edited November 2009
    Actually Johan, I would rather have the game delayed a month, just to get the extra sidequests in.

    (Believe it or not, there are still some gamers without internet access)
  • edited November 2009
    We are ungrateful since we expect what we pay for when it has been said to be delivered? Why do we owe TTG gratitude? We are consumers, we are buyers, we expect what we pay for when the delivery date is. Would you walk idly by and feel ungrateful if this was perhaps a delay with your new car that you ordered?

    That is the difference between your Information Software thing and Game Development.
    In Game Development you try to make fans. Not costumers. If you get fans, you get people who LOVE the games and who LOVE the people working on the game for what they did.
    Not every company wants that. Bigger companies like EA or Activision seem to want customers. You can see that on how they tread franchises (Activision dropped Ghostbusters, Brütal Legend, EA's sport games). They release on time, but look at WHAT they release.

    Or ins short:
    Fans don't take it serious if the release is 1 week of.
    Customers do.

    Now from a customers point of few, sure. Get the torches, burn down Telltale for being late 1 week.
    From a fans point of view, Telltale has done more then enough in the past to make up for the 1 week delay. Free episodes, contests, etc.
  • edited November 2009
    Maybe I am just assuming but it seemed that maybe Ep 4 was released before they were ready... you could tell by the bugs like GT getting stuck in the Cell with chucks.....

    I am guessing they do not want to repeat that performance with ep 5... hence the Delay.... we will not get more stuff in the game because of it... just less bugs is my guess.
  • edited November 2009
    This is scandalous! How dare they release it so late?

    I am pissed!

    They should just do a rush job and release it today! YES!
  • edited November 2009
    I don't know why this is such a big deal: abinding by a month schedule would have meant releasing every episode on the SEVENTH day of every month. Instead they always took an extra week for every episode (it's weird people complain only now because the release date has "december" on it XD), and I'm not sure this is bad planning: maybe it's just marketing strategy, "a new episode every month" sounds better than "a new episode every five weeks"
  • edited November 2009
    The single tag for this thread is suddenly very fitting.
  • edited November 2009
    But IS Guybrush really dead?!? The tension is unbearable... Will this be the end of Monkey Island? Did TellTale REALLY kill off Guybrush Threepwood just when was becoming popular again?

    I think the obvious answer to all of these questions is... YES.
  • edited November 2009
    But IS Guybrush really dead?!? The tension is unbearable... Will this be the end of Monkey Island? Did TellTale REALLY kill off Guybrush Threepwood just when was becoming popular again?

    I think the obvious answer to all of these questions is... YES.

    Killing the main character of a game without any backup plans in plot, where there is AT LEAST one more episode in which we WILL have the control of this character seems unlikely.

    Ressurrection is a certain.
  • edited November 2009
    I don't think Telltale is going to release chapter 5 just so TOMI will have a The Lady, or the Tiger ending.

    I mean think about it, it just makes sense. :p
  • edited November 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    Killing the main character of a game without any backup plans in plot, where there is AT LEAST one more episode in which we WILL have the control of this character seems unlikely.

    Ressurrection is a certain.

    You think?
  • edited November 2009
    I fact.
  • edited November 2009
    Surely it's more likely that TellTale have killed off Guybrush Threepwood so they can back to making card games again?
  • edited November 2009
    It would be cool if like in grim fandango, all the world turn into paper cuts in the world of living, then maybe the world of dead of monkey island, everthing turn 2D lol
  • edited November 2009

    Oh, and I don't think there's any argument that any of their games have been "late". Telltale never laid out a release schedule, and we get the games when we get the games. And we are happy when the games arrive. Just relax.
  • edited November 2009
    natieb wrote: »

  • edited November 2009
    natieb wrote: »

    Oh, and I don't think there's any argument that any of their games have been "late". Telltale never laid out a release schedule, and we get the games when we get the games. And we are happy when the games arrive. Just relax.

    No, you're definitely NOT the only person who saw that (fishy, lol)
    I totally agree with you as far as the so-called delay goes. Who bloody cares if it comes out 8 days after November. As someone has already pointed out, We waited longer for episode 2, for crying out loud. Why can't we all just wait, and when it comes out, enjoy it. Full stop. The end. Over.
  • edited November 2009

    I totally missed that. Don't know if it was done on purpose or not, but it's hilarious.

    Back to the thread...

    This may sound strange, but I'm kind of glad to see a little unprofessionalism. It lets me know TTG is still human. They're still people, fans even, who make games for fellow fans. Not some big corporation who pumps out "perfect" games because it only cares about the bottom line. There's a balance in all this and I think TTG is hitting the sweet spot, I really do. It's sort of a give and take relationship where everybody benefits. The day TTG becomes too big to make mistakes will be a sad day. Hmm, that reminds me of Ron's PAX speech.
  • edited November 2009
    i get paid every two weeks. There are 4 weeks in every month. I should get paid twice a month, right?

