"Adventure games are different—in that the core features of gameplay cannot be effectively evaluated without actually playing it or giving so many details away as to detract from the experience of playing the game. In many respects, the quality of an adventure game depends upon the quality of its puzzles, whether they are ingenious and rewarding or just frustratingly illogical. Having been told an explanation to how a puzzle works means you will never be able to play it as intended, since a big part of the experience is the enjoyment of figuring it out for yourself. You can evaluate the art, voice acting, and even the story or humor present in an adventure game to a certain extent without diving too deep into it, but an adventure game with terrible puzzles can make all those other elements irrelevant, since you likely will never have the patience to finish the game in the first place."
The Third Man and Maltese Falcon are amazing films.
It's actually "The Thin Man." Also check out The Naked City. It's about two guys who murder a beautiful woman and make it look like a drug overdose, then NYPD start a relentless search for the killers. Also an inspiration for one of the cases in L.A. Noire.
So I'm thinking a little more about how I'm going to use the Raspberry Pi when I eventually get one.
It would be great to be able to create a little handheld console for it.
Just an idea at the moment of course, there are A LOT of complicated matters to address, but so far I'm looking at the PSP as a base.
Its spare parts can be purchased very cheap. What I'm considering using from the PSP is its Shoulder Buttons, and its screen.
(I like the smooth and clicky nature of its shoulder buttons)
The D-pad and the buttons I'm considering basing on the Sega Saturn pad.
I like the 6 button layout, (its excellent for fighters), and it would definately be something different.
Add a start and select button for good measure as well.
Front speakers.
Just need to figure out HOW to build it.
(I have an old PS1 style usb controller thats fairly small, and I could take its circuit board, rewire and solder some stuff, then just use it as a regular USB controller via linux. I think it might work)
The main issue is power. Finding a power source that can connect the screen, the board and the USB controller.
(Maybe a set of USB plugs as well. Could convert one of those plugs to an additional SD Card reader (so I can have a card for games and movies/music))
If I can figure that out, the rest should fall into place eventually.
(Apparently the Raspberry Pi is ARM based. So emulators made for linux-based mobile phones and the Pandora should be fairly easily ported to it. Just need to find a ARM linux port that can boot to a front end, that can run a media application like XMBC (for music and video playback))
I'm just lucky my old man is an electrician, and he's interested in computers.
EDIT: Hmmm.. it appears from what I've read that the PSP screen may not work.
Oh well! I'm sure I can find a screen that will do the trick when the time comes.
Errrrr.... there should not be a space between "1" and "945"?!?
That's not a space; it's a kerning issue when typing roman numerals in Japanese.
Anyway, I'm somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 done now. I'll leave it here overnight in case the other Japanese-speaking TT forumites (yes, plural, there are a few native speakers) want to rip it apart.
That's not a space; it's a kerning issue when typing roman numerals in Japanese.
For me it looks suspiciously like a space, too. I tried to copy and paste it into a text file. I was able to delete the space, so it's likely not a kerning issue in this case.
Needless to say that the rest of the text makes me feel like an illiterate so sadly there is no more I could contribute here.
Yesterday was my dad's Birthday. I bought him a card and placed it by his urn...missing him today more than ever.
No disrespect toward you or your family, but personally I find the idea of keeping the ashes of a dead family member on display in ones house, and/or interacting with them as though they are said person, rather morbid.
Thing I learned today
Playing around with Google translate can be fun...
Here's a little bit of text I typed up into Google translate...
'Day of the Tentacle' is one of my favourite games. For those who don't know or have been living under a rock, the plot of 'DotT' goes like this; three friends (a nerd, a rocker and a unstable, kooky gal) travel to a mansion they had previously visited in order to save a green tentacle from Dr. Fred.
Dr. Fred was planning to destroy both the green tentacle and the purple tentacle, due to 'Purple' consuming some toxic waste, growing some arms/stubs and consequently attempting to take over the world.
In an effort to undo these events, our three heroes travel back in time (using Dr. Fred's 'Chron-O-Johns') but inadvertently end up separated in three different time periods; the past, present and future. They must work together in order to set things right.
And here's what happens when I translate it back into English...
"The date of the tentacle" is one of my favorite games. Plot of, "DotT" For those of you who've been living under a rock or do not know, looks like this, they (geek, rocker, unstable three friends to the mansion was visited in the order of the previous I, and then save the green tentacle from Dr. Fred travel gallon) change.
Some growth / stub arm Fred Dr, As a result, when you try to take over the world, plans to destroy both of the tentacles and purple tentacles of green due to the toxic waste some consuming 'Purple' had.
In an effort to undo these events, the hero of three of our ends, that are separated by different time periods of up to three incorrect (using the-O-Johns stage 'pole "of Fred Dr) time travel back past, present, and they. future must work together in order to set things right.
