A Musical Tribute - by SilverWolfPet and YOU (Launched! Page 11)


Yeees, Alan said I will not get banned if I post this! Hehehe :p

Dear fans, my fingers have been running around on my piano and I composed something, well, for the fans!
However, I don't wanna sing it alone, this is a happy happy group song!

Whoever wants to join in, must follow these easy steps:

1. Have a video camera or a webcam or any type of device that lets you record yourself visually. (in the worst case scenario we'll put a picture of you in the tribute, or I'll draw you myself using crayons, but do try to find a camera please)

2. Have a decent microphone. (try not to record yourself singing using your mobile phone or using other not-so-good microphones... a webcam mic or a simple pc mic will do)

3. Do you know the song "A Whole New World" from Disney's Aladdin?
(in case you don't, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kl4hJ4j48s).

I need you to record yourself (only audio) singing the verse from 1:10 to 1:26. Basically, the refrain.
No background music, just your voice. Give it your best shot.

If you don't have an audio editing/recording program, try this one, it's free:

4. After recording your voice
IMPORTANT - Name your file based on your user name. If I would record a sample I would name it "SilverWolfPet - Sample.mp3" or wav or whatever format you prefer. This way I can work faster, thanks!

ahem, so... after recording your voice upload it somewhere online (e.g http://www.mediafire.com/).

5. Send me the link
to your upload, through a PM. That's it!
This is not a contest,
every single one of you who will send me an audio clip will participate in the tribute...
I just need to know what lyrics I can give you to sing and that depends on how high can your voice go without distorting the sound.
Meh, technical stuff, just do your best, don't worry about it.

You must send you files until Tuesday.
There is no actual time limit, but it will be harder for me to plan this if you're late with the files :)

On Wednesday I will send everyone their text and a demo on how to sing their part and instructions regarding the next step.

With a little bit of luck, we'll have a tribute by friday.

Just to be clear, it doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, it's a community tribute :D

Now what are you waiting for? Go Go Go!!!


  • edited December 2010
    As embarasing as it may be, I almost feel obligated to do this. I'll see what I can do.
  • edited December 2010
    I get to be a part of something, and it involves one of my favorite things in the world!

    I love to sing, so this is perfect for me.

    I'll do this sample, but the best example of me singing currently is probably me doing Tom Lehrer's A Christmas Carol on YouTube. Yeah, sorry for plugging, I just think it's a good example.

  • edited December 2010
    ^ post a link here :)

    Also, to those who think they cannot sing...uh, yeah you can! Just have fun with it! ;)
  • edited December 2010
    In the immortal words of Homestar Runner, "Oh, sweet dog, you KNOW I'm all over this!"
  • edited December 2010
    Okay I'll join. :)
    Try to record it as soon as possible.

    You don't have to sing good right?
    I can sing on tune but I don't have the most pleasant singing voice. :P

    BTW. I can play A whole new world on the piano. But you made your own composition.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh, piano player! High Five, bro!

    And no, you don't have to have a good voice, bla bla... :p
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah I am technically quite adept. I am playing Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 at the moment.
    Still cleaning up though. Hella difficult. :P

    But my improvisation sucks! I have just start learning it.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Chickening out... no microphone, no camera. My voice is OK, but doesn't go high. I'm on the bass/tenor verge, I think, but that can't be verified. ;)

    Good luck!
  • edited December 2010
    I haz heavy voice too. I blame the turkish genes. =(
  • edited December 2010
    Just in case you didn't notice, I did edit my post with the link to me singing the Tom Lehrer song, I'm pretty sure I have a baritone voice. Now I wonder, do I still have to record the Disney song sample with my currently online example?
  • edited December 2010
    I'm scared. I make birds fall out of the sky and dogs drag their butts on the carpet when I sing. =<
  • edited December 2010
    Please join. You'll lower the bar and other people will dare to send in their sample. =(
  • edited December 2010
    Hmmm I would love to participate, but I'm not too sure what my neighbors will think if they hear me singing "A Whole New World" :p

    Can't promise anything, but I'll try something...
  • edited December 2010
    Ok. Yeah, so when I get home, I'm getting out my microphone, and entering.
  • edited December 2010

    I can't sing for sh*t, but...

    Let me master the song :D when its in his final stages of completion.

