A Musical Tribute - by SilverWolfPet and YOU (Launched! Page 11)



  • edited January 2011
  • edited January 2011
    You always seem to catch me as I'm going to bed. WTH are you still doing up?!?
  • edited January 2011
    6e0Dn.jpg :p
  • edited January 2011
    Oh, you guys are still waiting? Awesome!

    Rendering now then sending it to Alan.
  • edited January 2011
    Sorry for the double post, I just sent it to Alan. He should be putting it on the blog any moment now :D

    (if he didn't go to bed, what time is it over there anyway? I can never do the math properly)
  • edited January 2011
    It should be 5:25 PM where he is, I think.
  • edited January 2011
    *taps fingers and sings a childhood song* Why are we waiting, we are hibernating, oh why are we waiting for this to happen ...

    Sorry, just excited and impatient at the same time :)
  • edited January 2011
    I'm ready!
    tarasis wrote: »
    *taps fingers and sings a childhood song* Why are we waiting, we are hibernating, oh why are we waiting for this to happen ...

    Sorry, just excited and impatient at the same time :)

    We used to sing 'Why are we waiting, we are dehydrating..." at school...
  • edited January 2011
    Hadn't heard that one, the couple of versions I found on google where less ... clean like "could be masturbating". I guess I went to a more sheltered school :)
  • edited January 2011
    Ours was
    "Why are we waiting? We are suffocating!"
  • edited January 2011
    Okay this one I am going to really pass on. I had trouble watching the BttF tribute because I was in it but in the end I was glad and it was a beautiful production. But to hear my self sing!!!! No way Jose(what a lame expression lol). Or I'll put it on mute.
  • edited January 2011
    He should be putting it on the blog any moment now :D

    I am also very ready! 8D
    And a moment seems to be awfully long in America?
    Choose your words wisely, SWP, don't get people hyped in the middle of the night!
  • edited January 2011
    You should bug Alan right now, it's no longer in my hands. :)

    But really, don't bug Alan, he's got a lot on his mind right now. I just hope you'll like it. And you won't sue me or anything.
  • edited January 2011
    If I was working at Telltale Games, I would have had it up already, damnity damn it.
  • edited January 2011
    Here's the video! A big thanks to Andrei and all of the Telltale fans that contributed to the video! You guys ALL rock! :D

  • edited January 2011
    omg, it's so touching, i'm almost crying

    telltale, we love you!
  • edited January 2011
    Woooeee! I knew my eyebrows would make it into the video! :D
  • edited January 2011
    Soooo cute!
  • edited January 2011
    WOO!! It's done!
    That was...amazing. The chorus's were amazingly done and everybody was given great moments throughout.

    It was great to work with you all. I'm here if you decide to do another one, Silver.

  • edited January 2011
    who's the elder guy with the glasses and the wannabe-beard?

    looks very likeable. and i saw him in the other video on the blog too, in the audition scenes. you're kind of weird in a good way :D
  • edited January 2011
    Pretty good video. I just hope the song doesn't get stuck in my head!
  • edited January 2011
    mathman77 wrote: »
    Pretty good video. I just hope the song doesn't get stuck in my head!

    Too late for me.
  • edited January 2011
    Awesome. Great job everyone! Thanks to SWP for doing it in the first place and Alan & TTG for being good sports (or just insane).

    Next time I'll know to put the camera in landscape and not portrait :)
  • edited January 2011
    Cyphox wrote: »
    who's the elder guy with the glasses and the wannabe-beard?

    looks very likeable. and i saw him in the other video on the blog too, in the audition scenes. you're kind of weird in a good way :D

    Lol who are you calling elder, im only 34 (admittedly shockingly grey and the beard adds years, hence i often keep it). Thank you though ... I think :)

    I'm also the loon singing the "it's your heart and my heart dah dah dah" in the background towards the very end.
  • edited January 2011
    i'm sorry. get rid of the beard i say!

    just kidding, you look like a very likeable person, no matter what.

    dont see it as "looking older", see it as "looking much wiser and more intelligent than others" :D

    i'd like to grow myself a little beard too, but all my collegues at work keep saying: "Shave, SHAVE, SHAVEEEEEE!!!!"

    they also force me to go to the barber regularely. god, i hate this. i love my hair, i want it to grow free.
  • edited January 2011
    I loved getting to work on this (even though my footage looks more washed-out than I remember). So great to see it all together!
  • edited January 2011
    Well, I'm happy with it! Very cool result, I'd be happy to do something like this again.
  • edited January 2011
    Yaaay, I'm happy you guys liked it!

    Thanks Alan for helping out and thanks everybody for joining in! :D
  • edited January 2011
    I can only imagine what our Jurassic Park tribute could be...
  • edited January 2011
    Oh, here's the song for your ipod or mp3 player.

    And instrumental version, if you wanna go all karaoke with it :p
  • edited January 2011
    Cyphox wrote: »
    i'm sorry. get rid of the beard i say!

    just kidding, you look like a very likeable person, no matter what.

    dont see it as "looking older", see it as "looking much wiser and more intelligent than others" :D

    i'd like to grow myself a little beard too, but all my collegues at work keep saying: "Shave, SHAVE, SHAVEEEEEE!!!!"

    they also force me to go to the barber regularely. god, i hate this. i love my hair, i want it to grow free.

    My wife would agree with you but laziness takes a hold. The hair is because I like the mad professor look. Every so often it gets shaved off to about 18mm and is left to grow again. So I say to you, ignore them let your hair run free!
    I can only imagine what our Jurassic Park tribute could be...

    can I apply for the role of John Hammond now? By the time JP is out I should be completely grey ;)

    Reminds me I got my degree from Dickie Attenborough, he was the chancellor of my Uni when I graduated (Sussex University back in 1999). Was a quick shake of the hand, here's your degree, goodbye type of affair but still fun
  • edited January 2011
    The video is awesome! The voodoo cards on the tree just made my day!
    I can only imagine what our Jurassic Park tribute could be...

    I think that would be amazing! If we do one, I'm in!
  • edited January 2011
    Fantastic video, great work everybody and especially to Andrei, who so relentlessly churns out impressive fan stuff :)

    Now, if only I knew which face in the video belongs to which name in the credits...
  • edited January 2011
    The video is awesome! The voodoo cards on the tree just made my day!

  • edited January 2011
    Voices turned out really well, noise reduction worked great!
    I'm in the credits woohoo :D

    Nice video.. awesomeness! :D
  • edited January 2011
    It's always weird for me to see myself on TV, youtube, etc... but as I keep watching this, I'm getting used to it... I'm happy that I participated.
  • edited January 2011
    This turned out interesting (Interesting usually means good to me)

    I was glad to be a part of it.
  • edited January 2011
    I am too scared to watch but I am glad to see Tarasis receiving props for his apppearance. I thought the guy was awesome in the BttF Tribute and he had my mom laughing.
  • edited January 2011
    Origami wrote: »
    I am too scared to watch but I am glad to see Tarasis receiving props for his apppearance. I thought the guy was awesome in the BttF Tribute and he had my mom laughing.

    You can't stand to hear yourself sing that much? I thought I was the only person like that! When I do animations, I make sure I do little to no voice acting for the same reason. I wish I'd get over that, I do like doing impressions.

    Anyway, you really should watch the video. It was great, and the unisons will make your voice less noticable.
  • edited January 2011
    It was fantastic! Definately worth waiting for! Well done everyone :o)

    And tarasis, I'm 32 and have the opposite problem - on my 24th birthday I was asked if I was turning 17... but now the grey hairs are appearing...
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