Hmm... "Future must work together in order to set things right". There's probably a very truthful and deep message in that sentence!
Thing I learned today
Playing around with Google translate can be fun...
Here's a little bit of text I typed up into Google translate...
There was a thread somewhere in Games at some point of retranslations that were amusing. I spent way too much time fiddling with it and laughing to myself.
For me it looks suspiciously like a space, too. I tried to copy and paste it into a text file. I was able to delete the space, so it's likely not a kerning issue in this case.
Needless to say that the rest of the text makes me feel like an illiterate so sadly there is no more I could contribute here.
If I go back and edit the original post, there isn't one (but copying the result into another document reveals a space). Like I said, its a strange artifact of typing roman characters in Japanese text.
It makes one wonder as to what the hell goes on there? My money's on the staff pitting various animals against each other, in a duel to the death.
It's actually "The Thin Man." Also check out The Naked City. It's about two guys who murder a beautiful woman and make it look like a drug overdose, then NYPD start a relentless search for the killers. Also an inspiration for one of the cases in L.A. Noire.
(Its a back order though, so it will ship when its in stock)
£30 including postage and VAT. Very nice.
I mean a computer board of its capabilities and size could hold for some interesting possibilities.
(Sticking a 32gb SD card in there should provide it with plenty of space!)
(I don't really understand anything about hardware)
This reminds me that we need to have a forum-wide Pi Day extravaganza! WHO'S WITH ME???
I ordered some apple pies as a surprise for my department. Hope they get the significance of them on Pi Day/
do you even like pie, if so than that means
that you a hatoful boyfriend liker, danny fantom fan, a pie lover, and a brony?
For the record, I've never played Hatoful, but I do agree with everything else on that list.
And this is significant because...
It would be great to be able to create a little handheld console for it.
Just an idea at the moment of course, there are A LOT of complicated matters to address, but so far I'm looking at the PSP as a base.
Its spare parts can be purchased very cheap. What I'm considering using from the PSP is its Shoulder Buttons, and its screen.
(I like the smooth and clicky nature of its shoulder buttons)
The D-pad and the buttons I'm considering basing on the Sega Saturn pad.
I like the 6 button layout, (its excellent for fighters), and it would definately be something different.
Add a start and select button for good measure as well.
Front speakers.
Just need to figure out HOW to build it.
(I have an old PS1 style usb controller thats fairly small, and I could take its circuit board, rewire and solder some stuff, then just use it as a regular USB controller via linux. I think it might work)
The main issue is power. Finding a power source that can connect the screen, the board and the USB controller.
(Maybe a set of USB plugs as well. Could convert one of those plugs to an additional SD Card reader (so I can have a card for games and movies/music))
If I can figure that out, the rest should fall into place eventually.
(Apparently the Raspberry Pi is ARM based. So emulators made for linux-based mobile phones and the Pandora should be fairly easily ported to it. Just need to find a ARM linux port that can boot to a front end, that can run a media application like XMBC (for music and video playback))
I'm just lucky my old man is an electrician, and he's interested in computers.
EDIT: Hmmm.. it appears from what I've read that the PSP screen may not work.
Oh well! I'm sure I can find a screen that will do the trick when the time comes.
I see your Fable Mario Party and raise you a Mario Portal title. Free.
I remember a kinect rail shooter as well. What is going on Peter Molyneux, what is going on?
This guy needs a name.
2004年、一台の中国の原潜は一日中日本の海に入ってしまった。 その時、日本の周りの小さくて石油と天然ガスが入っている島は中国、韓国、と日本の難問であった。その三つの国の中で、日本だけは軍隊がないので、アメリカに任せる。あの日、誰もなくならなかったが、日本は大問題があった。日本は非核三原則を信じているが、アメリカの軍隊は何台の原潜を持っていて、日本の中で入っていた。中国なども一回威嚇の行使をすれば、アメリカは助けてあげるはずである。日本の問題はアメリカから助けると非核三原則を信じている間に一つだけのが選べるのか。日本以外国もその同じ問題の答えを考えます。太平洋で、アメリカは全部の自由主義の国を守っていて、そして、日本と他の国のその質問の答えはどうやって違うか。正しい答えがあるのか。
日本と188の他の国は非核三原則を信じている 。何故そのものがあって、何故非核三原則は重要であるのか。ナイ氏によると、非核三原則のような考え方は1945で始まった 。その時、アメリカのエイゼンハワー大統領は「Atoms for Peace」という核エネルギープログラムを作った、けれども、某フナ問題が会った。例えば、第二次第戦争後、日本のような貧乏な国に経済がよくなる前に核エネルギーを教えてあげた。日本と他の戦争から全焼した国にお金が高すぎてしまった。
1957年、ヨーロパでIAEAという国際の核エネルギーのグループが作ったが、エネルギーの問題だけを判じた 。IAEAは核エネルギー工場に行けて、核爆弾を探せた。1960代、IAEAから第一の非核三原則を作った。だけど、1960代のものは優しすぎて、インドとカナダで核エネルギーの事故がありました。今日の非核三原則は1978年で作って、その事故の結果であった 。
...okay, I got nothing, ...I know nothing.
