Honestly I find episode 3 much harder to predict than episode 2. Episode 1 ended with plenty of loose ends and unused items that you knew would be needed later (ie. Georges picture). We know the general plot being a different Doc and presumably due to being with/marrying Edna. But thats it, most of the items had been used. Not even sure if there will be time travel in that episode but presumably there will be.
After second thought, maybe there is no future for Doc and edna. Doc avoids seeing Frankenstein which is clearly an important event in his life so that alone could cause the chain of events leading to such.
After second thought, maybe there is no future for Doc and edna. Doc avoids seeing Frankenstein which is clearly an important event in his life so that alone could cause the chain of events leading to such.
Since curse words are "forbidden" in the 1986 that Marty returns to I think Edna has a rather large part to play in Ep 3.
I'll be the first to make this likely prediction; docs notepook was an important prop to get early in the first episode but hasn't been used yet. I'll predict that it's needed in episode 3 to convince doc somehow. Seems the delorean is broken somehow so marty will need doc to fix it. Not sure if doc falls off his toilet and hits his head in 1955 to invent the flux capacitor.
I think the theme in ep. 3 will be like a stylized "1984" With Doc sort of playing the big brother role. We will see Marty having to avoid the authorities and Biff. He will eventually confront First Citizen Brown and convince him that he is a time traveler and yada yada.... Together they will fix the Delorean and come up with a plan to send Marty (and First Citizen Brown from the looks of it) back to 1931 so he can stop young Emmett from corrupting the time stream.
I think the theme in ep. 3 will be like a stylized "1984" With Doc sort of playing the big brother role. We will see Marty having to avoid the authorities and Biff. He will eventually confront First Citizen Brown and convince him that he is a time traveler and yada yada.... Together they will fix the Delorean and come up with a plan to send Marty (and First Citizen Brown from the looks of it) back to 1931 so he can stop young Emmett from corrupting the time stream.
Do you think biff is a threat in this timeline? From the brief clip we got, this seems like the most wussified version of Biff. It does seem like Doc becomes a villain or at least an anti-hero and we'll probably hate this version of him. Might actually be neat to see Biff become sort of a protagonist and help Marty get what he needs from Doc (show of hands who would have predicted biff ends up a protagonist with doc being an antagonist).
What I'd love to see is Marty kind of start to take up doc's mantle. He's had to learn from doc including meeting doc when he was his own age. He'll need first citizen brown to help fix the delorean most likely but he cant bring that Doc back to 1931 with him because even if he does and fixes the time line, it would transform around doc and thus he'd stay first citizen brown with all the memories of that timeline as opposed to the one marty and us are used to. I think marty is smart enough to figure out what went wrong; doc didnt go see frankenstein.
First Citizen would disappear if Marty fixed everything, considering Doc did when Emmet didn't see 'Frankenstein.' Apparently you don't even have to prevent your own existence to fade out, it can happen if you sufficiently alter the timeline to the point that you're essentially a different person. I just realized that provides an alternate explanation for Future Biff fading out in the Part II deleted scene.
(Incidentally, I like the fact that Marty actually says 'fade out,' which he previously only did in a deleted scene from Part 1.)
EDIT: A team member explained that in another thread. Doc's gone because time travel was never invented, so he never went to the future to get all those surgeries, thus his lifespan will now be shorter in this timeline than in the correct one, meaning he should be dead at his age, so he fades from existence.
So I just finished BTTF Episode 2 and it's awesome. It's more linear than Ep 1 is, but it has a more interesting story and such. So now we can assume Trixie is Sylvia, at least. So after Ep 3, I assume we visit 1931 or 1932 later in Ep 4, because of the Hill Valley Expo. So furthur discussion of Ep 3. Go.
First Citizen would disappear if Marty fixed everything, considering Doc did when Emmet didn't see 'Frankenstein.' Apparently you don't even have to prevent your own existence to fade out, it can happen if you sufficiently alter the timeline to the point that you're essentially a different person. I just realized that provides an alternate explanation for Future Biff fading out in the Part II deleted scene.
