Its Jan 5th...



  • edited January 2007
    I think it's better to watch ever 15 or 30 minutes otherwise you would be go crazy and it brings nothing for your F5-key on your keyboard and for you cause in this short time nothing will be change.
  • edited January 2007
    Whoa, F5 is refresh? Now I can refresh even quicker!
  • edited January 2007
    You can't :p
  • edited January 2007
    I think it's january 5th all around the world now... I WANT MY GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:(
  • edited January 2007
    Yes, it's 16h (4 pm) here in France, hopefully I slept until 3... but ! It was calculated, We want to plaaaaayy :'(
  • edited January 2007
    Well someone said we may be waiting until 8 or so tonight so that's another 5 hours.
    This should waste some time:
  • edited January 2007
    If you want to waste some time try Jay Is Games. They even reviewed Sam and Max there, so you know it's good.
  • edited January 2007
    Here's a timewaster for you:

    They're posting a daily flash-based dis-or-dat round, and it's even still hosted by Cookie. You can play the past ones too :)
  • edited January 2007
    i hope i can play the game tody:D
    i want to play no:mad:
  • edited January 2007
    It is already the 6th here in japan now too =P
  • edited January 2007
    it`s not funny :mad:
  • edited January 2007
    I love this shi* it's like christmas ... We're gonna have Christmas 5 more times this year :)

    Yeeeekaaw !
  • edited January 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    I just got to work, and it's 6:30 am. We're GMT -8, so if you're in the UK you just need to subtract 8 hours.

    Man we gotta give him more respect. He has been posting in the blog all night, and there he is at work at 6:30 AM. God bless you :)
  • edited January 2007
    OK. It's already 7 pm our time. If the game is coming in another 5 hours hopefully, it would be midnight, and I have important work tomorrow morning. Afternoon is the worst time to enjoy quite game playing with a baby in the house :(

    So can you make exception and let me play the game first? :o
  • edited January 2007
    I have seen Eragon at the cinema.
    Still nothing? :D
  • edited January 2007
    Well, on the West Coast office hours start in 45 minutes... let's see if the game comes up within an hour or so.
  • edited January 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Here's a timewaster for you:

    They're posting a daily flash-based dis-or-dat round, and it's even still hosted by Cookie. You can play the past ones too :)

    This is awesome! I didn't know Jellyvision still was in business! I will name my first child after you, tabacco, as thanks for this.
    Winckle wrote: »
    I have seen Eragon at the cinema.
    Still nothing? :D

    I have met the author. Sort of... he lives close to my university in MT, USA.
  • edited January 2007
    I didn't know the book before but i'm going to read it. I really enjoyed the film.
    I guess : H-3!
    I'm going to watch Zoolander on the french TV with Ben Stiller. It's a new way to waste time. :D Here, it is 17h17!
  • edited January 2007
    It's about 6pm here in Germany and still no Sam + Max :( How much longer do we have to wait?

    I too would like to have a countdown on the front page.
  • edited January 2007
    Aw man, its 3:20 in the morning in Australia..
    I don't know how much longer i can hold out.
  • edited January 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    This is awesome! I didn't know Jellyvision still was in business! I will name my first child after you, tabacco, as thanks for this.

    Heh... they self-published another You Don't Know Jack game a couple years ago, too. It's closer to the first three games than to The Ride, though, since they were probably on a pretty tight budget.
  • edited January 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Here's a timewaster for you:

    They're posting a daily flash-based dis-or-dat round, and it's even still hosted by Cookie. You can play the past ones too :)

    Haha! Thank you for that link! :D
  • edited January 2007
    I am a huge Jellyvision fan, myself. I'm excited that they're still publishing YDKJ. I think I'll have to order a few more games, now.
  • edited January 2007
    are we there yet?
  • edited January 2007
    13:30 here in Chile... and I don't know why I'm waiting so expectantly: I will not download it anyway until I get home in about 5 more hours...
  • edited January 2007
    Here's another proposal of what to do if you

    a) are from Germany and like the band "Die Ärzte" or
    b) are from somewhere else and don't mind the language of songs (as they are German) but like punk / rock music.

    "Die Ärzte" played live Sylvester in Cologne and - well the complete concert can be downloaded by track at

    They played from 9PM to 0.15 AM on the first, so hopefuly THAT should do to waste the time until the episode release... :-)

    Quality is not that good but worth to listen to...
  • edited January 2007
    Thx, but i know songs from this band and this songs are only good if the text can be understand.
  • edited January 2007

    For those of us who don't have time for regular TV or commercials.
  • edited January 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Heh... they self-published another You Don't Know Jack game a couple years ago, too. It's closer to the first three games than to The Ride, though, since they were probably on a pretty tight budget.

    I just noticed that by checking out their store... awesome. I thought they went belly up sometime after "The Ride."

    Must buy new games when I get back to the States... otherwise, my collection will not be complete.
  • edited January 2007
    Derwin wrote: »
    I just noticed that by checking out their store... awesome. I thought they went belly up sometime after "The Ride."

    Must buy new games when I get back to the States... otherwise, my collection will not be complete.

    Nah... after Sierra bought Berkeley Systems and then Sierra got bought by a series of companies, the You Don't Know Jack series kind of went away, but Jellyvision has always been its own company. I really miss bezerk, though, which was Berkeley Systems' online games site. It had stuff like YDKJ: The Netshow and Acrophobia, which were both really great games.
  • edited January 2007
    i just received a mail from telltale games an hour a go
    and day say
    (Hi Peter,

    It’s only 8:00 in the morning in California. J

    We will be releasing the game to people who preordered in a few hours, and to everyone else a little while after that.

  • edited January 2007
    Preordered? As in 'bought the whole season'?
  • edited January 2007
    As in ordered the game before it was released.

    Have you been bothering the nice people at Telltale Bosman? Tut tut.:p
  • edited January 2007
    thats somthing i don`t now
  • edited January 2007
    Yeekaaw I hope this thingabob of an email is true !
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, once again, please don't email support or the info address asking what time the release will be. it only takes our time away from actually getting the game out.
  • edited January 2007
    Lol same thing as Episode 1 release ... thank god that i am occupied :D i am gonna distract myself and check in in about 5 hours, that should do it ;D
  • NeyNey
    edited January 2007
    Damn, I went to work in the hopes of sam & max being released when i got off. Guess I have to go make dinner now while i wait instead of ordering pizza while playing as planned :D

    Edit: oh and Grim Fandango helps while waiting :)
  • edited January 2007
    Come Oooooooooooooon!!!!
  • edited January 2007
    maybe the are counting how many people are wating for the episode. When i got in, 40 users were browsing this section and now it reached 105. I wonder how far it will go :p
This discussion has been closed.