    Wrong, there are 365.25 days in a year, and if you assume there are four weeks per month, get 13.05 months in a year. But you don't, you get 12. The remaining days are unevenly spread out. Last month i got paid three times!

    When someone says monthly they could mean 'per calendar month', or 'every 4 weeks' but 'every 5 weeks' is acceptable to most people. Get over it.
  • Irishmile wrote: »

    why does everyone love this image so much?? because it reminds them of their dearly beloved CMI - THE BEST MONKEY ISLAND ART STYLE TO DATE!!
  • edited November 2009
    But IS Guybrush really dead?!? The tension is unbearable... Will this be the end of Monkey Island? Did TellTale REALLY kill off Guybrush Threepwood just when was becoming popular again?

    I think the obvious answer to all of these questions is... YES.

    Nah. The Voodoo Lady will bring him back. Because that's what Voodoo Ladies do. Haven't you seen Pirates of the Carribean? :)
  • edited November 2009
    That concept art just screams Curse of MI to me.
  • edited November 2009
    A delay is never acceptable, ever.
    Sure it can be acceptable, why not?. In this case (one week) I think is acceptable for ANY reason. Nobody is going to stop buying the game, or decide to stop buying TTG games for that reason.
    If your development follows good practice you will always have a release candidate which can be shipped on the day. It may not have all the fluff fluff and the coolness, but it has the stuff people want. If you want to add the fluff fluff and the coolness later, patch it.

    I really hope you never get to be in a position where you get to make that call. "Oh yeah... we know there's a horrible bug in our game, but don't worry, we'll patch it in a week.", that is exactly the kind of behavior that would make me loose respect for a software company.

    You want to know the BIG important differences between games and any other kind of software?

    It will be used by MILLIONS of people, most of which are not at all experienced in anything related to computer science, they just want to install the game and play it. Because of this, games need to be much more bug free than any other piece of software, since patching is VERY DIFFICULT, for you, me and most of the people in this forum is quite easy, but for someone that doesn't even know what a patch IS (that would be... the majority of people), well, they are just not going to do it.

    Another big different is that Information Systems and other kind of projects, as long as they accomplish their task, they can be released. The "task" of a computer game is not easy to "accomplish", because it is subjective, it's about ENJOYMENT, the level of polish required is completely different to those of an information system, where most of the things that make it a good system are easy to measure.
  • edited November 2009
    Juanique99 wrote: »
    Sure it can be acceptable, why not?. In this case (one week) I think is acceptable for ANY reason. Nobody is going to stop buying the game, or decide to stop buying TTG games for that reason.

    I really hope you never get to be in a position where you get to make that call. "Oh yeah... we know there's a horrible bug in our game, but don't worry, we'll patch it in a week.", that is exactly the kind of behavior that would make me loose respect for a software company.
    Right, I'm sick of this now, I've gotten quite a bit of low jabs and stupid remarks by now and now I'm sick of it. I'm now going to sink to your level and be just as insulting and narrow-minded. This is also going to be my last post on this topic as I am not here to argue with stupid fanboys, I'm here to get my point across to TTG who I hope by now have read what I have to say and realize that they have to use a Swedish expression "have taken a crap in the blue locker".

    I hope you are never in a position were you are required to read what someone else says or were you need to develop any type of software. Using a CORRECT development method there will be no bugs like that, nor will there by any surprises, I made a post on this earlier, I suggest you read it.

    Why is it not acceptable to deliver late? When you make a deal with someone you suspect to get what you pay for, this is regardless of what the deal is about. A month is never 5 weeks. A month varies between 4 weeks and 4.42 weeks, this cannot and never will be narrowed down to 5 weeks. A month is either approx. 30 days (about 22 business days) or 1 calendar month. Drop the crap.
    You want to know the BIG important differences between games and any other kind of software?

    It will be used by MILLIONS of people, most of which are not at all experienced in anything related to computer science, they just want to install the game and play it. Because of this, games need to be much more bug free than any other piece of software, since patching is VERY DIFFICULT, for you, me and most of the people in this forum is quite easy, but for someone that doesn't even know what a patch IS (that would be... the majority of people), well, they are just not going to do it.

    Another big different is that Information Systems and other kind of projects, as long as they accomplish their task, they can be released. The "task" of a computer game is not easy to "accomplish", because it is subjective, it's about ENJOYMENT, the level of polish required is completely different to those of an information system, where most of the things that make it a good system are easy to measure.

    You have no clue what you're talking about, I'm not going to argue this with you until you actually get some know how about what an information system is and how you make them. To use A few examples of information system used by more people then I dare say any game: Ebay, Amazon, Paypall and so on. Drop the crap, if you don't know don't pretend like it.