(Incidentally, I like the fact that Marty actually says 'fade out,' which he previously only did in a deleted scene from Part 1.)
EDIT: A team member explained that in another thread. Doc's gone because time travel was never invented, so he never went to the future to get all those surgeries, thus his lifespan will now be shorter in this timeline than in the correct one, meaning he should be dead at his age, so he fades from existence.
Yeah you're probably referencing the thread I created thinking docs disappearance was a goof until it was explained. But anyhow according to the BTTF rules of time travel, if a time traveller changes the time line, they still only remember the old time lines. Marty is shocked at the end of part 1 to see the 'new mcfly's, neither doc or marty remember the alternate 1985 in part 2, doc doesn't seem to remember dressing marty up in the silly getup or seeing his own tombstomb at the beginning of part 3. So first citizen brown should probably not remember any of the time travel adventures and possibly even marty visiting him in 1955 and would retain all memories of the first citizen timeline if he were with marty in 1931 when marty restores that timeline.
Look at it this way; in part II doc explains that restoring the timeline transforms it around everyone including Jennifer and einstein (who were not with them when they went to 1955 to fix it) and seems only Doc and Marty remember the rich biff timeline. But suppose for arguments sake, when doc knocks biff out, they put him in the delorean and bring him to 1955 when they fix the timeline; biff should still have his memories from the alternate timeline when he is rich (he'd be the only one remembering that entire timeline) and not remember the current one where he is an auto detailer in 1985. Same concept with first citizen brown hence why marty will have to go back to the 1930s alone.
I dunno...that'd make for a pretty pathetic Episode 4, if all they had to fix was Doc going to see Frankenstein. Sure, you could try to break the two up, but it seems as though their relationship is founded upon hatred at some points in Episode 2 anyway. Tossing a bit more hate in the mix doesn't seem like it'd do much. >_>
"Emmett, you gotta go see Frankenstein!"
"...Are you sure?"
*credit roll*
*time travel to 1986*
*credit roll*
Maybe FCB plays second fiddle to Edna...he's like Darth Vader to Edna's Emperor...always trying to find a way to overthrow his master, or better yet, return to the roots of science that he so dearly loves. Perhaps, Edna becomes what Emmett's father is to him early on in his childhood...an overbearing law-obsessed freak of nature who forbids anything but strict, hard justice. Maybe, in the odd hours of the night, FCB's been working on some time machine of his own...xP
It is fairly obvious though that the time machine is broken, and not just from plowing through a sign(and I dunno what Doc did to that DeLorean, but that is one sturdy car). As soon as Marty arrives back in 1986, the time circuits start making the same malfunction noise that they did in BttF2.
It seems from the episode synopsis that in Ep 3 we will pair up with FCB and then he will continue to be paired up with Marty at least until Ep 4. Where he and Marty have to create some huge invention to beat Young Emmit at the science fair.
Most likely I see Ep 4 being similar to "day of the tentacle" in that you will have to swap back and forth between timelines to solve the puzzles.
Doc's disappearance's odd. Not just because it's fast, but notice that before they return to the 80's Doc isn't disappearing. His movie ticket is fading off; he's not. Also, why would Einstein have disappeared as well? What i'm trying to say is i don't think any of them has disappeared at all. Why they're not into the Delorean beats me though. I have a wild theory and a silly theory.
The wild one is that Marty and Doc got separated in the middle of the time travel, the Delorean has divided and the other version of it took Doc and Einstein to another timeline or left them in the 30's. This would have happened because of Marty trying to brake the car just while they were crossing the time veil, for example. It's weird all right, but have you seen what this guys have done with time travelling in Sam & Max? This ain't gonna get half as bizarre as in Sam & Max, and now that i think of it i don't even know if there are the same writers involved, but Telltale has a way of doing in cool and unexpected ways what has never been done before in a series (like, say, dramatic scenes in Monkey Island)
The silly theory would be that they fell off the Delorean in the crash, and it's a red herring. Say what you will, but to me any of these two options seem more probable than Doc and Einstein just disappearing.
