My, my; what a well written review. You certainly make a compelling argument. There I was, thinking that 'Pulp Fiction' was a well written, directed and acted film but your wordsmith genius has convinced me otherwise. Fuck that shit indeed!
I made the same error. Thank god Noname0815 made me open my eyes and realise, that the movie is shit. Before I just thought it had too many segments that are much too long.
Also, I very much disagree with the statement that 'Temple of Doom sucks'. It's a different film style to the others, but that's not automatically a bad thing. Though yeah, the sidekicks are rather annoying, I'll give you that.
not seen the review yet, but I will still comment.
Of the trilogy, Temple of Doom is way more disgusting, disturbing and annoying; and it stretches the expectation for suspension of disbelief too far comparatively.
not seen the review yet, but I will still comment.
Of the trilogy, Temple of Doom is way more disgusting, disturbing and annoying; and it stretches the expectation for suspension of disbelief too far comparatively.
It's also the perfect pulp adventure flick embodying pulps of the 30s. So I wouldn't recommend reading any of those then if Temple bothers you.
I'm going to write Doug's review off btw on the basis that he once said Donovan was the villain of Raiders. Anybody that makes that mistake doesn't know jack shit about what they're talking about.
Oh wait, Brad Jones is in this one....okay I'll watch.
You do know that Doug writes the entire scripts right? That includes the counterpoints from Brad. Obviously he doesn't hate it as much as his character implies, but he also cannot ignore that it is widely considered a flawed film(he has previously stated, in character, that he was a fan of the whole original trilogy.. which apparently now he has contradicted).
One of the reasons I started to dislike Doug was how separate he has made the NC identity from himself. I'm aware he has always been acting, but there was a point a while back when the points he was making began contradicting his personal opinions and it showed. It isn't a factor of fame, it just started to seem forced to me and he became overly predictable. I don't hate him, but he went from being the reason I visited his site, to being maybe #4 or #5.
Rewatched this for my latest video and my god, I'd really forgotten just how truly bad it is. David Boreanez is so unbelievably terrible in his role as
The Super Mario Bros movie(yes the live-action one with Bob Hoskins)- 5.7 out of 10. I didnt enjoy it, its a bit of an understatement why a bunch of Nintendo fans pretend this never happened(not even Nintendo for that matter). But the acting was alright. I hated how the Goombas didnt even LOOK like Goombas. Same with Yoshi. This is the reason why we never had anything else adapted into movies from Nintendo?
I hated this movie. I hated it from the time it started, to the time it ended, with my hate growing with every second. I pointed and laughed at scenes in this. The acting was horrible. The effects were horrible. The 90s called. They want their CGI back. The characters were terrible. The action was terrible. The story was terrible. Each individual scene was terrible and filled with problems. The movie is horrifyingly bad. It's worse than Batman and Robin. It's worse than Roger Corman's Fantastic Four. Worse than Elektra. Worse than The Incredible Hulk. Worse than Manos The Hands of Fate.
What the flying crap. I yelled f- you at this movie as I left. What a trainwreck. My friends were laughing and groaning as it went on. One of them lost interest halfway through. How did they make it so bad? How did it get so many good reviews? Near the end, we turned into complete assholes who ripped into this movie as loudly as we wanted and we no longer cared. This movie demands no courtesy or respect. Theater attendants and ushers came in to take us out but stopped because it was Spider-Man and it deserved that shit. F- you, Marc Webb. You made it okay for us to disturb the peace ranting against your shitty movie.
^ This is why I'm going to be watching The Lorax on wednesday.
(Though its going to be interesting how that movie holds up as well. Probably won't be great, but its probably not going to be as bad as that! XD)
I didn't even watch the last two. The third absolutely killed the franchise for me. Yes, the second was a bad movie, but I have to admit it's a guilty pleasure. Connery and Ironside are so ridiculous, I can't say I wish it wasn't made. They took a decent film and made it into an over the top farce, but at least they did something. The third was just a waste of time and the others just look like nothing.
Endgame is basically three different scripts mashed together with no thought as to whether the story created had any sense of direction or flow. It also suffered from a terribly written Conner and one of the worst actors alive today (Bruce Payne, a more appropriate surname I couldn't imagine).
The Source is just 90 minutes of pain that I wouldn't inflict on anyone. You did well not seeing either.
Endgame is basically three different scripts mashed together with no thought as to whether the story created had any sense of direction or flow. It also suffered from a terribly written Conner and one of the worst actors alive today (Bruce Payne, a more appropriate surname I couldn't imagine).
The Source is just 90 minutes of pain that I wouldn't inflict on anyone. You did well not seeing either.
