Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: The Penal Zone discussion!



  • edited April 2010
    Finished on the PS3, 90% of the Trophies to, missed out the Nutrients one (I'm assuming that one is one of the new location and powers you get when you do a new game after beating it?) and the Hear 10 sex jokes one.
  • edited April 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Hear 10 sex jokes one.

    ...there is an achievement for that? And I wondered why there is so many of them!
    Heh... 'right in the Penal Zone!'...

    By the way, it might be me but, Skunkape is most likely the best villain TTG has came up with yet.
  • edited April 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    Finished on the PS3, 90% of the Trophies to, missed out the Nutrients one (I'm assuming that one is one of the new location and powers you get when you do a new game after beating it?) and the Hear 10 sex jokes one.

    So many
    jokes. :p
  • edited April 2010
    Sam and Max are back! So Happy!

    Good thing I cleaned my Lugar...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    So many
    jokes. :p

    I love that even Sam gets kinda tired of them by the end.
  • edited April 2010
    I hate... I guess I just caught only one of them.

    Is that possible or I was just drunk with happiness -too drunk to care the game, ironically- of playing a new Sam and Max game?
  • edited April 2010
    id love to play it. but no indidual episode buying? come on.
  • edited April 2010
    id love to play it. but no indidual episode buying? come on.

    Buying the whole bundle is cheaper, but if you prefer to buy each one individually I'm sure it will be possible when episodes have been out for a bit
  • edited April 2010
    Just finished "The Penal Zone!" Great job to everyone at Telltale. The whole "Twilight Zone" meets "X-Files" atmosphere should make for a very interesting season.

    I especially like the psychic power puzzles. It's kind of like playing "Portal" - the player has to train themselves to think in all new dimensions to get through the game. Although I was hung up on one puzzle forever:
    I assumed that everything Max saw in the future would come true, so I spent a whole hour running around trying to figure out how to get an axe into the back of Flint's head before I realized I had to save him.

    Anyhow, looking forward to episode 2!
  • edited April 2010
    Sex jokes, Psychic powers, Devil, if you need to know what not to do next do not include demons. Could you get anymore sacrilegious. :confused:
  • edited April 2010
    jared25 wrote: »
    Sex jokes, Psychic powers, Devil, if you need to know what not to do next do not include demons. Could you get anymore sacrilegious. :confused:

    You didn't play 205, did you?

    In topic-related news, I loved this episode! Everything about it was a step up from the previous two seasons, and that is saying something. The graphical improvements in some areas (the first sighting of the street and the renovated Stinky's come to mind) were just a "Wow" moment for me. Definitely worth the money to pay for the whole season in advance. :>

    I had a long debate with myself over whether or not to get it for the PS3 or the PC, but seeing the TF2 tie-in bonus kinda sealed the deal. Not only did I get a good ~5 hour experience with what is looking like the best season of Sam and Max yet, but I have also discovered the joy of poking holes in Heavy Weapons Guys with my brand new Lugermorph. :D
  • edited April 2010
    jared25 wrote: »
    Sex jokes, Psychic powers, Devil, if you need to know what not to do next do not include demons. Could you get anymore sacrilegious. :confused:
    In the finale of Season Two, you go to Hell. You meet The Devil. The heroes are seen as pretty awesome figures down there, the protagonists have contributed a great deal to Hell. There are all sorts of really awesome sexual jokes in that one.

