You werent here for last weeks "TF2 Saturday" were you?
We started by getting ready to play the game, then, which I believe Jeeno Brought this up, we never even started the game because we instead were talking about POKEMON!
^ you know, discussions becoming derailed is a sign of friendship when happens in between discussions with people.
We can all be each others friends, maybe this is a factor that makes these forums so friendly ...
^ you know, discussions becoming derailed is a sign of friendship when happens in between discussions with people.
We can all be each others friends, maybe this is a factor that makes these forums so friendly ...
I agree, but it can go a wee bit too far sometimes, we are meant to be getting all hyped up for this announcment and people are talking about popcorn and how Tom Pravetz is highly attractive etc etc
You werent here for last weeks "TF2 Saturday" were you?
We started by getting ready to play the game, then, which I believe Jeeno Brought this up, we never even started the game because we instead were talking about POKEMON!
You werent here for last weeks "TF2 Saturday" were you?
We started by getting ready to play the game, then, which I believe Jeeno Brought this up, we never even started the game because we instead were talking about POKEMON!
It was good fun. Anyway, out of the five games to be announced, if any are sequels, here are my thoughts on them.
Monkey Island: I want more of this so badly! Just hope Lucasarts lets them make one again.
Strong Bad: Yes, I like season 1, and I do like the series, so it would be nice to get more. I didn't like him in PN, but would happy if there was a season 2.
Sam & Max: I don't want to say this, but now is a bit early to be making season 4. Maybe if they confirm there will be one, maybe in 2, 3 years time, and are at the idea stage of it.
Wallace & Gromit: I have no idea what's happening with this anymore. Can Telltale still make games for this, or not? If they can, this would be a pleasent surprise, I like the first one, but it didn't do so well I think.
Bone: I would love them to finish this. I got the two games for Christmas, and enjoyed them a lot. That seems a tricky task to finish this though...
Puzzle Agent: Yes, I would like a full season. The first one was good, so more would be great.
At the Inventory: I want more of these, that would be great! Just make sure that save deleting glitch doesn't rear it's ugly head for more. Actually, make sure it doesn't rear it's ugly head in any more of your games!
Some new series I would like to see:
Futurama: As with a few of you, I would love to see one. Obtaining the rights may be tricky though...
Penny Arcade: I want to see what they could do with this, but the main problem I see is that what puzzles could you have in it?
An Original Series: Not much to say about this. Just they should try one.
^ you know, discussions becoming derailed is a sign of friendship when happens in between discussions with people.
We can all be each others friends, maybe this is a factor that makes these forums so friendly ...
Penny Arcade: I want to see what they could do with this, but the main problem I see is that what puzzles could you have in it?
It's a Telltale game. You don't need puzzles.
Besides, as long as they have retained the rights to the "Penny Arcade Adventures" name, they can set it in a similar "spin-off" universe akin to the one featured in On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness. Such a spin-off universe could very easily contain puzzles, if that's the sort of thing Telltale decides to start including in future games.
Besides, as long as they have retained the rights to the "Penny Arcade Adventures" name, they can set it in a similar "spin-off" universe akin to the one featured in On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness. Such a spin-off universe could very easily contain puzzles, if that's the sort of thing Telltale decides to start including in future games.
A puzzle is a means of amusement through which the puzzle designer creates a problem that is meant to be solved by the means of cleverness and an understanding of the puzzle's logic and any systems that might link into the puzzle. Puzzles in adventure games are often interwoven within a "narrative", adding a context to problems and allowing the creation of puzzles that are not possible without the accompanying narrative to give the necessary context.
Things that are puzzles include crosswords, jigsaws, the constructs around many of the plot-moving actions in any given LucasArts or Sierra adventure game, and those contained in the little books with brain teasers in them.
What is not included in the definition of a "puzzle" are fetch quests, lists of actions that you are expressly told to perform, or problems that take great pains to make their solution obvious after a couple missed tries(as they do not ask for player ingenuity to be solved).
That sounds hard, I'd rather just have a game where all I do is click on things for no reason until it keeps telling me the story. You know, like a movie, but with bad graphics and animation and pointless player interaction.
That sounds hard, I'd rather just have a game where all I do is click on things for no reason until it keeps telling me the story. You know, like a movie, but with bad graphics and animation and pointless player interaction.
What is not included in the definition of a "puzzle" are fetch quests, lists of actions that you are expressly told to perform, or problems that take great pains to make their solution obvious after a couple missed tries(as they do not ask for player ingenuity to be solved).
