Heh, that reminds me of the recent Wife in Space podcast where they went to some convention where Benton was doing stand-up and his music. Sue bumped into him by mistake, making him spill his Guinness on his suit and causing him to go ballistic. Luckily they caught it all on tape. Never meet your heroes, I guess. It's all here: http://wifeinspace.com/2012/11/the-davison-years/
By the way, I can heartily recommend that blog for anyone thinking about watching the classic series from the beginning. I'm doing the same right now, and Wife in Space certainly helps with the crappy bits (of which there are many!). I'm at the same point they are at the moment. Just finished up The Twin Dilemma. Only 5 more classic seasons left before I've seen every DW episode ever!
Andrew Cartmel is apparently to write (or at least edit. Or have some oversight of. Or got his name on) a not-Kickstarter-but-somebody-else's-similar-thing-funded "Fan Fiction Illustrated" magazine to feature Cartmel Masterplan-era seventh Doctor comic strips.
So I want someone dead right but no one will kill him incase they get arrested (despite the fact I have ppl on my organizations who are memory proof) So I need a suit to control someones actions right! So obviously I need to get a nation wanting to go to the moon to build a space suit no other way to get that stuff check.
Then I need someone in the suit to kill him and not just any someone (even though any someone will do) No I need to steal a baby from the guys best friends and turn it into a time baby (and blow up the universe show in one realty they will shag in space) check.
Then I'll put the person in a lake and hope The Doctor will either randomly go there or hear about his death and decide well I guess I have to!
My God!! The Silence are the most convoluted idiots ever! All there frigging plans are over the top to do simple things! I get the feeling that these guys where hungry one day so got the Earl of Sandwich to make them a sandwich!
The Silence are the most convoluted idiots ever! All there frigging plans are over the top to do simple things! I get the feeling that these guys where hungry one day so got the Earl of Sandwich to make them a sandwich!
And then they had to fix the timestream when Edmund Blackadder started the trend of calling them geralds.
Please stop posting images from that site Coolsome, they don't show up here. I had to upload that image to my Photobucket account and change the link just so people can see it, and I won't do that again.
Please stop posting images from that site Coolsome, they don't show up here. I had to upload that image to my Photobucket account and change the link just so people can see it, and I won't do that again.
I used Google images I don't even know what site it came from.
I don't think this was mentioned here (please forgive me if it was), but apparently The Eternity Clock arrived on Steam a while ago. I've been playing it for a bit, and it's actually better than I imagined it would be. It's definitely the best Who-game out there (which isn't that hard). Not that it's a world-changing game or anything, I'd never recommend it to anyone who wasn't a Who-fan. The gameplay isn't very interesting (it includes a lot of puzzles similiar to the ones in the adventure games), and the game can be pretty buggy (I had to restart a level several times because my companion kept getting stuck on a ladder, and achievements won't unlock for me), but it all looks pretty nice, the monsters are well done, the voice acting is pretty good and at times the game can come close to the feeling of the show - something the adventure games never did for me.
So yeah, if you're really can't wait for Christmas/Spring for more Who, and you don't mind playing a very average (but nice looking) game, then it can't hurt to play this. I'd say it's worth the €10,- they're asking, but definitely not more than that.
Some favorite things:
- Hearing some Unit-guy talking over a megaphone in the distance while Cyberman have taken over present day London. It was a small thing, but it made the world feel more alive and it fit with the mythology of the show.
- The Silurians who are introduced by you finding the body of a poisoned policeman under a streetlight in Victorian London.
- The collectibles are actually more fun than I expected. Tons of classic Who-references in the Doctor's hat collection, and River's diary is pretty fun as well.
- All the Silence-stuff. The build-up (catching something out of the corner of your eye, numbers that start appearing on the wall), and the stealth-scene in the Silence-base where you always have to keep your eyes on them in order to keep remembering them.
I'm at the Daleks right now, and I assume they're the last enemy in the game. I think I'd buy a sequel. There are plenty of interesting locations and enemies left, especially if they ever went multi-doctor.
I actually typed up the entirety of River's diary a few pages back in this thread, so you're not the first to talk about it. We generally discussed it in the Steam page, where I warned people away from it.
I completed the PS3 version and never want to touch it again, not even for the achievements I missed.
I thought it was a terrible game. But that's just me. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Two audio books, one documentary-type thing, three that could be soundtracks or novelisations, and one episode from right slap back in the middle of an ongoing story could be YOURS for FREE! Just pay £17.95 postage & packing....
Two audio books, one documentary-type thing, three that could be soundtracks or novelisations, and one episode from right slap back in the middle of an ongoing story could be YOURS for FREE! Just pay £17.95 postage & packing....
It even includes The Dominators, my favorite 1st Doctor Story!
How? Surely if they're wrapped, there's no more filming, right?
