Who else is sad?

edited November 2010 in Sam & Max
Unmarked spoilers here.

Sad about the ending, I mean.

I haven't felt like this since Frosty the Snowman died. I didn't actually cry this time, but I'm not four anymore, so...

Even though I know it doesn't matter, I still miss original Max, and the credits were really sad. I guess I'm too attached to these characters.


  • edited August 2010
    Just remember, there's a Giant Sam AND Max smashing up wherver you go when you die.
  • edited August 2010
    People in Sam and Max can always come back even if they are dead. I bet
    original Max
    went to Hell and Sam could meet him again even if he does
    have a replacement
  • edited August 2010
    A lot of characters died this episode, including max. But at least sam is happy to have another max. I really want another season! Keep making sam and max plz telltale!
  • edited August 2010
    The ending bummed me out as well. :(

    Not just because "real" max supposedly was vaporized. But because "new max" replacing him felt kinda tacked on. I don't know about you guys. But any seasons after Season 3, I won't be able to look at Max without thinking "That's not the real Max!!" Not to mention Sam so readily accepting this other Max as his new bestest little buddy.

    If there's another season, and it perhaps deals with time travel or alternate universes... maybe this could be fixed. What if, in an alternate universe, Sam never got his buddy back, and obsessed over bringing him back for the rest of his life? What if, an elderly Sam used a time machine to bring young Sam a machine that would bring back his ORIGINAL little buddy? Now that would be quite a hard choice for Sam to make. Stick with the new Max, or bring back the Max he's known his whole life? Would make for an interesting episode, or even season.

    What if the GHOST of Original Max somehow got merged with the soul of New Max? What if the entire multiverse was threatened by some unknown force, and all the Sams/Maxes from each parallel universe had to step in and save the last surviving plane of existence... OURS? What if all of their different incarnations' memories, thoughts, and spirits ended up merging with our heroes? There's so many ways this could be fixed, Telltale. I just hope it GETS fixed.

    Overall it was a great season. But the ending kinda ruined it for me. I'm just too attached to the characters. This is like when your childhood dog gets run over... Except your parents get you a new puppy, when the old one isn't even buried or COLD yet. :(

    Bad ending, Telltale. Bad. No after-season cake for you.

    P.S.: Positive note: Great job on working the season title into the dialogue. Seriously. I never would have guessed that would be the theme of the series. :)
  • edited August 2010
    I felt it was a very mature way to end the season.

    Except the death count was INCREDIBLE!
  • edited August 2010
    Yes, it's sad, but at the end... Yep, the apparition of past Max was a bit tackled, but I loved the fact the two comes from similar stories: Both just have seen their buddies blowing up, and they agree they better continue together, which is a lot better than alone. Yes, it's sad, but at the same time has a future, and I was happy they could continue after that. The Heroical sacrifice of Max was unexpected for me tough. It was, in a way, moving.
  • edited August 2010
    The two come from similiar backgrounds... I wonder if Max has just lived out a completely parallel version of the story. That would get rid of any possible explaining problems and would also reunite the two.
  • edited August 2010
    I was sad until I saw the time machine. The I just accepted it.

    I mean, hell, it's Sam & Max! Their universe is so messed up with continuity flaws and other randomness, that it just kind of had to happen this way, you know?

    Plus, alternate Max said that SAM was the one that got the psychic powers in the case they were on. Gotta love the parrellel universe concept.
  • edited August 2010
    This episode so so full of shocking Twists that I eventually thought "Oh my god, anything can happen."
    1. Sybil shows up unannounced and VERY pregnant. (Don't get me wrong, I was glad to have her back, but I hard a hard Time looking at her.)
    2. Sal Breaks up with Stinky. (Who would have seen it coming?)
    3. Sal DIES. (The moment of my revelation)
    4. The Narrator is not only the villain, but also Max's Brain.
    5. Sybil starts her labor inside Max.
    6. The Narrator suddenly has a change of heart and frees our heroes.
    7. The Last Maimtron from the Final Imperative flies into Max's chest, and then teleports away at the last minute into Skun-ka'pe's flagship, killing Max, Skunkape, Stinky, and Sammun-Mak all at once.
    8. It is revealed that Original Max cannot come back.
    9. Superball, for the first and probably only time in his life, starts Crying.
    10. Suddenly, though, the Past Max from 204 comes back and explains that the EXACT SAME THING happened with Past Sam in an alternate reality. Ignoring this, duo get back together.

    Anything could have happened, and to my knowledge anything pretty much did.
    death at the end really got to me.
  • edited August 2010
    I was sad until 204 Max came back, it's likely that they had the same adventures too, despite Sam gaining psychic powers.
  • edited August 2010
    This episode so so full of shocking Twists that I eventually thought "Oh my god, anything can happen."
    1. Sybil shows up unannounced and VERY pregnant. (Don't get me wrong, I was glad to have her back, but I hard a hard Time looking at her.)
    2. Sal Breaks up with Stinky. (Who would have seen it coming?)
    3. Sal DIES. (The moment of my revelation)
    4. The Narrator is not only the villain, but also Max's Brain.
    5. Sybil starts her labor inside Max.
    6. The Narrator suddenly has a change of heart and frees our heroes.
    7. The Last Maimtron from the Final Imperative flies into Max's chest, and then teleports away at the last minute into Skun-ka'pe's flagship, killing Max, Skunkape, Stinky, and Sammun-Mak all at once.
    8. It is revealed that Original Max cannot come back.
    9. Superball, for the first and probably only time in his life, starts Crying.
    10. Suddenly, though, the Past Max from 204 comes back and explains that the EXACT SAME THING happened with Past Sam in an alternate reality. Ignoring this, duo get back together.