Wasn't the Spoony Review (TM) enough to scare everyone off?
The Spoony One's review sadly has him talking over a lot of the footage, so it's hard to see just how bad the acting & dialogue really is, the Guardian especially. You get a hint of it in the video I linked. It's all you'll need though.
For the last time, hopefully. Planet Terror in the heavily cut German single-release version.
A lot of the gory & disgusting scenes were cut out of it (which are intact in the Grindhouse version I ordered yesterday) but it has a little more dialogue than the grindhouse cut. I still love it. All of it. Really looking forward to my Grindhouse double feature 3 DVD set to arrive soon.
later today: Death Proof. The single movie version.
A simply wonderful cast, very strong characters and a long overdue movie with mostly "elderly" actors. Although a lot of storytelling conventions are adhered to, you're never too sure where the journey goes, and you follow this wacky bunch of mostly retired misfits with pure joy. I'm pretty sure that a lot of additional scenes were filmed, but cut due to length issues. But these days, I sincerely appreciate the filmmakers' effort to not churn out three hour movie after three hour movie any more.
I consider the all too positive portrayal of call centers (in general, not only in India) - those that pressure senior citizens to buy their crap - to be the single major fuckup. Ruins a lot for me, but that's a sore spot for me personally.
^ This is why I'm going to be watching The Lorax on wednesday.
(Though its going to be interesting how that movie holds up as well. Probably won't be great, but its probably not going to be as bad as that! XD)
The Lorax was... pretty good. Much better than I thought it would be, honestly.
^ This is why I'm going to be watching The Lorax on wednesday.
(Though its going to be interesting how that movie holds up as well. Probably won't be great, but its probably not going to be as bad as that! XD)
Oh, I recommend Spider-Man, if only to see just how BAD it really is. It's amazing how bad it is. I do not understand how anyone, especially Dashing, praised Uncle Ben's "arc" in the movie, which amounted to like three tiny scenes of screentime followed by his death. No. Emotional. Impact. I can't remember if it was like that in the Raimi version, but there it had impact of some sort, even with the Tobey cry.
I can't believe they played Coldplay over this movie. I can not believe that.
Oh, I recommend Spider-Man, if only to see just how BAD it really is. It's amazing how bad it is. I do not understand how anyone, especially Dashing, praised Uncle Ben's "arc" in the movie, which amounted to like three tiny scenes of screentime followed by his death. No. Emotional. Impact. I can't remember if it was like that in the Raimi version, but there it had impact of some sort, even with the Tobey cry.
I can't believe they played Coldplay over this movie. I can not believe that.
Yeah, I imagined the film was basically Spiderman + Teen/tween culture garbage.
And though Raimi's films are flawed, I'd definately watch them again.
(Even Spiderman 3! But mostly for the excellent portrayal of Sandman, and to laugh at EmoPeter scenes! XD)
Still the best adaption of spiderman so far to me has to be the 90's series.
The best balance of focus on relatable issues on Peter Parker side, and the action and dangers of being Spiderman, on the Spiderman side.
EDIT: I think the only way one can actually do the comics justice is a straight adaption, ala Marvel Motion Comics.
(I watched Astonishing X-men on Netflix, and I'll be honest, when I say I loved it! )
(I actually would like to track down and read the X-men comics that came after it)
Yeah, I imagined the film was basically Spiderman + Teen/tween culture garbage.
And though Raimi's films are flawed, I'd definately watch them again.
(Even Spiderman 3! But mostly for the excellent portrayal of Sandman, and to laugh at EmoPeter scenes! XD)
Still the best adaption of spiderman so far to me has to be the 90's series.
The best balance of focus on relatable issues on Peter Parker side, and the action and dangers of being Spiderman, on the Spiderman side.
EDIT: I think the only way one can actually do the comics justice is a straight adaption, ala Marvel Motion Comics.
(I watched Astonishing X-men on Netflix, and I'll be honest, when I say I loved it! )
(I actually would like to track down and read the X-men comics that came after it)
I have to disagree with you on that because A. i loved the new Spiderman movie and B. I think Spectular Spiderman was better then the 90's show
I could not believe that shit. You know what this movie reminds me of a LOT. Transformers.
It has that same stupid sense of humor that Transformers has. Like that scene in the train where Peter Parker awkwardly keeps beating people up and sticking to shit, while inadvertently ripping the clothes off of a woman who is obviously cast to show her big-ol titties. At some point I just leaned over and said to my comrades, "Ladies and gentlemen, the next Shia LeBeouf". I'm shocked the movie didn't provide us of an ass shot of Gwen Stacy at every available opportunity. Holy shit, the more I think about this movie, the more like Transformers it becomes.