Jesus, give it a rest. I do agree with your criticism about BttF Episode 1, but keep it where it's relevant, we heard you the first time. Back to the Future is mainstream, it's going to be dumbed down a little.
Don't worry, there will be more games with unintuitive puzzles involving snail trails and gongs in Telltales' future series.
I'm pretty sure it will just be the names of the projects... It would be unlike them to unload all sorts of concept art and plot descriptions so early.
Then it will be months and months of endless debate here on the boards.
I'm pretty certain Walking Dead has to be one of the projects. It's literally the only thing that fits the description. If I were a betting man, I'd put money on it.
It's the other four that are a mystery. Since only one new property was announced, it seems like they'll probably be either pilots or continuations of other projects.
What an amazing idea!
You werent here for last weeks "TF2 Saturday" were you?
We started by getting ready to play the game, then, which I believe Jeeno Brought this up, we never even started the game because we instead were talking about POKEMON!
Seriously it derailed to that.
We can all be each others friends, maybe this is a factor that makes these forums so friendly ...
I agree, but it can go a wee bit too far sometimes, we are meant to be getting all hyped up for this announcment and people are talking about popcorn and how Tom Pravetz is highly attractive etc etc
It was still a lot of fun though.
Maybe Telltale will announce a POKEMON! game.
Yes, and I did learn I have a Pokemon card that may buy me a DS/3DS game.
Or one of the telltale 5.
It was good fun. Anyway, out of the five games to be announced, if any are sequels, here are my thoughts on them.
Monkey Island: I want more of this so badly! Just hope Lucasarts lets them make one again.
Strong Bad: Yes, I like season 1, and I do like the series, so it would be nice to get more. I didn't like him in PN, but would happy if there was a season 2.
Sam & Max: I don't want to say this, but now is a bit early to be making season 4. Maybe if they confirm there will be one, maybe in 2, 3 years time, and are at the idea stage of it.
Wallace & Gromit: I have no idea what's happening with this anymore. Can Telltale still make games for this, or not? If they can, this would be a pleasent surprise, I like the first one, but it didn't do so well I think.
Bone: I would love them to finish this. I got the two games for Christmas, and enjoyed them a lot. That seems a tricky task to finish this though...
Puzzle Agent: Yes, I would like a full season. The first one was good, so more would be great.
At the Inventory: I want more of these, that would be great! Just make sure that save deleting glitch doesn't rear it's ugly head for more. Actually, make sure it doesn't rear it's ugly head in any more of your games!
Some new series I would like to see:
Futurama: As with a few of you, I would love to see one. Obtaining the rights may be tricky though...
Penny Arcade: I want to see what they could do with this, but the main problem I see is that what puzzles could you have in it?
An Original Series: Not much to say about this. Just they should try one.
That's all. Anyway, just 15 more days to go!
Yeah, I love you too, man!
Now that you mention it, it does seem possible. They let tycho in the inventory so a full season whoould be a shoe-in. I'll buy it in a heart beat.
Besides, as long as they have retained the rights to the "Penny Arcade Adventures" name, they can set it in a similar "spin-off" universe akin to the one featured in On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness. Such a spin-off universe could very easily contain puzzles, if that's the sort of thing Telltale decides to start including in future games.
What's a puzzle?
Things that are puzzles include crosswords, jigsaws, the constructs around many of the plot-moving actions in any given LucasArts or Sierra adventure game, and those contained in the little books with brain teasers in them.
What is not included in the definition of a "puzzle" are fetch quests, lists of actions that you are expressly told to perform, or problems that take great pains to make their solution obvious after a couple missed tries(as they do not ask for player ingenuity to be solved).
No idea, but the FBI has a whole department for them, so you know they're important.
So Oblivion then.
It believe it was a reference to what telltale games have become.
Jesus, give it a rest. I do agree with your criticism about BttF Episode 1, but keep it where it's relevant, we heard you the first time. Back to the Future is mainstream, it's going to be dumbed down a little.
Don't worry, there will be more games with unintuitive puzzles involving snail trails and gongs in Telltales' future series.
yh I know.
Is it so wrong to be curious?
Then it will be months and months of endless debate here on the boards.
It's the other four that are a mystery. Since only one new property was announced, it seems like they'll probably be either pilots or continuations of other projects.
With immediate Linux accessibility?!