Also, tomorrow I'll probably make Capcom Are Jerks thread and start moving posts around.
There's no point to that. This all belongs in the general Nintendo 3DS topic and you'd just be making a new topic just for the sake of making a new topic.
And yeah, the Robin Williams commercials are pretty cool, but if you're going to do a Zelda commercial with a guy with a huge grey beard, you should at least take the opportunity to have him in character as somebody from the game. The series is full of huge-bearded gentleman.
how is it rubbing salt in our wounds? The games are in America except Edgeworth 2.
Has anyone been watching the 3D video channel videos? Oscar's Oasis is actually surprisingly decent. Kind of like the Scrat scenes from the ice age films.
Has anyone been watching the 3D video channel videos? Oscar's Oasis is actually surprisingly decent. Kind of like the Scrat scenes from the ice age films.
Can't. That apparantly comes out in the US today.
Dont see any sign of that though.
There's no point to that. This all belongs in the general Nintendo 3DS topic and you'd just be making a new topic just for the sake of making a new topic.
I agree. While some of the things mentioned aren't directly related to the 3DS, the discussion hasn't been taken over by the Capcom discussion, it's not a new topic on its own and frankly the "discussion" is done and wouldn't go anywhere in a new thread.
There's no point to that. This all belongs in the general Nintendo 3DS topic and you'd just be making a new topic just for the sake of making a new topic.
I agree. While some of the things mentioned aren't directly related to the 3DS, the discussion hasn't been taken over by the Capcom discussion, it's not a new topic on its own and frankly the "discussion" is done and wouldn't go anywhere in a new thread.
...Wait, you guys actually thought I was going to do it?
Still, this sort of insubordination will not do. Excuse me while I think up some consequences.
...Wait, you guys actually thought I was going to do it?
Still, this sort of insubordination will not do. Excuse me while I think up some consequences.
A friend of mine would kill me if I didn't suggest rape right now. Don't ask me how that became a mini-meme in one of my circles of friends, as I have no idea.
Now for a realistic suggestion: Burn the heathens! Cleanse their souls with flames for they have sinned against the almighty moderators!
A friend of mine would kill me if I didn't suggest rape right now. Don't ask me how that became a mini-meme in one of my circles of friends, as I have no idea.
So here's the Zero Punctuation review. He makes some interesting points, as a newcomer to that game but not to the series. Funny stuff as always.
Loved it.
I love how he is like "I cant believe how easy the water dungeon was, go to the room you havent explored people come on! Yes I am saying Im smarter than you guys when you were 8".
Or how he says Skyward Sword could have been the best game ever this generation, but nintendo instead published the games cheat sheet.
Skyward Sword has to be able to stand up on it's own, cheat sheet or not. If it ends up being too similar, people will call it out on that, even if Ocarina of Time 3D never existed.
Skyward Sword has to be able to stand up on it's own, cheat sheet or not. If it ends up being too similar, people will call it out on that, even if Ocarina of Time 3D never existed.
I think he was mainly talking about the generation that didnt know of Ocarina of Time.
Which is kind of hard to do if you think about it.
From what kotaku have said, it seems that the 3DS is going to have a huge price drop when August 12th rolls around.
To compensate, early adopters are getting 20 free Virtual console games, 10 GBA and 10 NES.
To qualify, 3DS users have to have been logged onto the eShop before 12th August.
Now in September 1st, early adopters will be able to download 10 NES games including:
Super Mario Bros.™, Donkey Kong Jr.™, Balloon Fight™, Ice Climber™ and The Legend of Zelda™,
(I love all of those! )
Once the paid versions of the games are released in Nintendo eShop later in the year, the updated versions will be available to Ambassadors for download at no cost
And by the end of this year 10 GBA titles will be available to us "Ambassadors"
Including: Yoshi’s Island™: Super Mario™ Advance 3, Mario Kart™: Super Circuit, Metroid™ Fusion, WarioWare™, Inc.: Minigame Mania and Mario vs. Donkey Kong™.
(I own all of those, but I have to admit, its an incredibly nice gesture)
Nintendo currently has no plans to make these 10 games available to the general public on Nintendo 3DS in the future.
