The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2012
    OR you find out that you can definitely prove your ancestry line right back to Charlemagne, a fact most of your family is so incredibly proud of that a lot of them are arrogant sods.

    Yeah. True story. :cool:
  • edited July 2012
    By some curious mishap, the formal German word for "review" (Rezension) is barely used and only has one letter distinguishing it from "recession" (Rezession).

    Unfortunately, about 80% of German Amazon reviewers simply use the fucking wrong word. Just imagine a long row of reviews with sentences like "This is my first recession...", "As the other recessions have stated...", "You did not say anything about the product in your recession" or "Those other recessions did not hit the nail on the head". Seriously, it stops being hilarious in sentence 100 at the latest.

    I'm everything but a language pedant, as Chyron will readily tell you. But this is hard to swallow even for me.

    Amazon should screen those reviews for "Rezession" and if the word turns up and the reviewed product is not a history or economy book, a window should open asking the user if he really wants to look like a complete fool.

    You think that's bad? About 90% of English Speakers don't know how to properly spell "cologne". This leads to sentences like "I love the smell of my boyfriend's colon."
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited July 2012
    You think that's bad? About 90% of English Speakers don't know how to properly spell "cologne". This leads to sentences like "I love the smell of my boyfriend's colon."

    IIRC, the city of Cologne once tried an image campaign where Cologne was in fact abbreviated to "colon". No one told them how fucked up that was before it was too late. :)
  • edited July 2012
    This leads to sentences like "I love the smell of my boyfriend's colon."
    Sometimes this is correct though. :p
    But I wonder how you get your nose up there.
  • edited July 2012
    You think that's bad? About 90% of English Speakers don't know how to properly spell "cologne". This leads to sentences like "I love the smell of my boyfriend's colon."

    For some reason I keep seeing college spelled as collage.
  • edited July 2012
    The English language is heavily Germanic, then various forms of Latin, Greek, Arabic and so on. Makes it a complicated hodge podge of variation.

    I mean fore, four, for. Might as well have foar.
  • edited July 2012
    No.... NO!....


    No! No! No! No! No! Nooo...

    I just died in Metroid Prime and lost a ton of progress!

    (Now I remembered why I traded the Gamecube version in...)
  • edited July 2012
    There's not enough Darth Vader in that post.
  • edited July 2012
  • edited July 2012
    I just died in Metroid Prime and lost a ton of progress!

    (Now I remembered why I traded the Gamecube version in...)

    This is why you hit up every save room you pass.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited July 2012
    The cable just came back on. I just had a tornado touch down in my hometown. It ripped the roof off of the local theater, part of the roof off of the mall, and destroyed tons of houses. My family and friends are OK. This is the biggest disaster here in my lifetime. I'm hoping no one was killed.
  • edited July 2012
    For the first time since I started University, I can now say I have a clean slate.
    Yeah. I passed those two modules. (Capped at 40 of course)

    So this means that I just need a placement today, which if the interview goes well, I may get as well! XD

    Worse comes to worse though, I can at least safely transfer to another course next year.

    I'm thinking I might throw the rulebook out today, and do something unusual.
    Last night I was having trouble sleeping and I was thinking, which lead me to an interesting parallel.

    This Magic deck I'm making essentially has the same sort of functionality as this organisation.

    Ok. That sounds crazy but let me break it down.

    Win condition = Overall aim of business
    Land = Resources
    Creatures = People within the business (they use resources to perform actions that contribute to the overall aim)

    The best decks have cards that work together, not necessarily the most powerful.
    (In business, every function should be designed to benefit each other. Every team needs synergy.)

    This deck specialises in creating a lot of small creatures, (the organisation specialises in working with several small charitites and local businesses linking them together), then the spells/bigger monsters (this organisations actions), make the entire team stronger.

    So individually, these organisations may only be able to serve a small amount of young children and adults, and not necessarily at a great capacity, but as a group, with the support of this organisation, around 40,000 children and young adults can benefit from these resources.

    Likewise in the game, individually my cards are weak, but once I add some glorious charges, and add a Crusader of Odric, I suddenly become a massive threat to my opponent.

