No, because it's the most overated/underated sequel ever.
So, why am I being attacked for posting a photo of this movie.
I think it is quite obvious why... between of all of the people on here falsely claiming that this thread is the work of a troll it is simple to believe that is what you are implying (& before you try to turn this around on me, it is in no way similar. I stated several times the purpose of this thread & people chose to ignore it in favor of believing what they wanted to believe. Not to mention that you were purposely ambiguous in an attempt to incite such a reaction, whereas I was not).
Final Fantasy is not over rated. You either play it or you don't. It's just something to do in your free time and has been around since 1987. I own 1-13
Final Fantasy seems to be the JRPG pet of almost the entire global games journalist community, only rivalled by Dragon Quest for those who want to be a tad alternative. The recent FF games have not, in any way, lived up to the standards you came to expect from the series after its golden days during the PSX era. Compare that to the amount of attention Squenix gets just for mentioning the series and you have a schoolbook example of an overrated game series.
I think people should try and remember that "overrated" means "I like this game less than most people seem to" and "underrated" means "I like this game more than most people seem to".
I would agree that using these words can have a way of sounding like you're saying "This game rocks/sucks but most people are too stupid to realise it". So let's just be clear that what we all mean here is what I said above, and we shouldn't end up killing each other.
Final Fantasy seems to be the JRPG pet of almost the entire global games journalist community, only rivalled by Dragon Quest for those who want to be a tad alternative. The recent FF games have not, in any way, lived up to the standards you came to expect from the series after its golden days during the PSX era. Compare that to the amount of attention Squenix gets just for mentioning the series and you have a schoolbook example of an overrated game series.
So you're arguing that no game can ever be over/underrated? Objection!
LOL, are they talking to me? I'm not arguing. I'm just speaking my mind, so that you may understand what I'm currently thinking/feeling. You don't have to argue with me.
All I'm getting it is that Final Fantasy belongs to an in-crowd. Most people I know that play Final Fantasy games also collect them. It's more of a tradition to SquareSoft (Enix) and fans than anything else.
I own and collect all the Final Fantasy games. I think some are better than others but I'd say that hard core fans are more or less hooked and are riding the beast that is the franchise.
I bought a PS3 just so that I could continue playing Final Fantasy games.
Final Fantasy fans of the franchise, have to have a diverse range of expectations and standards, other wise they'd just like one or 2 games out of 13 games...
While as Final Fantasy isn't in a golden age, most video games now a days suck anyways. I'd say nothing is in a golden age right now.
Final Fantasy is more of a tradition to SquareSoft(Enix) and to fans than anything else. You either like it and play it or you don't.
Seeing how they are all very different games even since the very first sequel game, FF2 (Nes) I think it's silly to say that the entire franchise "Final Fantasy" is over rated.
'Golden Age' is subjective to the beholder. Personally, my favourite Final Fantasy was X on the PS2, which wasn't in the PSX 'Golden Age' or so someone commented earlier. If anyone else didn't, I really liked FFXIII.
LOL, are they talking to me? I'm not arguing. I'm just speaking my mind, so that you may understand what I'm currently thinking/feeling.
You're writing in a discussion forum and you're claiming that Final Fantasy is not overrated in a thread about over/underrated... things. Seems like there are better places to post if you don't want to discuss your opinions on the subject. A blog, for example.
You're writing in a discussion forum and you're claiming that Final Fantasy is not overrated in a thread about over/underrated... things. Seems like there are better places to post if you don't want to discuss your opinions on the subject. A blog, for example.
I won't have to, since you more or less confirmed what I wrote earlier.
What? Now we have rules how we have to express our selves in threads? Social norms?
I am quite comfortable and satisfied as I am. Even if I can't satisfy every one else.
I find FF to be over rated because it just seems to be everyones first RPG so they look upto it like it's the god of all RPGs. I like the SMT series due to the stories of the game. FF4 was the only one I found truly playable. FF7 I own, don't like it.
My first RPG was Traysia for Genesis. I've tried to play Final Fantasy games, but the only ones I like are the ones that aren't turn-based (a.k.a Revenant Wings, Kingdom Hearts, etc.)
Dreamcast, overrated? Are we talking about the same console which failed miserably due to lack of awareness and sales? :P
Now adays it's seen as like the god send of home consoles to quite a few people. I find it funny that now everyone's pissed Sega doesn't have a console and the Dreamcast failed. But, the Dreamcast failed due to Sega releasing so many console add-ons before that developers weren't sure how long to last before the Dreamcast got addons or replaced by a new console. And it's rampant piracy.