It occurs to me that the internet is filled with people who like to complain. People complain about Roland Emmerich's movies, but I like Stargate, Independence Day, The Thirteenth Floor and The Patriot. People complain about Star Trek 2009, but I love it.
I'm not saying people can't have opinions which differ from mine. I'm really saying that people on the internet complain too much, and that I plan on watching The Amazing Spider-Man without my opinion being skewed by complainers on these forums.
However, I'm not going to pay $9 per ticket to go see it.
No offence to anyone or their opinions and i respect everyone's opinions but it sounds like everyone is comparing this to the first 3 Spider-man films instead of treating it's own movie.
Some people might be complaining that there is hardly any Spider-man in it but i think it's a good thing to see Peter going through this stuff not just fighting the lizard. I admit there is bad parts but I think there was enough Spider-man in it to make it good and a part i loved was Spider-man & The Lizard fighting in Peter's school and Stan Lee's cameo was very funny. I did like Spider-man's costume but i hated how his eyes were orange instead of the normal white we see in every other Spider-man thing.I do like how we see the problems of Peter dealing with his new powers instead of Peter just hitting Flash by mistake with his web.
I liked how he acted when fighting because that is what Spider-Man does is make jokes and make his enemies more angry giving Spidey the advantage. I liked the comedy too thinking there was good jokes. Some things i didn't like through was how Ben was killed since it changed the Spidey story and it didn't look as great as Spider-Man 1 because there was hardly any attention shown to Ben other then Peter, in Spider-Man 1 everyone seen Ben and was over to see if he was ok. Again i didn't like Spidey's eyes. I wish we seen more of Spidey but that's all i can think of that i didnt like.
So i give Amazing Spider-Man 10/10 and please people respect my opinion. You might hate the movie and that's fine but i loved the movie. Spider-Man 1 is a good origin story too so check that out too.
Actually I'm going to give this film a lot of credit.
The 3D effects are great, the visual design is pretty clever and still kinda close to the source material.
And what I like about the story and the characters is that they stay consistent to the source, but also add that little extra.
The musical numbers kinda whiff, but a couple of them are actually pretty good.
Its definately NOT an action kids film, which is where the complaints I see come from.
I actually like it FOR that reason. Its a slower film, but its intentional because it makes the impact of the story's darker elements stronger.
Greed and Naivety are very strong themes in the story, and are very prevalent both in the present and the past side to the story, and it is nice to see how they play that parallel to good effect.
Of course the film is a little lacking in places. The Lorax in particular is kind of sidelined here and there, but the parts we see of him, are great.
As for humour, the film actually caught me off guard a few times, and its pretty rare for me to chuckle sadly!
Its mostly slapstick rather than clever dialogue, but thats not exactly a bad thing, especially for a film aimed at children.
Overall, I think its worth a watch. Definately the best of the Dr. Seuss adaptions.
EDIT: (I do like how it adds onto the original story. Sure its a little over-optimistic, but the message is still pretty clear and consistent. Its like someone saying to Dr.Seuss that since that time, people have changed, people have begun to care, its small change sure, but its still significant)
Well I already stated that I really love Planet Terror. The version in the Grindhouse double featuretakes it to another level though. Finally I get the Machete trailer on DVD and the cut in this pack is quite a bit better. 10/10
Death Proof Grindhouse cut
Well I had given up on this film after only knowing the extended cut until now but yet again the Grindhouse cut improves quite a lot. The first part no longer drags on for far too long but I didn't like that they cut out the lap dance after building it up twice in the movie. Better keep that one in and cut some other bullshit out. The second half of the movie is unbelieveably good in this version and the additional fake trailers before the movie were a lot of fun too. I don't regret buying this DVD after owning the extended cuts for both movies.
I might never watch the longer version of Planet Terror again but I am 100% sure that I never need to see the longer version of Death Proof ever again.
Death Proof Extended cut: 6/10
Death Proof Grindhouse cut: 8/10
It occurs to me that the internet is filled with people who like to complain. People complain about Roland Emmerich's movies, but I like Stargate, Independence Day, The Thirteenth Floor and The Patriot. People complain about Star Trek 2009, but I love it.
I'm not saying people can't have opinions which differ from mine. I'm really saying that people on the internet complain too much, and that I plan on watching The Amazing Spider-Man without my opinion being skewed by complainers on these forums.
However, I'm not going to pay $9 per ticket to go see it.
Disliking a movie for its faults = complaining. With that attitude, I don't think you should be reading this thread period.