    Anything could have happened, and to my knowledge anything pretty much did.
    death at the end really got to me.

    Also Stinky's a mermaid.

    And yeah, the ending sent shivers up my spine. Good work telltale.
  • edited August 2010
    Suddenly, though, the Past Max from 204 comes back and explains that the EXACT SAME THING happened with Past Sam in an alternate reality. Ignoring this, duo get back together.

    I don't think they are ignoring it. I think they are together now for THAT.
  • edited August 2010
    Also Stinky's a mermaid.

    God, keep up.
  • edited August 2010
    The fact that this is the third season made it all the more believable that they could kill off max. Having used the game in many discussions, and having been with the charecters since their birth, I am not ashamed to say I cried full on.

    Bravo, Telltale Bravo! I was mad at you for the long wait but.... I love you.
  • edited August 2010
    Amazing ending for sure, its nice to see that hey are starting to have alot of past story to run on, from season 1-2 and 3. Cant wait until we someday get Season 4 :)

    For a min there i was gonna get a bit upset if they ended the season like that, but thank god for stuff after credits haha xD.

    Its kinda wierd to think about, how would you react in real life, its kinda the same person, but again its not the same person. Its max but its not max. a sad and good ending in one.

    And Superball really does like max to it seems, didn expect mr no emotions to crack like that, Guess he really is a softie on the inside :)

    Actully that makes me wonder, if Superball had something to do with bringing past Max back, because how else did he get access to the timetravel elevator again ?. Maybe Superball is in more timeslines, and its other Max's he's talking to xD
  • edited August 2010
    The reactions I get, man

    (Spoiler, of course)
  • edited August 2010
    I personally thought the ending was fantastic, easily the best part of a fairly uneven season. Skunkape and Stinky got their comeuppance and I felt that Sam's lonesome walk through the city into the dawning day was beautiful and heartbreaking. Max's return was both silly and hilarious and completely in the spirit of the series. The last dialogue cracked me up:

    "Max! How can you be here?"
    "Well, in my reality, you turned into a giant monster. So I blew you up."
    "...just like that?"
    *awkward silence*
    "So, wanna go hunt some bad guys?"
    "You bet, little buddy!"

    Unhappy about Sal, though, but hey, it's a cartoon. Surely he can be brought back.
  • edited August 2010
    I just beat the game. (I couldn't finish it yesterday, because I played until three AM and needed sleep.)

    That was so sad. I'm tearing up right now.

    I can't believe that actually happened.

    (The piano piece over the credits was beautiful, though. I'd love sheet music.)
  • edited August 2010
    I too am not ashamed to say that I cried! This episode really tugged on every emotion. Great job as always TellTale! I loved Sams lonely walk through the streets, especially the part where he held himself, this to me shows the he truely felt completely and utterly alone. And I have no problem with how you rectified Max's death, I actually quite like it.
  • edited August 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    (The piano piece over the credits was beautiful, though. I'd love sheet music.)

    I'd be glad to get onto that once telltale music extractor updates :)
  • edited August 2010
    While I was expecting to see Max to crash land like a little lagomorphic astroid, this ending works for me. Remember the Rooster/Egg swap near the end of Season 2? This Max is actually the Max from the origional Rooster universe. Which means that the Sam and Max we have been helping along THIS Season are the alternets. ...not that it matters too much at this point, but it IS nice to over-analize, none the less.
  • edited August 2010
    Nice ending. I cried a bit. Love you TellTale! Keep up the good work!!
  • edited August 2010
    Corvin25 wrote: »
    The ending bummed me out as well. :(

    Not just because "real" max supposedly was vaporized. But because "new max" replacing him felt kinda tacked on. I don't know about you guys. But any seasons after Season 3, I won't be able to look at Max without thinking "That's not the real Max!!" Not to mention Sam so readily accepting this other Max as his new bestest little buddy.

    This X a million


    Season 4 takes place before season 3 ;)
  • edited August 2010
    Nah, I thought it made sense in the context of the series. He's still the same Max, just from a diverging timeline where apparently everything happened slightly differently.

    Plus, this line was gold:

    Max: It was horrible! *look of sheer glee on his face*

    I felt bad for Superball the most. Poor guy. :(
  • edited August 2010
    The post-Max-departure mood was great. Very atmospheric. No crying though.