EDIT: Since I got my 3DS, Super Street Fighter 4, and Ghost Recon about the retail price of the console itself, I am absolutely laughing! XD
Finally! Now they just need to bring the good games. Ocarina is a good start, and enough to make me get it come august 12, but I want my Ace Attorney, Layton and Kirby fix already!
Nintendo, if one of the GBA games is Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga, we will be best friends forever.
Loved that game.
Been playing the Golf Game that came out today, and its not so bad.
(I normally hate golf games)
Its like the everybody's golf games.
Its a 3D version of a iphone/android game, and the 3d effect is quite obviously mediocre.
8 characters, with equipment that changes stats
Characters level up the more you use them.
Each character has their own special ability.
Courses can have obstacles like animals ect.
I've played worse games for £5.40.
(Still cheaper than most 3DS games, and most of those are real stinkers...)
So the DS goes from $149.99 to $129.99 on August 21, 2005, a $20 cut 10 months after launch.
The DSi went from $169.99 to $149.99, a $20 cut 20 months after launch.
The 3DS goes from $249.99 to $169.99, an $80 cut 5 months after launch.
I think its a rather clever strategy meself.
I guess they released early, with a high price, to get the people who were going to get it anyway.
Make a good chunk of profit.
Then, when sales dry up, and competition comes into play, drop the price, make the competitor sweat, and bribe the early adopters with free stuff to stop them from getting too mad.
As I said before, I got my 3DS pretty cheap anyway, so I'm not angry.
(Retailers in the UK have dropped the prices early, which is no suprise, since they drop the prices of most videogame stuff these days)
EDIT: Plus don't forget, consoles tend to sell best around christmas, so by dropping that price, Nintendo is trying to draw attention, and help sell the games that are coming out in that period.
(I guess Ocarina of Time 3D was a test to see how sales would spike.)
Nintendo are not a company flailing around and trying to snag a rope, companies that do that tend to be very vocal, and blame this and that for stuff.
EDIT 2: Plus now that I think about it, Nintendo must have been trying to take advantage of a console-less period.
No new Xbox
No new PS3
No new Wii (not yet, thats planned for next year)
No new PSP (not until the end of the year)
If Nintendo really cared about the Ambassadors, they'd release all the GBA pokemon games and give them.
But if they're not releasing them later, they'd miss out on a shit ton of money.
There are two reasons I want a 3DS; Paper Mario and Every Pokemon Game on Virtual Console.
I'd imagine that they will release the GBA games, they just haven't finalised anything.
Plus looking at the virtual console releases so far, they normally release all the crap stuff first, then bring out the good stuff later on.
Plus with Pokemon stuff, they would need to figure out how to do connections and that, which would likely take some time.
(well, it wouldn't take much time at all, but Nintendo like to make excuses)
...I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. This is not a "clever strategy". During the last 3 months, Nintendo has lost 25.5 billion yen(approx. $330 million USD). Along with the price drop news came the news that, oh by the way, Nintendo is cutting its operating profit forecast from $2.2 billion to $449 million.
You don't lose $330 million dollars, say you expect to get about 2 billion dollars less than you said you would about six months ago, and drop in a very early and very drastic(relative to company history) price cut with a rushed compensation program unless, frankly, things are not financially going according to plan.
...I'm not sure you know what you're talking about. This is not a "clever strategy". During the last 3 months, Nintendo has lost 25.5 billion yen(approx. $330 million USD). Along with the price drop news came the news that, oh by the way, Nintendo is cutting its operating profit forecast from $2.2 billion to $449 million.
You don't lose $330 million dollars, say you expect to get about 2 billion dollars less than you said you would about six months ago, and drop in a very early and very drastic(relative to company history) price cut with a rushed compensation program unless, frankly, things are not financially going according to plan.
EXACTLY. They've even admitted themselves that they don't think the Ambassador games will even be fully complete by their release date. Saying you'll have to upgrade for free to the payed versions when they come out to get the instruction manuals and multiplayer features.