    "Screw you guys, I'm going home."
  • edited November 2009
    eskimo wrote: »
    You do realize that October 30th was a long time ago right?

    *evil laugh*

    Major typo....
    But my point still stands :)
  • edited November 2009
    JohanShogun, Dude you really should chill a bit. Like, seriously.
  • edited November 2009
    Right, I'm sick of this now, I've gotten quite a bit of low jabs and stupid remarks by now and now I'm sick of it. I'm now going to sink to your level and be just as insulting and narrow-minded.

    When exactly did I insult you?
    This is also going to be my last post on this topic as I am not here to argue with stupid fanboys, I'm here to get my point across to TTG who I hope by now have read what I have to say and realize that they have to use a Swedish expression "have taken a crap in the blue locker".

    I'm not a fanboy (And I really don't see where you got that from my posts), Monkey Island is a great game, but I'm not half as fan of the series as most people here. And I'm not stupid, I think that I'm familiar enough with software design and development methodologies to discuss about the subject.
    I hope you are never in a position were you are required to read what someone else says or were you need to develop any type of software. Using a CORRECT development method there will be no bugs like that, nor will there by any surprises, I made a post on this earlier, I suggest you read it.

    I've been involved in many big software projects, including video games, I've experienced different development methods, I've had to work in software design as well as development, and I've had people working for me developing software, and you know what? I'm very good at it, and I've had a pretty successful career so far.
    Why is it not acceptable to deliver late? When you make a deal with someone you suspect to get what you pay for, this is regardless of what the deal is about. A month is never 5 weeks. A month varies between 4 weeks and 4.42 weeks, this cannot and never will be narrowed down to 5 weeks. A month is either approx. 30 days (about 22 business days) or 1 calendar month. Drop the crap.

    It's acceptable when the final result is positive, is as simple as that. There will always be a negative and a positive side.
    You have no clue what you're talking about, I'm not going to argue this with you until you actually get some know how about what an information system is and how you make them. To use A few examples of information system used by more people then I dare say any game: Ebay, Amazon, Paypall and so on. Drop the crap, if you don't know don't pretend like it.

    Ohh... lol.... you talk about web based information systems?. You mean those that are the EASIEST to patch?, the ones where only a couple of experts need to do the patching instead of millions of inexperienced users?. Yeah, that really sounds similar to videogames development (being sarcastic here.)

    "Screw you guys, I'm going home."

  • edited November 2009
    Can I just say sir, do not tell me to "cut the crap" when I have done nothing wrong. As that was so clearly aimed at me.
  • edited November 2009
    Spazzing out over something that wasn't even insulting isn't exactly a great way to get people to see it from your side. The more you know, folks!~~
  • edited November 2009
    Awww, I'm breaking my word, damn, you guys got me that pissed at you, as for getting my point across, I have made enough well argued and well formed posts, I am aware of that this doesn't help my cause, I'm fed up with this crap now though. If you guys can tell me stuff like "grow up" and other things of that variety, I can do the same. I've had enough.
    Juanique99 wrote: »
    When exactly did I insult you?

    "I really hope you never get to be in a position where you get to make that call" --> Uniformed jab at my professionalism, making comments on something were you don't know and cannot know.
    I'm not a fanboy (And I really don't see where you got that from my posts), Monkey Island is a great game, but I'm not half as fan of the series as most people here. And I'm not stupid, I think that I'm familiar enough with software design and development methodologies to discuss about the subject.

    I've been involved in many big software projects, including video games, I've experienced different development methods, I've had to work in software design as well as development, and I've had people working for me developing software, and you know what? I'm very good at it, and I've had a pretty successful career so far.
    Alright, I accept that you are aware of different design methods and way to do things, then you should know that what I have describe has been good practice since somewhere around the mid 90's and it has since produced bug free and well made systems. Regardless of how you package it or what design method you call yourself to you should then know by now that the core of what you want to do is the same, it's just recently that the "official" design methods have started bringing up the subjects.

    It is quite possible to have a "successful" carrier within this field without having a clue what you're doing, we have unfortunately seen a lot of this.

    I wrote my thesis on this subject, I'm more then happy to discuss it.
    It's acceptable when the final result is positive, is as simple as that. There will always be a negative and a positive side.