International Atomic Energy Association.
I vote Mr. Wizard Lizard.
I vote Tor.
Or Jay.
Errrrr.... there should not be a space between "1" and "945"?!?
That's not a space; it's a kerning issue when typing roman numerals in Japanese.
Anyway, I'm somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 done now. I'll leave it here overnight in case the other Japanese-speaking TT forumites (yes, plural, there are a few native speakers) want to rip it apart.
2004年、一台の中国の原潜は一日中日本の海に入ってしまった 。その時、日本の周りの小さくて石油と天然ガスが入っている島は中国、韓国、と日本の難問であった。その三つの国の中で、日本だけは軍隊がないので、アメリカに任せる。あの日、誰もなくならなかったが、日本は大問題があった。日本は非核三原則を信じているが、アメリカの軍隊は何台の原潜を持っていて、日本の中で入っていた。中国なども一回威嚇の行使をすれば、アメリカは助けてあげるはずである。日本の問題はアメリカから助けると非核三原則を信じている間に一つだけのが選べるのか。日本以外国もその同じ問題の答えを考えます。太平洋で、アメリカは全部の自由主義の国を守っていて、そして、日本と他の国のその質問の答えはどうやって違うか。正しい答えがあるのか。
日本と188の他の国は非核三原則を信じている 。何故そのものがあって、何故非核三原則は重要であるのか。ナイ氏によると、非核三原則のような考え方は1945で始まった 。その時、アメリカのエイゼンハワー大統領は「Atoms for Peace」という核エネルギープログラムを作った、けれども、某フナ問題が会った。例えば、第二次第戦争後、日本のような貧乏な国に経済がよくなる前に核エネルギーを教えてあげた。日本と他の戦争から全焼した国にお金が高すぎてしまった。
1957年、ヨーロパでIAEAという国際の核エネルギーのグループが作ったが、エネルギーの問題だけを判じた 。IAEAは核エネルギー工場に行けて、核爆弾を探せた。1960代、IAEAから第一の非核三原則を作った。だけど、1960代のものは優しすぎて、インドとカナダで核エネルギーの事故がありました。今日の核拡散防止条約から非核三原則は1978年で作って、その事故の結果であった 。
であるが、核エネルギーは大丈夫である。日本で、3分の1ぐらいのエネルギーは核エネルギーである 。
1b。 アメリカの原潜
ニュージーランドの中で、1987年はたくさん変わる時であって、アメリカの原潜は大事な所であった。10年間、ニュージーランドは社会主義から自由主義に経済改革をして、本当に貧乏になって、弱かった。それにも、1987の選挙で、アメリカの原潜はニュージーランドの海に入れるはキーポイントであった 。ニュージーランドの「Labor」という公党の主な成功はアメリカに任せられないにも、アメリカの原潜はニュージーランドの海に入れないことであった。あの年、Laborは選挙を勝ったが、1990年で、「National」という反対の考え方の公党は選挙を勝った。反対の公党が勝てば、アメリカの原潜はもう一回生けるはずであったけれども、Nationalもアメリカの原潜が入れば、はニュージーランドの非核三原則を守れないと思った。ANZUSというアメリカとオーストラリアの安全保障条約から退いた 。
For me it looks suspiciously like a space, too. I tried to copy and paste it into a text file. I was able to delete the space, so it's likely not a kerning issue in this case.
Needless to say that the rest of the text makes me feel like an illiterate so sadly there is no more I could contribute here.
No disrespect toward you or your family, but personally I find the idea of keeping the ashes of a dead family member on display in ones house, and/or interacting with them as though they are said person, rather morbid.
And after all, their spirit has gone elsewhere.
Playing around with Google translate can be fun...
Here's a little bit of text I typed up into Google translate...
Hmm... "Future must work together in order to set things right". There's probably a very truthful and deep message in that sentence!
Mr. Gizzard Blizzard... nah!
I'm voting for Little Miss Fluffy Banjo
There was a thread somewhere in Games at some point of retranslations that were amusing. I spent way too much time fiddling with it and laughing to myself.
If I go back and edit the original post, there isn't one (but copying the result into another document reveals a space). Like I said, its a strange artifact of typing roman characters in Japanese text.
That's a bit disrupting even for the "Whatever" thread.