So basically, "I can't explain what the hell I'm saying, so I'ma take my toys and go home". Nice conversational ragequit.
No, basically "This argument is pointless, even if I do explain what I'm saying you're not going to listen to me, and I don't want to keep having this argument and get another thread locked." But fine, if you're going to whine about it, here.
A norm is a psychological template for what we expect from the people around us. Norms exist for pretty much everything that can be perceived about another person, including both appearance and behavior, and they govern your expectations. It's why most people will assume a person is straight unless specifically told otherwise.
Look Dashing, I pretty much tried to bow out of the debate in what was probably the most insulting way I was capable of, and I apologize. It was a knee-jerk reaction to what I perceived as the 72-word equivalent of "That's stupid and you're stupid."
That's not even remotely what I said. But I wanted to end this discussion long ago, and now that Iced has stepped in I'm not going to indulge it any further. Like I said, I don't want to get another good thread locked.
That's not even remotely what I said. But I wanted to end this discussion long ago, and now that Iced has stepped in I'm not going to indulge it any further. Like I said, I don't want to get another good thread locked.
Duh, no locking this thread. Deleting irrelevant posts, however: LIKE.
OK, Here's me drinking Tea in Tabriz's Carpet Bazaar ... yes, there's nothing in my cup but I swear I was drinking tea! *two guys try to commit Milkman08* I SWEAR THERE WAS TEA IN MY CUP! YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME! AGHGHGGGHH!!!
another one that I found good enough to be posted here
And a classic 3x4 one, image taken in 2007
^ Anyway, don't take any meanings from the gesture of that hand, she was just acting goofy, trying to imitate a vampire like pose with fake teeth ...
If i remember things correctly i wrote something about possible fake boobs of your girlfriend and wished you a fakewell. But ultimately you would have to ask the one who is fond of deleting posts here.
If i remember things correctly i wrote something about possible fake boobs of your girlfriend and wished you a fakewell. But ultimately you would have to ask the one who is fond of deleting posts here.
Do you really have a problem with moderators deleting your posts?
Do you really have a problem with moderators deleting your posts?
I do. Especially the fact that it doesn't warn you. Now I feel like my posts could be edited left and right and I wouldn't be informed.
Unless something is so offensive it really, really shouldn't be seen by anyone, I also want to be able to see posts, and it's a pain having to contact everyone whose post was deleted and asking if they can tell me what their post said.
I guess i a.o. believe into the freedom of opinion and the ability that people who are having a discussion in most cases are able to deal with it on their own without beeing inteferenced by some self-appointed good taste police. And i think this way for mine as well as for other posts. Actually you can learn quite a lot from such experiences but you need to have the greatness to let things go and be tolerant which again aren't attributes you can find this often in the world.
Believe me, I understand completly and yes you should be able to state your opinions, and me as a person. The only reason I deleted Dashing's post was to not start a fight with someone when their posts seem aggressive to the other party, and or instigating a fight. Between people, and or deliberately insulting them. I am not a fan of that at all, Avi I don't know why your post was deleted unless it was about dashing, I'll look into it.
Avi's post indeed was deleted by me, I apologize. The reason was just - after all, this discussion path was to cease, but I should have been more upfront about it and not leave empty messages behind. This was my ill-fated attempt to clarify that these messages were deleted. Their mere non-existence did not hinder other posters to draw on the issue again and again.
I'm very willing to discuss such decisions, but it'd be a PM thing only.
This discussion led nowhere but to a flame war, and it therefore had to stop. I think that the relevant "sides", if there were any distinct sides to begin with, have stated their opinions loud and clear. We're done with it now. Such a discussion, in such a thread, kills its purpose. I wonder when the next pic will ever be posted. Same thing goes for spontaneously insulting forum members because_of_their_looks. It's unbelieveable, but this was actually going on in here as well.
/edit: Here we go. A wonderful picture by a beloved forum member and she deletes it instantly, quite possibly because of the present discussion. GREAT. Don't do that! Post it again, please! Bring us back on track!!
Maybe it would be best if you would stop beeing a moderator, at least for some time and read some books, for instance about former east germany.
Godwin's law variant!
Me too, I wasn't keen at all on the decision to delete that messages, but I find this is a little exaggerated: none is perfect, and I think hard-working moderators especially deserve some error space.
