A Musical Tribute - by SilverWolfPet and YOU (Launched! Page 11)



  • edited January 2011
    skeeter wrote: »
    It was fantastic! Definately worth waiting for! Well done everyone :o)

    And tarasis, I'm 32 and have the opposite problem - on my 24th birthday I was asked if I was turning 17... but now the grey hairs are appearing...

    Skeeter: oh no, that's got to be annoying at times. I've been turning grey since I was 16, but these last couple of years it's been accelerating; I blame being a stay at home dad :)
    Origami wrote: »
    I am too scared to watch

    Seriously don't be, it's lots of fun. I've watched it about 6 times so far, the tune/song is so damn addictive.

    I am also curious who everyone else in the video is, including the first guy in the smoking jacket and Christmas hat. It was great to see women involved as well, it often just feels like its a 'net full of men :) Also whats with the photo of lots of Asian people, are they all TTG fans?
  • edited January 2011
    tarasis wrote: »
    I am also curious who everyone else in the video is, including the first guy in the smoking jacket and Christmas hat. It was great to see women involved as well, it often just feels like its a 'net full of men :) Also whats with the photo of lots of Asian people, are they all TTG fans?

    That's my art club in Soka University in Hachioji City, Tokyo- I'm the blonde chick with the sketchbook. They helped me make a Telltale comic for the Halloween contest (whose first page you can see in the photo and which you can view in its entirety here).

    I'm the woman in the blue yukata (summer kimono) with really frizzy blonde hair and black glasses during the actual video.
  • edited January 2011
    Hm, people seem to want to know who is who in the video. My bad, it didn't occur to me that I should write your names there. Hm... I could post screenshots here, with the names of everyone. Would that be ok?

    Initially the clip was supposed to be posted through the TTG youtube account, but they had minor technical difficulties. That's why I waited so long before posting the clip, it is actually a semi-official TellTale clip which, I hope, will be posted every year to remind the next generation of fans how awesome TellTale is and what this community really means. Epic phrase: Therefore, my X-Mas gift to you is immortalization-ness on the TellTale Blog! ...or something along those lines. :p

    You guys tell me how would you like to see your name up there, along with your clip, and I'll see to it :)
  • edited January 2011
    Initially the clip was supposed to be posted through the TTG youtube account, but they had minor technical difficulties.

    Is that the polite form of "they forgot the password"? :)
    You guys tell me how would you like to see your name up there, along with your clip, and I'll see to it

    *Shrug* happy with either tarasis or Robert "tarasis" McGovern.
  • edited January 2011
    tarasis wrote: »
    I am also curious who everyone else in the video is, including the first guy in the smoking jacket and Christmas hat.

    That'd be me. Hi!
  • edited January 2011
    tarasis wrote: »
    Is that the polite form of "they forgot the password"? :)

    Nope, in the real form of "youtube automatically updates the main video feed on our site and we couldn't find a wuick way to work around that".

    Our video is nice, but it's not exactly a product-related video. Important thing is that we enjoyed it before we went all Easter Sunday.
  • edited January 2011
    Our video is nice, but it's not exactly a product-related video. Important thing is that we enjoyed it before we went all Easter Sunday.


    tarasis wrote: »
    Skeeter: oh no, that's got to be annoying at times. I've been turning grey since I was 16, but these last couple of years it's been accelerating; I blame being a stay at home dad :)

    I suppose I should be happy, my mum doesn't look her age either, so it means I'll stay young looking for longer... And that's a good idea, I can blame my grey hairs on 15 years of working with young children!
  • edited January 2011
    Great video! I just watched it now that the hype has subdeud LOL :P
  • edited January 2011
    Origami wrote: »
    Great video! I just watched it now that the hype has subdeud LOL :P

    *chuckles* Def took you a while, good you enjoyed it though :)
  • edited January 2011

    Yeah, TOOK you long enough dude!! :D:D Glad you liked it.

    It's a good thing it wasn't an entire movie. You'd reach 80 before you watched it.
  • edited January 2011
    Its... Its... Beautiful.

    I just got to watch it. Still on trip though.

    Congratulations, Silver! :D
  • edited February 2011
    My 5 year old son keeps humming/clicking this song recently, which is impressive considering he's only watched it 3 times (in early January) and considering the amount of music he has heard (I play a lot of soundtracks).

    When he talks about it, he refers to it as "that video where you say Merry Christmas" copying the way I said Merry Christmas.

    You've got an addictive tune there SWP!
  • edited February 2011
    I just saw this thread at the top of the forum - I saw 'tribute' 'silverwolfpet' 'launched' and I was so excited! Then I realised... Xmas tribute, not BTTF tribute! :( That'll teach me to read properly... Think I'll go watch this tribute again...
  • edited February 2011
    tarasis wrote: »
    You've got an addictive tune there SWP!

    And you've got an awesome son, Tarasis :)
    skeeter wrote: »
    I just saw this thread at the top of the forum - I saw 'tribute' 'silverwolfpet' 'launched' and I was so excited! Then I realised... Xmas tribute, not BTTF tribute! :( That'll teach me to read properly... Think I'll go watch this tribute again...

    Awww, sorry about that. I may have something to cheer you up...soon. Not exactly bttf related. But soon. ;)
  • edited February 2011
    I can't wait! But in the meantime I am cheered by watching I'm More Piratey Than You!
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