Sam & Max The Devil's Playhouse: The Penal Zone discussion!



  • edited April 2010
    I didn't notice that bit, but every time I used future vision it bugged me. (only on flint, though)
  • edited April 2010
    I didn't notice that bit, but every time I used future vision it bugged me. (only on flint, though)

    That was I'm trying to say: you get a head missing, I get a whole lagomorph missing.
  • edited April 2010
    Actually, I am pretty sure Flint's head missing isn't a "random" graphic issue, it happens all the time to me as well... and several other...

    Might be related to graphics settings though?
  • edited April 2010
    This line confused me a bit:

    Sam: It's a good thing neither of us is legally, morally, or ethically allowed to reproduce.

    Why not? Legally, I mean, the other two are obvious. Are there eugenics laws in place in Sam & Max's world? That's a bit disturbing.
  • edited April 2010
    Actually, I am pretty sure Flint's head missing isn't a "random" graphic issue, it happens all the time to me as well... and several other...

    Might be related to graphics settings though?

    I got the Lagomorph missing even in setting 9. I guess we should ask to Telltale, but it's not a big issue.
  • edited April 2010
    What Rather Dashing said.

    The joke was good, the puzzle was horrible.
    1: Sam (solution)
    2: Gorilla (solution)
    3: Manhole (solution)
    4: Pawn shop (solution)
    5: Thrash cans (okay, not the exact solution here, but still...)

    1.Im going to assume you mean sam from reviving the brain, if so there was no other way to figure that one out.

    2. Yet again I assume the first gorilla, they did not give that away just that they were knocked out.

    3. Yet again, just to get the gorila into the manhole, not how

    4.I did not use the future vision here so Im not going to comment.

    5.The "thrash cans:)" just said the bird ate something not what it ate(then again that could have been my laptop not showing that part.)

    So it really didnt give away the answers here, just hinted them.
  • edited April 2010
    I seem to remember someone asking for a video of the intro credits? This seems a good a spot as any to post it.
  • edited April 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    This line confused me a bit:

    Sam: It's a good thing neither of us is legally, morally, or ethically allowed to reproduce.

    Why not? Legally, I mean, the other two are obvious. Are there eugenics laws in place in Sam & Max's world? That's a bit disturbing.

    Nearly every sapient female on the planet has a restraining order against them? I can't speak for the rest of the galaxy, of course.

    Actually, I'd be surprised if this applied to any talking animals other than Sam & Max. I'm guessing they brought the legal restriction upon themselves through some notorious Noodle Incident. The nature of which -- both the law(s) and the Noodle Incident -- being best left to our imaginations.
    Cheri wrote: »
    I seem to remember someone asking for a video of the intro credits? This seems a good a spot as any to post it.

    There was one posted elsewhere, but it seemed to have the first couple seconds cut off. And the music is louder here too, so yay and thanks!
  • edited April 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I got the Lagomorph missing even in setting 9. I guess we should ask to Telltale, but it's not a big issue.
    Yeah, level 9 isn't immune to graphic glitches, but some levels can be harder than others (shadows for example due to not using realtime lightning only appears on lower levels).
    And there is a difference between "random" graphic glitches (most commonly from overheating though...) and "non-random" ones. Like Flint's head being always missing, or the tongue of the ship always dissapearing on the exact same viewpoints etc.
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    3. Yet again, just to get the gorila into the manhole, not how.
    No, I don't mean puzzles throughout the game, I meant 5 visions at the pawnshop itself.
    And how the hell can you say seeing an OPEN manhole with a banana on it is not giving away the solution to the puzzle? Seriouly...
  • edited April 2010
    Does anyone have a video of the Teleportation cutscene? That was freakishly awesome.
  • edited April 2010
    Does anyone have a video of the Teleportation cutscene? That was freakishly awesome.

    In HD, for the highest nightmare fuel experience!
  • edited April 2010
    You did it. This Episode was the best Sam & Max episode yet!

  • edited April 2010
    Cheri wrote: »

    In HD, for the highest nightmare fuel experience!

  • edited April 2010
    I know it's been said a dozen times by now but I might as well say it again: fantastic first episode Telltale, it was definatly your best yet. Now on to what I wanted to bring up, and I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned earlier.
    At the very end of the episode we see two tablets each detailing the futures of Sam & Max. Max's tablet is read, since he asks Sam to read it, but Sam's tablet remains unread even if you try to read it. So this got me thinking: what's on Sam's tablet and why wouldn't he read it (besides the obvious "it would ruin the surprise" kind of thing. Just something I wanted to put out there.
  • edited April 2010
    Hey, have you noticed that in the end of the note that Flint gives to Sam and Max the letter is S. so, Sam thinks S is for Skunkape, Flint thinks S is for Sam, but, did yonotice that S could be for Sal, Stinky's Dinner Chef?
  • edited April 2010
    Shwoo wrote: »
    This line confused me a bit:

    Sam: It's a good thing neither of us is legally, morally, or ethically allowed to reproduce.