Now adays it's seen as like the god send of home consoles to quite a few people. I find it funny that now everyone's pissed Sega doesn't have a console and the Dreamcast failed. But, the Dreamcast failed due to Sega releasing so many console add-ons before that developers weren't sure how long to last before the Dreamcast got addons or replaced by a new console. And it's rampant piracy.
It wasn't just that. Developers lost faith in Sega after the failure of the Saturn too, so they also didn't think it would be a worthwhile risk to release anything on the Dreamcast, because they figured that would most likely fail too. Not to mention, the PS2 was coming out a year later, everyone was already hyped over that considering the PS1's amazing success.
Admittedly. I think the Dreamcast was an awesome console, but the only people who will say that, would be people who ever owned one, which is a very small number indeed. Consequently I don't feel it actually can be said it's 'over-rated', because not enough people rate it that highly in the first place. That's why I questioned it.
What? Now we have rules how we have to express our selves in threads? Social norms?
I am quite comfortable and satisfied as I am. Even if I can't satisfy every one else.
Look, I was simply questioning why you were posting your thoughts in a discussion when you didn't want to discuss the topic in the first place. I am not trying to insult you or your thoughts in any way, I was hoping for a debate on Final Fantasy as a series.
Look, I was simply questioning why you were posting your thoughts in a discussion when you didn't want to discuss the topic in the first place. I am not trying to insult you or your thoughts in any way, I was hoping for a debate on Final Fantasy as a series.
You can contribute to a conversation, and get your thoughts and opinions across without debate. That is all I'm trying to say, I think. We could go back and forth and argue, and I could hope you'd eventually agree with me. But...
I'm just having a hard time debating my thoughts and feelings on something like a video game series. To be honest with you, I'm just your average gamer. Final Fantasy is one of the few RPGS I've ever played. Maybe it is statistically or mathematically, scientifically over rated in some provable fashion. Maybe with the same mind, different experiences I could see that it is in fact over rated in some sort of way , but the way I am considering it in it's not "over rated".
Context is everything and words are limited. I guess you could say that Final Fantasy is special to me as I bonded with my brother when we played Final Fantasy VII.
Now, we could go on in numerous directions and in several aspects I might even agree with you, but we can't group all the reasons in the world, all the standards in the world together and say something is over rated or not. Atleast I can't. As a luxury, as a human being I have focused and narrowed it down to my own criteria, my own life, and how I feel about it.
Now we could battle each other, and go on and on about your criteria and mine but I don't have a problem with you having your own feelings/ reasons to like or dislike something, and I definitely don't have a problem with myself having my own reasons. I don't see a reason to debate it.
It's funny how personal opinion is so often warped into something else. Almost like some sort of socially constructed authority or expert, technical thinker or something. Pulling out all the numbers, data. Sort of like your text book and the educated student. I guess it's hard to explain to watch/ play a game with an empty cup so that it may be filled. Most people are too attached to what they consider universal standards.
Ok, Doodo!, good sir, as wrong as I think you are on some points there, you are definitely right about other things. I'll just leave this conversation saying that I didn't expect a battle, I didn't expect somebody to win or to lose or, for that matter, I didn't expect any conclusion(s) at all. I simply expected a constructive debate over Final Fantasy being overrated (which does not in any way translate to bad) or not.
It wasn't just that. Developers lost faith in Sega after the failure of the Saturn too, so they also didn't think it would be a worthwhile risk to release anything on the Dreamcast, because they figured that would most likely fail too. Not to mention, the PS2 was coming out a year later, everyone was already hyped over that considering the PS1's amazing success.
Admittedly. I think the Dreamcast was an awesome console, but the only people who will say that, would be people who ever owned one, which is a very small number indeed. Consequently I don't feel it actually can be said it's 'over-rated', because not enough people rate it that highly in the first place. That's why I questioned it.
I can understand that but I've come across a lot of people that're like "DREAMCAST IS NUMBA 1!" when they've never owned one or did own one and just never used. Everyone I've ever met has always just talked about it like the godsend of consoles. This is including people to never own or play a Dreamcast.
I can understand that but I've come across a lot of people that're like "DREAMCAST IS NUMBA 1!" when they've never owned one or did own one and just never used. Everyone I've ever met has always just talked about it like the godsend of consoles. This is including people to never own or play a Dreamcast.
I very much agree with this post. The Dreamcast is my all time favorite console (& it started off many of the things we take for granted today... Online Play & Web Browers for example) but it most certainly isn't as perfect as it is made out to be. It had its fair share of crappy games.... & don't even get me started on those bulky ass controllers (That broke FAR to easy).