    8 1/1 monsters + Crusader of Odric + Glorious Charge for instance would mean I have a 10/10 Crusader of Odric (9 creatures+ Glorious Charge) + 8 2/2 creatures (glorious charge), that makes 26 damage in one turn.

    Even if the opponent could block say 4 or 5 of them (so say Odric and 3 2/2 = 16), I'd still take out like half of their health in one attack. (And still likely have Odric!)

    And I have another 2 glorious charges in my deck so I could keep doing it! XD

    EDIT: I could even apply this sort of thing to a real life situation.

    The best group I was in, was a 3rd year module, and we had an incredibly difficult assignment, in which we had to create a marketing plan from scratch for a business.
    The business we chose was very niche, and very difficult to find resources on. We had no shortcuts, we had to do all the ground work.

    But we pulled it off, we did brilliantly.

    The reason for it, is simply because the three of us (oh yeah there were only 3 of us doing a 4-5 people task), took the time to get to know each other, like each other, and commited to meeting up with each other.
    We used our individual strengths (I am good at typing stuff out, and coming up with ideas, the others were good at doing the ground work, finding to material for me to process), to become a lean-mean working machine! XD

    So the more we knew about each other, and the more we liked each other, the more committed to the project we felt, and we felt more personally responsible, (we didn't want to let our friends down).
    Plus it was more fun as well. We didn't feel so much time pressure, because we met up so often, and we could let of some steam with a conversation or two while we worked. It was great.

    The exact opposite happened in another group, which is why we didn't do so great. Hardly anyone turned up to the meetings (so only 2 or 3 of us out of 5 were actually doing any work at once), communications was 1 way most of the time, because no-one made an effort to keep regular contact.
    The work was rushed, and there just wasn't any time left to properly finetune it.
    The final presentation went ok, but only because the main 2-3 people were doing all the work at the end.
    The atmosphere was not pleasant, and had things gone any worse, then the team would have likely just fallen apart completely.

    Neither of those teams had clear leadership. The first one simply didn't need it, the second, probably did. (Too many egos in that one. I did my best to balance out the atmosphere, but couldn't stop people freaking out when X or Y wasn't there to work (and those that were absent didn't try to catch up or contribute while they were away, and that was the worse part, sure, I've been absent to meetings before, BUT, I always contribute and try to keep up-to-date, its the most respectful thing to do (plus I actually want to do well!)))
  • edited July 2012
    Why are we suddenly under assault by bots?
  • edited July 2012
    Dunno. We're doing our best to keep them under control, but they keep popping up. Like I said in Last Item You Purchased, it really helps us get the problem taken care of faster when you guys use the report button, and we really appreciate the help.
  • edited July 2012
    I just died in Metroid Prime and lost a ton of progress!

    (Now I remembered why I traded the Gamecube version in...)

    Save more often.
  • edited July 2012
    Dunno. We're doing our best to keep them under control, but they keep popping up. Like I said in Last Item You Purchased, it really helps us get the problem taken care of faster when you guys use the report button, and we really appreciate the help.

    I never even think about that. Will be joining the Telltale Watch from now on.
  • edited July 2012

    Why'd PBF take this comic down?

    Also, if the mods are still getting absolutely trounced by the bots, I still have my services available for modding. I can moddings grately.
  • edited July 2012
    Yo, question guys.

    Would you guys like it if I kept a blog here about my perils as a beginning indie game developer? If so, where should I post it? I mean, I could just post it in this thread, but I'm not sure how many people would read it and skip through it.

    Mind you, it's the same blog I'll keep in, just that, at least here I know it would probably be read by people.
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited July 2012
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Would you guys like it if I kept a blog here about my perils as a beginning indie game developer? If so, where should I post it? I mean, I could just post it in this thread, but I'm not sure how many people would read it and skip through it.
    There's a thread about game making. You could post your thoughts on the process there, or you could start a new thread on the topic (DAISHI's game has a thread about it's development, so no harm in a new thread if you so wished). :)
  • edited July 2012
    Sure, see DAISHI's thread as an example. The thing is, with a thread here, everyone's posts are shown in the same importance as your own, while a regular blog site makes user comments subservient to each post. And you don't get to delete comments you don't like. You'd have to be OK with that.
  • edited July 2012
    I've loved having a game thread here FYI
  • edited July 2012
    New Officially licenced Shenmue hoodie! does this mean maybe a HD collection isn't far behind? (I know Im just clutching at straws).
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited July 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    New Officially licenced Shenmue hoodie! does this mean maybe a HD collection isn't far behind? (I know Im just clutching at straws).
    There's rumors about a Shenmue HD. I wouldn't be surprised if they did release it to be honest. I'm most surprised that they're doing a Nights Into Dreams HD. With all of the Dreamcast collection madness, I wasn't expecting something from the Saturn to get the HD treatment.

