It was months before I started getting some that wasnt my kid's 3DS... now I get them every once in a while... I averaged about 4 a day when I went to Orlando FL on vacation.. I usually get a couple when I visit Gamestop at the mall.
I'm assuming that mine is empty, since I've never taken my 3DS out of the house. It's the first system I've ever owned that's too pretty to put in my pocket (the only other non-standard color system I own being my Platinum GameCube), so I need to find some sort of case that I'm happy with.
I can already see what it will be like in 3D.. I hate random encounters and turn based fighting.. but I do not see how I can skip this one IF it makes its way over here in English.
Eh, I don't normally say this, but I can't see anyone but Itoi himself having the proper sensibilities and mindset to draw from to make a Mother game. The games are such a personal vision that I can't see it working for others.
I think the general consensus is Zelda Ocarina of time 3D, Mario Kart 7, Kid Icarus, Mario 3D land, Resident Evil Revelations, Metal Gear Solid and Pushmo (eShop only. There's also a supposedly decent nintendo made 3rd person tower defence game with an armadillo there too.)
I can't really say, as the only games I own are Zelda and Rayman 2 (which by the way is worth picking up if you haven't played it. One of the cheapest ones too.)
Plenty of stuff to look forward to: Luigi's mansion, Paper mario, animal crossing, Smash bros etc.
So the latest Nintendo direct announced some eshop Pokemon, NSMB2(the third in the series), and a new update for the 3ds.
The update includes the ability to patch games(Mario Kart 7 confirmed for this) and the ability to organize the menu with folders. Looks like the demos and games I don't play get a nice folder for me to ignore them easier now:p
So the latest Nintendo direct announced some eshop Pokemon, NSMB2(the third in the series), and a new update for the 3ds.
The update includes the ability to patch games(Mario Kart 7 confirmed for this) and the ability to organize the menu with folders. Looks like the demos and games I don't play get a nice folder for me to ignore them easier now:p
I hope to god that they can patch Blazblue: Continuum Shift.
(That port has quite a few issues)
But patching and folders are just what the console needed.
EDIT: Also patch in Circle Pad Plus support to stuff!
Sounds great! The amount of clutter on my home screen is unbelievable, thanks to the 20 free ambassador games. I think that's one of the reasons they chose to include the folder feature. Patching on the other hand is something that should have been in there from the start! I still can't believe that the wii never got it!
I wonder something though. The new version of the eShop Pokedex is one you'll have to pay for. Do you STILL have to wait for all the Pokemon? I love the Pokedex already, but I want my classic Pokemon. You know. Back before they ran out of ideas and made a trash bag into a Pokemon.
I bet you'll have to pay for it.. I could see them adding the use of AR cards.. you know at some point there will be Pokemon AR cards.. if Nintendo did it with Kid Icarus.. you know they are thinking its a no-brainer to do it with Pokemon.
I was wondering why my free pokedex app wasn't getting any more pokemon...
Sad. It was a great way to demonstrate the 3D and get people to look forward to a 3DS main pokemon game.
Today's edition: Final Fantasy Theatrhythm and Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Demo reviews.
So Theatrhythm.
Its Elite Beat Agents, with Final Fantasy music.
Can't really go wrong with that.
The demo plays very smoothly and it looks pleasant.
So you get to sample two of the different "styles" of gameplay, a battle style (tap, hold, flick) and a exploration style. (tap, drag, flick)
And you get two songs to play:
The Man with the Machine Gun from FF VIII
The Sunleth Waterscape from FF XIII
And the harder difficulties are pretty damn hard!
Definately looking forward to the final game thats for sure!
Now onto Kingdom Hearts.
Its also a pretty darn good demo.
It introduces the game mechanics very well, and controls are very smooth.
I like the new ability to dash into walls and poles to combo attacks, keeps the battle fluid once you get the hang of it.
(Also makes travelling around much quicker, which was a bit annoying in the older games where you had to backtrack quite a bit. Wondering around long boring areas is no fun)
Also we get to see Neko. And that is awesome.
