I did not, but I do have an OJ Simpson pog somewhere in the attic.
It wasn't one of the campy jail ones either. I think it was from an NFL hall of fame set.
Listening to the new Remasters of the Roxy Music albums and I am madly in love with the first 2 albums. I had the older remasters since 2003 and never liked them. And suddenly a switch flipped in my head.
I love it when something like that happens.
Work was slow, but I had a pretty good laugh today!
Actually talked pretty openly to my collegues and made loads of jokes. (made a lot of people smile and laugh today. I like doing that! )
They actually commented several times how I don't do anything like that normally, and that they never knew X or Y about me.
Well to be fair, normally its too busy to really have a lot of fun at work, today was different because I was at the little tills for handbaskets, so it wasn't so busy, and most transactions were incredibly short.
I should try to be more like this, but true to form, as soon as work ended I beelined home.
I wish I could transfer that sort of behaviour outside of "safe" areas. Hopefully tomorrow will go well, (despite me not getting all the cards I ordered. Oh well, have to make due with what I have eh? ), and it will inch me ever so closer to being able to interact with people properly.
Its small steps, but I have to remember that I need to build up to it. Going too far too quickly will cause me to panic and have a bad experience, and probably make me withdraw again.
(I kind of felt like that today, as I thought other co-workers were mocking me, which probably wasn't true at all, but I can't help but feel like that at times)
The Stop and Shop around here carries a knockoff Soda called Dr. Bob. Which is awesome if you're a Muppets fan like me. If you don't understand what I'm talking about:
Aaand deck and sideboard are ready for play today.
I had a pretty tough time with this one. I REALLY wish those cards I'm missing had arrived today (because my deck feels a little empty without it!), but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
I went for an alternate strategy instead. Basically, adding extra use to fling, by putting Traitorous Bloods back in.
Strategy is simple. Wait for opponent to create big monster -> Steal big monster for a turn and attack with it -> Fling it back at them at the end of the turn for extra damage before they get it back.
They lose a lot of life, and they lose a block/threat. Win-win
(Or if they block with another creature, I take out 2 creatures, and I do damage! )
Only costs 5 Mana overall (so 3 mountains + 2 colorless), so by the time I need it, its will be very useful.
For the sideboard I put in some Exalted cards I had lying around, an extra fling, some evolving wilds, and a few other cards that I think might be useful. (2 Goblin Battle jesters for instance (so I could play them, then fling a 1/1 token, then I can attack at my leasure (since its ability prevents my opponent from blocking if I play a red spell))
I listened to more music from the Humble Music Bundle. OK Go - 12 Remixes of 4 songs isn't that great. I only like 3 OK Go songs, and one I sort of like. The one I sort of like is on there. The studio version is on there, which is good. It might grow on me (songs I sort of like have gone on my tracklist after listening to it a few times before). The remixes aren't that good (it's all disco stuff (not even dance, but actually disco style) and it doesn't work well with OK Go's music).
The They Might Be Giants compilation is much better. They have remakes of Particle Man and Istanbul (Not Constantinople), which are my favorite TMBG songs (probably because I was exposed to them when I was little through Tiny Toons ). The remakes are really good too. The Istanbul (Not Constantinople) remake is an electronic version, which is even weirder than the original (in a good way). The Tubthumping cover is also wonderfully weird (you have to love the theramin during the middle of the song ). And I couldn't help it, I had to add O We (probably the weirdest song on there) to my playlist, even though it's only 48 seconds long.
The last one I played through so far is MC Frontalot. There were some funny songs on there that might grow on me with further listens. But I Hate Your Blog went on my playlist straight away. I really like the way the song sounds and it's quite funny to boot.
Magic tournament was cancelled due to lack of players (which according to those involved normally isn't the case).
I did get a ton of advice from more experienced people there, and I played a fellow newbie (though he has played it a lot more than me, even if only casually), and got demolished 3-0!
