Is Neil Gaiman a children's author? I've only read "American Gods", but I wouldn't class that is a kids book. I'd be thinking more along the lines of Phillip Pullman, or Brian Jaques (if he was still alive).
Or maybe the guy who wrote the magic key books. With the Tardis instead of the key taking floppy and Biff off to magical worlds and adventures.
Is Neil Gaiman a children's author? I've only read "American Gods", but I wouldn't class that is a kids book. I'd be thinking more along the lines of Phillip Pullman, or Brian Jaques (if he was still alive).
Or maybe the guy who wrote the magic key books. With the Tardis instead of the key taking floppy and Biff off to magical worlds and adventures.
Is Neil Gaiman a children's author? I've only read "American Gods", but I wouldn't class that is a kids book. I'd be thinking more along the lines of Phillip Pullman, or Brian Jaques (if he was still alive).
Or maybe the guy who wrote the magic key books. With the Tardis instead of the key taking floppy and Biff off to magical worlds and adventures.
I'd say Stardust, Coraline, and Good Omens are books of his that I would have enjoyed as a kid. Then again, I also enjoyed stuff like Three Musketeers, Lord of the Rings, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea... so who knows.
Also, you mean Garth Nix? The Keys to the Kingdom books were pretty good, but I'd say his best work was in his trilogy: Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen. He does a really good creepy gothic type story.
I'd say Stardust, Coraline, and Good Omens are books of his that I would have enjoyed as a kid. Then again, I also enjoyed stuff like Three Musketeers, Lord of the Rings, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea... so who knows.
Also, you mean Garth Nix? The Keys to the Kingdom books were pretty good, but I'd say his best work was in his trilogy: Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen. He does a really good creepy gothic type story.
The magic key series of young kids books, was what I meant. They were what I learnt to read with at school. Essentially the next step up from "The fat cat sat on the mat".
The magic key series of young kids books, was what I meant. They were what I learnt to read with at school. Essentially the next step up from "The fat cat sat on the mat".
I... didn't even know that those existed.
Then again, my picture book period was very short. And most of my favorites were Halloween books, like The Ghost Eye Tree.
The magic key series of young kids books, was what I meant. They were what I learnt to read with at school. Essentially the next step up from "The fat cat sat on the mat".
We know what IDW are doing.
We know what AudioGo are doing (or, at least, getting Big Finish to do for them).
We know what Puffin are doing.
Now we know what Big Finish are doing (for themselves, this time) -
I'm all caught up on the current Doctor Who series, I've been going through everything starting about half-a-year ago now. I'm making my way through Classic Who at the moment, and just got to one of the first lost episodes with William Hartnell. Then after that, I'll check into the comics, books, and more than likely the audio CD's at some point depending on how big of a fan I feel like being.
I't still feels odd that all the 50th anniversary stuff is finally happening, after years of speculation. It's a bit surreal.
But most of the stuff sounds pretty decent that's been announced so far. If maybe a little standard (How many multi-doctors have big finish done now? four? Still I guess it's Tom's first one!)
The shorts are what I'm most looking forward to. Assuming they aren't too short anyway.
(on this subject, head over to Big Finish's website to listen to their last-but-one-or-so podcast, whcih contains the first episode of "The Wrong Doctors", with two sixth Doctors!)
Will I need to be up to date on Big Finish to understand The Light at the End?
Very little information about the story has emerged to date. There has been some speculation about the involvement of Charley, and which Doctor she associates with.
Will I need to be up to date on Big Finish to understand The Light at the End?
Nope. There was some speculation they'd use a recent version of the Master they introduced in a release (which was a surprise, hence my not naming the actor nor release), but they've said it's Geoffrey Beevers so I'd not be too worried about that. There might be some cameos from the audio-original companions in five-doctors style, too. Charley'll be Eight's companion but it really doesn't need any information other then the fact she is edwardian and adventurous.
Also, Friar; the main reason that this is such a big deal to so many people is that Big Finish's multi-Doctor stories either; a. turn out not to be the Doctor (Project: Lazarus, Zagreus), b. don't feature the Doctors interacting whatsoever aside from a brief scene towards the end (Zagreus, The Four Doctors), or c. feature the same incarnation of the Doctor (Caerdroia, Mary's Story, A Death in the Family, The Wrong Doctors). Plus Tom's involved for the first time ever.