Looking forward to that one.
3DS is definately shaping up now to be a serious obstacle to the Playstation Vita's success in the long-term, now that the really great games are coming out to play.
Looking forward to a Luigi's mansion 2 and Paper Mario demo.
Guess I have to go over this thread now that I'm part of the "club". Just got it in the mail and have to figure out what to get for it.
Well, I'll go over the few games I've scrounged up the money to get for mine.
The first was an Ubisoft Dinosaur game. Not great, but it was the only game at launch I really cared for. Graphics are nice though, better than the Wii Dinosaur fighting game. Gameplay's very dull though. I'd give it a 5.5/10. It was just a title to hold me over for a bit, and I spent more time with Mario 64 DS and Pokemon HeartGold since I could finally play them.
Dead or Alive Dimensions. Now THIS was more like it. Fun game, lots of unlockables, great gameplay. The visuals are top notch, and yes, you can look at character models in 3D. And this is Team Ninja. Shaking the system while looking at the more..."gifted" female characters does give some nice...effects. The story is essentially a truncated version of DoA 1 through 4. I'd give it a 7/10.
Ocarina of Time 3D. It's Ocarina of Time but with better visuals and framerate, but the story, gameplay, and sounds are the mostly same. Personally, I can't play the 64 version any more, but that's bias. If you like Ocarina of Time, then this is for you. If not, there's nothing really new to catch your attention. I give it a 10/10, but I'm biased.:p
StarFox 64 3D. It's the same as above, pretty much. The only real difference here is that StarFox has remastered music and voice acting as well as visuals. The only thing I don't like is that the vs. mode seems a bit watered down from the original game, and no true online play. They could've really taken advantage of that. Because of that, it gets an 8/10. It loses a point because...well, I think the original voice acting was actually better.
Super Mario 3D Land. This is a fun game. While I was a little disappointed that the Tanooki Suit doesn't give Mario flight, it's still pretty neat. The visuals are top-notch, the music is great, and it's a fun 3D/2D Mario game. It's also the easiest on this list to just pick up and play for a few minutes, then do something else. It gets a 9/10, losing a point's really easy. Plus it's extraordinarily easy to get max lives.
As for demos, I've played Resident Evil Revelations, Metal Gear Solid, Lego Batman 2, Rayman Origins, The Amazing Spider-Man, and Kingdom Hearts 3D. All of those are fun, so hopefully the full games are too.
But I will say the pre-order bonus, the Stylus (and sticker set to put on there, I chose Terra btw (It was either that or a Moogle, or a Chocobo), is freakin great!
Its probably the most comfortable stylus I have ever had in my hand! Better than the 3DS's default one and the DS lite's!
My impressions of the game are positive so far. (I picked up the DLCs so far as well. Even though I've never heard most of them! XD)
I want to play it some more, before I give a full analysis.
Finally got round to playing the theatrythm demo, and I have to say it's amazing. I've barely had anything to do with the franchise (I've spent about two hours on the iOS port of the first FF, and I rented it 8 or 9 when I was a kid for a couple of nights. ) so the music doesn't mean much too me. So I'm seeing it from the perspective of an awesome music game with cool 3D visuals and a fantastic soundtrack. Damn I wish they'd port FFVII to the 3Ds or android, so I can play it!
Oh yeah, and I finished kid Icarus. It's awesome. It's everything star fox should be, if he wasn't too busy playing tactical command, or hitting people with sticks. ( Not that SFA was a bad game, just nit star fox.). The voice acting is decent, the plot full of twists, which whilst not earth shattering, provide a good way for the game to keep going for several more hours. The online is good too. The team mode anyway. fee for all always lags for me.
