Oh, cool! Now I'm not the only one who's posted a cyclopic oddity based on twisting the meaning of what someone else asked for! Wait, "cool"? What am I saying?
Oh, cool! Now I'm not the only one who's posted a cyclopic oddity based on twisting the meaning of what someone else asked for! Wait, "cool"? What am I saying?
Pariahking's such a geek. Eyevatars are all the rage. All he has is that old fashioned NONEYEVATAR. He'll never be able to sit at the back of the bus with us with that old thing.
My parents used to have a monster kitten.
Now, what happened is that his father was still a kitten and technically not able to have babies yet (at least they thought) and his mother was on the cat pill (but they obviously had done it wrong that time).
Anyway, there was only one baby resulting (and a door to replace. They were in different rooms and the kitten (Sr) clawed his way up the door to the small window at the top of said door.). Said kitten (Jr) was misshapen. For instance, one one of his front paws, he had only one big finger with one big claw.
He was apparently adorable (a black kitten incidentally. I don't know why but I've always found the black ones to be even cuter than your average kitten).
Unfortunately, he had terrible balance due to having just one digit in that paw and fell to his death while he was still a kitten Poor monster kitty.
I desperately want SoulSilver, but I already gave all my money to Telltale. And now that you've reminded me of that fact, I've died a little inside. I hope you're happy.
I desperately want SoulSilver, but I already gave all my money to Telltale. And now that you've reminded me of that fact, I've died a little inside. I hope you're happy.
(I am also going to wait for Telltale to do one of their insanely low bargain price deals like they always do.)
Eh, I still haven't finished Pearl. Or FireRed. Or Ruby.
Okay, to be fair, it's deliberate, and I won't be finishing HeartGold when I get it either. I'm attempting to finish the Pokedex, and when I do, I'll have an unfinished game from each generation to start fresh on. I'm finished with Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen, Diamond, and Platinum.
Oh, and I have an original Celebi on my Crystal cartridge, and the battery on it can't possibly last much longer, so I have to hurry and fill the Pokedex enough that Stadium 2 will let me transfer from the game, before the save file is lost forever.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've been playing Sam & Max Season 1 on and off since last night, and this thread is distracting me from starting Bright Side of the Moon.
Eh, I still haven't finished Pearl. Or FireRed. Or Ruby.
Turn off the computer and get to work.
Okay, to be fair, it's deliberate. I'm attempting to finish the Pokedex, and when I do, I'll have an unfinished game from each generation to start fresh on. I'm finished with Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen, Diamond, and Platinum.
I did the Poke'dex for Blue, Silver and Sapphire. However I did not do Platinum because the method of importation for Gen 2 PKMN was, in sum, total bullshit and nearly impossible.
Oh, and I have an original Celebi on my Crystal cartridge, and the battery on it can't possibly last much longer, so I have to hurry and fill the Pokedex enough that Stadium 2 will let me transfer from the game.
People IIRC have told me that they had some die, like, yesterday. It's due to the clock.
I'd never heard of that until you made me look it up. Now I'm sad. Who's the monster now?
...On second thought, maybe we are monsters...
This is a very strange thread. You should leave before they try to brainwashassimilaterecruit you too.
You cannot resist the eye of LeChuck!
i just did
I have no idea how you just did that.
Hey PariahKing!
Yeah, you!
You're a dork!
Burn! Now all that's left is to shun him from our lunch table. He's sure to crack then!
That's not the right LeChuck eye.
here, this one is better:
It's super effective!
Now, what happened is that his father was still a kitten and technically not able to have babies yet (at least they thought) and his mother was on the cat pill (but they obviously had done it wrong that time).
Anyway, there was only one baby resulting (and a door to replace. They were in different rooms and the kitten (Sr) clawed his way up the door to the small window at the top of said door.). Said kitten (Jr) was misshapen. For instance, one one of his front paws, he had only one big finger with one big claw.
He was apparently adorable (a black kitten incidentally. I don't know why but I've always found the black ones to be even cuter than your average kitten).
Unfortunately, he had terrible balance due to having just one digit in that paw and fell to his death while he was still a kitten
I don't think he was a cyclops though.
Always entertaining. I leik mudkipz.
And hey, my avatar looks more like an eye now.
I was doing it before it was cool!
More so than Monkey Island even.
LCR:SE probably will steal that spot back.
I recommend petty theft so you can afford it. The sheer suckage has melted my brain and the inner circuitry of my internal functions.
Thus the error.
(P.S. u sux)
You don't need to yell.
I am that evil.
(I am also going to wait for Telltale to do one of their insanely low bargain price deals like they always do.)
...I do envy your milkshakes...
I wish I had Dairy Queen right now. You takin' this too srsly, bro. Chillax.
Nevermind then I guss...
So that means I was cool before everyone else!?
Now you're still a weirdo, but you blend into the crowd better.
Eh, I still haven't finished Pearl. Or FireRed. Or Ruby.
Okay, to be fair, it's deliberate, and I won't be finishing HeartGold when I get it either. I'm attempting to finish the Pokedex, and when I do, I'll have an unfinished game from each generation to start fresh on. I'm finished with Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen, Diamond, and Platinum.
Oh, and I have an original Celebi on my Crystal cartridge, and the battery on it can't possibly last much longer, so I have to hurry and fill the Pokedex enough that Stadium 2 will let me transfer from the game, before the save file is lost forever.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've been playing Sam & Max Season 1 on and off since last night, and this thread is distracting me from starting Bright Side of the Moon.
Oh Dashing you always know how-HEY!
You mean i'm a freak! A FREAK! Ill show you whos a freak! My style is like several exploding Stars on top of Exploding Galaxies!