Still, I'm not too annoyed at the moment. Unless the thing drops to below £100. And I get 20 free games out of it, ones I'll actually play too (The original NES mario, Mario advance 3, Metroid fusion (hopefully zero mission too, as I don't have that one), Warioware and others yet to be announced.
So the ambassador sign up confuses me.
I just go to the eshop and thats it?
I got the Zelda GBC game today, and I got no notification when I started the eshop up.
Did anyone else get a notification or do we just assume this worked?
I don't believe that there is any notification in place at this time
Well thats stupid. How hard is it to say "yep, your an ambassador." on the eshop when you log in. Now Im going to be paranoid all the way till September 1st.
Well considering Ocarina of Time 3D was co-developed with Grezzo, I don't see a Majoras Mask remake being implausable.
It all comes down to wether Nintendo thinks its worthwhile doing.
As for Megaman Legends 3, you can't blame Nintendo for that.
I bet they are just as mad at Capcom as anyone else.
(considering the prototype was supposed to be a eShop launch title...)
Nintendo has already said Mask is being discussed but will only be done if enough love and support is shown to the game. Yeah, well, I heard that same bullshit from Capcom.
There's no point to that. This all belongs in the general Nintendo 3DS topic and you'd just be making a new topic just for the sake of making a new topic.
how is it rubbing salt in our wounds? The games are in America except Edgeworth 2.
Oh. My. God. Yes.
Can't. That apparantly comes out in the US today.
Dont see any sign of that though.
Eh, MvC3 sucked and their plan is to make UMvC3 even simplier then ScrubVScrub.
...Wait, you guys actually thought I was going to do it?
Still, this sort of insubordination will not do. Excuse me while I think up some consequences.
Ah, shut it, ya doof. Ji. BnM allyawan, Schopenhauer, ya not block us. Yakwe bro.
A friend of mine would kill me if I didn't suggest rape right now. Don't ask me how that became a mini-meme in one of my circles of friends, as I have no idea.
Now for a realistic suggestion: Burn the heathens! Cleanse their souls with flames for they have sinned against the almighty moderators!
... what the... how...?
That's a yes by the way. He lives down the road from me. Small world. I'm creeped out now!
So here's the Zero Punctuation review. He makes some interesting points, as a newcomer to that game but not to the series. Funny stuff as always.
Loved it.
I love how he is like "I cant believe how easy the water dungeon was, go to the room you havent explored people come on! Yes I am saying Im smarter than you guys when you were 8".
Or how he says Skyward Sword could have been the best game ever this generation, but nintendo instead published the games cheat sheet.
I think he was mainly talking about the generation that didnt know of Ocarina of Time.
Which is kind of hard to do if you think about it.
To compensate, early adopters are getting 20 free Virtual console games, 10 GBA and 10 NES.
To qualify, 3DS users have to have been logged onto the eShop before 12th August.
Now in September 1st, early adopters will be able to download 10 NES games including:
Super Mario Bros.™, Donkey Kong Jr.™, Balloon Fight™, Ice Climber™ and The Legend of Zelda™,
(I love all of those!
Once the paid versions of the games are released in Nintendo eShop later in the year, the updated versions will be available to Ambassadors for download at no cost
And by the end of this year 10 GBA titles will be available to us "Ambassadors"
Including: Yoshi’s Island™: Super Mario™ Advance 3, Mario Kart™: Super Circuit, Metroid™ Fusion, WarioWare™, Inc.: Minigame Mania and Mario vs. Donkey Kong™.
(I own all of those, but I have to admit, its an incredibly nice gesture)
Nintendo currently has no plans to make these 10 games available to the general public on Nintendo 3DS in the future.
EDIT: Since I got my 3DS, Super Street Fighter 4, and Ghost Recon about the retail price of the console itself, I am absolutely laughing! XD
But I don't think any of those will be out before August 12th.
(Or many other games for that matter)
I personally haven't bought a 3DS title in a while, (though I have bought a lot of DSiware and DS games for it, as well as Xevious 3D).
The last one being Ocarina of Time 3D, (which I am trying not to play, as once I beat it, I won't have much motivation to finish it).