    Why not? Legally, I mean, the other two are obvious. Are there eugenics laws in place in Sam & Max's world? That's a bit disturbing.

    Well, in America it's illegal (in most states) for Humans to have sex with non-Humans (which is why Sybil and Abe had to get married in D.C.). I know it seems unfair to prevent two, loving, consenting adults from expressing their love as fully as any other couple, but for now, that's just the way things are :(
    Hey, have you noticed that in the end of the note that Flint gives to Sam and Max the letter is S. so, Sam thinks S is for Skunkape, Flint thinks S is for Sam, but, did yonotice that S could be for Sal, Stinky's Dinner Chef?

    Didn't Flint also say Stinky was seeing a horrible, furry abomination or something? Wasn't Sal the chef, you know, Human?
  • edited April 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Wasn't Sal the chef, you know, Human?
    If by "Human" you mean "Giant Cockroach", then... yes! :D
  • edited April 2010
    I thought that Sal was a security guard, not a short-order cook. Also, I'm pretty sure cockroaches aren't fuzzy either.
  • edited April 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    I thought that Sal was a security guard, not a short-order cook.

    He could have changed occupations between seasons (and might have had to once Grandpa Stinky was back in the picture).
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Also, I'm pretty sure cockroaches aren't fuzzy either.

    That, or Flint was misinformed about the "fuzzy" part.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Also, I'm pretty sure cockroaches aren't fuzzy either.

    Scanning electron microscope image confirms that cockroaches are not fuzzy, not even in extreme closeup. They are totally gross though.
  • edited April 2010
    Does that cockroach look like it's planning how to take over the world, or is it just me?

    (Perhaps cockroaches are the ones truly behind nuclear proliferation? They are the only creatures who would survive ...)
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2010
    Lena_P wrote: »
    Perhaps cockroaches are the ones truly behind nuclear proliferation?

    It's definitely either the roaches or the Tardigrades. Think a cutesy name like "moss piglets" will let them fly under the radar? Hah. We are SO onto them.
  • edited April 2010
    Hmm, I don't know ... they're not very intimidating considering they look like they're in constant back pain. (Tardigardi, "Oh God do I need a massage!") Also, I am NOT seeing the piglet thing.
  • edited April 2010
    Nearly every sapient female on the planet has a restraining order against them? I can't speak for the rest of the galaxy, of course.
    I supposed that would explain why there are so few female characters in the series.
    Actually, I'd be surprised if this applied to any talking animals other than Sam & Max. I'm guessing they brought the legal restriction upon themselves through some notorious Noodle Incident. The nature of which -- both the law(s) and the Noodle Incident -- being best left to our imaginations.
    I was more disturbed that their government apparently has the right to prevent anyone from reproducing, but this is Sam and Max, I guess.
  • edited April 2010
    I'm pretty sure Max could get that overturned if he was ever interested in fervent reproductive processes, as rabbits are prone to do.
  • edited April 2010
    completed the game just now and loved it!

    p.s.first post ever YAY!
  • edited April 2010
    completed the game just now and loved it!

    p.s.first post ever YAY!

  • edited April 2010
    Sweet i just got and it is epic:d
  • edited April 2010
    That, or Flint was misinformed about the "fuzzy" part.
    Flint thinks S. is Sam, so yeah he can be mistaken about the "fuzzy" part too.
  • edited April 2010
    I'm pretty sure Max could get that overturned if he was ever interested in fervent reproductive processes, as rabbits are prone to do.

    That make me remember once I saw, in a TV program, a Samurai Helmet with Rabbit Ears ornaments to represent masculinity.

    So yeah...
  • edited April 2010
    I've noticed there are so many future visions I've missed. I guess the story got the better of me, and I moved along too fast in some scenes because of that.

    I've noticed some kind of graphical glitch involving teleportation: when the room appears where Max teleports to, there's a flash of S&M already standing in that room as if they just walked in normally. Then they disappear and the teleportation FX start.
  • edited April 2010
    Finally got around to finishing this episode, but I really enjoyed it. I was really unsure about the whole psychic power theme at first, but I think it worked really well in the end, some of the puzzles were a lot of fun and it was a great way to set up a lot of hilarious gags.

    I also really have to commend the Telltale guys for the presentation on this one, not that the previous seasons were bad, but this one felt so much better and much more professional and it all really helped the over all experience.

    Really can't wait for episode 2, which I'll hopefully have time to finish a little faster!
  • edited April 2010
    Finished the episode today. I really enjoyed it, this way of thinking about puzzles was great. No frustrating "I am stuck" moments, yet it wasn't too easy either, I had to think about it a few times.
    I enjoyed playing it with my husband, as we thought about things differently. For instance, he thought to
    give Flint the hard hat (I was trying to figure out who was throwing the hatchet and stop them)
    while I thought to
    teleport Grandpa Stinky (he thought we needed to steal the badge while he was busy holding Max back

    Some things we thought about at the same time, for instance
    we both realised at the same time that in a specific future vision, Sam sounded funny because he was imitating Skun-ka'pe's voice, and therefore that he was calling Girl Stinky, meaning we needed to figure out her number. That was before he thought to give Flint the hat so we had no clue how to get her cell number at this point.