Oh, and the controls aren't as bad as everyone is saying. Sure you can't play for several hours straight, but then the 3DS battery is only like 3 hours anyway! And your hands get used to it. At the beginning of the game, I would get a little bit of hand ramp after a level, and njow I can do several in a row before feeling the pain. But hey, pain whilst playing games was a staple of my childhood (Mario party blisters were a regular phenomenon)
Finally got round to playing the theatrythm demo, and I have to say it's amazing. I've barely had anything to do with the franchise (I've spent about two hours on the iOS port of the first FF, and I rented it 8 or 9 when I was a kid for a couple of nights. ) so the music doesn't mean much too me. So I'm seeing it from the perspective of an awesome music game with cool 3D visuals and a fantastic soundtrack. Damn I wish they'd port FFVII to the 3Ds or android, so I can play it!
Oh yeah, and I finished kid Icarus. It's awesome. It's everything star fox should be, if he wasn't too busy playing tactical command, or hitting people with sticks. ( Not that SFA was a bad game, just nit star fox.). The voice acting is decent, the plot full of twists, which whilst not earth shattering, provide a good way for the game to keep going for several more hours. The online is good too. The team mode anyway. fee for all always lags for me.
Oh, and the controls aren't as bad as everyone is saying. Sure you can't play for several hours straight, but then the 3DS battery is only like 3 hours anyway! And your hands get used to it. At the beginning of the game, I would get a little bit of hand ramp after a level, and njow I can do several in a row before feeling the pain. But hey, pain whilst playing games was a staple of my childhood (Mario party blisters were a regular phenomenon)
Oh what I would give to be right handed!
(Kid Icarus - The Anti-left handed game)
I would suggest out of the Final Fantasy games to play III, VI, IX and X.
VII and VIII deserve a try, and some people love IV, but I'll admit I never got into those ones as much as I did the others.
Now, the real question is why basically none of those were in any of nintendo's E3 conferences?!
Seriously, I hadn't even heard of most of them. The line-up looks awesome.
The answer is actually pretty simple. Think about it, Nintendo's biggest reveals were trying to show the Wii U's capabilities. Nintendo's conference was not aimed at us. It was aimed to the industry and their investors. They save their reveals now for their Nintendo Direct Conferences.
Also, a huge chunk of those games had Japanese titles, so they most likely aren't being localized.
No, the real answer is that Nintendo had no idea what they were doing at E3. Their 3DS showcase was basically 20-minute playthroughs of 3 different games.
The answer is actually pretty simple. Think about it, Nintendo's biggest reveals were trying to show the Wii U's capabilities. Nintendo's conference was not aimed at us. It was aimed to the industry and their investors. They save their reveals now for their Nintendo Direct Conferences.
Also, a huge chunk of those games had Japanese titles, so they most likely aren't being localized.
Oh yeah, NintendoLand is really gonna blow away those investors.
Oh yeah, NintendoLand is really gonna blow away those investors.
*shrug* Can you really see it any differently? Nintendo's biggest announcement at E3 was Pikmin 3, but during the Nintendo Direct conference not too long after, they announced the 3DS XL and the fact that Smash Bros. is now being co-developed alongside Namco-Bandai. Nintendo is obviously using the Direct conferences to reach out to their fans.
And everyone has to realize that Nintendo's investors are simply in the wrong part of the industry. Why else would they be constantly inferring that Nintendo should drop consoles and develop games for phones?
*shrug* Can you really see it any differently? Nintendo's biggest announcement at E3 was Pikmin 3, but during the Nintendo Direct conference not too long after, they announced the 3DS XL and the fact that Smash Bros. is now being co-developed alongside Namco-Bandai. Nintendo is obviously using the Direct conferences to reach out to their fans.
Which is all stuff that would have helped them "win" E3. The 3DS XL, Smash Bros news and the Professor LAyton announcement should have been part of the show. I'm sure more fans watch E3 than Nintendo Direct.
I'm confused. Then again, I also don't know what I'm doing on the 3DS thread when I know nothing about the intricate world of handheld game devices.
The 3DS has a pedometer that rewards you with game coins for getting to 1000 steps a day.
Damn you multiple tabs open!!
He needs to make a Mother/Earthbound game when he finishes up the WiiU/3DS Smash Bros game.
