Turn off the computer and get to work.
I did the Poke'dex for Blue, Silver and Sapphire. However I did not do Platinum because the method of importation for Gen 2 PKMN was, in sum, total bullshit and nearly impossible.
People IIRC have told me that they had some die, like, yesterday. It's due to the clock.
I completed the Pokédex in Red, Blue, and Yellow. Twice in Yellow after my cousin saved over my game. I did it cheaply, though. I finished Blue and filled in a lot of the gaps in the other two games by trading. I tried to complete it in Crystal, but I lost interest before I could finish it, then the batteries died on Gold and Silver. I've had the same problem (losing interest, not dying batteries) with every game since.
As for the uploading, I use the Emerald cloning glitch. If it doesn't rely on an external device, I don't consider it cheating. I haven't uploaded a single Pokémon that I didn't clone first. Still, uploading 385 (because the Deoxys event for the GBA was impossible to get to, so I only have it from the DS event) Pokémon will take me a long time.
The other thing I do for uploads is using Ruby. Ruby and Sapphire are the only two GBA games that can be universally traded to, and since I haven't really started Ruby, I have no qualms about starting a new game. It takes me about 15 minutes from the start to enable trading and catch six Pokemon, which is a lot better than the 24 hours it normally takes to upload again from the same cartridge.
And yeah, the real-time clock drains the same battery that keeps the save file alive. My Gold and Silver are already dead, which is why it's so important I get to Crystal before I lose its battery too.
Oh hey are we talking about pokoman? Cool, I love the yellow one. He's so cute. I wonder if anyone's ever counted all the pokomans from the show? I bet there are easily over 10!
Oh hey are we talking about pokoman? Cool, I love the yellow one. He's so cute. I wonder if anyone's ever counted all the pokomans from the show? I bet there are easily over 10!
Oh hey are we talking about pokoman? Cool, I love the yellow one. He's so cute. I wonder if anyone's ever counted all the pokomans from the show? I bet there are easily over 10!
I love the way kitten tails look. They're all short and they can't really move them in all the ways they can later. When my oldest cat was a kitten, her tail was so adorable. And her ears. She was all fuzzy, with her fur out instead of along her body, so her ears were almost hidden, it was adorable.
I hate it when people say that. It sounds so retarded. One of the actors in the Twilight movie said it and I was all "Seriously. in 20 years, people are going to watch this and ask 'did people really talk like that?'"
I am guessing I didn't get any votes because you are all intimidated by my awesomeness..
Do not fear I am just like all of you... I just at first appear to be more awesome, probably because all the awesome things I do that you all cant.....
I assume it's down to severity. Some hermaphrodites have two sets of reproductive systems, overs have a mixture of both. The most common form i think is to just have some normal cells with the opposite gender DNA (so XX in males instead of XY for example).
I completed the Pokédex in Red, Blue, and Yellow. Twice in Yellow after my cousin saved over my game. I did it cheaply, though. I finished Blue and filled in a lot of the gaps in the other two games by trading. I tried to complete it in Crystal, but I lost interest before I could finish it, then the batteries died on Gold and Silver. I've had the same problem (losing interest, not dying batteries) with every game since.
As for the uploading, I use the Emerald cloning glitch. If it doesn't rely on an external device, I don't consider it cheating. I haven't uploaded a single Pokémon that I didn't clone first. Still, uploading 385 (because the Deoxys event for the GBA was impossible to get to, so I only have it from the DS event) Pokémon will take me a long time.
The other thing I do for uploads is using Ruby. Ruby and Sapphire are the only two GBA games that can be universally traded to, and since I haven't really started Ruby, I have no qualms about starting a new game. It takes me about 15 minutes from the start to enable trading and catch six Pokemon, which is a lot better than the 24 hours it normally takes to upload again from the same cartridge.
And yeah, the real-time clock drains the same battery that keeps the save file alive. My Gold and Silver are already dead, which is why it's so important I get to Crystal before I lose its battery too.
I'll accept it if you catch the other 3 in the wild.
I call it my "Troll Bat".
(For shame "Strong Bad Fan," for shame.)
Fixed. (Seriously people, how do you not take advantage of a set-up like that?)
No, you're a Super Freak. (Rick James, the inspiration for Edward ... Callum, or whatever that Twilight guy's name is.)
This pic just needed to be reposted. In every thread on the forum.
Here's mine! ^^
I hate it when people say that. It sounds so retarded. One of the actors in the Twilight movie said it and I was all "Seriously. in 20 years, people are going to watch this and ask 'did people really talk like that?'"
yeah, that's nice.
...wait what? okay, you've got my attention now. what are we talking about? don't say pokemon, my indifference is causing massive boredom.
And wheres the love for us strong, silent types?
(Though I love doodinthemood's comment ^^)
I want monster kitteh.
you see, he was the third born. he's actually a giant cute little hug monster
Yes, I am. You are very observant.
But from which picture would you recognise my eye?
Well, you've got my love now :P
(I won't ask why your hands are down, though).
I have a cat who has 6 digits on each paw. If you'd like, I can send you a paw through the mail
Hmm, I can't remember. I seem to remember one where you were holding a rose in your mouth and beheading a goat?
Shelling Pistachios and petting a bunny
SN:Apparently, as many as 1in500 people have a form of the genetic disorder.
There's more than one? O_o
Do not fear I am just like all of you... I just at first appear to be more awesome, probably because all the awesome things I do that you all cant.....
Just kidding..... AWESOME!
I assume it's down to severity. Some hermaphrodites have two sets of reproductive systems, overs have a mixture of both. The most common form i think is to just have some normal cells with the opposite gender DNA (so XX in males instead of XY for example).
Ah, you might remember this:
Yeah, that's me.
I love the beheading a goat part though. I might even use that. (With your permission ofcourse.)
(And no, I haven't cried...)
I won.
Uh yeah... pretty sure I won, buddy.
oh god
Of course you have my permission to... behead... goats
I know I don't.
I get mine threaded.