But it seems that people people complain enough about things on the net that it at some point becomes less about disliking something (as said people must have very little indeed that they do like) but more like they're disgruntled in general and so want something to gripe about, which compounds when they encounter other people who don't mind joining in.
...on the other hand, there are truly horrible movies. I once attempted to watch Epic Movie online, but I had to stop watching within the first 15 minutes, it was so unwatchably awful. I'm not ranting--I really did feel myself getting dumber while watching it.
Well, I can agree that cynicism, especially on my own part, makes me more critical. But also, the more good movies you see, the harder it becomes to go back to the bad ones.
Spiderman wasn't that bad. They did a pretty good job developing the characters, moreso than the first spiderman film. The only thing I really disliked was the Lizard. He's unbelievably bland and managed to be an even worse villain than Venom. He got nothing on Doc Ock.
Also, I very much disagree with the statement that 'Temple of Doom sucks'. It's a different film style to the others, but that's not automatically a bad thing. Though yeah, the sidekicks are rather annoying, I'll give you that.
Of the trilogy, Temple of Doom is way more disgusting, disturbing and annoying; and it stretches the expectation for suspension of disbelief too far comparatively.
It's also the perfect pulp adventure flick embodying pulps of the 30s. So I wouldn't recommend reading any of those then if Temple bothers you.
I'm going to write Doug's review off btw on the basis that he once said Donovan was the villain of Raiders. Anybody that makes that mistake doesn't know jack shit about what they're talking about.
Oh wait, Brad Jones is in this one....okay I'll watch.
One of the reasons I started to dislike Doug was how separate he has made the NC identity from himself. I'm aware he has always been acting, but there was a point a while back when the points he was making began contradicting his personal opinions and it showed. It isn't a factor of fame, it just started to seem forced to me and he became overly predictable. I don't hate him, but he went from being the reason I visited his site, to being maybe #4 or #5.
Who ordered the whoop ass fajitas?
Rewatched this for my latest video and my god, I'd really forgotten just how truly bad it is. David Boreanez is so unbelievably terrible in his role as
I hated this movie. I hated it from the time it started, to the time it ended, with my hate growing with every second. I pointed and laughed at scenes in this. The acting was horrible. The effects were horrible. The 90s called. They want their CGI back. The characters were terrible. The action was terrible. The story was terrible. Each individual scene was terrible and filled with problems. The movie is horrifyingly bad. It's worse than Batman and Robin. It's worse than Roger Corman's Fantastic Four. Worse than Elektra. Worse than The Incredible Hulk. Worse than Manos The Hands of Fate.
What the flying crap. I yelled f- you at this movie as I left. What a trainwreck. My friends were laughing and groaning as it went on. One of them lost interest halfway through. How did they make it so bad? How did it get so many good reviews? Near the end, we turned into complete assholes who ripped into this movie as loudly as we wanted and we no longer cared. This movie demands no courtesy or respect. Theater attendants and ushers came in to take us out but stopped because it was Spider-Man and it deserved that shit. F- you, Marc Webb. You made it okay for us to disturb the peace ranting against your shitty movie.
(Though its going to be interesting how that movie holds up as well. Probably won't be great, but its probably not going to be as bad as that! XD)
No. Just... no. Here's the film in 5 minutes. It's all you'll need to understand why.
The Source is just 90 minutes of pain that I wouldn't inflict on anyone. You did well not seeing either.
Wasn't the Spoony Review (TM) enough to scare everyone off?
For the last time, hopefully. Planet Terror in the heavily cut German single-release version.
A lot of the gory & disgusting scenes were cut out of it (which are intact in the Grindhouse version I ordered yesterday) but it has a little more dialogue than the grindhouse cut. I still love it. All of it. Really looking forward to my Grindhouse double feature 3 DVD set to arrive soon.
later today: Death Proof. The single movie version.
A simply wonderful cast, very strong characters and a long overdue movie with mostly "elderly" actors. Although a lot of storytelling conventions are adhered to, you're never too sure where the journey goes, and you follow this wacky bunch of mostly retired misfits with pure joy. I'm pretty sure that a lot of additional scenes were filmed, but cut due to length issues. But these days, I sincerely appreciate the filmmakers' effort to not churn out three hour movie after three hour movie any more.
I consider the all too positive portrayal of call centers (in general, not only in India) - those that pressure senior citizens to buy their crap - to be the single major fuckup. Ruins a lot for me, but that's a sore spot for me personally.
The Lorax was... pretty good. Much better than I thought it would be, honestly.