I do need to remake my deck, thats for sure, but I think mostly my losses was due to pure bad luck really! XD
(At least I'd like to think that)
Man, that black/green deck was intense. Graveyard boosting evilness. Boo! XD
Looking forward to playing more, and since the next meetup is 2 weeks away, I got more time to prepare! (I'm gonna kick butt next time. Honest! ;p)
Hah, those were big for a couple of years. Did you have Tazos too?
It wasn't one of the campy jail ones either. I think it was from an NFL hall of fame set.
That IS awesome. Wish I could go.
I love it when something like that happens.
Work was slow, but I had a pretty good laugh today!
Actually talked pretty openly to my collegues and made loads of jokes. (made a lot of people smile and laugh today. I like doing that!
They actually commented several times how I don't do anything like that normally, and that they never knew X or Y about me.
Well to be fair, normally its too busy to really have a lot of fun at work, today was different because I was at the little tills for handbaskets, so it wasn't so busy, and most transactions were incredibly short.
I should try to be more like this, but true to form, as soon as work ended I beelined home.
I wish I could transfer that sort of behaviour outside of "safe" areas. Hopefully tomorrow will go well, (despite me not getting all the cards I ordered. Oh well, have to make due with what I have eh?
Its small steps, but I have to remember that I need to build up to it. Going too far too quickly will cause me to panic and have a bad experience, and probably make me withdraw again.
(I kind of felt like that today, as I thought other co-workers were mocking me, which probably wasn't true at all, but I can't help but feel like that at times)
shut your dirty mouth
west coast butter woot woot
you wouldn't exist without us
our butter is in the sacred form
You're to coolsome for an origin story. clearly you were this way from birth
So I just found this gif, I need an excuse to use it. I just hope that excuse isn't "The new Rise of the Triad has been cancelled"
I can't believe that.
This is Dr. Bob. (The one in the middle, stupid.)
Guess who won the Blu-Ray of Spaceballs before it comes out on Thursday? And a mini lightsaber?
Can't tell if jelly or trying to jam radar screen.
I had a pretty tough time with this one. I REALLY wish those cards I'm missing had arrived today (because my deck feels a little empty without it!), but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
I went for an alternate strategy instead. Basically, adding extra use to fling, by putting Traitorous Bloods back in.
Strategy is simple. Wait for opponent to create big monster -> Steal big monster for a turn and attack with it -> Fling it back at them at the end of the turn for extra damage before they get it back.
They lose a lot of life, and they lose a block/threat. Win-win
(Or if they block with another creature, I take out 2 creatures, and I do damage!
Only costs 5 Mana overall (so 3 mountains + 2 colorless), so by the time I need it, its will be very useful.
For the sideboard I put in some Exalted cards I had lying around, an extra fling, some evolving wilds, and a few other cards that I think might be useful. (2 Goblin Battle jesters for instance (so I could play them, then fling a 1/1 token, then I can attack at my leasure (since its ability prevents my opponent from blocking if I play a red spell))
I can't believe it's not butter.
I tottaly want to be played by Jane Lynch in the TTG forum movie.
Get us some screenshots. All we want to know is if the picture quality is better than the non-25th-anniversary BR that came out some years ago.
The They Might Be Giants compilation is much better. They have remakes of Particle Man and Istanbul (Not Constantinople), which are my favorite TMBG songs (probably because I was exposed to them when I was little through Tiny Toons
The last one I played through so far is MC Frontalot. There were some funny songs on there that might grow on me with further listens. But I Hate Your Blog went on my playlist straight away. I really like the way the song sounds and it's quite funny to boot.
I did get a ton of advice from more experienced people there, and I played a fellow newbie (though he has played it a lot more than me, even if only casually), and got demolished 3-0!
I do need to remake my deck, thats for sure, but I think mostly my losses was due to pure bad luck really! XD
(At least I'd like to think that)
Man, that black/green deck was intense. Graveyard boosting evilness. Boo! XD
Looking forward to playing more, and since the next meetup is 2 weeks away, I got more time to prepare! (I'm gonna kick butt next time. Honest! ;p)