I hate driving. I'm a little saddened. I've seen so many deaths on the road lately. A few young people. I have to drive that nightmare, death trap 2 days a week. I hate it , I don't want to be out there. I don't want to live any where where I have to drive in such dangerous conditions. I've seen enough people loose their lives. People with lots of friends, and family that loves them. It really upsets me. Everyone, any one deserves better, it's a stupid situation.
There's too many idiot drivers, no one deserves to die like that. The whole thing pisses me off.
A coworker just quit out of the blue and another just went on vacation, so there is literally no room for me to even have a single day off. *sigh* I'm probably going to work until at least monday.
The most religious man I ever met - and religious meant here in an entirely positive sense for a change - was a chemist by trade. A VERY good one at that. Worked with my grandfather for Bayer.
You're being confronted with a lot of fundamentalist religious thought in the States, and that definitely makes science and religion incompatible. It might be very different somewhere else.
Not saying that scientists CAN'T be religious, but the two do tend to conflict. Also, as far as science goes, chemistry is one of the easiest sciences to resolve with religion because religion is relatively mum on how chemistry works and chemistry is relatively mum on how religion works.
It's a good deal harder to resolve, say, biology where you're constantly confronted with issues like twins. I honestly don't understand twins. Not fraternal twins, mind you. Identical twins. According to religious tradition, the moment egg and sperm join the resulting zygote is infused with a soul. But identical twins result when a zygote (or the subsequent morula) splits and then forms two separate individuals from the same DNA (instead of using the totipotent cells to make a single individual). It's hard to resolve what happens to the soul at this point from the perspective of a scientist. Did it split? Did one twin get the soul and the other did not? If so, which one? Or maybe ensoulment doesn't come until later, which would make stem cell research a viable and morally okay option.
I tried asking religious people about that and they just got upset when I used "zygote" instead of "baby" and accused me of trying to confuse them with scientific terms. But it's questions like this that make it difficult to accept both because thinking rationally and deeply about simple things in life, leads one to ask questions for which there is no satisfying answer that also agrees with religious teachings.
Not saying that scientists CAN'T be religious, but the two do tend to conflict. Also, as far as science goes, chemistry is one of the easiest sciences to resolve with religion because religion is relatively mum on how chemistry works and chemistry is relatively mum on how religion works.
It's a good deal harder to resolve, say, biology where you're constantly confronted with issues like twins. I honestly don't understand twins. Not fraternal twins, mind you. Identical twins. According to religious tradition, the moment egg and sperm join the resulting zygote is infused with a soul. But identical twins result when a zygote (or the subsequent morula) splits and then forms two separate individuals from the same DNA (instead of using the totipotent cells to make a single individual). It's hard to resolve what happens to the soul at this point from the perspective of a scientist. Did it split? Did one twin get the soul and the other did not? If so, which one? Or maybe ensoulment doesn't come until later, which would make stem cell research a viable and morally okay option.
I tried asking religious people about that and they just got upset when I used "zygote" instead of "baby" and accused me of trying to confuse them with scientific terms. But it's questions like this that make it difficult to accept both because thinking rationally and deeply about simple things in life, leads one to ask questions for which there is no satisfying answer that also agrees with religious teachings.
I would like to point out that the soul, as used in the above context, is not native to the original Christian conception and is more akin to Greek infusions of what the soul is. The Judaism root did not believe in an afterlife or a soul that ascended to it. As a part of progressive revelation teachings subscribed to by the church, the notion of the soul is teased out by about 700 B.C. You can see evidence of this in the Book of Ecclesiastes, which ponders what happens to a man after they die, and even says that nobody knows if man is different from an animal in their death.
By 700 B.C. You start to see divine revelations that impart knowledge of an eternal kingdom and some sort of solid afterlife. By the time of Christs birth thus leads to a schism in Judaism in the religious leaders, with one camp believing in an afterlife, and the more traditional believing there is none.
Without meaning to offend anyone, it's my belief that if there is a soul, it's not pre existing. It isn't placed in anyone, but is emergent, a sort of collective memory developed through life either long or short. Christianity and Judaism certainly do not normally subscribe to pre existence, or the thought that the soul is placed into man and existed beforehand. Traditionally they do not, anyway. At best they say the soul is developed in man sometime during birth, that the spirit is formed in the womb sometime during development.