Oh, I recommend Spider-Man, if only to see just how BAD it really is. It's amazing how bad it is. I do not understand how anyone, especially Dashing, praised Uncle Ben's "arc" in the movie, which amounted to like three tiny scenes of screentime followed by his death. No. Emotional. Impact. I can't remember if it was like that in the Raimi version, but there it had impact of some sort, even with the Tobey cry.
I can't believe they played Coldplay over this movie. I can not believe that.
Yeah, I imagined the film was basically Spiderman + Teen/tween culture garbage.
And though Raimi's films are flawed, I'd definately watch them again.
(Even Spiderman 3! But mostly for the excellent portrayal of Sandman, and to laugh at EmoPeter scenes! XD)
Still the best adaption of spiderman so far to me has to be the 90's series.
The best balance of focus on relatable issues on Peter Parker side, and the action and dangers of being Spiderman, on the Spiderman side.
EDIT: I think the only way one can actually do the comics justice is a straight adaption, ala Marvel Motion Comics.
(I watched Astonishing X-men on Netflix, and I'll be honest, when I say I loved it!
(I actually would like to track down and read the X-men comics that came after it)
I have to disagree with you on that because A. i loved the new Spiderman movie and B. I think Spectular Spiderman was better then the 90's show
I could not believe that shit. You know what this movie reminds me of a LOT. Transformers.
It has that same stupid sense of humor that Transformers has. Like that scene in the train where Peter Parker awkwardly keeps beating people up and sticking to shit, while inadvertently ripping the clothes off of a woman who is obviously cast to show her big-ol titties. At some point I just leaned over and said to my comrades, "Ladies and gentlemen, the next Shia LeBeouf". I'm shocked the movie didn't provide us of an ass shot of Gwen Stacy at every available opportunity. Holy shit, the more I think about this movie, the more like Transformers it becomes.
I'm not saying people can't have opinions which differ from mine. I'm really saying that people on the internet complain too much, and that I plan on watching The Amazing Spider-Man without my opinion being skewed by complainers on these forums.
However, I'm not going to pay $9 per ticket to go see it.
So i give Amazing Spider-Man 10/10 and please people respect my opinion. You might hate the movie and that's fine but i loved the movie. Spider-Man 1 is a good origin story too so check that out too.
Actually I'm going to give this film a lot of credit.
The 3D effects are great, the visual design is pretty clever and still kinda close to the source material.
And what I like about the story and the characters is that they stay consistent to the source, but also add that little extra.
The musical numbers kinda whiff, but a couple of them are actually pretty good.
Its definately NOT an action kids film, which is where the complaints I see come from.
I actually like it FOR that reason. Its a slower film, but its intentional because it makes the impact of the story's darker elements stronger.
Greed and Naivety are very strong themes in the story, and are very prevalent both in the present and the past side to the story, and it is nice to see how they play that parallel to good effect.
Of course the film is a little lacking in places. The Lorax in particular is kind of sidelined here and there, but the parts we see of him, are great.
As for humour, the film actually caught me off guard a few times, and its pretty rare for me to chuckle sadly!
Its mostly slapstick rather than clever dialogue, but thats not exactly a bad thing, especially for a film aimed at children.
Overall, I think its worth a watch. Definately the best of the Dr. Seuss adaptions.
EDIT: (I do like how it adds onto the original story. Sure its a little over-optimistic, but the message is still pretty clear and consistent. Its like someone saying to Dr.Seuss that since that time, people have changed, people have begun to care, its small change sure, but its still significant)
Planet Terror (Grindhouse cut)
Well I already stated that I really love Planet Terror. The version in the Grindhouse double featuretakes it to another level though. Finally I get the Machete trailer on DVD and the cut in this pack is quite a bit better. 10/10
Death Proof Grindhouse cut
Well I had given up on this film after only knowing the extended cut until now but yet again the Grindhouse cut improves quite a lot. The first part no longer drags on for far too long but I didn't like that they cut out the lap dance after building it up twice in the movie. Better keep that one in and cut some other bullshit out. The second half of the movie is unbelieveably good in this version and the additional fake trailers before the movie were a lot of fun too. I don't regret buying this DVD after owning the extended cuts for both movies.
I might never watch the longer version of Planet Terror again but I am 100% sure that I never need to see the longer version of Death Proof ever again.
Death Proof Extended cut: 6/10
Death Proof Grindhouse cut: 8/10
Disliking a movie for its faults = complaining. With that attitude, I don't think you should be reading this thread period.
...on the other hand, there are truly horrible movies. I once attempted to watch Epic Movie online, but I had to stop watching within the first 15 minutes, it was so unwatchably awful. I'm not ranting--I really did feel myself getting dumber while watching it.
Spiderman falling way down to number 29.