I just want to say that "baby mods" sounds a bit like special modifications for babies. Like, what if your baby is boring? Get a BABY MOD (TM) to add a rocket propelled grenade launcher to their head!
I just want to say that "baby mods" sounds a bit like special modifications for babies. Like, what if your baby is boring? Get a BABY MOD (TM) to add a rocket propelled grenade launcher to their head!
I don't think most parents want their babies to have additional abilities. :P Maybe difficulty mods or pacification.
I think everyone has phorgotten that this is a fotos of yourself thread. Do you all look like text?
Actually, to most of us, most of us do. :P Well, except for the people who routinely follow through this thread...and a select few who post their face around.
Urgh... I had a haircut and shaved my beard, only to discover that I've put on a shit load of weight. How thoroughly depressing. How did I become a fat bastard?! I feel a post in the 'Depression and Advice' thread coming on. *sigh*
Especially the parking lots, not a single free parking spot, like always. And look how all the people at the railing on the first class deck on the zeppelin up in the sky are waving. This woman on the left looks cute. I wonder what her name is and where she's flying to.
You look great, Davies! I came to a similar realisation, too late though... 11 kilos down, but it would've been easier without all the extra put on over the last couple of years.
Davies, don't take this the wrong way, but you looks just like a vicar who used to visit my primary school. "Our friend Phillip" he called himself. An no, it wasn't an irish catholic school (badumtish).
Anyway, I've grown tired of having horribly windswept hair everytime I arrive at college, so I'm thinking of swapping from the "neatly combed to the side" look to the "arranged mess" look"
Before (ish. Tried arranging without a mirror. Looks worse than normal)
I'm thinking that the second photo will eventually make me look like But I don't have high hopes.
I usually just get my hair cut when it gets to this length, but I spent all my money are better things, and everyone is telling me to grow it long, so I figured 'What the hell!' you know? Thoughts?
But I also see a creepy ol' dude in the background. Watching... waiting...
Um, that's my Comparative Governance teacher, and he's an awesome guy. He does look like a creeper in that pic, though. I don't think he knows he was being photographed.
Um, that's my Comparative Governance teacher, and he's an awesome guy. He does look like a creeper in that pic, though. I don't think he knows he was being photographed.
That being said there are probably thousands of pictures of the side of my face out there! XD
My gosh, you're Fawful!
My gosh, you're lawful.
My gosh, you're awful.
My gosh, you're cawful!
Ca Caw!
Ca Caaaawwww
Hey! At least its better than my second choice.
(Though, Coleslawful does sound delicious!
I dunno, it just makes me think of an awful cold sore I once had.
I don't think most parents want their babies to have additional abilities. :P Maybe difficulty mods or pacification.
Actually, to most of us, most of us do. :P Well, except for the people who routinely follow through this thread...and a select few who post their face around.
How about instant leveling up mods? I think those could be useful. You could speed through the teen years like nothing else and save a lot of hassle.
Oh no! Are you turning invisible?
That's true.
After I sat in the mature thread for a while
Hey, look! A red nose! It's funny.
Urgh... I had a haircut and shaved my beard, only to discover that I've put on a shit load of weight. How thoroughly depressing. How did I become a fat bastard?! I feel a post in the 'Depression and Advice' thread coming on. *sigh*
Ouch, that's something of a backhanded compliment.
Aye, I went up to the top of Leith Hill Tower in Surrey this afternoon...
... It was very pleasant. Although there were far too many fellow humans for my liking!
That's not where I would have put the emphasis! I could (and would) use the same phrase to describe Ryan Gosling.
I can tell, it looks incredibly crowded!
Alright, I forgive you.
Oh, you. I hardly took any pictures of the tower because there was so many annoying meatbags in the way. I pulled that photo from Google Images.
...There was around two to three times as many people as seen above, there today.
Anyway, I've grown tired of having horribly windswept hair everytime I arrive at college, so I'm thinking of swapping from the "neatly combed to the side" look to the "arranged mess" look"
Before (ish. Tried arranging without a mirror. Looks worse than normal)
I'm thinking that the second photo will eventually make me look like
I usually just get my hair cut when it gets to this length, but I spent all my money are better things, and everyone is telling me to grow it long, so I figured 'What the hell!' you know? Thoughts?
Long hair is easier to manage anyways. Sounds like a contradiction but it isn't.
Might depend on your hair type, but I actually don't even brush mine most days.
For me, rubber band and I'm good to go as long as it's nowhere fancy.
High five, low-maintenance hair buddy.
Put it here!
Is it fixed?
I see it.
But I also see a creepy ol' dude in the background. Watching... waiting...
Um, that's my Comparative Governance teacher, and he's an awesome guy. He does look like a creeper in that pic, though. I don't think he knows he was being photographed.
(Apologies in advance for the large size)
That being said there are probably thousands of pictures of the side of my face out there! XD