Speaking of awesome... I usually do not go for JRPGs but this looks beautiful..
I can already see what it will be like in 3D.. I hate random encounters and turn based fighting.. but I do not see how I can skip this one IF it makes its way over here in English.
For what?What games to get?
I think the general consensus is Zelda Ocarina of time 3D, Mario Kart 7, Kid Icarus, Mario 3D land, Resident Evil Revelations, Metal Gear Solid and Pushmo (eShop only. There's also a supposedly decent nintendo made 3rd person tower defence game with an armadillo there too.)
I can't really say, as the only games I own are Zelda and Rayman 2 (which by the way is worth picking up if you haven't played it. One of the cheapest ones too.)
Plenty of stuff to look forward to: Luigi's mansion, Paper mario, animal crossing, Smash bros etc.
The update includes the ability to patch games(Mario Kart 7 confirmed for this) and the ability to organize the menu with folders. Looks like the demos and games I don't play get a nice folder for me to ignore them easier now:p
I hope to god that they can patch Blazblue: Continuum Shift.
(That port has quite a few issues)
But patching and folders are just what the console needed.
EDIT: Also patch in Circle Pad Plus support to stuff!
Sad. It was a great way to demonstrate the 3D and get people to look forward to a 3DS main pokemon game.
Or ice-cream. When I first saw that ice-cream Pokemon (Vanilish or what's its name), I thought that was a joke. Boy, I was wrong.
That's why I'm quite content with HeartGold/SoulSilver for the time being and don't need any new Pokemon games
Its time for....
Retro's Mini-reviews!
Today's edition: Final Fantasy Theatrhythm and Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance Demo reviews.
So Theatrhythm.
Its Elite Beat Agents, with Final Fantasy music.
Can't really go wrong with that.
The demo plays very smoothly and it looks pleasant.
So you get to sample two of the different "styles" of gameplay, a battle style (tap, hold, flick) and a exploration style. (tap, drag, flick)
And you get two songs to play:
The Man with the Machine Gun from FF VIII
The Sunleth Waterscape from FF XIII
And the harder difficulties are pretty damn hard!
Definately looking forward to the final game thats for sure!
Now onto Kingdom Hearts.
Its also a pretty darn good demo.
It introduces the game mechanics very well, and controls are very smooth.
I like the new ability to dash into walls and poles to combo attacks, keeps the battle fluid once you get the hang of it.
(Also makes travelling around much quicker, which was a bit annoying in the older games where you had to backtrack quite a bit. Wondering around long boring areas is no fun)
Also we get to see Neko. And that is awesome.
Looking forward to that one.
3DS is definately shaping up now to be a serious obstacle to the Playstation Vita's success in the long-term, now that the really great games are coming out to play.
Looking forward to a Luigi's mansion 2 and Paper Mario demo.
Well, I'll go over the few games I've scrounged up the money to get for mine.
The first was an Ubisoft Dinosaur game. Not great, but it was the only game at launch I really cared for. Graphics are nice though, better than the Wii Dinosaur fighting game. Gameplay's very dull though. I'd give it a 5.5/10. It was just a title to hold me over for a bit, and I spent more time with Mario 64 DS and Pokemon HeartGold since I could finally play them.
Dead or Alive Dimensions. Now THIS was more like it. Fun game, lots of unlockables, great gameplay. The visuals are top notch, and yes, you can look at character models in 3D. And this is Team Ninja. Shaking the system while looking at the more..."gifted" female characters does give some nice...effects. The story is essentially a truncated version of DoA 1 through 4. I'd give it a 7/10.
Ocarina of Time 3D. It's Ocarina of Time but with better visuals and framerate, but the story, gameplay, and sounds are the mostly same. Personally, I can't play the 64 version any more, but that's bias. If you like Ocarina of Time, then this is for you. If not, there's nothing really new to catch your attention. I give it a 10/10, but I'm biased.:p
StarFox 64 3D. It's the same as above, pretty much. The only real difference here is that StarFox has remastered music and voice acting as well as visuals. The only thing I don't like is that the vs. mode seems a bit watered down from the original game, and no true online play. They could've really taken advantage of that. Because of that, it gets an 8/10. It loses a point because...well, I think the original voice acting was actually better.