That was rather my intent in formatting the post that way. Or maybe they've secretly gathered Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, and David Tennant to do something together (which'd be mighty impressive, considering Colin's stint on I'm a Celebrity and McCoy on tour for premieres of the Hobbit right now)
More likely, they're doing some pick up shots this week before going on Holiday leave for Christmas, then maybe coming back in February to do a special or two before Moffat does Sherlock in March.
I assume they've finished filming for the material to be broadcast in Spring 2013, and will remount in a few weeks to embark on specials for November and December (with McCoy and Tennant and Old Uncle Tom Baker And All, with any luck)
Well, I watched the reconstruction of every episode that was destroyed, if that counts. It's the closest you can get to watching those lost episodes these days.
Well, I watched the reconstruction of every episode that was destroyed, if that counts. It's the closest you can get to watching those lost episodes these days.
Some of those reconstructions are getting pretty awesome. There's a few that were animated that are definitely worth watching.
Heh, that reminds me of the recent Wife in Space podcast where they went to some convention where Benton was doing stand-up and his music. Sue bumped into him by mistake, making him spill his Guinness on his suit and causing him to go ballistic. Luckily they caught it all on tape. Never meet your heroes, I guess. It's all here: http://wifeinspace.com/2012/11/the-davison-years/
By the way, I can heartily recommend that blog for anyone thinking about watching the classic series from the beginning. I'm doing the same right now, and Wife in Space certainly helps with the crappy bits (of which there are many!). I'm at the same point they are at the moment. Just finished up The Twin Dilemma. Only 5 more classic seasons left before I've seen every DW episode ever!
Andrew Cartmel is apparently to write (or at least edit. Or have some oversight of. Or got his name on) a not-Kickstarter-but-somebody-else's-similar-thing-funded "Fan Fiction Illustrated" magazine to feature Cartmel Masterplan-era seventh Doctor comic strips.
Then I need someone in the suit to kill him and not just any someone (even though any someone will do) No I need to steal a baby from the guys best friends and turn it into a time baby (and blow up the universe show in one realty they will shag in space) check.
Then I'll put the person in a lake and hope The Doctor will either randomly go there or hear about his death and decide well I guess I have to!
My God!! The Silence are the most convoluted idiots ever! All there frigging plans are over the top to do simple things! I get the feeling that these guys where hungry one day so got the Earl of Sandwich to make them a sandwich!
And then they had to fix the timestream when Edmund Blackadder started the trend of calling them geralds.
It must be true - that very version of Blackadder is mentioned in "The Man in the Velvet Mask".....
I used Google images I don't even know what site it came from.
So yeah, if you're really can't wait for Christmas/Spring for more Who, and you don't mind playing a very average (but nice looking) game, then it can't hurt to play this. I'd say it's worth the €10,- they're asking, but definitely not more than that.
Some favorite things:
- The Silurians who are introduced by you finding the body of a poisoned policeman under a streetlight in Victorian London.
- The collectibles are actually more fun than I expected. Tons of classic Who-references in the Doctor's hat collection, and River's diary is pretty fun as well.
- All the Silence-stuff. The build-up (catching something out of the corner of your eye, numbers that start appearing on the wall), and the stealth-scene in the Silence-base where you always have to keep your eyes on them in order to keep remembering them.
I'm at the Daleks right now, and I assume they're the last enemy in the game. I think I'd buy a sequel. There are plenty of interesting locations and enemies left, especially if they ever went multi-doctor.
I completed the PS3 version and never want to touch it again, not even for the achievements I missed.
I thought it was a terrible game. But that's just me. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
It must be hella painful for Matt to be holding her by her grasping his chest.
Here's an alleged "special offer" on Dr Who audios.
Two audio books, one documentary-type thing, three that could be soundtracks or novelisations, and one episode from right slap back in the middle of an ongoing story could be YOURS for FREE! Just pay £17.95 postage & packing....
What.. buy the *Express*?!!
In other news,
("If I told you that, I'd have to shoot you" is a very off turn of phrase for what's talking about....)
It even includes The Dominators, my favorite 1st Doctor Story!
They're also filming over the next week.
They're quoting the same interview as an earlier link, they're just interpreting it differently.
Ohh never mind then.
That was rather my intent in formatting the post that way. Or maybe they've secretly gathered Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, and David Tennant to do something together (which'd be mighty impressive, considering Colin's stint on I'm a Celebrity and McCoy on tour for premieres of the Hobbit right now)
More likely, they're doing some pick up shots this week before going on Holiday leave for Christmas, then maybe coming back in February to do a special or two before Moffat does Sherlock in March.
I don't think they'd be up to doing a special with the most powerful Word Lord on TV (though maybe Big Finish might... Nobody knows!)
Unless he has a TARDIS.
Some of those reconstructions are getting pretty awesome. There's a few that were animated that are definitely worth watching.
So I WASN'T the only one who noticed this.
Now if only David Tennant had shown up for the Olympics...
And that's not the best bit. It comes with Jelly Babies!