There is a difference between approaching religion in a literal way , and in a philosophical way. And there is a difference between a spiritualist and a religious fanatic.
This argument simply isn't true. People are all different. There simply is no argument.
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf quantum spiritualist and physicist
Dr. Dan Winter another quantum spiritualist and physicist
Brian David Josephson won a noble prize ( any one here win a noble prize?) studies intangible subjects like the soul , is a leading expert in parapsychology.
Nassim Haramein, genius and physicist , studies sacred Geometry and Unified Fields
Laura Eisenhower physicist , worked at NASA , and is a spiritualist
Dr. Steven Greer worked on backward engineered technology ( so the record says) has spiritualistic views.
Charles Gilchrist , artist and mathematical genius, another spiritualist.
And do we even need to go into how many scientists had religious backgrounds in the scientific revolution and how they remained religious throughout their lives?
William A. Tiller, Ph.D. is professor emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University...spiritualist.
Any one who argues that there is no link to spiritualism and science ESPECIALLY on the quantum level is closed minded.
I've spoken my mind. That's enough for now. I've given you reputable sources and they can stand in as a factual example for how the two have been constantly connected in this decade and prior. Spiritualism and science. It's not a argument, it's a fact.
Again, I never said that it wasn't possible. And I didn't say that spiritualism and science tended to be incompatible. I said that religion and science tend to be incompatible, which is different. Spiritualism doesn't have the hard, thousands of years old rules that directly contradict scientific progress that many religions have. Due to its flexibility and lack of structure, it is easy to recreate spiritualism to fit the known facts and thus keep it relevant, unlike religion where they tend to call that heresy.
I also find it saddening that the main response I've gotten has been specific examples of occurrences that do not exactly line up with my initial statement rather than a cohesive argument of any sort. I mean, I could respond with my lists of famous scientists who were atheists, but that would hardly be an argument.
It is easy to recreate spiritualism to fit the known facts and thus keep it relevant, unlike religion where they tend to call that heresy.
Well, honestly I love this point that you have made. I completely agree, and I think you got this all dead on.
I couldn't imagine any one saying it better.
I agree with everything you said. I generally prefer agnosticism over atheism but like you said the examples of scientists who were atheist, hardly makes for an argument .
Yes, I have selective reading some times. I apologize, this particular subject gets me nancey .
Well, honestly I love this point that you have made. I completely agree, and I think you got this all dead on.
I couldn't imagine any one saying it better.
I agree with everything you said. I generally prefer agnosticism over atheism but like you said the examples of scientists who were atheist, hardly makes for an argument .
Yes, I have selective reading some times. I apologize, this particular subject gets me nancey .
Eh, it's cool. I have those subjects myself. And it's easy for discussion points to get lost in a message board. Especially when said discussion is a huge wall o' text like I tend to write.
Man, screw consoles. I keep going for Nintendo, and just when I'm sick of them and ready to move to Sony or Microsoft they pull the Wii U. A cool-looking console for rich kids.
According to religious tradition, the moment egg and sperm join the resulting zygote is infused with a soul. But identical twins result when a zygote (or the subsequent morula) splits and then forms two separate individuals from the same DNA (instead of using the totipotent cells to make a single individual). It's hard to resolve what happens to the soul at this point from the perspective of a scientist. Did it split? Did one twin get the soul and the other did not? If so, which one? Or maybe ensoulment doesn't come until later, which would make stem cell research a viable and morally okay option.
Ah, but as the LORD is all-knowing, He was aware of impending cellular split(s), and therefore allocated the requisite number of souls to the initial zygote, as multiple people may ride the bus at once. Therefore, destroying a zygote that has yet to split in two is in fact twice as sinful. This is also why human cloning by scientists is evil, despite being basically the same process as identical twins are made, as the LORD must then allocate souls off-cycle. The LORD is not big on overtime (see that seventh-day-of-rest thing).
So yesterday I woke up with no Internet connection, out of the blue. Couldn't call my provider because my phone wasn't working either.
While I own a cellphone now, the battery stopped working in early August. I ordered a new one right away, it never arrived.
Still yesterday, I went and bought a new phone. Transferred the card from the old one to the new one, lost all my numbers but kept my credit.