    Oh, and as for the clothing at that store: I want this. :D
  • edited July 2012
    Just went and saw Maiden again, first time seeing them play Afraid To Shoot Strangers though. Loved that tune since high school.
  • edited July 2012
    If there's any RPG getting an HD remake, it must be KOTOR 2. Restore all cut content in a juicy, hi res package? Yes, please.
  • edited July 2012
    coolsome wrote: »
    New Officially licenced Shenmue hoodie! does this mean maybe a HD collection isn't far behind? (I know Im just clutching at straws).

    Don't wear it if you're black or hispanic. According to Geraldo Rivera.
  • edited July 2012
    WE DID IT!

    We de-activated de bots!

    Good Work Team!
  • edited July 2012
    This calls for celebratory liquor.
  • edited July 2012
    Johro wrote: »
    This calls for celebratory liquor.

  • edited July 2012

    The most useless President ever. Always getting kidnapped by fucking ninjas... and he STILL owes me that burger!
  • edited July 2012
    Hooray! I got to talk to my best friend again! :D
    (Its been 46 days since he was last online. But who's counting! XD)
  • edited July 2012
    Just had a root canal which turned into an extraction which didn't work. I have stitches in my gum and have to see an oral surgeon to get what's left of the tooth out - not a fun weekend...
  • edited July 2012
    Anyone want to help me maintain the fantasy that Mark Hamill starred in an adaptation of the Killing Joke?
  • edited July 2012
    Anyone want to help me maintain the fantasy that Mark Hamill starred in an adaptation of the Killing Joke?

    I seen that I like the other video where he tells the joke about the woman who has a baby.
  • edited July 2012
    Older brother never stops watching Naruto.

    I'm actually starting to feel a little worried about him... XD
  • edited July 2012
    Older brother never stops watching Naruto.

    I'm actually starting to feel a little worried about him... XD

    Fetch the Gurren Lagann.... Stat.
  • edited July 2012
    So I find out a few hours ago that I didn't get the job. :(

    I was actually pretty gutted, because its back to the drawing board.
    (And I even moreso now think that I'm probably never going to get a placement if I couldn't even get that one! I was only competing against like 3 or so other people, and it was a fairly low-end job, and I still failed! (And its the closest I've ever actually got to as well...))

    So I just decided to take my frustration out on Fallout: New Vegas, and play my character that goes around killing everyone with his fists.
    Watching people almost literally explode when I punched them kind of made me feel better.

    Going upstairs for another round of Sly Raccoon afterwards definately helped me too. At least video games I don't always screw up on! XD

    So yeah. I'm pretty down again, since I have to spend tomorrow looking and applying to more placements.
    I guess its not all bad though, I mean, I have Sunday to look forward to at least, with that Magic meetup.

    Might go and get some more cards tomorrow to cheer myself up. I get paid this week, so I can afford to get a couple of boosters and odd cards. Maybe pick up a nice comic while I'm there.
  • edited July 2012
    Well, this is interesting. From what information I've been able to gather, Sony is still producing and supporting the Playstation 2, but claims that they aren't able to produce enough consoles to meet demand. So while the MSRP for the PS2 is still $99, the cheapest new PS2 on the market is twice that. The last time the PS2's MSRP was $200 was following its first price cut, from May 2002 to May 2003, just over 9 years ago.

    And dammit, I still need one.
  • edited July 2012
    Just buy a refurbished one.
  • edited July 2012
    It's kind of a moot point anyway. Pretty much all my money right now (with the exception of $40 I've had set aside for Kingdom Hearts 3D) has to go towards paying for PAX at the end of the month and Nan Desu Kan two weeks later. I just happened to be thinking about it and looked up what the current price was.
This discussion has been closed.