    Besides, God won't care, in the same way that the Easter Bunny won't mind if I say he's fat.
  • edited April 2010
    I found a pretty funny little glitch. Not sure if it was just my game getting messed up or what, but here it is:
    After getting the rift generator and plugging it into the outlet in the mysterious tunnel, teleport back to Mama Bosco's place and stand next to the table downstairs. Now if you teleport back to Sybil's phone, it'll show the cutscene with Sam taking the rift generator again and you'll have an extra. You probably don't need to follow these instructions EXACTLY, but this is the way I did it and it worked the two or three times I tried it. I didn't check to see if you could hold more than one at a time. Could someone check for me?
    I also tried abusing this glitch to mess up the game in some drastically hilarious way, but I wasn't able to. Maybe next time.
  • edited April 2010
    Yeah, OK, I'm not very far into yet but I love it! Holy crap, you guys.
    Try reading everybody's mind on the spaceship at the beginning of the game. Skunkape's comment made me cry happy tears of laughter.
  • edited April 2010
    Damn you guys! I'm stuck in Episode 205 and cant wait to start 301! :(
  • edited April 2010
    I haven't gotten very far into the game yet so I'm avoiding reading much of the forum and especially this thread, but let me just say: amazing! The graphics really take it to a new level, the music is following suit and I love all the interface changes. I feel a new milestone has been reached: THIS is what an adventure game of the 21st century is like.
  • edited April 2010
    Falanca wrote: »

    Now that will be totally weird but... Are you Rob DenBleyker by any chance?

    Nope! But I do love Cyanide and Happiness.:D
  • edited April 2010
    My ever-loving mind is officially blown in a way I didn't think Sam and Max was capable of. Bravo, Telltale.
  • edited April 2010
    Well, after that I am really looking forward to The Tome of Sam and Max... er, I mean, Sammun-Mak.
  • edited April 2010
    Loved it. I loved everything about it. Except for the glitches that made me have to reload my last save, but they only happened three times.

    The future vision puzzles were interesting as well. I couldn't stop feeling like I was cheating by using them, even though some are necessary. And my two favourite songs from Season 2, the music from Stinky's in the 80s and the music in the sewers in 205, were in the episode. That made me happy.

    1000 posts! Almost like it planned it. Ha ha ha ha.

    ...I didn't.
  • edited April 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    The future vision puzzles were interesting as well. I couldn't stop feeling like I was cheating by using them, even though some are necessary.

    Haha, yes. I felt exactly the same way :).
  • edited April 2010
    I was like "I know this puzzle because I was spoiled for it... why do Sam and Max know it too? ...Oh." It was weird.
  • edited April 2010
    (sorry about my low English-level)

    After play the game, I have to say that, as a PC gamer, I feel splitted and pinched by Telltale.

    The facts:
    - The controls are better in PC with a pad than a mouse (???????????????????????)
    - The speak control, what was acceptable after view the Mass Effect (pc vers.) result, you have implement in a highly bad way, wasting all the benefits this control could have in PC.

    ¿My money dont worth as the console player's ?

    I used to think that the PC players are important to you, because we are your best market, we are who raised you to where you are. But I see that I was wrong. Is a economic basic rule: is better to mantain a old customer than gain a new one.

    Ok. If you visit my buyed games, you will see that I am a good customer, one who doesnt pirate your games. Well, my buyed games list will not change nevermore.

    I have do a great work to contain me, and not use in this post the words I learned from "The Wire" show.

    I only hope that, the PS3 players, pissed in your game and gives you a little shock of reality.

    P.S: I dont want to say that you have to obviate the console players, only that you dont have to discriminate the PC players. You could do different camera centers, if the control is with pad or with mouse, and let us to decide what method is better.
  • edited April 2010
    What has Telltale done to give you the impression that they're biased towards console gamers?
  • edited April 2010
    Loved the first episode (Except game crashes while loading some levels, when I've been there for the first time. It happened only three times though.).

    Keep up the good work, Telltale.
  • edited April 2010
    The facts (as i described in the earlier message).

    I feel like the history of LucasArts with Grim Fandango and MI4 is happening again.
  • edited April 2010
    You've done it again Telltale. This game was absolutely amazing, and, to me at least, seemed a bit longer than previous episodes, but that might be because I was stumbling around trying to figure things out and taking screenshots of things that interested me.

    The way you've balanced out the Future Vision is a nice touch, it gives you an idea of what to do without outright telling you how to solve the puzzle, kinda like the hint system.