Also announced (a few months back, but it's been properly announced now with pre-order and all) is the November CC will tell the story of the Doctor's escape from Gallifrey, as told by Susan. It's called "The Beginning".
They also announced the rest of the titles for Destiny of the Doctor (the most exciting titles of which obviously are the NuWho ones, which are as follows);
9 - Night of the Whisper
10 - Death's Deal
11 - The Time Machine
The Eighth Doctor's story is also called Enemy Lines, which has pretty obvious connotations (he'll be challenging Davros to a bake-off and invade his kitchen) Similarly, they've announced Dark Eyes 2, Dark Eyes 3, and Dark Eyes 4, with the former releasing in November as well and the next two releasing in 2014.
This does leave us with the fact Dark Eyes 2, The Beginning, and the Light at the End will all release at the same point, so Big Finish's server will crash and fail for weeks.
Also announced (a few months back, but it's been properly announced now with pre-order and all) is the November CC will tell the story of the Doctor's escape from Gallifrey, as told by Susan. It's called "The Beginning".
Oh sweet. That's perfect for me, considering I'm only on the first Doctor for Classic Who as I make my way through 1-8.
The Eighth Doctor's story is also called Enemy Lines, which has pretty obvious connotations (he'll be challenging Davros to a bake-off and invade his kitchen) Similarly, they've announced Dark Eyes 2, Dark Eyes 3, and Dark Eyes 4, with the former releasing in November as well and the next two releasing in 2014.
I was actually very curious about just watching the Doctor Who movie, and then just following his Audio Dramas seeing as how that's where his stories seem to happen anyway, and I also liked his new set of clothes in that promotional material that echoed the 9th Doctor's outfit a little bit...does that mean we'll get to witness the 8th's Regeneration you think?
I'm going to get The Light at The End. Now I wana buy Doctor Who audios! The Sontaran one looks cool I like Sontarans.
Gawd I wish Strax was a full time companion.
If the BBC would extend big finish's license, you could bet he'd be getting his own spin off series with madame vastra. Jago & Lightfoot style.
Anyway, I will undoubtedly be getting the anniversary release. Probably only the cheapskate version though (an extra £30 seems a lot to pay for a couple of documentaries and "The revenants" which was given away for free a couple of months back. Plus I'll be at uni, so tight budget. I just hope it's better than "The sirens of Time"
I'm also glad to hear they are continuing with dark eyes. I loved Molly. And I loved all the references to the time war. But as a result of those hints being false in that audio, I have my doubts as to the time war having any real part in future audios, no matter how obvious it seems from the title or description.
No. Big Finish's licence only covers 1963-1989 plus Paul McGann.
I just meant that it sounded like they were handling the you know what war, and that it could lead up to the regeneration. Not the actual 9th Doctor's run, but the fall of the Eighth.
It would be seriously nice to see that gap filled in.
I just meant that it sounded like they were handling the you know what war, and that it could lead up to the regeneration. Not the actual 9th Doctor's run, but the fall of the Eighth.
It would be seriously nice to see that gap filled in.
But then the eighth doctor's reign would be officially over!
I would love to see the time war done though. As a movie. It's the only way to really do it justice I think. Covering what is essentially a new doctor for most people (the 8th), plus the cause of the war, the events, why it was so bad, how the timelords became evil and the doctor's plan to kill both sides off plus his regeneration seems a bit much to fit into a couple of episodes or whatever. Plus it'll be more action oriented so that's better suited to a cinematic audience.
The Eighth Doctor Never Died. It's the truth. He won't die under the current team at Big Finish no matter what rights issues transpire, either; Big Finish have made it clear that the reason the Eighth Doctor still remains their most popular seller is that they can go anywhere with it; they don't need to not run into the Cybermen because we already have a later story where he mentions not running into them for x Years, simply as those later stories haven't been told yet.
Ooh, you've not had the twist of the Elite spoiled for you, have you? I spoiled it for myself after hearing about how good the twist was and I regretted it (though the twist sort-of reveals itself too soon after a short while, though). Also Energy of the Daleks isn't exactly the most exciting story of them all.
In case anyone hasn't seen, Big Finish is offering each of the Destiny of the Doctor titles on Download for a paltry (your currency symbol)4, or in a subscription for 40 your currencies. That's 3.63 per title, which is a fantastic bargain.
