The City That Dares Not Sleep waiting thread



  • edited August 2010
    Domestic market sounds like cattle.

    TTG deals in cattle?
  • edited August 2010
    "telltale eats veal"?

    ... Wait. You know what, forget I said that.
  • edited August 2010

    ....kidding Xp
  • edited August 2010
    ARGH! Don't do that! I was refering to henkdijkstraal.
  • edited August 2010
    I had to check my purchases to see if you were lying. ;)
  • edited August 2010
    The Yugoslavian version is up!
  • edited August 2010
    got it! It's there!!!! The download is there!!!!

    ....kidding xp

  • edited August 2010
    The Yugoslavian version is up!

    God damn Yugoslavians!
  • edited August 2010
    At least henkdijkstraal told "kidding" at the end. Most pranksters don't bother doing that...
  • edited August 2010
    I have to wait until tomorrow night on PS3. Awwww.
  • edited August 2010
    The Yugoslavian version is up!
    Ah so following that logic...GMT hour 'til I get my mine?? :(
  • edited August 2010
    serializer wrote: »
    Which festival? Just back from Shambala meself, in need of very relaxing activities such as Sam & Max :)

    Hey wait, there's a new Futurama I haven't seen ...

    I went to Leeds and had a really good time but hardly any sleep. I hope the game isn't much longer because it'll be a perfect way to spend this evening...
    I think you mean "past 9am", since that's all it is over there. Still quite early for the game to be out - heck, it could be out six hours from now (although I hope that it's earlier).

    The last Sam and Max finale came out before ten as did the rest of the second series. Those were the good old days... What happened Telltale?
  • edited August 2010
    I saw "05" and a download link and was all happy until I realised it (for no reason at all) moved to the Monkey Island section after a refresh and it was Rise of a Pirate God :(...
  • edited August 2010
    The download is there RIGHT NOW for every game apart from this one
  • edited August 2010
    Amazingly this is the first time I've actually been able to download a TT game on its release. :eek:
  • edited August 2010
    The 305 icon is not even up on the games page, what kinda slack is this?
  • edited August 2010
    Amazingly this is the first time I've actually been able to download a TT game on its release. :eek:
    So it's YOUR fault we have to wait so long? :D
  • edited August 2010
    The download is there RIGHT NOW for every game apart from this one
    OMG, Texas Hold 'Em II's out?

    Sam & Max crossover here I come!!

    So it's YOUR fault we have to wait so long? :D
    Yeah I'm infectious like that. :D
  • edited August 2010
    Let's talk about how long it takes for you to download an episode of The Devil's Playhouse. For me it takes about 40 minutes.
  • edited August 2010
    Since I crossed my DL-limit for the month... probably about 1 1/2 hour...

  • edited August 2010
    40 minutes doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
  • edited August 2010
    Let's talk about how long it takes for you to download an episode of The Devil's Playhouse. For me it takes about 40 minutes.

    That's odd, it never takes more than 2 minutes for me. What is your internet connection like, 2 tin cans connected by a string?
  • edited August 2010
    Stupidly fast. Usually a minute or two between clicking download and playing the game. Use my parent's computer, and they only ever use it for emails.
  • edited August 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    40 minutes doesn't seem so bad now, does it?

    I never said 40 minutes was that bad, except for when I said 40 minutes was a long time.
  • edited August 2010
    The last Sam and Max finale came out before ten as did the rest of the second series. Those were the good old days... What happened Telltale?

    They started working on more than one game series at once, for starters.
  • edited August 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    40 minutes doesn't seem so bad now, does it?
    Hopefully there is somewhere out there on 56k to make ME feel better...
  • edited August 2010
    I went to Leeds and had a really good time but hardly any sleep. I hope the game isn't much longer because it'll be a perfect way to spend this evening...

    To be honest sleep is one of those things you should do when you're not at a festival :) Along with sanity or any form of responsibility ...
  • edited August 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    That's odd, it never takes more than 2 minutes for me. What is your internet connection like, 2 tin cans connected by a string?

    No, it's actually the mailman bringing us 1 byte flash drives.
  • edited August 2010
    106 people are waiting, put the game up already!
  • edited August 2010
    I have Telltale send me the binary in morse code, then I translate that character by character. It takes a while. :^)
  • edited August 2010
    Chances are it'll be in the next hour or so, if only because "The Simpsons" is on in ten minutes, and then after that there's "Just a Minute" over on Radio 4... mind you, I don't think there's anybody good on it this week.
  • edited August 2010
    Apparently I was invited to eat with my parents tonight, so I am off. Hope I can start my excruciatingly slow DL when I return...
    And then play it when you guys already finished it...

    *sobs some more*
  • edited August 2010
    They'd better hurry, or else I'm gonna read a spoileriffic review in my impatience!
  • edited August 2010
    ooh yay, just a minute. Didn't know that was on today. Unfortunately waiting for this, each minute feels like an hour, so the show might drag on a bit.
  • edited August 2010
    Bad flash game to pass the time :D
  • edited August 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    They'd better hurry, or else I'm gonna read a spoileriffic review in my impatience!

    Ruining the Story isn't going to make it any faster or better. Play 304 while waiting.
  • edited August 2010
    Trixie wrote: »
    Ruining the Story isn't going to make it any faster or better. Play 304 while waiting.

    But I'm at college! D:
  • edited August 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    That's odd, it never takes more than 2 minutes for me. What is your internet connection like, 2 tin cans connected by a string?

    Yeah, mine sometimes only takes a couple of minutes too, even if I'm downloading as soon as they are launched (it might take 10 mins at most, sometimes?).

    I really don't get why, since the internet down here in Australia is usually quite dodgy.
  • edited August 2010
    IT'S OUT! in Free Country USA
  • edited August 2010
    The game is out!

    If by out you mean definitely not out by any stretch of the imagination.
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