Of course you like it, you always enjoy it when people on the forums get confused about your gender.
I'm not sure what's worse, that he sees me as a corrupt official or that he thought Martin was a good name for me.
I asked her what she wanted me to change it, but she said it was fine. As for your name, I couldn’t come up with anything else. What would you prefer?
And besides, I was just throwing stuff out just for dramatic effect. Also, I don’t see you as a corrupt official, It’s just fiction. I could have made it a lot worse.
CD Project Red are still incapable of patching a game on Steam. No I will not redownload the entire Witcher 2 just because these guys are incapable to do what other companies can (and I am sure they do it on purpose to push players towards the COCK version of the game). Don't expect my money for your next game.
16GB takes 48 hours for me to download without anything else using my internet at the same time. I am not going to do that a second time until I can be sure there will be no more updates.
Playing on Live is basically as good as playing most PC games online, while PSN is....I don't know what the hell they're trying to do, but it's not "let me play a game online with a consistent feature set". Of course, for the 360 you really have to play with people you know because the community is *awful*, but that's to be expected.
I'm just saying it's one thing to charge for premium online features, and another to charge to have any at all. Depends on what online multiplayer means to someone as to whether they care to pay extra for it.
Also, the internet community in general is *awful* in most places. I did google searches yesterday for "how do I cancel installing a game on my ps3" and "what happens if I turn my ps3 off during an install", and found a thread someone started on the official Playstation forums where someone was talking about the annoyance of the PS3 monopolizing the system for an install and wishing they could cancel it. The majority of replies were akin to "Boo hoo it takes 3-5 minutes to install get over it you idiot why does it even matter." Rude people abound on the net, not just on XBL.
Translation: If you care that, to upgrade your hard drive on a 360, you're paying in excess of $100 more for a replacement hard drive than on a PC or PS3.
exactly my point. Also, available capacity sizes run larger for PS3 as a result.
I'm going to try to flesh out my Project Cupid idea.
(I'm using Google Drive to create a document I can edit on the fly with all my ideas on. After all, I am naturally predispositioned to write/type, so it makes sense to get this somewhere (and since my handwriting is so crappy and my physical organisation terrible, this seems like a good idea))
Still debating whether to go for a Top-down Zelda-ish/RPG overworld. (So tile based sprite mapping/design) Or a metroid-vania/zelda 2 sidescrolling overworld.
Either one can work well, since the driving mechanic of the game is the conversation/investigation element.
I think I might have a name for the protagonist as well. Hiro Aijin
I'm just saying it's one thing to charge for premium online features, and another to charge to have any at all. Depends on what online multiplayer means to someone as to whether they care to pay extra for it.
I think you're missing the part where I'm essentially saying both options suck for different reasons. The 360 is a shitty console. The PS3 is a shitty console. The Wii is a shitty console. They're all awful.
I think you're missing the part where I'm essentially saying both options suck for different reasons. The 360 is a shitty console. The PS3 is a shitty console. The Wii is a shitty console. They're all awful.
I know you better than to think you're defending 360 even though this sounds like you are. Flawed hardware design is flawed hardware design, and fixing by the time they did when they did is too little too late to excuse it ever happening in the first place.
Playing on Live is basically as good as playing most PC games online, while PSN is....I don't know what the hell they're trying to do, but it's not "let me play a game online with a consistent feature set". Of course, for the 360 you really have to play with people you know because the community is *awful*, but that's to be expected.
Sounds like you're trying to say XBL's community is not Microsoft's fault and that therefore shouldn't be blamed for the number of whiners, kids and trolls.
Translation: If you care that, to upgrade your hard drive on a 360, you're paying in excess of $100 more for a replacement hard drive than on a PC or PS3.
What this all sounds like, per se, is that 360 has improved enough to at least now suck less than PS3, albeit Microsoft is still a money grubbing whore.
I know better than to think that's what you meant, though.
I know you better than to think you're defending 360 even though this sounds like you are.
Not defending, just stating that factually speaking the issue was fixed earlier than the Slim model by a pretty wide margin. A slim 360 isn't any better than a more recently-produced original 360 in this regard, you just have to know when your 360 was manufactured.
As someone whose launch 360 died a week out of warranty, requiring a week and a half's worth of phone calls to an outsourced Indian call center, I'm not handwaving shitty failed hardware. I *am* saying that the Red Ring itself stopped existing not long afterwards(though the crash itself did, they just indicated it differently for PR reasons ಠ_ಠ), and the actual ISSUE was fixed well before the Slim model came into existence. Your statement was just factually incorrect, in that the Slim model didn't FIX the red ring.
Sounds like you're trying to say XBL's community is not Microsoft's fault and that therefore shouldn't be blamed for the number of whiners, kids and trolls.
...Well, it's not?
When entering into a large enough internet community, that community is going to be awful. At a certain mass, every community just sort of starts to go really bad. People hate Reddit because the culture of larger subreddits is universally awful.
If you make an open community for average intelligence people and let more than a certain number of people in, everything just falls apart.