I haven't heard any of those myself, so I can't comment on their quality. Are they your first ones? My first was "mind's Eye" Which was a fifth doctor audio. It was the first time I'd heard of peri too, and I assumed that the other, audio only companion (Erimem) was from the TV series too. At the time the only classic doctor I'd seen was the original.
But yeah, I loved it. It's one of my favourites. I hope you enjoy your audio's.
@Ribs: That is a pretty decent price. Has anyone tried the first one and have any comments on its quality?
@Ribs: That is a pretty decent price. Has anyone tried the first one and have any comments on its quality?
It's essentially just a third-person companion chronicle; it's probably more similar to The Rosemariners (which has episode 1 available for Streaming from BF), essentially. As such, it's pretty good. I'd recommend checking out the Rosemariners to see if the format jives with you, though. Plus, at the price it's going at, it's not likely to disappoint! (and I'd at least put a pre-order down on the last four of the set, which I'm very excited for (especially as it'd send the message to AudioGo to continue such NuWho collaborations with Big Finish))
Is Spare Parts any good? I like the Fifth Doctor and so far his audios have been really good (I've only herd 2 hehe)
Yeah, it's pretty awesome. For me, the fifth doctor is the most consistent in the quality in the audios. Plus he's the doctor I think I'd be closest too, if I was ever cast. I really like his portrayal. He's the only classic doctor that I've seen all the episodes for.
Comments are guessing... only guessing, mind you, that Neil Gaiman might be writing the Troughton story.
(And I've won a copy of the first episode of AudioGo-and-Big-Finish's series. Yay!)
Or maybe the guy who wrote the magic key books. With the Tardis instead of the key taking floppy and Biff off to magical worlds and adventures.
Will Biff drop her lunch again?
I think his fairy tales might be suitable for some older children, yes.
I'd say Stardust, Coraline, and Good Omens are books of his that I would have enjoyed as a kid. Then again, I also enjoyed stuff like Three Musketeers, Lord of the Rings, and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea... so who knows.
Also, you mean Garth Nix? The Keys to the Kingdom books were pretty good, but I'd say his best work was in his trilogy: Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen. He does a really good creepy gothic type story.
No, I think Friar was being a wee bit on the ol' sarcastic side -
Not *quite* the kind of children's author I'm hoping for (although against that, the famous-bears-get-kidnapped story's pretty good....
Hot on the heels of his great success at writing for "Hitchhik-" - oh, hang on. Let's hope Puffin's editor does some editing.
The magic key series of young kids books, was what I meant. They were what I learnt to read with at school. Essentially the next step up from "The fat cat sat on the mat".
I... didn't even know that those existed.
Then again, my picture book period was very short. And most of my favorites were Halloween books, like The Ghost Eye Tree.
I learnt how to read from those too!
We know what AudioGo are doing (or, at least, getting Big Finish to do for them).
We know what Puffin are doing.
Now we know what Big Finish are doing (for themselves, this time) -
Empty those wallets now.
As for my favorite Doctor? The Doctor, of course!
But most of the stuff sounds pretty decent that's been announced so far. If maybe a little standard (How many multi-doctors have big finish done now? four? Still I guess it's Tom's first one!)
The shorts are what I'm most looking forward to. Assuming they aren't too short anyway.
(on this subject, head over to Big Finish's website to listen to their last-but-one-or-so podcast, whcih contains the first episode of "The Wrong Doctors", with two sixth Doctors!)
Very little information about the story has emerged to date. There has been some speculation about the involvement of Charley, and which Doctor she associates with.
Nope. There was some speculation they'd use a recent version of the Master they introduced in a release (which was a surprise, hence my not naming the actor nor release), but they've said it's Geoffrey Beevers so I'd not be too worried about that. There might be some cameos from the audio-original companions in five-doctors style, too. Charley'll be Eight's companion but it really doesn't need any information other then the fact she is edwardian and adventurous.
Also, Friar; the main reason that this is such a big deal to so many people is that Big Finish's multi-Doctor stories either; a. turn out not to be the Doctor (Project: Lazarus, Zagreus), b. don't feature the Doctors interacting whatsoever aside from a brief scene towards the end (Zagreus, The Four Doctors), or c. feature the same incarnation of the Doctor (Caerdroia, Mary's Story, A Death in the Family, The Wrong Doctors). Plus Tom's involved for the first time ever.