    Sorry for the amount of spoilers, I thought it could be interesting to give specific feedback. Either way, I liked the difficulty level, wouldn't mind if it was a bit harder but usually episodes get harder so I'm happy.

    Oh, I have a question. In the end, we didn't
    get the remote for the beacon from Momma Bosco
    . We didn't need to, of course, but now I'm curious if it's possible to or not.
  • edited April 2010
    Just finished the penal zone last night. :D A few thoughts:

    - music again great (loved the theme)
    - improved dialogue for Sam
    - still funny
    - graphics are great
    - ran fine on my ps3
    - good story looking forward to the tomb of sammun-mak!

    Wrote more in my review which you will find a link to in my signature.
  • edited April 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    Oh, I have a question. In the end, we didn't
    get the remote for the beacon from Momma Bosco
    . We didn't need to, of course, but now I'm curious if it's possible to or not.
    Yes it's possible; once you get rid of the two gorillas in front of the BoscoTech labs, you can just enter the lab and pick up the remote. However, if I recall correctly, the remote disappeared from my inventory after Sam & Max were captured.
  • edited April 2010
    Just wanted to say GREAT JOB with the new season thus far. I'm LOVING it so much, and looking forward to the next 4 months so much now.

    But, the PENAL ZONE!?!? U guyz is such pervs!!! lol just kidding just kidding. :D I did appreciate the giggles from Sam at the mention of the zone though lol. :)

    Weeeeeeeee! Keep it up! Can't wait for the commentary too, even though it's a looong way away.
  • edited April 2010
    Heh, my friend, who only played Season One (he's doodesh on these forums), had this to say about the prologue:

    "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I love it."

    I think he might've finally lost it around the time Max began walking around as a bazooka. :)
  • edited April 2010
    Kroms wrote: »

    I think he might've finally lost it around the time Max began walking around as a bazooka. :)

    Who didn't :D ?
    I spoiled that one fr myself when watching that big preview video, but that's the point when i really thought this season was gonna be great.
  • edited May 2010
    I don't know if you guys are still keeping up with this thread or not, but Season 3 is shaping up to be great! The animation is much smoother and the visuals are absolutely gorgeous! The sound is nicer as well and the actors really seem to be getting more and more into their roles.

    Of course, the most important aspects of a game are the actual gameplay and, in a case like Sam & Max, humor. The gameplay is much more immersive this time around, if not a little awkward to get the hang of. But the awkwardness goes away very quickly and you gave us a good chance to get used to it. The humor, for the most part, is also top notch. You get more wry and, well, Sam & Max-ish every season and this is no exception. I'm particularly fond of the fact that Max clearly has a conscience this season. One of the things that make Sam & Max so funny (at least to me) is the fact that they joke about doing awful things, but we know they'd never really do them. Well... They'd never do them to people who didn't deserve it. But the past two seasons heavily implied that, if it wasn't for Sam, Max would do absolutely sick and sadistic things to innocent people and that honestly made me dislike him a lot. This season it's more obvious that Max may be willing to brutalize bad people, but he wouldn't really hurt innocent people. We do have to actually LIKE our heroes, after all.

    I do have to say, though, that I really wish you guys would try making each season fresh rather than rehashing old jokes and situations, though. It's fun seeing recurring characters like Stinky and Superball (Man, that guy cracks me up!), but some of the recurring jokes and characters are just annoying or feel alienating to new players. The Sybil/Lincoln thing was funny last season, but I was hoping you'd just let it die this year. Same with the references to Girl Stinky's true identity. For people new to the series, you're sort of giving away a lot of the jokes and plot twists for them if they ever want to play the older games. And, in the case of Girl Stinky, I feel it really hurts the Sam & Max humor of finding out something incredibly bizarre, and then never mentioning it again as though it's not really that interesting anyway.

    Oh. And impeach Max. Because the President Max joke isn't funny anymore. It was wearing thin during season 2 and I rolled my eyes in disgust when Sam mentioned Max was still president this season. Again, the Sam & Max series works best when it has that sitcom element of a story can end with the weirdest of situations (like a city being destroyed, for example), but the next episode starts up with that thing having never happened. Or possibly being referred to, but no explanation for how things are different now. I don't want to sound so critical, because you guys are REALLY doing a great job. It's just that I feel that your determination to stick so closely to continuity is hurting the series.
  • edited May 2010
    I've got to say, my mom watched me play through the episode, and she followed everything just fine. She knows Sam from Max, but that's about it. Every other character was new to her, but she got who they were right away and thought their introductions were funny. To the people who keep writing "new people won't be able to follow" or "new people will feel alienated", have you actually tried having someone new to the series play the games? Because I introduced both my brother and a friend to the games with episode 201 with no problem, and introduced my mom to 301 no problem.
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