Americans seem to be getting Cave Story 3D on the 9th August, so I guess thats something...
(Nothing for us Europeans!
Loved that game.
Been playing the Golf Game that came out today, and its not so bad.
(I normally hate golf games)
Its like the everybody's golf games.
Its a 3D version of a iphone/android game, and the 3d effect is quite obviously mediocre.
8 characters, with equipment that changes stats
Characters level up the more you use them.
Each character has their own special ability.
Courses can have obstacles like animals ect.
I've played worse games for £5.40.
(Still cheaper than most 3DS games, and most of those are real stinkers...)
Dont have a facebook, but Ill be sure to tell my friends.
I want that game too.
The DS Lite went from $129.99 to $99.99, a $30 cut 63 months after launch.
The DSi went from $169.99 to $149.99, a $20 cut 20 months after launch.
The DSi XL went from $189.99 to $169.99, a $20 cut 6 months after launch.
The 3DS goes from $249.99 to $169.99, an $80 cut 5 months after launch.
I think its a rather clever strategy meself.
I guess they released early, with a high price, to get the people who were going to get it anyway.
Make a good chunk of profit.
Then, when sales dry up, and competition comes into play, drop the price, make the competitor sweat, and bribe the early adopters with free stuff to stop them from getting too mad.
As I said before, I got my 3DS pretty cheap anyway, so I'm not angry.
(Retailers in the UK have dropped the prices early, which is no suprise, since they drop the prices of most videogame stuff these days)
EDIT: Plus don't forget, consoles tend to sell best around christmas, so by dropping that price, Nintendo is trying to draw attention, and help sell the games that are coming out in that period.
(I guess Ocarina of Time 3D was a test to see how sales would spike.)
Nintendo are not a company flailing around and trying to snag a rope, companies that do that tend to be very vocal, and blame this and that for stuff.
EDIT 2: Plus now that I think about it, Nintendo must have been trying to take advantage of a console-less period.
No new Xbox
No new PS3
No new Wii (not yet, thats planned for next year)
No new PSP (not until the end of the year)
But if they're not releasing them later, they'd miss out on a shit ton of money.
There are two reasons I want a 3DS; Paper Mario and Every Pokemon Game on Virtual Console.
I'd imagine that they will release the GBA games, they just haven't finalised anything.
Plus looking at the virtual console releases so far, they normally release all the crap stuff first, then bring out the good stuff later on.
Plus with Pokemon stuff, they would need to figure out how to do connections and that, which would likely take some time.
(well, it wouldn't take much time at all, but Nintendo like to make excuses)
Well considering Ocarina of Time 3D was co-developed with Grezzo, I don't see a Majoras Mask remake being implausable.
It all comes down to wether Nintendo thinks its worthwhile doing.
As for Megaman Legends 3, you can't blame Nintendo for that.
I bet they are just as mad at Capcom as anyone else.
(considering the prototype was supposed to be a eShop launch title...)
You don't lose $330 million dollars, say you expect to get about 2 billion dollars less than you said you would about six months ago, and drop in a very early and very drastic(relative to company history) price cut with a rushed compensation program unless, frankly, things are not financially going according to plan.
EXACTLY. They've even admitted themselves that they don't think the Ambassador games will even be fully complete by their release date. Saying you'll have to upgrade for free to the payed versions when they come out to get the instruction manuals and multiplayer features.
Still, I'm not too annoyed at the moment. Unless the thing drops to below £100. And I get 20 free games out of it, ones I'll actually play too (The original NES mario, Mario advance 3, Metroid fusion (hopefully zero mission too, as I don't have that one), Warioware and others yet to be announced.
I just go to the eshop and thats it?
I got the Zelda GBC game today, and I got no notification when I started the eshop up.
Did anyone else get a notification or do we just assume this worked?
Well thats stupid. How hard is it to say "yep, your an ambassador." on the eshop when you log in. Now Im going to be paranoid all the way till September 1st.
Supposedly there's a chance Capcom is going to bring it back, but GoNintendo's search feature is down right now so I can't find the article.
I read about that, but I don't believe they'll do it.