    It would be even better of you could make every instrument and vocal rendered on seperate tracks in WAV. So i can do it in Cubase.
  • edited December 2010
    I should have mine ready monday, assuming my camera will work properly.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm in. I have an epic idea for the recording of my own video part but I might have to ask you if it's okay, if I can even get it to record.

    Also, I'm glad you asked Alan. You got to watch that guy; he's ready to ban at slightest notice!
  • edited December 2010
    Bla bla bla neighbours bla bla can't sing bla bla I make babies cry

    Oh, come on people, it's just for fun! :D I can't sing either!

    Remolay, it's perfect, you don't need to send the sample anymore. I will, however, ask you to give your recording a little more "punch", lemme hear your voice because you tend to whisper it a bit. :) But we'll get to that later, I'll send you your part soonish.

    Oh and never EVER film against the sunlight. Each time someone films against sunlight, a pixie dies. And also the lighting doesn't help your facial features to be too observable. So think about that next time.

    Secret Fawful, once I cast your part(s) I will tell you what we'll do... but basically you are free to film yourself in every epic way you see fit. ...as long as you're decent.

    I think everybody knows that after we record the community song, each of us will have to film himself/herself lipsync-ing to his/her part. But we'll get there, step by step.

    I really love the song, it's awesome and it's probably one of my best pieces yet. I hope you guys like it too.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh, wait...what was I supposed to be doing again?
  • edited December 2010
    That's it! You're fired Flinststoooone!
  • edited December 2010
    I'll do it tomorrow. I used to sing opera, but that was when I was like... 13. So my voice isn't anywhere where it was. I can sing both alto and first soprano, but not in between.
  • edited December 2010
    Just sent you one!
    Would be great to be involved!
  • edited December 2010
    Ok... I'll try but when I sing it begins to rain.

    Can I sing the sample with the spanish lyrics? :D

    EDIT: Sample sent.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh and never EVER film against the sunlight. Each time someone films against sunlight, a pixie dies. And also the lighting doesn't help your facial features to be too observable. So think about that next time.

    Yeah it was an extremely sunny day. I had to do it in that way, the other way I could have possibly recorded it the entire screen would be sunlight.
  • edited December 2010
    Wow, people are sending in their recordings! Awesome! Thanks and consider yourselves signed up for the best community tribute ever!!

    C'mon, who's next!

    ...cowardly lion? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwCfDetV30o
  • edited December 2010
    I can't send it till tuesday ... :( can you extend the limit? just give me one more day :(
  • edited December 2010
    *sigh* I think I have to chicken out.
    I am awfully annoyed by my pronounciation.
  • edited December 2010
    Might as well give this a go tonight, should be by myself then!
  • edited December 2010
    I do not sing... and if I did people would turn off the vid.
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    *sigh* I think I have to chicken out.
    I am awfully annoyed by my pronounciation.

    Nonsense. Please send it dude!
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I do not sing... and if I did people would turn off the vid.

    Hahano, send it. Lemme hear how bad that is.
  • edited December 2010
    Singing well is not the point guys! Even if you can't sing, join in anyway! I just sent in my submission. Please don't let me be the worst singer on this thing.

    I was seriously tempted to sing "A Pirate I was Meant to Be", but that's probably a terrible idea. I sound bad enough as it is.
  • edited December 2010
    Okay...sigh I'll send tomorrow.
  • edited December 2010
    So I guess not answering my question means a no then, huh Andrei? ...
  • edited December 2010
    ^ send it when you can, we'll see if you make it on time or not, okay?
  • edited December 2010
    Good Lord, I'm out of practice. Anyway, here's the file.

  • edited December 2010
    Um, when you say Tuesday, when is it Tuesday for you? Cause right now for me it's Tuesday night. I'll send a clip in if it's not too late, but if it is, nevermind, I'm pretty shit anyways.
  • edited December 2010
    Umm, let's make it a "general Tuesday" :p Just send it as soon as you can! Milkman will send it asap too, the more the better :)

    EDIT: I already received some entries, super awesome! All of them! Keep 'em coming people!
  • edited December 2010
    I'll ruin the song completely, it'll be fun :)
  • edited December 2010

    Is sending you a sample binding in that you are forced to work on the project?
    If you say no, I'll send my sample. =)
  • edited December 2010
    Um...what? Errrr, no? I mean, just send it in already!!
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