I'd like to add that I think Dashing's deleted last message had a good point (I read it before deletion). He/she was rude and oblivious to GuruGuru's attempt to "make peace", but a good point nonetheless.
So you prefer silently deleting posts on a personal preference instead of reading eastern german porn stories? Oh well, each to his own...
@Coder of low Moral Fibre
I doubt that this and other cases happened due to that someone was working too much or anything like this. I think these things happen more on purpose, may they be motivated by TTG or by the sheer misuse of power which slips in after some time. Sadly those who are more immune to such human defects also never apply for such jobs.
No, basically "This argument is pointless, even if I do explain what I'm saying you're not going to listen to me, and I don't want to keep having this argument and get another thread locked." But fine, if you're going to whine about it, here.
A norm is a psychological template for what we expect from the people around us. Norms exist for pretty much everything that can be perceived about another person, including both appearance and behavior, and they govern your expectations. It's why most people will assume a person is straight unless specifically told otherwise.
Duh, no locking this thread. Deleting irrelevant posts, however: LIKE.
another one that I found good enough to be posted here
And a classic 3x4 one, image taken in 2007
My Girlfriend.
Anyway, those fingernails aren't fake
Ah, well if you saw my post then I'm pretty sure I said it was to be dropped.
And yes, this post doesn't help.
And about Avi's avatar.....I just thought it was a dude with long lashes...sorry.
If i remember things correctly i wrote something about possible fake boobs of your girlfriend and wished you a fakewell. But ultimately you would have to ask the one who is fond of deleting posts here.
Do you really have a problem with moderators deleting your posts?
I do. Especially the fact that it doesn't warn you. Now I feel like my posts could be edited left and right and I wouldn't be informed.
Unless something is so offensive it really, really shouldn't be seen by anyone, I also want to be able to see posts, and it's a pain having to contact everyone whose post was deleted and asking if they can tell me what their post said.
I guess i a.o. believe into the freedom of opinion and the ability that people who are having a discussion in most cases are able to deal with it on their own without beeing inteferenced by some self-appointed good taste police. And i think this way for mine as well as for other posts. Actually you can learn quite a lot from such experiences but you need to have the greatness to let things go and be tolerant which again aren't attributes you can find this often in the world.
I'm very willing to discuss such decisions, but it'd be a PM thing only.
This discussion led nowhere but to a flame war, and it therefore had to stop. I think that the relevant "sides", if there were any distinct sides to begin with, have stated their opinions loud and clear. We're done with it now. Such a discussion, in such a thread, kills its purpose. I wonder when the next pic will ever be posted. Same thing goes for spontaneously insulting forum members because_of_their_looks. It's unbelieveable, but this was actually going on in here as well.
/edit: Here we go. A wonderful picture by a beloved forum member and she deletes it instantly, quite possibly because of the present discussion. GREAT. Don't do that! Post it again, please! Bring us back on track!!
Here, for the sake of getting this thread back on track, I offer myself up in my soon-to-be current state.
Godwin's law variant!
Me too, I wasn't keen at all on the decision to delete that messages, but I find this is a little exaggerated: none is perfect, and I think hard-working moderators especially deserve some error space.
I'd like to add that I think Dashing's deleted last message had a good point (I read it before deletion). He/she was rude and oblivious to GuruGuru's attempt to "make peace", but a good point nonetheless.
And now, back on track:
Duh, I just see a black square.
We, the People, demand Puzzlebox and GuruGuru214's photos!!
Try again, it's a very low-light picture of me in bed. Been trying to fall asleep ever since I posted it. No success.
Why did it get deleted anyway?
@Coder of low Moral Fibre
I doubt that this and other cases happened due to that someone was working too much or anything like this. I think these things happen more on purpose, may they be motivated by TTG or by the sheer misuse of power which slips in after some time. Sadly those who are more immune to such human defects also never apply for such jobs.
...Maybe I've been playing too much Kingdom Hearts after all...
Really!? You think? NAH!
Yes, I think they make my eyes look bigger.
Attachment not found.
Lego master.
Hmm, maybe it's the choice of frames?
This is a picture of my computer...with me not around it.
On the other hand, now you have me wanting to resurrect the Telltale Cribs thread.