Doesn't mean it doesn't matter that it sucks though. Because it still sucks. You just can't reasonably expect to go online on a major console, play a major title, and NOT realize your'e going to be knee-deep in shit.
What this all sounds like, per se, is that 360 has improved enough to at least now suck less than PS3, albeit Microsoft is still a money grubbing whore.
No, it means that I can't upgrade the hard drive in my 360 because they're charging TB-size prices for quarter-TB sizes. And that sucks. Your comment only covered that you don't have choices, but it didn't cover the absurd insanity of what Microsoft is actually charging for these hard drives. There's proprietary pricing and there is "I'd rather be anally raped" pricing, and Microsoft's HDD pricing is comfortably in the latter camp.
I didn't mind the avoid the rocks minigame in Space Quest...or an item being hidden in the ground behind a building...or Roger having a secret item not listed in the inventory...but the slot machine minigame was ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT. Who in their right mind would want to sit and play a minigame in which you keep using a button until you win by pure chance. Screw that noise, man.
I asked her what she wanted me to change it, but she said it was fine. As for your name, I couldn’t come up with anything else. What would you prefer?
And besides, I was just throwing stuff out just for dramatic effect. Also, I don’t see you as a corrupt official, It’s just fiction. I could have made it a lot worse.
And I totally would have written The Kansas City Carver.
I meant this Rita. You can be happy now.
You hope it wasn't? You have poor taste.
My taste is just fine!
That was my real reaction.
I was wrong. THIS is sexier, even for a movie about Jesus.
I changed my mind. This is the Rita you kiss.
That is the best friggin reference I have seen in a long time here.
Yeah, I love that movie.
P.S., you’re the butler.
Because it's always the butler.
I'm probably the first to go lol
16GB takes 48 hours for me to download without anything else using my internet at the same time. I am not going to do that a second time until I can be sure there will be no more updates.
Why should this mean yopu are not the murderer?
That or he gets killed, if this is a retelling of Clue. (That's Cluedo for you folks across the pond.)
I knew you would say that, and no, I wrote a murder sequence for him, too. Sorry to disappoint.
Also, the internet community in general is *awful* in most places. I did google searches yesterday for "how do I cancel installing a game on my ps3" and "what happens if I turn my ps3 off during an install", and found a thread someone started on the official Playstation forums where someone was talking about the annoyance of the PS3 monopolizing the system for an install and wishing they could cancel it. The majority of replies were akin to "Boo hoo it takes 3-5 minutes to install get over it you idiot why does it even matter." Rude people abound on the net, not just on XBL.
exactly my point. Also, available capacity sizes run larger for PS3 as a result.
(I'm using Google Drive to create a document I can edit on the fly with all my ideas on. After all, I am naturally predispositioned to write/type, so it makes sense to get this somewhere (and since my handwriting is so crappy and my physical organisation terrible, this seems like a good idea))
Still debating whether to go for a Top-down Zelda-ish/RPG overworld. (So tile based sprite mapping/design) Or a metroid-vania/zelda 2 sidescrolling overworld.
Either one can work well, since the driving mechanic of the game is the conversation/investigation element.
I think I might have a name for the protagonist as well. Hiro Aijin
I know you better than to think you're defending 360 even though this sounds like you are. Flawed hardware design is flawed hardware design, and fixing by the time they did when they did is too little too late to excuse it ever happening in the first place.
Sounds like you're trying to say XBL's community is not Microsoft's fault and that therefore shouldn't be blamed for the number of whiners, kids and trolls.
What this all sounds like, per se, is that 360 has improved enough to at least now suck less than PS3, albeit Microsoft is still a money grubbing whore.
I know better than to think that's what you meant, though.
What you meant is "The consoles suck. Get a PC."
As someone whose launch 360 died a week out of warranty, requiring a week and a half's worth of phone calls to an outsourced Indian call center, I'm not handwaving shitty failed hardware. I *am* saying that the Red Ring itself stopped existing not long afterwards(though the crash itself did, they just indicated it differently for PR reasons ಠ_ಠ), and the actual ISSUE was fixed well before the Slim model came into existence. Your statement was just factually incorrect, in that the Slim model didn't FIX the red ring.
...Well, it's not?
When entering into a large enough internet community, that community is going to be awful. At a certain mass, every community just sort of starts to go really bad. People hate Reddit because the culture of larger subreddits is universally awful.
If you make an open community for average intelligence people and let more than a certain number of people in, everything just falls apart.
Doesn't mean it doesn't matter that it sucks though. Because it still sucks. You just can't reasonably expect to go online on a major console, play a major title, and NOT realize your'e going to be knee-deep in shit.
No, it means that I can't upgrade the hard drive in my 360 because they're charging TB-size prices for quarter-TB sizes. And that sucks. Your comment only covered that you don't have choices, but it didn't cover the absurd insanity of what Microsoft is actually charging for these hard drives. There's proprietary pricing and there is "I'd rather be anally raped" pricing, and Microsoft's HDD pricing is comfortably in the latter camp.
The spambots made you do it.
They're earl grey chiffon cakes with elderflower italian buttercream swirls. Labor of love!