I hope Netflix Uk grows before the months trial ends cos at the moment it don't have enough to keep paying £5.99 a month. Its worth it for like a month though.
You have the actual ability to do only two of the four things mentioned above. One would be of little effect for the rest of the world. The other one, however, would indeed cause the ultimate forum chaos and could be accomplished in a matter of minutes.
My variant would be "merge the entire forum into one thread". It can't be reversed on UBB forums, and it would be hilarious. KIDDINGGGGG!!!
You sure about that? With adequate preparation, I'm pretty sure I could pull off all four things in under five minutes. The only problem I might have would be that there would be an easy way and a hard way to ban everybody, and while one way would be so hard as to be pretty much impossible, the easy way has the problem of being impossible to do without banning myself as well (though there might be a measure to get around this). And when I say "delete everything", I mean a hard delete. It's a good thing that my more extravagant threats are empty.
Comrade Pant's movie picture is from the 1970s movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The guy pointing is Donald Sutherland. The background is City Hall in San Francisco.
*Sigh*, I just found out that all the Pizza Huts in my childhood hometown have shut down. Apparently years ago. (Shows how often I go back there....) So many memories. I guess they just couldn't survive without my orders.
Just a heads up in case you forget: By the time the third season rolls around, expect to cry like a bitch.
They got emotional, yes. I've watched them all many times with and without commentary. Great either way. Have them all on DVD. They need to reissue the initial run on blu-ray.
The only flaw is the commentary on the newer episodes. The chemistry isn't quite there and you can sort of feel the "we held out for more money, didn't get it...etc etc.." of what happened upon the revamp among the actors. It's not so out of place that they took it personally, but you get the feeling that the chemistry isn't the same. Still well worth listening to though.
I have the same reaction to Family Guy and Big Bang fans. That's right, I said it.
Of all the garbage out there, why wouold I pick out these two? Well, because I know actual intelligent people who watch and like them It disturbs me. Yes, I've been drinking and don't care enough to correct my spelling.
...I need to design a character
Screw humanity, I want to be in an alien utopia.
You sure about that? With adequate preparation, I'm pretty sure I could pull off all four things in under five minutes. The only problem I might have would be that there would be an easy way and a hard way to ban everybody, and while one way would be so hard as to be pretty much impossible, the easy way has the problem of being impossible to do without banning myself as well (though there might be a measure to get around this). And when I say "delete everything", I mean a hard delete. It's a good thing that my more extravagant threats are empty.
I'm a movie freak.
*Sigh*, I just found out that all the Pizza Huts in my childhood hometown have shut down. Apparently years ago. (Shows how often I go back there....) So many memories. I guess they just couldn't survive without my orders.
I'll be right there with you, bud, once I finish my next class.
Just a heads up in case you forget: By the time the third season rolls around, expect to cry like a bitch.
And I'm just going to leave that here...
They got emotional, yes. I've watched them all many times with and without commentary. Great either way. Have them all on DVD. They need to reissue the initial run on blu-ray.
The only flaw is the commentary on the newer episodes. The chemistry isn't quite there and you can sort of feel the "we held out for more money, didn't get it...etc etc.." of what happened upon the revamp among the actors. It's not so out of place that they took it personally, but you get the feeling that the chemistry isn't the same. Still well worth listening to though.
Of all the garbage out there, why wouold I pick out these two? Well, because I know actual intelligent people who watch and like them
It's true I am pretty intelligent.
The sexy taste of wax, yum.
It is delicious.
While wax can be sexy... the taste isn't the delicious part.
I hope your boyfriend doesn't mind.
(Yes, I know the lyrics of the chorus. I have my reasons. Shut up.)
>implying brownies can fight
I don't believe in hate, but I won't hesitate to kick an ass or two.
Cause that's what Brian Boitano'd do?
I don't believe in hate, could kick an ass or two if I had to, but wouldn't.
That made my day. Thank you Tom.
What are friends for, mate?