Also announced (a few months back, but it's been properly announced now with pre-order and all) is the November CC will tell the story of the Doctor's escape from Gallifrey, as told by Susan. It's called "The Beginning".
They also announced the rest of the titles for Destiny of the Doctor (the most exciting titles of which obviously are the NuWho ones, which are as follows);
9 - Night of the Whisper
10 - Death's Deal
11 - The Time Machine
The Eighth Doctor's story is also called Enemy Lines, which has pretty obvious connotations (he'll be challenging Davros to a bake-off and invade his kitchen) Similarly, they've announced Dark Eyes 2, Dark Eyes 3, and Dark Eyes 4, with the former releasing in November as well and the next two releasing in 2014.
This does leave us with the fact Dark Eyes 2, The Beginning, and the Light at the End will all release at the same point, so Big Finish's server will crash and fail for weeks.
Oh sweet. That's perfect for me, considering I'm only on the first Doctor for Classic Who as I make my way through 1-8.
I was actually very curious about just watching the Doctor Who movie, and then just following his Audio Dramas seeing as how that's where his stories seem to happen anyway, and I also liked his new set of clothes in that promotional material that echoed the 9th Doctor's outfit a little bit...does that mean we'll get to witness the 8th's Regeneration you think?
No. Big Finish's licence only covers 1963-1989 plus Paul McGann.
Gawd I wish Strax was a full time companion.
If the BBC would extend big finish's license, you could bet he'd be getting his own spin off series with madame vastra. Jago & Lightfoot style.
Anyway, I will undoubtedly be getting the anniversary release. Probably only the cheapskate version though (an extra £30 seems a lot to pay for a couple of documentaries and "The revenants" which was given away for free a couple of months back. Plus I'll be at uni, so tight budget. I just hope it's better than "The sirens of Time"
I'm also glad to hear they are continuing with dark eyes. I loved Molly. And I loved all the references to the time war. But as a result of those hints being false in that audio, I have my doubts as to the time war having any real part in future audios, no matter how obvious it seems from the title or description.
I just meant that it sounded like they were handling the you know what war, and that it could lead up to the regeneration. Not the actual 9th Doctor's run, but the fall of the Eighth.
It would be seriously nice to see that gap filled in.
But then the eighth doctor's reign would be officially over!
I would love to see the time war done though. As a movie. It's the only way to really do it justice I think. Covering what is essentially a new doctor for most people (the 8th), plus the cause of the war, the events, why it was so bad, how the timelords became evil and the doctor's plan to kill both sides off plus his regeneration seems a bit much to fit into a couple of episodes or whatever. Plus it'll be more action oriented so that's better suited to a cinematic audience.
In case anyone hasn't seen, Big Finish is offering each of the Destiny of the Doctor titles on Download for a paltry (your currency symbol)4, or in a subscription for 40 your currencies. That's 3.63 per title, which is a fantastic bargain.
I haven't heard any of those myself, so I can't comment on their quality. Are they your first ones? My first was "mind's Eye" Which was a fifth doctor audio. It was the first time I'd heard of peri too, and I assumed that the other, audio only companion (Erimem) was from the TV series too. At the time the only classic doctor I'd seen was the original.
But yeah, I loved it. It's one of my favourites. I hope you enjoy your audio's.
@Ribs: That is a pretty decent price. Has anyone tried the first one and have any comments on its quality?
It's essentially just a third-person companion chronicle; it's probably more similar to The Rosemariners (which has episode 1 available for Streaming from BF), essentially. As such, it's pretty good. I'd recommend checking out the Rosemariners to see if the format jives with you, though. Plus, at the price it's going at, it's not likely to disappoint! (and I'd at least put a pre-order down on the last four of the set, which I'm very excited for (especially as it'd send the message to AudioGo to continue such NuWho collaborations with Big Finish))
I guessed looking at the box tbh.:p
Is Spare Parts any good? I like the Fifth Doctor and so far his audios have been really good (I've only herd 2 hehe)
Yeah, it's pretty awesome. For me, the fifth doctor is the most consistent in the quality in the audios. Plus he's the doctor I think I'd be closest too, if I was ever cast. I really like his portrayal. He's the only classic doctor that I've seen all the episodes for.
Now, is that an episode of sherlock or Doctor Who?