But the "Toilets are located behind the pandorica" sign was perhaps the most awesome thing in the exhibition!
Actually, the pandorica was only half the pandorica, and tucked into a corner as you come out of the main show. I think. Some kid vomited in front of it when I was there.
No, still don't think I saw it. It's not amongst my photo collection, so I didn't take a picture of it. Either I missed it or it wasn't there any more. Either way, I is sad now
Might be tempting. I've looked the same for almost 15 years. When I start getting wrinkles, it'll creep the fuck out of people.
You should be glad that you look so young. It's depressing to start getting wrinkled and saggy as one becomes older. If I ever make it to 60 years old; I'll look like a withered old apple. Whereas you'll probably look the same as you do now!:p
may look familiar... its the reference photo I used to make my Walking Dead picture in the WD Fan art thread.... This pic was never really meant to share.. so its a crappy cell picture... I am getting older so its harder to keep in shape so don't judge my multiple chins...
I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, people still think I'm thirteen and here I am, about to go into grad school. I've decided to enjoy it while it lasts so that I don't hate my younger self when I do start aging.
I think the problem was that Flickr doesn't like to give people the direct link to the pictures. I'm sure not that many forumites could do what I just did to find it.
I do like, I do. 'Tis a fine poultry specimen indeed. Are they your chickens?
One of my friends recently got a chicken. Unfortunately, she's yet to buy a playmate for her feathered pet. She's got two cats though and they seem fine around each other.
If that genuinely happy expression is standard while holding a chicken, I definitely want one.
I'd say that most of the time a happy expression is standard. However, I once attempted to pick up Cockerel and my expression was one of extreme strain. That's one seriously heavy bird!
I do like, I do. 'Tis a fine poultry specimen indeed. Are they your chickens?
One of my friends recently got a chicken. Unfortunately, she's yet to buy a playmate for her feathered pet. She's got two cats though and they seem fine around each other.
They belong to my folks!
Where does your friend keep hers? I can imagine that the cats might be ok with the chicken because chooks look pretty big... the one I'm holding is all squidged up, but on the ground it's the same size as the family dog (a Maltese).
I'd say that most of the time a happy expression is standard. However, I once attempted to pick up Cockerel and my expression was one of extreme strain. That's one seriously heavy bird!
I don't even know how I would pick up a rooster. One way to pick up a chook is to sort of sidle up nonchalantly and BAM, press your hand on its back. It will sort of squat down (because it thinks it's about to get some from a rooster), and then you can pick it up. The other way is to grab them by the tail, but that seems mean (and also I am not very fast ).
Where does your friend keep hers? I can imagine that the cats might be ok with the chicken because chooks look pretty big... the one I'm holding is all squidged up, but on the ground it's the same size as the family dog (a Maltese).
Rather sadly she keeps the chicken in her small back garden. I agree that it's the size of the bird that keeps the cats from viewing it as dinner!
I put this in the 'whatever's on your mind' thread in 'cos it was requested (regarding a modified version I also put up in that thread - now here too) so I thought I might as well put it in here as well.
I see your picture and raise you mine.
I don't think your mural was there when I went. Maybe it was, and I missed it. So long as the toilets are still behind the pandorica, all is well.
Oddly enough, I don't recall seeing the Pandorica
Is that not Chyron? Anyways, see below for best practice
Whoops, got my wires crossed
Actually, the pandorica was only half the pandorica, and tucked into a corner as you come out of the main show. I think. Some kid vomited in front of it when I was there.
Thanks to der_ketzer for grabbing that from my latest review, therefore saving me a couple minutes doing it myself.
A splash of sulphoric acid to the face would take care of that.
Might be tempting. I've looked the same for almost 15 years. When I start getting wrinkles, it'll creep the fuck out of people.
You should be glad that you look so young. It's depressing to start getting wrinkled and saggy as one becomes older. If I ever make it to 60 years old; I'll look like a withered old apple. Whereas you'll probably look the same as you do now!:p
I wouldn't worry about it. I mean, people still think I'm thirteen and here I am, about to go into grad school. I've decided to enjoy it while it lasts so that I don't hate my younger self when I do start aging.
Glad I'm not the only one with cyberman bubblebath.
So's my bubble bath version! You can make him dance!
Gee, I'm sad.
But I'm sad with a dancing cyberman!
My favorite comic author and I. He just happened to be in the area today, and I got to meet him!
EDIT: Thanks. (Vainmoinen knows what I mean)
EDIT: Ah, maybe I should pay attention when we cross midnight....
Attachment not found.
I do like, I do. 'Tis a fine poultry specimen indeed. Are they your chickens?
One of my friends recently got a chicken. Unfortunately, she's yet to buy a playmate for her feathered pet. She's got two cats though and they seem fine around each other.
I'd say that most of the time a happy expression is standard. However, I once attempted to pick up Cockerel and my expression was one of extreme strain. That's one seriously heavy bird!
And who's the girl on the right?
Puzzlebox's chicken is pretty!
Congrabulation! You just won Le Grand Prix de l'Humour Telltale!
They belong to my folks!
Where does your friend keep hers? I can imagine that the cats might be ok with the chicken because chooks look pretty big... the one I'm holding is all squidged up, but on the ground it's the same size as the family dog (a Maltese).
Hehe... yeah, I'm pretty happy.
The chicken, however, is less than impressed!
I don't even know how I would pick up a rooster. One way to pick up a chook is to sort of sidle up nonchalantly and BAM, press your hand on its back. It will sort of squat down (because it thinks it's about to get some from a rooster), and then you can pick it up. The other way is to grab them by the tail, but that seems mean (and also I am not very fast
Bahahahaha. "Puzzlebawks is pretty": officially my favourite tag.
Rather sadly she keeps the chicken in her small back garden. I agree that it's the size of the bird that keeps the cats from viewing it as dinner!
For a moment there I thought it was a photo of you pointing at Corruptbiggins' post and being unnecessarily rude for some reason! XD
(Just kidding CB, love you really.)