I had 65 euros left, to expire in a while. It didn't let me call customer service. Or rather, since the waiting time is free, it let me call, wait, get to the point where I'd be connected to someone, and then it just said "call over". I did it a bunch of times before I realised it thought I had no credit left.
I added the minimum, five euros. As a result, my WHOLE credit now expires in 6 days instead of the previous, much later date.
AND it still didn't work. I had to call another number, the number they use for non-customers.
Got someone on the other line. He said "your account has been cancelled". WTF? "I used it just yesterday" I tell him.
"I'm going to transfer you", he said.
So I wait again. Talk to a woman now. She tells me my account was cancelled by someone opening a new line on top of mine and erasing mine. My neighbour just moved in so I figure that's what it was. She confirms by telling me the name of the person who replaced my account.
Then she says because the whole line was cancelled, they need to open a new one, with a new number, and that they'll send someone to do that within three weeks, after which it should take another week or two to be back.
"Don't worry", she reassured me "these are generous estimates. It usually doesn't take more than two weeks overall".
Great, only two weeks with no contact with my boyfriend or friends. Lovely.
Then she says she needs to do some complicated manipulations that would take too long, and that she'll call me back. However she doesn't have my new cellphone number. Neither do I. For some reason she can't detect it even though I'm calling from it.
She gives me a number to call, that will just say my number to me. I write it down. She says "Then wait, I'll call you back. Don't call back or you'll get someone else".
I point out that it will be hard for her to call me back without a number. It takes explaining that a few times before she understands the concept.
She gives me a number to call back at, so that I get the right service directly. Then I hang up.
I get my cell number fine. Then, I call the other number she gave me to get the right service, and it says I don't have enough credit. I don't know the number to call them from just any phone, which worked for customer service. So I end up calling customer service.
Rinse repeat the waiting, being transferred and waiting. This time I end up with a guy. I explain the situation, he tells me he'll fix it right away. I ask if I need to take an appointment for the person they'll send. He tells me they won't send anyone. Er, okay?
I then give him my number so he can update the file. He assures me I'll get a text message when I can plug my modem back in and have my connection back. He says it should take a week or two.
Then I hang up. Decided to listen to my remaining credit on my phone, which was 70 euros when I started. It tells me it's 27 euros. WTF?
Eh, it's cool. I have those subjects myself. And it's easy for discussion points to get lost in a message board. Especially when said discussion is a huge wall o' text like I tend to write.
I can easily get a wall of text built up myself. I'm going to go write one else where.
Ah, but as the LORD is all-knowing, He was aware of impending cellular split(s), and therefore allocated the requisite number of souls to the initial zygote, as multiple people may ride the bus at once. Therefore, destroying a zygote that has yet to split in two is in fact twice as sinful. This is also why human cloning by scientists is evil, despite being basically the same process as identical twins are made, as the LORD must then allocate souls off-cycle. The LORD is not big on overtime (see that seventh-day-of-rest thing).
Actually, I just made that up. I have no idea.
And yet I feel compelled to make a rational response.
And yet I feel compelled to make a rational response.
Maybe I'll post my totally religious thoughts on why helium balloons rise. (Hint: God loves hydrogen and helium the best. That's why those are the two most abundant elements in the universe. Because face it, if you created the universe, wouldn't you fill it with stuff you liked?)
At the bar, a "friend" deliberately tipped a drink on me while I was talking to other people (i.e. she was not the centre of attention at that moment). I laughed it off and continued, then a few minutes later she did it again. I was literally soaking wet, so I turned around, grabbed the dregs of a beer off the table, and dumped it over her head.
Note to all: don't mess with puzzlebox. :P
I left immediately and she went nuts over SMS (apparently it's ok to tip drinks on people as long as their clothes are not expensive). Don't think we'll be hanging out any more.
At the bar, a "friend" deliberately tipped a drink on me while I was talking to other people (i.e. she was not the centre of attention at that moment). I laughed it off and continued, then a few minutes later she did it again. I was literally soaking wet, so I turned around, grabbed the dregs of a beer off the table, and dumped it over her head.
Note to all: don't mess with puzzlebox. :P
I left immediately and she went nuts over SMS (apparently it's ok to tip drinks on people as long as their clothes are not expensive). Don't think we'll be hanging out any more.
