The City That Dares Not Sleep waiting thread



  • edited August 2010
    Meh, Morrowind is SO much better than Oblivion IMO. Bethesda really screwed up there, and I dropped that game pretty fast. Kind of sucky seeing how I even got the collector's edition hoping it would be like MW :(.

    I like the DS'es though, and yeah, can't wait to see what Obsidian does with it.

    EDIT: For all "Are we there yet", possible time of delivery: 6 HOURS LEFT.

    As a Neverwinter Nights fan, I have sweet sweet hopes for what they can do with it. Wonder why Square Enix bought the rights to the series from GPG; don't they do JRPGs? I wonder if it & Alice 2 will come out the same month.

    I need to skim down on my Morrowind mods; I have the max limit! My favorite thing in Oblivion though is the funny glitches; people who stretch like string cheese, watermelons falling from the sky, arrows that shoot meat, ghosts assasins, corpses that hump the floor, corpses that dance in a door like a windsock in a storm, river corpses that fly into the sky.....
  • edited August 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    Wonder why Square Enix bought the rights to the series from GPG; don't they do JRPGs?
    They kind of took over GPG in order to get a base on the western market. They were also heavily involved in Supreme Commander II.

    And IIRC aside from DS3 they also deliver Deus Ex 3?
  • edited August 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    Telltale doesn't start working untill it is 5:00pm for me, so I have a few hours to wait.

    Same here... except I'm still on holiday. So I have to wait. Desperately. :D
  • edited August 2010
    As an australian, and being a completely impatient person, I've been checking steam (logging in and out, hoping it'll be there when I sign back in) every half-hour for the last 23 hours... How much longer will we need to wait?

    PS: Yes, I have been awake since midnight yesterday... Pulling 36+ hours without sleep isn't that bad.
  • edited August 2010
    The steam version doesnt usually come out till a bit later then the telltale release.
  • edited August 2010
    If anyone wants to watch me play the Monkey Island 1 Classic Version Talkie Patch while you wait, go here. I'll start when I viewer or two comes.
  • edited August 2010
    Silasary wrote: »
    How much longer will we need to wait?
    Most probably *at least* 3 hours, and tops 6.5 hours (based on releasedates of 301-304).

    So the 31st for you guys...
  • edited August 2010
    Silasary wrote: »
    As an australian, and being a completely impatient person, I've been checking steam (logging in and out, hoping it'll be there when I sign back in) every half-hour for the last 23 hours... How much longer will we need to wait?

    PS: Yes, I have been awake since midnight yesterday... Pulling 36+ hours without sleep isn't that bad.

    I'm Australian too, and at a guess I'd say that the Steam version won't be out until Tuesday lunchtime at the earliest. Go to sleep. :p

    Personally, I'll probably stay up and work on my assignments...then I might play some of the game if they come out early enough (at 3am-ish?). If not, tomorrow's the only day of the entire semester where my morning lectures aren't on, so I'll have most of the day free to play then.

    In other completely irrelevant news, I got my Melbourne Uni Law application accepted earlier today, because everything interesting in my life apparently happens on days when Sam & Max games come out. This probably means that life might be completely dull until Season 4 starts up, but that's strangely fitting, too. :p
  • edited August 2010
    I have to do the index of my tesis. That probably would be useful to do now for kill time
  • edited August 2010
    Shopping, getting foods and stuff.

    Little early for me, but if a 6PM early release happens, I probably wont make the shop, and I could use food this evening... :p
  • edited August 2010
    I might as well prepare the footnotes for my Russia essay, not that I want to, but it kills time doesn't it?
  • edited August 2010
    it should be an hour and a half for me, but knowing TT, its probably an extra hour.
  • edited August 2010
    The episode is so close I could reach out and touch it...

    Who here is refreshing the games page even though it's probably still too early?
  • edited August 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    Who here is refreshing the games page even though it's probably still too early?

