Looks like a really terrible game based on genres respected in the retro gaming community. A bit like me covering a load of 60s-80s Pop Rock songs on vocals.
I think the pipe gets you bonus points, but you really need a monocle and a suit and tie to go with it. Maybe a top hat, too. Then, in addition to having the most badass picture in this thread, you'll also have a costume which you can use time and time again for pretty much anything.
Better late than never, but here is a picture of me.
It's a bit old, but I still pretty much look like that. Maybe a bit shorter and darker hair.
It was also taken with my webcam, which is why it's so grainy.
Better late than never, but here is a picture of me.
It's a bit old, but I still pretty much look like that. Maybe a bit shorter and darker hair.
It was also taken with my webcam, which is why it's so grainy.
Lets say nothing of looks, (since it seems to be a touchy subject recently), but I will say those clothes look very nice, and you look quite healthy.
(Lovely hair in particular. Has it been dyed? It looks very rich in colour and shiny. Sorry if this sounds a bit creepy, but I have a thing for good hair at the moment)
I'm envious really. I'm rubbish when it comes to diets and clothing.
(Then again, how I look has never been a priority for me. If I had the choice as to play football/go for a jog ect., or play a videogame, I'd choose the game EVERY TIME, even if it were like Barbie's Adventure, because at least then I could have a good laugh at how crappy it is, and riff of it while I'm playing. And I buy clothes for utility. I have like 2 pairs of jeans and 8 T-shirts that I just randomly wear each day. Coupled with my brown fleece jacket with the giant hole in the arm, and my Fila trainers, (which usually come undone by themselves). The whole thing looks spectacularily gross, and my large side bag-thing completes the "weird guy on the back of the bus that you find mildly disturbing" look)
This reminds me. I need to get a better camera.
(We have ones from like the early 2000's! XD)
Definately would be better for the holiday photos/videos, and general taking pictures of stuff for ebay.
Over here in old Britania, I've never even seen breasts half the size of those!
I'm not saying that its a bad thing. Certainly not!
(Though I definately prefer the more regular proportions to be perfectly honest)
That just caught me by suprise thats all!
(I mean, my Monocle fell off!)
EDIT: Either way she's a pretty lass and you're a lucky guy Daishi.
I'm jealous to be honest, you're a pretty brave guy in general.
(I wish I could have the drive to get out there, but I guess its not in my nature to, else I'd already be out there! )
Over here in old Britania, I've never even seen breasts half the size of those!
I'm not saying that its a bad thing. Certainly not!
(Though I definately prefer the more regular proportions to be perfectly honest)
That just caught me by suprise thats all!
(I mean, my Monocle fell off!)
EDIT: Either way she's a pretty lass and you're a lucky guy Daishi.
I'm jealous to be honest, you're a pretty brave guy in general.
(I wish I could have the drive to get out there, but I guess its not in my nature to, else I'd already be out there! )
She's a future surgeon so her educational background is really what I'd consider the most alluring aspect of her.
Looks like a really terrible game based on genres respected in the retro gaming community. A bit like me covering a load of 60s-80s Pop Rock songs on vocals.
the best picture
I put this on a second time of my own free will. I always knew deep down that I was a sick man.
Or you can be me? Because, hey, who doesn't want to be me?
Casual pic. For once.
Oh wait, it's just a conservatory.
Don't ask me why I thought that.
Currently on the mission to hit 220. Right now around 230.
Don't ask why.
Better late than never, but here is a picture of me.
It's a bit old, but I still pretty much look like that. Maybe a bit shorter and darker hair.
It was also taken with my webcam, which is why it's so grainy.
Lets say nothing of looks, (since it seems to be a touchy subject recently), but I will say those clothes look very nice, and you look quite healthy.
(Lovely hair in particular. Has it been dyed? It looks very rich in colour and shiny. Sorry if this sounds a bit creepy, but I have a thing for good hair at the moment)
I'm envious really. I'm rubbish when it comes to diets and clothing.
(Then again, how I look has never been a priority for me. If I had the choice as to play football/go for a jog ect., or play a videogame, I'd choose the game EVERY TIME, even if it were like Barbie's Adventure, because at least then I could have a good laugh at how crappy it is, and riff of it while I'm playing. And I buy clothes for utility. I have like 2 pairs of jeans and 8 T-shirts that I just randomly wear each day. Coupled with my brown fleece jacket with the giant hole in the arm, and my Fila trainers, (which usually come undone by themselves). The whole thing looks spectacularily gross, and my large side bag-thing completes the "weird guy on the back of the bus that you find mildly disturbing" look)
This reminds me. I need to get a better camera.
(We have ones from like the early 2000's! XD)
Definately would be better for the holiday photos/videos, and general taking pictures of stuff for ebay.
Your move.
A little like this.
I used to do that deal back when I was working fast food.... I hated my staff and needed to cope with that hostility.
Despite actually being Irish...I don't like Irish coffee.
That's horrible. This is how the Nazi Party got started, you know. Shit like that.
This is a good question. I assume Coolsome is a formless eldritch void obsessed with Sailor Moon and American professional wrestling.
Fine dinning over the holidays.
I don't want to seem rude here, but are those boobs photoshopped?
(Seriously, those are the biggest bazongas I've ever seen, and I've seen big! XD)
Looks like you had fun though, you sly old rogue!
Sorry, I can't help it!
Over here in old Britania, I've never even seen breasts half the size of those!
I'm not saying that its a bad thing. Certainly not!
(Though I definately prefer the more regular proportions to be perfectly honest)
That just caught me by suprise thats all!
(I mean, my Monocle fell off!)
EDIT: Either way she's a pretty lass and you're a lucky guy Daishi.
I'm jealous to be honest, you're a pretty brave guy in general.
(I wish I could have the drive to get out there, but I guess its not in my nature to, else I'd already be out there!
She's a future surgeon so her educational background is really what I'd consider the most alluring aspect of her.
We were all thinking it!!!
Live life while you're long and sexy!
Same sentiment here. Also, generic boob comment.