If I didn't know your friend I might just think she was drinking and split some beer on you, then you went nuts. Or did she show focus, intention and like pour it on you?
At the bar, a "friend" deliberately tipped a drink on me while I was talking to other people (i.e. she was not the centre of attention at that moment). I laughed it off and continued, then a few minutes later she did it again. I was literally soaking wet, so I turned around, grabbed the dregs of a beer off the table, and dumped it over her head.
Note to all: don't mess with puzzlebox. :P
I left immediately and she went nuts over SMS (apparently it's ok to tip drinks on people as long as their clothes are not expensive). Don't think we'll be hanging out any more.
I never thought you were Gangsta. Madam I bow to you.
At the bar, a "friend" deliberately tipped a drink on me while I was talking to other people (i.e. she was not the centre of attention at that moment). I laughed it off and continued, then a few minutes later she did it again. I was literally soaking wet, so I turned around, grabbed the dregs of a beer off the table, and dumped it over her head.
Note to all: don't mess with puzzlebox. :P
I left immediately and she went nuts over SMS (apparently it's ok to tip drinks on people as long as their clothes are not expensive). Don't think we'll be hanging out any more.
Or did she show focus, intention and like pour it on you?
She was sitting on the other side of the table. It was poured. Twice.
She claimed she'd always had "confident" friends who thought that stuff was funny. I told her she'd always had piss weak friends too afraid to tell her when she was being a bitch.
... I've probably never been that direct with someone before.
I would have screamed like a f'in maniac and gone apeshit if someone tipped drinks on me on purpose. I don't take that shit ONCE. Pulling that shit on me is the fastest way to see me lose my mind like some kind of psychotic.
I would have screamed like a f'in maniac and gone apeshit if someone tipped drinks on me on purpose. I don't take that shit ONCE.
Imagining you going apeshit on her kinda cracked me up. Thank you.
Bullies just really piss me off, I've seen too many to ignore that kind of behaviour as an adult.
Also, the word "apeshit" reminds me of this video, which I have watched at least 5 times now. It's a monkey cracking the sads over "unequal pay". Awesome.
.. I've probably never been that direct with someone before.
You push even a little rabbit too far and it's gonna get a bit bitey.
I remember when I was younger my typical response to this would be to deck the person in the face or throw the nearest object at them. Gee, now that I look back on it, I was a pretty aggressive person. A small angry chubby asian out for vengeance.
Now? I honestly have no idea what I would have done.
She was sitting on the other side of the table. It was poured. Twice.
She claimed she'd always had "confident" friends who thought that stuff was funny. I told her she'd always had piss weak friends too afraid to tell her when she was being a bitch.
... I've probably never been that direct with someone before.
You push even a little rabbit too far and it's gonna get a bit bitey.
There's too many idiot drivers, no one deserves to die like that. The whole thing pisses me off.
Got someone trying to convince people that Def Leppard is the greatest live band performance wise.
We're all going to die.
Not saying that scientists CAN'T be religious, but the two do tend to conflict. Also, as far as science goes, chemistry is one of the easiest sciences to resolve with religion because religion is relatively mum on how chemistry works and chemistry is relatively mum on how religion works.
It's a good deal harder to resolve, say, biology where you're constantly confronted with issues like twins. I honestly don't understand twins. Not fraternal twins, mind you. Identical twins. According to religious tradition, the moment egg and sperm join the resulting zygote is infused with a soul. But identical twins result when a zygote (or the subsequent morula) splits and then forms two separate individuals from the same DNA (instead of using the totipotent cells to make a single individual). It's hard to resolve what happens to the soul at this point from the perspective of a scientist. Did it split? Did one twin get the soul and the other did not? If so, which one? Or maybe ensoulment doesn't come until later, which would make stem cell research a viable and morally okay option.
I tried asking religious people about that and they just got upset when I used "zygote" instead of "baby" and accused me of trying to confuse them with scientific terms. But it's questions like this that make it difficult to accept both because thinking rationally and deeply about simple things in life, leads one to ask questions for which there is no satisfying answer that also agrees with religious teachings.