My Dreamcast is alright. Not my favorite console, but a little bit under the middle of liking and not liking. Only thing I really liked is the VMU's. First console with built in online (yes consoles had online before if you imported special Jap'n parts) and you can burn games. Sure, that sucked then, but now I can build my collection's temp up and get the games I need while waiting. This way I'm not stuck with like 6 games.
Ok, Doodo!, good sir, as wrong as I think you are on some points there, you are definitely right about other things. I'll just leave this conversation saying that I didn't expect a battle, I didn't expect somebody to win or to lose or, for that matter, I didn't expect any conclusion(s) at all. I simply expected a constructive debate over Final Fantasy being overrated (which does not in any way translate to bad) or not.
Interesting, thanks for sharing. I didn't look at it that way.
Before I get slammed for this, I feel that I should let you know that Shenmue is one of my top 5 favorite games EVER. The thing is that it is hyped through the roof (I would like to point out that a good portion of those who are doing the hyping most likely have never even played either game). Sure Shenmue was good at the time (it could have used some more action though... especially considering that it was about a martial artist looking for his father's murderer & the that you learn a new move like every 30 minutes) but it hasn't exactly aged well.
Yakuza on the other hand has MUCH more action (to the point it can be annoying on occasion) & (to me at least) has a feeling very similar to Shenmue. Sure you can't interact with random citizen #1,874 to get such brilliant commentary as "I'm very busy" or
"I can't talk now" but there are certainly a fair share of people to talk to on the streets (a good portion of which give you missions). On top of that, it has tons of convenience stores (which remind me of Shenmue's Tomato Mart) & Mini Games (Which remind me of YOU Arcade).
In a way I almost feel Yakuza is the superior game. I mean the story is awesome (& you don't have to go through all the trouble of blindly asking random people if they have seen sailors or some dude with tattoos & a leather jacket *if you know who I'm talking about, you get bonus points for actually PLAYING THE GAME* to get through it) & the voice acting in Yakuza 1 was FAR superior to anything that I ever heard in either Shenmue game (Shame that they only subbed 2, 3 & Most likely 4 when it comes out).
So if you like Shenmue... give Yakuza a chance... you may like it.
Overrated: roberttitus
Underrated: me
In reference to having no chance for intelligent conversation...
Need I say more?
They both have goblins?
I love Moon Stone movies. They are retardedly funny.
I think it is quite obvious why... between of all of the people on here falsely claiming that this thread is the work of a troll it is simple to believe that is what you are implying (& before you try to turn this around on me, it is in no way similar. I stated several times the purpose of this thread & people chose to ignore it in favor of believing what they wanted to believe. Not to mention that you were purposely ambiguous in an attempt to incite such a reaction, whereas I was not).
Under (Aqua)
Final Fantasy seems to be the JRPG pet of almost the entire global games journalist community, only rivalled by Dragon Quest for those who want to be a tad alternative. The recent FF games have not, in any way, lived up to the standards you came to expect from the series after its golden days during the PSX era. Compare that to the amount of attention Squenix gets just for mentioning the series and you have a schoolbook example of an overrated game series.
So you're arguing that no game can ever be over/underrated? Objection!
I would agree that using these words can have a way of sounding like you're saying "This game rocks/sucks but most people are too stupid to realise it". So let's just be clear that what we all mean here is what I said above, and we shouldn't end up killing each other.
LOL, are they talking to me? I'm not arguing. I'm just speaking my mind, so that you may understand what I'm currently thinking/feeling. You don't have to argue with me.
All I'm getting it is that Final Fantasy belongs to an in-crowd. Most people I know that play Final Fantasy games also collect them. It's more of a tradition to SquareSoft (Enix) and fans than anything else.
I own and collect all the Final Fantasy games. I think some are better than others but I'd say that hard core fans are more or less hooked and are riding the beast that is the franchise.
I bought a PS3 just so that I could continue playing Final Fantasy games.
Final Fantasy fans of the franchise, have to have a diverse range of expectations and standards, other wise they'd just like one or 2 games out of 13 games...
While as Final Fantasy isn't in a golden age, most video games now a days suck anyways. I'd say nothing is in a golden age right now.
Final Fantasy is more of a tradition to SquareSoft(Enix) and to fans than anything else. You either like it and play it or you don't.
Seeing how they are all very different games even since the very first sequel game, FF2 (Nes) I think it's silly to say that the entire franchise "Final Fantasy" is over rated.
Agreed... to a point... I feel that V is by far the most underrated Final Fantasy game.
Overrated: FFVI
Underrated: FFIX
While I liked FFVI, I didn't like it as much a FFVII or FFIX. Also, Chrono Trigger was better than FFVI.
You're writing in a discussion forum and you're claiming that Final Fantasy is not overrated in a thread about over/underrated... things. Seems like there are better places to post if you don't want to discuss your opinions on the subject. A blog, for example.