    But I think the actual ending totally cheapened it, which isn't good :(.
  • edited August 2010
    I found the Max departure really sad but I also thought that Sal's death was really anti-climatic.
  • edited August 2010
    I didn't cry but I did feel so very sorry for Sam, all this crime happening around him but he doesn't care because it's just not the same with his little buddy not their to fight it with him. I watched ending credits constantly thinking "Max isn't dead... Steve wouldn't let TellTale kill him... he'll come back... he'll come back... he'll come back right?" and when that time machine showed up I smiled and cheered at Max's return. My brother on the other hand, who had just walked into the room, was very confused. He just didn't understand the fact about Time Traveling Mariachis. Anyway I kinda liked the end.

    Also, The Indigo Child, another Sam and Max fan in Leicester? Small world D:
  • edited August 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    I was sad until I saw the time machine. The I just accepted it.

    I mean, hell, it's Sam & Max! Their universe is so messed up with continuity flaws and other randomness, that it just kind of had to happen this way, you know?

    Plus, alternate Max said that SAM was the one that got the psychic powers in the case they were on. Gotta love the parrellel universe concept.
    This. I love every bit of the ending. After all that not-too-well-fitting-but-admittedly-highly-successful tragedy, the return was the perfect antidote to get back to Sam & Max's regular schedule of being preposterous and not caring much for tragedy or continuity. Yes, it's a Deus Ex Machina, but using those after writing himself into a corner has been part of Steve's MO since day one. It's a perfect ending.
  • edited August 2010
    My heart dropped when the credits started rolling. But after that I was the happiest I've been while playing a video game in a long time.

    I also agree that it's still the "real" Max. When Momma Bosco was trying to clone him, that's when I considered it to not be the "real" Max, but the one in the end works fine for me.
  • edited August 2010
    especially the part where he held himself, this to me shows the he truely felt completely and utterly alone

    I'd say it only shows that he's cold.
  • edited August 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    People in Sam and Max can always come back even if they are dead. I bet
    original Max
    went to Hell and Sam could meet him again even if he does
    have a replacement

    I doubt that, because Max sacrificed his life, not to save the CITY, but the UNIVERSE. He goes to a private heaven with that (along with Sal). But if it's like other comedies with sci-fi (like Futurama) a next season will negate every other event here.
  • edited August 2010
    SillyStell wrote: »
    Also, The Indigo Child, another Sam and Max fan in Leicester? Small world D:

    Huzzah someone else in Leicester who has actually heard of Sam and Max, whenever I mention them I normally get :confused: looks
  • edited August 2010
    I loved Sams lonely walk through the streets, especially the part where he held himself, this to me shows the he truely felt completely and utterly alone.
    SillyStell wrote: »
    I didn't cry but I did feel so very sorry for Sam, all this crime happening around him but he doesn't care because it's just not the same with his little buddy not their to fight it with him.

    Those were my favourite things about the credits. They were perfect. I was so sad that I drew this.
  • edited August 2010
    Just finished the game about 20 minutes ago and I'll admit I cried... My lady was playing Oblivion on the Xbox in the next room and I paused the closing sequence and said "REDACTED is dead...." She knew what I meant (huge Sam and Max fan herself) and went "It can't be true!"

    She paused her game and we both watched the ending together... when the final surprise was revealed we both went from tears to laughter and felt that; that was the perfect way to end it. I don't feel cheated or do I find the ending cheated by the after-credit reveal.

    This is Sam and Max, the characters who found out you could breathe on the moon because astronauts were too cowardly to try it. They always defy logic and reason.
  • edited August 2010
    Maxthulhu & the others who died in the blast might show up in Hell, like everyone else who's died. He's probably making friends with the Shambling Corporate Presence as we speak.
  • edited August 2010
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    Maxthulhu & the others who died in the blast might show up in Hell, like everyone else who's died. He's probably making friends with the Shambling Corporate Presence as we speak.

    I'd like to imagine that Original Max and Sam X had puzzled their way out of their Hell diorama before the credits even finished. Right about now, they're working their way through every diorama there to let all Hell loose on Earth. ;)
  • edited August 2010
    During the credit sequence, I was in a state of denial and I was expecting a quick credit rewind (ala Curse). But it never happened. Then, just as it was sinking in that Max was dead, the elevator dinged. :D
  • edited August 2010
    Max at the end didn't come from an alternate dimension, he TIME TRAVELLED... thus.. it IS Max... from another point in TIME.

    Cmon people, keep it together. ;-)
  • edited August 2010
    To be fair, the before the credit sequence I was just thinking: "Come on, Deux ex Machina, I'm waiting for you!". I was so anxious for that, when the credits finish to roll, I was thinking "DEUX EX MACHINA! Where are you?!" And the elevator appears. And I was so surprised to see Past!Max. And then I was sad for the fact Past!Max just have to blow up Past!Sam (I still blame the Screwdriver!). And then let's go adventuring! And then I started to think Telltale just pressed the Reset Button, until I knew about the other end.

    Anyway, I still happy Sam and Max are, after all, with a Best Friend again.
  • edited August 2010
    I shed a tear as Sam took off his hat in respect for his dead partner while loking at the statue of liberty. That and I'm a sucker for the kind of music played over the credits.
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