Super Mario 3D Land. This is a fun game. While I was a little disappointed that the Tanooki Suit doesn't give Mario flight, it's still pretty neat. The visuals are top-notch, the music is great, and it's a fun 3D/2D Mario game. It's also the easiest on this list to just pick up and play for a few minutes, then do something else. It gets a 9/10, losing a point's really easy. Plus it's extraordinarily easy to get max lives.
As for demos, I've played Resident Evil Revelations, Metal Gear Solid, Lego Batman 2, Rayman Origins, The Amazing Spider-Man, and Kingdom Hearts 3D. All of those are fun, so hopefully the full games are too.
Showing it off every damn chance I get.
If I got an XL, I'd probably go with black/red to match my DS Lite. I'm not really in the market for another 3DS, though.
I might get an XL, but that all depends on money at the time.
But I will say the pre-order bonus, the Stylus (and sticker set to put on there, I chose Terra btw (It was either that or a Moogle, or a Chocobo), is freakin great!
Its probably the most comfortable stylus I have ever had in my hand! Better than the 3DS's default one and the DS lite's!
My impressions of the game are positive so far. (I picked up the DLCs so far as well. Even though I've never heard most of them! XD)
I want to play it some more, before I give a full analysis.
Oh yeah, and I finished kid Icarus. It's awesome. It's everything star fox should be, if he wasn't too busy playing tactical command, or hitting people with sticks. ( Not that SFA was a bad game, just nit star fox.). The voice acting is decent, the plot full of twists, which whilst not earth shattering, provide a good way for the game to keep going for several more hours. The online is good too. The team mode anyway. fee for all always lags for me.
Oh, and the controls aren't as bad as everyone is saying. Sure you can't play for several hours straight, but then the 3DS battery is only like 3 hours anyway! And your hands get used to it. At the beginning of the game, I would get a little bit of hand ramp after a level, and njow I can do several in a row before feeling the pain. But hey, pain whilst playing games was a staple of my childhood (Mario party blisters were a regular phenomenon)
Oh what I would give to be right handed!
(Kid Icarus - The Anti-left handed game)
I would suggest out of the Final Fantasy games to play III, VI, IX and X.
VII and VIII deserve a try, and some people love IV, but I'll admit I never got into those ones as much as I did the others.
And XIII? Nope.
That's eight. I do not like it, get VII or IX I say.
This is why the 3DS is going to kick the Vita's ass! XD
I just hope we Westerners get a good taste of those games.
(Definately A LOT to look forward to there.
Now, the real question is why basically none of those were in any of nintendo's E3 conferences?!
Seriously, I hadn't even heard of most of them. The line-up looks awesome.
The answer is actually pretty simple. Think about it, Nintendo's biggest reveals were trying to show the Wii U's capabilities. Nintendo's conference was not aimed at us. It was aimed to the industry and their investors. They save their reveals now for their Nintendo Direct Conferences.
Also, a huge chunk of those games had Japanese titles, so they most likely aren't being localized.
Oh yeah, NintendoLand is really gonna blow away those investors.
*shrug* Can you really see it any differently? Nintendo's biggest announcement at E3 was Pikmin 3, but during the Nintendo Direct conference not too long after, they announced the 3DS XL and the fact that Smash Bros. is now being co-developed alongside Namco-Bandai. Nintendo is obviously using the Direct conferences to reach out to their fans.
And everyone has to realize that Nintendo's investors are simply in the wrong part of the industry. Why else would they be constantly inferring that Nintendo should drop consoles and develop games for phones?
Which is all stuff that would have helped them "win" E3. The 3DS XL, Smash Bros news and the Professor LAyton announcement should have been part of the show. I'm sure more fans watch E3 than Nintendo Direct.