I won't have to, since you more or less confirmed what I wrote earlier.
What? Now we have rules how we have to express our selves in threads? Social norms?
I am quite comfortable and satisfied as I am. Even if I can't satisfy every one else.
(yeah it was well recieved, but nobody ever talks about it really)
Um... with all due respect.... I'm not entirely sure that those two are related....
Now adays it's seen as like the god send of home consoles to quite a few people. I find it funny that now everyone's pissed Sega doesn't have a console and the Dreamcast failed. But, the Dreamcast failed due to Sega releasing so many console add-ons before that developers weren't sure how long to last before the Dreamcast got addons or replaced by a new console. And it's rampant piracy.
Admittedly. I think the Dreamcast was an awesome console, but the only people who will say that, would be people who ever owned one, which is a very small number indeed. Consequently I don't feel it actually can be said it's 'over-rated', because not enough people rate it that highly in the first place. That's why I questioned it.
Look, I was simply questioning why you were posting your thoughts in a discussion when you didn't want to discuss the topic in the first place. I am not trying to insult you or your thoughts in any way, I was hoping for a debate on Final Fantasy as a series.
You can contribute to a conversation, and get your thoughts and opinions across without debate. That is all I'm trying to say, I think. We could go back and forth and argue, and I could hope you'd eventually agree with me.
I'm just having a hard time debating my thoughts and feelings on something like a video game series. To be honest with you, I'm just your average gamer. Final Fantasy is one of the few RPGS I've ever played. Maybe it is statistically or mathematically, scientifically over rated in some provable fashion. Maybe with the same mind, different experiences I could see that it is in fact over rated in some sort of way , but the way I am considering it in it's not "over rated".
Context is everything and words are limited. I guess you could say that Final Fantasy is special to me as I bonded with my brother when we played Final Fantasy VII.
Now, we could go on in numerous directions and in several aspects I might even agree with you, but we can't group all the reasons in the world, all the standards in the world together and say something is over rated or not. Atleast I can't. As a luxury, as a human being I have focused and narrowed it down to my own criteria, my own life, and how I feel about it.
Now we could battle each other, and go on and on about your criteria and mine but I don't have a problem with you having your own feelings/ reasons to like or dislike something, and I definitely don't have a problem with myself having my own reasons. I don't see a reason to debate it.
It's funny how personal opinion is so often warped into something else. Almost like some sort of socially constructed authority or expert, technical thinker or something. Pulling out all the numbers, data. Sort of like your text book and the educated student. I guess it's hard to explain to watch/ play a game with an empty cup so that it may be filled. Most people are too attached to what they consider universal standards.
In my opinion...
I can understand that but I've come across a lot of people that're like "DREAMCAST IS NUMBA 1!" when they've never owned one or did own one and just never used. Everyone I've ever met has always just talked about it like the godsend of consoles. This is including people to never own or play a Dreamcast.
I very much agree with this post. The Dreamcast is my all time favorite console (& it started off many of the things we take for granted today... Online Play & Web Browers for example) but it most certainly isn't as perfect as it is made out to be. It had its fair share of crappy games.... & don't even get me started on those bulky ass controllers (That broke FAR to easy).
Interesting, thanks for sharing. I didn't look at it that way.
Over- Shenmue
Under- Yakuza
Before I get slammed for this, I feel that I should let you know that Shenmue is one of my top 5 favorite games EVER. The thing is that it is hyped through the roof (I would like to point out that a good portion of those who are doing the hyping most likely have never even played either game). Sure Shenmue was good at the time (it could have used some more action though... especially considering that it was about a martial artist looking for his father's murderer & the that you learn a new move like every 30 minutes) but it hasn't exactly aged well.
Yakuza on the other hand has MUCH more action (to the point it can be annoying on occasion) & (to me at least) has a feeling very similar to Shenmue. Sure you can't interact with random citizen #1,874 to get such brilliant commentary as "I'm very busy" or
In a way I almost feel Yakuza is the superior game. I mean the story is awesome (& you don't have to go through all the trouble of blindly asking random people if they have seen sailors or some dude with tattoos & a leather jacket *if you know who I'm talking about, you get bonus points for actually PLAYING THE GAME* to get through it) & the voice acting in Yakuza 1 was FAR superior to anything that I ever heard in either Shenmue game (Shame that they only subbed 2, 3 & Most likely 4 when it comes out).
So if you like Shenmue... give Yakuza a chance... you may like it.
Over Rated (?)
Under Rated
Over: Dragon
Mind you I love that email, but it is not the best email ever
Under: Tape-leg
I appear to be the only person alive who thinks this one is funny