    On a side note: Why do I get the feeling there's going to be a lot of nightmare fuel in later episodes?
  • edited April 2010
    aitgud wrote: »

    - The controls are better in PC with a pad than a mouse

    There are control niggles for all three ways of playing this game (ipad,mouse,controller). I don't think Telltale are biased towards the console, just stretched a bit thin trying to get the same game to work on all platforms.

    But I think the virtual joystick might rub a few people the wrong way. It's like saying "You don't like joystick? You like mouse? We force you to play with a virtual joystick!". Maybe Telltale needs to find a different graphical representation.

    Hopefully they continue to try and refine the way we play these games so that it works well across all platforms.
  • edited April 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    I'm assuming that one is one of the new location and powers you get when you do a new game after beating it?
    Wait? What?
    Shwoo wrote: »
    The future vision puzzles were interesting as well. I couldn't stop feeling like I was cheating by using them, even though some are necessary.
    Same old, same old. And I turned off hints for a reason :(.
  • edited April 2010
    Best part so far: Being in Max's head.

    I feel as if I've seen things that man is simply not meant to see. And the music warping is hilarious.
  • edited April 2010
    I didn't finish the episode yet (saving some of it for tomorrow too :D) but I've got to say I'm really impressed already.

    The graphics have taken a huge step forward, so is the animation. I love how the characters feel more.. alive when they're talking!

    Surely the new controls needed some time to get used to (I constantly found myself clicking all over the place and wondering why Sam didn't move) But after some time of playing, they feel natural and comfortable even with keyboard and mouse. :)

    And of course, the storyline, jokes and puzzles are brilliant as always. Amazing work, I can't wait to see the rest of the season!
  • edited April 2010
    The new controls were the only part I wasn't totally satisfied with on the PC version. The future vision stuff was an awesome addition that makes the genre feel fresh again, it's unlike any sort of puzzle solving I expect from adventure games. Can't wait for episode two!
  • edited April 2010
    I only played part of the episode, and I'm loving it. The new powers and puzzles are awesome. Not to mention great jokes. My only complaint is the walking controls with the mouse (a joystick, really?).
  • edited April 2010
    Wait? What?

    Same old, same old. And I turned off hints for a reason :(.

    I too turned off the hints, only after getting irritated with how frequently sam would say them.
    guypsd wrote: »
    There are control niggles for all three ways of playing this game (ipad,mouse,controller). I don't think Telltale are biased towards the console, just stretched a bit thin trying to get the same game to work on all platforms.

    But I think the virtual joystick might rub a few people the wrong way. It's like saying "You don't like joystick? You like mouse? We force you to play with a virtual joystick!". Maybe Telltale needs to find a different graphical representation.

    Hopefully they continue to try and refine the way we play these games so that it works well across all platforms.

    I miss the clicking, but after playing the episodes from tales of monkey island, I was use to the WASD control with the left hand, and mouse in the other. I never used the virtual joystick
    PISLIX wrote: »
    Loved the first episode (Except game crashes while loading some levels, when I've been there for the first time. It happened only three times though.).

    Keep up the good work, Telltale.

    I never had the game crash, but some of the shading was a bit off on my computer, I am sure both are due to speed/memory of computer and video grahpics card used.

    Couple of other comments;

    I was seriously expecting a banang reference in this episode, considering we were dealing with an alien gorilla. Perhaps it would have been funnier to have the
    gorilla slip on an empty bottle of banang instead of a banana peel...

    Also, did anyone notice that when
    sam tries to get into the devil's toybox, max goes and gets the same crowbar that guybrush threepwood used in tales of monkey island?
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Wow, there was a lot to love about this episode. My shortlist:
    The facial expressions (yay eyebrows!) - they were used to great effect in many scenes.

    The item-specific interaction verbs (e.g. "freak out about antimatter bomb").

    The music continues to be totally awesome, especially the title theme.