I would like to point out that the soul, as used in the above context, is not native to the original Christian conception and is more akin to Greek infusions of what the soul is. The Judaism root did not believe in an afterlife or a soul that ascended to it. As a part of progressive revelation teachings subscribed to by the church, the notion of the soul is teased out by about 700 B.C. You can see evidence of this in the Book of Ecclesiastes, which ponders what happens to a man after they die, and even says that nobody knows if man is different from an animal in their death.
By 700 B.C. You start to see divine revelations that impart knowledge of an eternal kingdom and some sort of solid afterlife. By the time of Christs birth thus leads to a schism in Judaism in the religious leaders, with one camp believing in an afterlife, and the more traditional believing there is none.
Without meaning to offend anyone, it's my belief that if there is a soul, it's not pre existing. It isn't placed in anyone, but is emergent, a sort of collective memory developed through life either long or short. Christianity and Judaism certainly do not normally subscribe to pre existence, or the thought that the soul is placed into man and existed beforehand. Traditionally they do not, anyway. At best they say the soul is developed in man sometime during birth, that the spirit is formed in the womb sometime during development.
This argument simply isn't true. People are all different. There simply is no argument.
Dr. Fred Alan Wolf quantum spiritualist and physicist
Dr. Dan Winter another quantum spiritualist and physicist
Brian David Josephson won a noble prize ( any one here win a noble prize?) studies intangible subjects like the soul , is a leading expert in parapsychology.
Nassim Haramein, genius and physicist , studies sacred Geometry and Unified Fields
Laura Eisenhower physicist , worked at NASA , and is a spiritualist
Dr. Steven Greer worked on backward engineered technology ( so the record says) has spiritualistic views.
Some one I met on line a student in physics , father worked for NASA and both of them are spiritualists ....
Bruce Greyson, MD, PhD, (United Nations, speaks about life after complete flat lined brain wave activity , is a spiritualist )
Another world expert, Phd, a genius in neurology has some spiritual views...
Ervin Laszlo another PHD ...
Charles Gilchrist , artist and mathematical genius, another spiritualist.
And do we even need to go into how many scientists had religious backgrounds in the scientific revolution and how they remained religious throughout their lives?
William A. Tiller, Ph.D. is professor emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University...spiritualist.
Any one who argues that there is no link to spiritualism and science ESPECIALLY on the quantum level is closed minded.
I've spoken my mind. That's enough for now. I've given you reputable sources and they can stand in as a factual example for how the two have been constantly connected in this decade and prior. Spiritualism and science. It's not a argument, it's a fact.
Southern Jameson West
I could list spiritual scientists from this point on literally until tomorrow
I also find it saddening that the main response I've gotten has been specific examples of occurrences that do not exactly line up with my initial statement rather than a cohesive argument of any sort. I mean, I could respond with my lists of famous scientists who were atheists, but that would hardly be an argument.
Well, honestly I love this point that you have made. I completely agree, and I think you got this all dead on.
I couldn't imagine any one saying it better.
I agree with everything you said. I generally prefer agnosticism over atheism but like you said the examples of scientists who were atheist, hardly makes for an argument .
Yes, I have selective reading some times. I apologize, this particular subject gets me nancey .
Eh, it's cool. I have those subjects myself. And it's easy for discussion points to get lost in a message board. Especially when said discussion is a huge wall o' text like I tend to write.
I thought it would never come this year. Now I just have to get rid of that damn persistant cold.
Ran out of keys... :O
Vitamin C and Chicken Noodle Soup. Beleive me it works wonders.
Ah, but as the LORD is all-knowing, He was aware of impending cellular split(s), and therefore allocated the requisite number of souls to the initial zygote, as multiple people may ride the bus at once. Therefore, destroying a zygote that has yet to split in two is in fact twice as sinful. This is also why human cloning by scientists is evil, despite being basically the same process as identical twins are made, as the LORD must then allocate souls off-cycle. The LORD is not big on overtime (see that seventh-day-of-rest thing).
Actually, I just made that up. I have no idea.
While I own a cellphone now, the battery stopped working in early August. I ordered a new one right away, it never arrived.
Still yesterday, I went and bought a new phone. Transferred the card from the old one to the new one, lost all my numbers but kept my credit.
I had 65 euros left, to expire in a while. It didn't let me call customer service. Or rather, since the waiting time is free, it let me call, wait, get to the point where I'd be connected to someone, and then it just said "call over". I did it a bunch of times before I realised it thought I had no credit left.