  • edited August 2010
    In other completely irrelevant news, I got my Melbourne Uni Law application accepted earlier today, because everything interesting in my life apparently happens on days when Sam & Max games come out. This probably means that life might be completely dull until Season 4 starts up, but that's strangely fitting, too. :p

    Sadly, I quite the opposite here: The worst things in my Uni Career had happened during the Season 3 run. So, probably that help with my theory about Sam and Max hate me. But, hey, according to the Chinese Astrology, my luckiest years start when I'm 30, so, probably Season 4 will be better.
  • edited August 2010

    Greetings from the Steam corner! :D
  • edited August 2010
    now if only I could have completed Mafia 2 before today lol. I don't know whether to continue on with mafia 2, or leave it until I have completed the last episode.. hmm.
  • edited August 2010
    So, now I'm at college, waiting for people to get here for our final presentations. And my impatient nature is already in full swing. RRGH, WHY CAN'T I BE HOME YET?
  • edited August 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    So, now I'm at college, waiting for people to get here for our final presentations. And my impatient nature is already in full swing. RRGH, WHY CAN'T I BE HOME YET?

    Don't worry, it probably won't be out for a while, at least it won't take you 40 minutes to download.
  • edited August 2010
    B-but--*sigh* You're right. I should just turn my anxiety to the oral presentation I have to do...okay wait no, that's a bad idea.
  • edited August 2010

    Greetings from the Steam corner! :D

    I freaking love you for that.
  • edited August 2010
    I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
  • edited August 2010
    It's the same deal for me as every month but the last -- waiting 'til I get home from work between 4-5 PM -- so I'm just hanging around until people start shouting "IT'S OUT!!" and go away for a day or two. :)

    Mmm ... need more caffeine.
  • edited August 2010
    ITS 5. Maybe, wait sorry now... hold on... now. No, now. Now. It's gotta be now. NOW! Nope, now. Hold on... now. NOW!
  • edited August 2010
    C'mon Steam version! Come out on time so I can play it before being forced into starting my new course at Colledge!
  • edited August 2010
    Well, we've reached the minimum time.

    Let the F5'ing begin.
    Not that many TTG staff members yet though.
  • edited August 2010
    it's currently 9:05 am (according to Assuming a Noon release, that's 3 hours to go!
  • edited August 2010
    12: 09

    I demand a sacrifice!

    f5's at the ready!
  • edited August 2010
    Anyone remember when the games were always released first thing in the morning? Now we're lucky if they're released before noon...
  • edited August 2010
    ^ Makes no sense.

    EDIT: Now it does.
  • edited August 2010
    Quickly! Bring out the virgin sacrifices... not for the game or anything I just thought it'd be fun.
  • edited August 2010
    Remember when we used to have to go to shops to get the latest games? rather than sitting here wasting time, mashing F5...
  • edited August 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Quickly! Bring out the virgin sacrifices... not for the game or anything I just thought it'd be fun.

    We must sacrifice someone to appease the GODS! Shinebert, come over here a second.
  • edited August 2010
    ^ Makes no sense.

    You're right. I just got back from a music festival and I'm really tired...
  • edited August 2010
    Oh, come on TTG, it's past 9pm and I see lot's of you logged in on the forums...

    Please help save all those innocent F5 keys and push the release out. :D
  • edited August 2010
    now if only I could have completed Mafia 2 before today lol. I don't know whether to continue on with mafia 2, or leave it until I have completed the last episode.. hmm.

    I just completed it...was surprisingly short...but a fun ride whilst it lasted. Roll on Sam & Max! :D
  • edited August 2010
    Chai tea in hand yaaaaaay.

    On a more related note ... it's rather silly, but I still feel a mite nostalgic for the days when the site would go down every time a new episode was released. The way it works now is far superior for multiple reasons of course, but there was something about waiting for the site to come back up that heightened the anticipation, at least for me.

    Like I said, though -- not really a rational/practical desire. And it'll probably go down anyway on Thursday due to you-know-what, so I suppose I'll get my fix then. :p
  • edited August 2010
    You're right. I just got back from a music festival and I'm really tired...

    Which festival? Just back from Shambala meself, in need of very relaxing activities such as Sam & Max :)

    Hey wait, there's a new Futurama I haven't seen ...
  • edited August 2010
    ToxicGreen wrote: »
    Oh, come on TTG, it's past 9pm and I see lot's of you logged in on the forums...

    Please help save all those innocent F5 keys and push the release out. :D

    I think you mean "past 9am", since that's all it is over there. Still quite early for the game to be out - heck, it could be out six hours from now (although I hope that it's earlier).
  • edited August 2010
    heck, it could be out six hours from now (although I hope that it's earlier).

    No kidding - joke's on us if Telltale have realised that practically everybody in their domestic market's out at work when they release games.... :eek:
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