    All the innuendo and the way it was totally overplayed. One that particularly stood out was talking about Skun-ka'pe and "creating masssive suction in the Penal Zone"... I audibly went "EWWWWW", about 5 nanoseconds before Sam went "EWWWWW". :D

    "I'm a bazooka, Sam - a bazooka! Just give me a moment to savour this."

    The atmosphere and ambience, particularly in the city streets. The rust, grime, and garbage add great texture.

    The first teleport cutscene. Skeleton Max = scary.

    The whole interface, look and feel when inside Max's head. The rainbow dial, the weird invisible objects, the random grainy images, the light effects at the edges of his vision.

    [Look at the wardrobe in Momma Bosco's lab] "Don't open it, Sam! It probably leads to a land of wonder and thinly disguised religious allegory!" Whoever wrote that line is brilliant.

    Also brilliant is the person or persons who did Max showing up with the crowbar to open the toybox. Beautiful sight gag without anything being said, I love the transition from excitement to disappointed petulant crankiness. :)

    My flatmate asked why I'd been laughing so much and so loudly (she could hear me from her room), so it was obviously pretty amusing. :)

    You really exceeded my expectations. Thanks for a fantastic episode guys - I very much enjoyed it!
  • edited April 2010
    I gotta say, Telltale, you really outdid yourselves this time (and I don't use that phrase often. I had to check google to see if it really meant what I thought it meant).

    I was amazed on how different it felt from previous seasons, story-wise and art design-wise. I love how the setting looked more like a bustling, living New York and not some stage for an adventure game where everything is squeezed into one neighborhood. Especially the new Stinky's, which actually looks like a restaurant and not a multiple-camera sitcom stage.

    I also love how, for the first time ever, Sam and Max actually solve a case like real detectives (Well, Carol did most of the work, but Sam and Max gathered the clues). I mean, not even in the early comics they do actual 'investigating'. Usually they just go someplace and things sorta happen on their own.

    And don't get me wrong, I think Sybil and Bosco are great characters, but I'm somewhat relieved to not see them in this episode. It feels like Telltale's really working on the new characters, and not just re-using old ones like the every episode in the previous seasons (every episode had either Sybil and Bosco in it).

    But what really got me hooked was the story. Wow, I simply couldn't count all the brilliant moments and plot points I want to revisit over and over again. Especially the part where
    Sam travels through Max's brain for the first time,
    had me applauding and laughing right there in my seat. And the conclusion. I actually thought you guys are going for the 'character looks off screen, then cut to black' thing like in the end of TOMI ep1, and I was glad that you didn't.

    I now await for the next chapter, and I'm definitely not patient about it.
  • edited April 2010
    following #64
    To be honest i have to say that the adventure, like adventure, is the best of this time, without any doubt. Is sad the control. Really, think in the alternative that I have tell before.
  • edited April 2010
    For the most part I liked it but....

    That "narrator" guy annoys me so much. Did marketing want him in or something? Whenever he shows up he has to keep mentioning that it's a "multi part series" and that I'm playing a game. REPEATEDLY.

    He was good in the trailer, but in game he just kinda pulls me out of the game.

    Can Max make the narrator's head blow up or something?
  • edited April 2010
    Now, I LOVE the narrator! Gives such an atmosphere, him being mysterious and has a god-like sight on the characters and all.

    It didn't bother me at all to be reminded that I'm playing a game...
  • edited April 2010
    The narrator is pretty cool, but I am a bit concerned about the fourth wall references. Not the ones coming from him, but from Sam & Max. "Did your version have credits?", "He's biased towards non-player characters.", "Luckily people don't do anything until we talk to them.", "So that's what you were doing last season."... It's not that it's unlike Sam & Max to have the occasional fourth wall break, but it felt a bit like too many too closely packed.
    About the eyebrows, I'm still not sure what I think. They're effective and used wonderfully well, but I'm just not sure Max should have them. A certain ambiguity about how innocent he is and what he's feeling at any given time feels like part of his character, and by removing the uncertainty it feels like they're taking away some of the charm. I'll have to contemplate this some more.
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