One last thing. Did you see that "CARL SAGAN KILLED" headline on the back of the newspaper last time Doc looked at it?
Hey, i've just noticed the 4th chapter's called "double visions" and has Doc's face on it. Interesting I don't know if i've hit the nail or not with the theory of the Delorean getting divided, but i'm sure they're gonna give us some serious paradoxical shit and i'm looking forward to it.
As for predictions, you guys pretty much said everything and right now I can't think of anything.
Although I do have comments on one of the suggestions, the one about doc becoming a "big brother" like figure.
I don't think doc has become a powerful and a corrupt person. He became like the scientist in "A clockwork orange" who "educates" (read brainwash) people in a way that they can't accomplish crimes ...
Anyway, I think the episode will be dedicated to 1986 FCB-style, trying to get to the courthouse (go inside! Yay!) and meet with First Citizen Brown. He is being controlled by his wife Edna, who makes him do things to change society in a bad way. Marty gives him the notebook so he can re-invent the time machine, (unfortunately without flying or mr. fusion) because the older one was gradually erased from existence. After that Marty and FCB travels back to 1931 to stop Emmett from being attached to Edna, and to save his science career, because at the Expo something went terribly wrong, causing him to turn his back on science forever! (Hey, that sounds like one one of Telltale's original plot ideas!) Cue Episode 4, Double Visions.
Anyway, I think the episode will be dedicated to 1986 FCB-style, trying to get to the courthouse (go inside! Yay!) and meet with First Citizen Brown. He is being controlled by his wife Edna, who makes him do things to change society in a bad way. Marty gives him the notebook so he can re-invent the time machine, (unfortunately without flying or mr. fusion) because the older one was gradually erased from existence. After that Marty and FCB travels back to 1931 to stop Emmett from being attached to Edna, and to save his science career, because at the Expo something went terribly wrong, causing him to turn his back on science forever! (Hey, that sounds like one one of Telltale's original plot ideas!) Cue Episode 4, Double Visions.
Doc's disappearance's odd. Not just because it's fast, but notice that before they return to the 80's Doc isn't disappearing. His movie ticket is fading off; he's not. Also, why would Einstein have disappeared as well? What i'm trying to say is i don't think any of them has disappeared at all. Why they're not into the Delorean beats me though. I have a wild theory and a silly theory.
Here's the answer i got in another thread; doc has been time travelling for years (with einstein). In the FCB timeline, doc presumably does not time travel and thus does not live to be the age he is in his previous timeline (ie. Doc is 90 but in the FCB timeline he doesnt live to be 90). As for einstein, it's quite possible (and likely) that at some point during docs time travels, einstein dies and this is a different dog (we'll call him einstein 2). So einstein 2 disappears because in the FCB timeline, he hasn't been born yet (and maybe never will, it's possible he could be a descendant of einstein 1)
Had they stuck around in 1931, doc would have probably taken a week to fade out much like marty does in part I but travelling to the future makes it instant. I am of the school that the delorean crashes because doc does not invent the time circuits/flux capacitor or get the hover conversion done in the FCB timeline.
Well, I guess it's already been said to an extent, but I think Doc must've married Edna, and she wanted an eye on everybody in Hill Valley, to have everything "perfect." Therefore, with her wants and Doc's smarts, all this was possible.
Well, I guess it's already been said to an extent, but I think Doc must've married Edna, and she wanted an eye on everybody in Hill Valley, to have everything "perfect." Therefore, with her wants and Doc's smarts, all this was possible.
This would definitely be interesting. The edna we see in 1986 appears to be either divorced, widowed, or never married. So we'll either see a big character change in her or maybe it's the same edna but with more spying power.
Never thought about this until now but the stricklands are all about discipline so that could explain what we see in the timeline where cursing is prohibited. BTW wonder what Mr. Strickland thinks of his brother in law being a real nutcase and dangerous.
Right so I get it that Doc's timeline got screwed up because Emmett and Edna ended up together. I presume this is because Emmett never saw Frankenstein, and as we were made aware, he was supposed to see this film because this is how he got his inspiration.