    Ohh... lol.... you talk about web based information systems?. You mean those that are the EASIEST to patch?, the ones where only a couple of experts need to do the patching instead of millions of inexperienced users?. Yeah, that really sounds similar to videogames development (being sarcastic here.)
    Am I talking about web based information systems in general? No. You should have gathered that by now, having a well made distribution system it doesn't matter if it's a web based IS or an IS made for managing healthcare or operations in a hospital. I used those as examples to prove a point, all examples always have flaws, if we look beyond that we see what someone says. As a successful person in this field you should know that.
    Bugger off.
  • edited November 2009
    The fun thing is, it isn't even a delay.
    Its the officially announced release date for episode 5. :D
  • edited November 2009
    Katsuro wrote: »
    The fun thing is, it isn't even a delay.
    Its the officially announced release date for episode 5. :D

    "5 Games - Delivered Monthly"

    Monthly: "once a month; every month; from month to month "

    Anything before november 1 or after november 30 for episode 5 does not confirm to this.
  • edited November 2009
    "5 Games - Delivered Monthly"

    Monthly: "once a month; every month; from month to month "

    Anything before november 1 or after november 30 for episode 5 does not confirm to this.

    Ah I see where you are coming from.
    I once had a monthly subscription of a magazine and, just as you said I received it every 30 days. Once they brought it too early tho, that was february (since february only has 28 days, except when that leap day thing happens which I still haven't really got).
    It was a really cool magazine to be honest! It was about retro gaming and its roots. Actually I think it even was called "Retro Gaming" or something similar. I recommend you to check it out. There is really useful stuff in there, like for example the first easter egg, or the history from text adventures to graphic adventures. Also the last one had an interesting retrospective about blade runner and it million different editions (ok I think it only were 5). Man that sure must have been a hassle to get this onto one DVD (or laserdisk, in the magazine they talk about laserdisk). I never had a lasedisk player, so I only own one edition on DVD of it (the director cut). I like it very much. Do you like it as well? I think it was one Fords better roles. Even tho the voice over is a little bit annoying. It is clearly ment for the audience who didn't get the idea of the movie without it.
    Though I have to admit Ford was awesome in Indiana Jones. I even like the 4th movie. Granted it wasn't the best in the franchise, but it was definitely an Indy movie (not an indie-movie. haha).
    The Indy movies were at least as epic as the Back to the future movies. Hey I think I gonna watch them right now!

    Catch you later!
  • edited November 2009
    Katsuro wrote: »
    Ah I see where you are coming from.
    I once had a monthly subscription of a magazine and, just as you said I received it every 30 days. Once they brought it too early tho, that was february (since february only has 28 days, except when that leap day thing happens which I still haven't really got).
    It was a really cool magazine to be honest! It was about retro gaming and its roots. Actually I think it even was called "Retro Gaming" or something similar. I recommend you to check it out. There is really useful stuff in there, like for example the first easter egg, or the history from text adventures to graphic adventures. Also the last one had an interesting retrospective about blade runner and it million different editions (ok I think it only were 5). Man that sure must have been a hassle to get this onto one DVD (or laserdisk, in the magazine they talk about laserdisk). I never had a lasedisk player, so I only own one edition on DVD of it (the director cut). I like it very much. Do you like it as well? I think it was one Fords better roles. Even tho the voice over is a little bit annoying. It is clearly ment for the audience who didn't get the idea of the movie without it.
    Though I have to admit Ford was awesome in Indiana Jones. I even like the 4th movie. Granted it wasn't the best in the franchise, but it was definitely an Indy movie (not an indie-movie. haha).
    I agree.
    Katsuro wrote: »
    The Indy movies were at least as epic as the Back to the future movies. Hey I think I gonna watch them right now!
    Let me join you, my friend!
  • edited November 2009
    I really don't get why waiting 7 days is such a big deal.
    Yes, it's not 'monthly' like Telltale have said BUT
    We waited the 4 weeks + 1 week ever since the first TOMI came out.

    Is it such a suprise that this is happening? Really?
    Honestly I'm glad that they've chosen to do this. They realise a November release is unrealistic, and I'm glad they're not going to rush their work to make a Nov release.
  • edited November 2009
    Majus wrote:
    Katsuro wrote:
    *Harrison Ford Stuff*
    *Agreement With Katsuro*
    What was this topic about? I forgot. :p
  • edited November 2009
    Majus wrote: »
    I agree.

    Let me join you, my friend!

    I will join you guys.... let me just look up the cost of plane tickets from Wisconsin... you guys will wait right?
  • edited November 2009
    Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! Great :)
  • edited November 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I will join you guys.... let me just look up the cost of plane tickets from Wisconsin... you guys will wait right?

    I will join you, if we don't watch the new one.
  • edited November 2009
    i think the 4th indy was better than the 3rd back to the future.

    and if i can throw in my opinion (seeing as the only purpose for the internet) yes, the release date is delayed. and no matter what way you look at it, it wasnt released monthly.

    but its still been one hell of a good series and noone should really care thats its been over a month for this release. i can assure that it will be well worth the wait.
  • edited November 2009
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I will join you guys.... let me just look up the cost of plane tickets from Wisconsin... you guys will wait right?
    Are you coming or what? Still waiting here!
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