I added the minimum, five euros. As a result, my WHOLE credit now expires in 6 days instead of the previous, much later date.
AND it still didn't work. I had to call another number, the number they use for non-customers.
Got someone on the other line. He said "your account has been cancelled". WTF? "I used it just yesterday" I tell him.
"I'm going to transfer you", he said.
So I wait again. Talk to a woman now. She tells me my account was cancelled by someone opening a new line on top of mine and erasing mine. My neighbour just moved in so I figure that's what it was. She confirms by telling me the name of the person who replaced my account.
Then she says because the whole line was cancelled, they need to open a new one, with a new number, and that they'll send someone to do that within three weeks, after which it should take another week or two to be back.
"Don't worry", she reassured me "these are generous estimates. It usually doesn't take more than two weeks overall".
Great, only two weeks with no contact with my boyfriend or friends. Lovely.
Then she says she needs to do some complicated manipulations that would take too long, and that she'll call me back. However she doesn't have my new cellphone number. Neither do I. For some reason she can't detect it even though I'm calling from it.
She gives me a number to call, that will just say my number to me. I write it down. She says "Then wait, I'll call you back. Don't call back or you'll get someone else".
I point out that it will be hard for her to call me back without a number. It takes explaining that a few times before she understands the concept.
She gives me a number to call back at, so that I get the right service directly. Then I hang up.
I get my cell number fine. Then, I call the other number she gave me to get the right service, and it says I don't have enough credit. I don't know the number to call them from just any phone, which worked for customer service. So I end up calling customer service.
Rinse repeat the waiting, being transferred and waiting. This time I end up with a guy. I explain the situation, he tells me he'll fix it right away. I ask if I need to take an appointment for the person they'll send. He tells me they won't send anyone. Er, okay?
I then give him my number so he can update the file. He assures me I'll get a text message when I can plug my modem back in and have my connection back. He says it should take a week or two.
Then I hang up. Decided to listen to my remaining credit on my phone, which was 70 euros when I started. It tells me it's 27 euros. WTF?
Oh, and I'm on a hotspot right now.
And yet I feel compelled to make a rational response.
That's the best news I've heard all day sir. Congratulations !
Do you miss Minitel yet? Or are you too young for that? Anyway, hope you get re-connected soon!
Maybe I'll post my totally religious thoughts on why helium balloons rise. (Hint: God loves hydrogen and helium the best. That's why those are the two most abundant elements in the universe. Because face it, if you created the universe, wouldn't you fill it with stuff you liked?)
Finally something positive and a hope for all humanity!
I think I'll sleep well tonight.
Okay okay I shouldn't have said that about your mother. It was way out of line. I'm sorry.
Note to all: don't mess with puzzlebox. :P
I left immediately and she went nuts over SMS (apparently it's ok to tip drinks on people as long as their clothes are not expensive). Don't think we'll be hanging out any more.
If I didn't know your friend I might just think she was drinking and split some beer on you, then you went nuts.
I never thought you were Gangsta. Madam I bow to you.
Man, I loved Minitel! Not too young. It was so cool.
Ouch. You've got my sympathies.
She was sitting on the other side of the table. It was poured. Twice.
She claimed she'd always had "confident" friends who thought that stuff was funny. I told her she'd always had piss weak friends too afraid to tell her when she was being a bitch.
... I've probably never been that direct with someone before.
You push even a little rabbit too far and it's gonna get a bit bitey.
Allow me to illustrate. Christian Bale.
Also this.
Yeah pretty much this!
Imagining you going apeshit on her kinda cracked me up.
Bullies just really piss me off, I've seen too many to ignore that kind of behaviour as an adult.
Also, the word "apeshit" reminds me of this video, which I have watched at least 5 times now. It's a monkey cracking the sads over "unequal pay". Awesome.
I remember when I was younger my typical response to this would be to deck the person in the face or throw the nearest object at them. Gee, now that I look back on it, I was a pretty aggressive person. A small angry chubby asian out for vengeance.
Now? I honestly have no idea what I would have done.
Does it feel damn good to be a gangster?
Good for you. She had to learn some how. She sounds ignorant at best.
This is why you drink with professionals.