So if Doc never created the time machine, then shouldn't the delorrean start to fade away or something? What about Marty's timeline? His future will be altered, as he never would have time travelled in the first place.
I guess in the next episode we would have to travel back to 1931 to stop Emmett and Edna from hooking up right? That's if Marty fixes the time machine before it erases from existance (time should catch up sooner or later).
Right so I get it that Doc's timeline got screwed up because Emmett and Edna ended up together. I presume this is because Emmett never saw Frankenstein, and as we were made aware, he was supposed to see this film because this is how he got his inspiration.
So if Doc never created the time machine, then shouldn't the delorrean start to fade away or something? What about Marty's timeline? His future will be altered, as he never would have time travelled in the first place.
I guess in the next episode we would have to travel back to 1931 to stop Emmett and Edna from hooking up right? That's if Marty fixes the time machine before it erases from existance (time should catch up sooner or later).
the delorean should not fade away because doc likely did not build the car itself so the car was still made. But i think it crashes because of its own timeline being altered, without time travel it never would have had a hover conversion done hence why it cant fly anymore and it probably does not have working time circuits or a flux capacitor hence why its not as simple as marty going back and convincing doc to see frankenstein; he needs citizen browns help to build the time machine.
the delorean should not fade away because doc likely did not build the car itself so the car was still made. But i think it crashes because of its own timeline being altered, without time travel it never would have had a hover conversion done hence why it cant fly anymore and it probably does not have working time circuits or a flux capacitor hence why its not as simple as marty going back and convincing doc to see frankenstein; he needs citizen browns help to build the time machine.
Yes very true. I overlooked the fact that there is no flux capacitor anymore lol.
But how can Marty persuade Doc to make the flux capacitor if his own future is altered because there is no time machine in the first place. Won't time catch up and cause Marty to forget everything about time travel or something?
As for einstein, it's quite possible (and likely) that at some point during docs time travels, einstein dies and this is a different dog (we'll call him einstein 2). So einstein 2 disappears because in the FCB timeline, he hasn't been born yet (and maybe never will, it's possible he could be a descendant of einstein 1)
I'm thinking Doc got some kind of life-prolonging surgery for Einstein as well as himself. He loves that dog.
One thing I'm curious about is why in the concept art in the bttf launcher does it show Citizen Brown with hair, but in the preview they show him bald. kind of a weird change. how does doc missing frankenstien make him lose his hair?
One thing I'm curious about is why in the concept art in the bttf launcher does it show Citizen Brown with hair, but in the preview they show him bald. kind of a weird change. how does doc missing frankenstien make him lose his hair?
I dunno. Perhaps Edna is attracted to bald people? hah
Again, the DeLorean as a car would still be intact(though hitting a sign at that speed technically should crush that car...) because the base car would have still been invented. However, note that both the time circuits were making the malfunctioning noise from BTTF pt 2 and the flux capacitor had gone dark along with all of Doc's additional buttons all over the car's interior.
The whole alternate 1986 reminded me of that Simpsons episode where Homer changes the past and returns to find that Ned Flanders is in charge of everything.
The idea of time travelling never having been invented seems likely, but if that's so, the notebook wood disappear too. How would Marty get Doc to re-invent it; banging his head against the toilet and hoping for the best?
Thing about the notebook. Marty gave it back to Doc when they got back to 1986. Doc had it when he left Marty's house to go to the bank and take care of his estate.
Since curse words are "forbidden" in the 1986 that Marty returns to I think Edna has a rather large part to play in Ep 3.
Do you think biff is a threat in this timeline? From the brief clip we got, this seems like the most wussified version of Biff. It does seem like Doc becomes a villain or at least an anti-hero and we'll probably hate this version of him. Might actually be neat to see Biff become sort of a protagonist and help Marty get what he needs from Doc (show of hands who would have predicted biff ends up a protagonist with doc being an antagonist).
What I'd love to see is Marty kind of start to take up doc's mantle. He's had to learn from doc including meeting doc when he was his own age. He'll need first citizen brown to help fix the delorean most likely but he cant bring that Doc back to 1931 with him because even if he does and fixes the time line, it would transform around doc and thus he'd stay first citizen brown with all the memories of that timeline as opposed to the one marty and us are used to. I think marty is smart enough to figure out what went wrong; doc didnt go see frankenstein.
