The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited January 2012
    Yes. Yes I did. At first it was just in jest, but I loath being censored without so much as an explanation. Hence, this.
  • edited January 2012
    ^ Hehe that made me laugh!
  • edited January 2012

    Yeah, I don't like it either. I've done stuff like this before to prove something about how great and big I am and blah blah blah. I've come to realize that the more you do this shit, the more you'll lose any class you ever had. Ever. And then you'll regret it.

    You see, if the image isn't funny, then posting it over and over isn't going to hel-















    I feel happy and fine, HAHA!
  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012

    Yeah, I don't like it either. I've done stuff like this before to prove something about how great and big I am and blah blah blah. I've come to realize that the more you do this shit, the more you'll lose any class you ever had. Ever. And then you'll regret it.

    You see, if the image isn't funny, then posting it over and over isn't going to hel-

    I feel happy and fine, HAHA!

    That's a shame. I really wanted to sleep tonight.
  • edited January 2012
    I wana do a Face Heel Turn whats the best way of going about it?
  • edited January 2012
    Ohey, on another note, anybody good at programming linear regressions and want to see if my .do file is correct?
  • edited January 2012
    Ohey, on another note, anybody good at programming linear regressions and want to see if my .do file is correct?

    >10 Print "All Work and No Play Makes StrongBrush a Dull Colt"
    20 Goto 10

  • edited January 2012
    The Undertaker is back in WWE guys The Undertaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  • edited January 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    The Undertaker is back in WWE guys The Undertaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
    I've been using the same avatar for almost two years now. Any suggestions on a new one?
    coolsome wrote: »
    A monkey smoking a cigar.
    Johro wrote: »
    Helen Keller.
    Slime :D

    Helen Keller monkey slime smoking a bacon cigar.
  • edited January 2012
    I found Jackie Chan Adventures complete on youtube that plays in my country.
  • edited January 2012
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Helen Keller monkey slime smoking a bacon cigar.
    We've already settled on PotatOS. This is non-negotiable.
  • edited January 2012
    Exactly. I'm a potato!
  • edited January 2012
    The whole potato run just kept reminding me of Devo for some reason(well, there is a reason, and it's pretty straight forward, I just don't feel like explaining it).
  • edited January 2012
    Today is National Gorilla Suit Day. Just thought I'd put that out there for anyone who gives a fuck.
  • edited January 2012
    I slept for around 11 hours yesterday.

    Well.. I went to bed at 2 am and woke up at 1.20PM

    Which is rather unusual for me.

    Maybe its all this Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 I have been playing.
    (Or the chinese food I got from Tesco last night... :/)
  • edited January 2012
    With everyone getting new avatars, I feel like I should spruce mine up. Maybe tomorrow.
  • edited January 2012
    I'm looking for a gif of a cyberman's head exploding. does anyone have it?
  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
    coolsome wrote: »

    totally not the one I wanted, but awesome, I'll take it. Thank you.
  • edited January 2012
    Ooh! I've got it. Does anyone remember that avatar of Kreia that I used to have a long time ago and know where to find it? I...kinda forgot.
  • edited January 2012
    I need to finish that Grickle gnome, and then I want to do a new video game related project....maybe Earthbound or Zelda related. I wouldn't mind trying to make a figure, but I don't know where to start.
  • edited January 2012
    I never relised just how much grief hurt.
  • edited January 2012
    I'm genuinely sorry for your loss, Coolsome.
  • edited January 2012
    Ooh! I've got it. Does anyone remember that avatar of Kreia that I used to have a long time ago and know where to find it? I...kinda forgot.

    I don't know which is which. Was it this one?


    No? Oh well. Why go retro anyway, when you can try something new!

    (Says the guy who's been using the same dumb avatar since joining....)
  • edited January 2012
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    I don't know which is which. Was it this one?

    No, that's Dib.
  • edited January 2012
    I need to finish that Grickle gnome

    I'd been meaning to ask you about that.
  • edited January 2012
    It's got a broken leg still, and nobody has taken the time to glue it back together yet. I still have no idea what to make arms and hands from.
  • edited January 2012
    I'm genuinely sorry for your loss, Coolsome.

    Thanks. Her funeral is next Friday.
  • edited January 2012
    I feel like I need a new avatar too.

    Hmmm, wonder what would be a good avatar.
    Maybe a good Adam Jenson avatar.
    EDIT:You may see my avatar change a lot, figurin' out a good one.
    EDIT2:All right, this spy one looks pretty good.
  • edited January 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    Thanks. Her funeral is next Friday.

    I feel for you. I myself, lost my grandmother a few years ago. Though she put in her will that she didn't want a funeral, so we had this sort of memorial family reunion instead. It was the quietest family reunion I've ever been to.
  • edited February 2012
    My condolensces. My grandmother raised me as a mother, and when she passed it was incredibly hard. I sympathize.
  • edited February 2012
    I'm sick and vomit-y and sad and grumpy.
  • edited February 2012
    Get well soon.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited February 2012
    I'm about to get sick. DAMN, I haven't had a brutal cold in one and a half years.

    Also, 3001 posts. Whoohooo.
  • edited February 2012
    I'm sick and vomit-y and sad and grumpy.

    So you're only feeling like one quarter of your regular self today? That's not good.

    On a unrelated note, who the hell thought it was a good idea to make WATCHMEN 2?
  • edited February 2012
    Today is the day for sprinting across campus because my pleas to teach on Thursdays went unheard. So I will run from the northwest corner of the south east corner. In under ten minutes. Uphill.

    My calves hurt just thinking about it.
This discussion has been closed.