Give him a black hat, coat and some toons to melt.
(Incidentally, I like the fact that Marty actually says 'fade out,' which he previously only did in a deleted scene from Part 1.)
EDIT: A team member explained that in another thread. Doc's gone because time travel was never invented, so he never went to the future to get all those surgeries, thus his lifespan will now be shorter in this timeline than in the correct one, meaning he should be dead at his age, so he fades from existence.
Yeah you're probably referencing the thread I created thinking docs disappearance was a goof until it was explained. But anyhow according to the BTTF rules of time travel, if a time traveller changes the time line, they still only remember the old time lines. Marty is shocked at the end of part 1 to see the 'new mcfly's, neither doc or marty remember the alternate 1985 in part 2, doc doesn't seem to remember dressing marty up in the silly getup or seeing his own tombstomb at the beginning of part 3. So first citizen brown should probably not remember any of the time travel adventures and possibly even marty visiting him in 1955 and would retain all memories of the first citizen timeline if he were with marty in 1931 when marty restores that timeline.
Look at it this way; in part II doc explains that restoring the timeline transforms it around everyone including Jennifer and einstein (who were not with them when they went to 1955 to fix it) and seems only Doc and Marty remember the rich biff timeline. But suppose for arguments sake, when doc knocks biff out, they put him in the delorean and bring him to 1955 when they fix the timeline; biff should still have his memories from the alternate timeline when he is rich (he'd be the only one remembering that entire timeline) and not remember the current one where he is an auto detailer in 1985. Same concept with first citizen brown hence why marty will have to go back to the 1930s alone.
"Emmett, you gotta go see Frankenstein!"
"...Are you sure?"
*credit roll*
*time travel to 1986*
*credit roll*
Maybe FCB plays second fiddle to Edna...he's like Darth Vader to Edna's Emperor...always trying to find a way to overthrow his master, or better yet, return to the roots of science that he so dearly loves. Perhaps, Edna becomes what Emmett's father is to him early on in his childhood...an overbearing law-obsessed freak of nature who forbids anything but strict, hard justice. Maybe, in the odd hours of the night, FCB's been working on some time machine of his own...xP
Most likely I see Ep 4 being similar to "day of the tentacle" in that you will have to swap back and forth between timelines to solve the puzzles.
The wild one is that Marty and Doc got separated in the middle of the time travel, the Delorean has divided and the other version of it took Doc and Einstein to another timeline or left them in the 30's. This would have happened because of Marty trying to brake the car just while they were crossing the time veil, for example. It's weird all right, but have you seen what this guys have done with time travelling in Sam & Max? This ain't gonna get half as bizarre as in Sam & Max, and now that i think of it i don't even know if there are the same writers involved, but Telltale has a way of doing in cool and unexpected ways what has never been done before in a series (like, say, dramatic scenes in Monkey Island)
The silly theory would be that they fell off the Delorean in the crash, and it's a red herring. Say what you will, but to me any of these two options seem more probable than Doc and Einstein just disappearing.
One last thing. Did you see that "CARL SAGAN KILLED" headline on the back of the newspaper last time Doc looked at it?
Hey, i've just noticed the 4th chapter's called "double visions" and has Doc's face on it. Interesting
I was wondering, if time travel wasn't invented, why didn't the deLorean dissappear?
Although I do have comments on one of the suggestions, the one about doc becoming a "big brother" like figure.
I don't think doc has become a powerful and a corrupt person. He became like the scientist in "A clockwork orange" who "educates" (read brainwash) people in a way that they can't accomplish crimes ...
I'll contribute more to this thread later.
Anyway, I think the episode will be dedicated to 1986 FCB-style, trying to get to the courthouse (go inside! Yay!) and meet with First Citizen Brown. He is being controlled by his wife Edna, who makes him do things to change society in a bad way. Marty gives him the notebook so he can re-invent the time machine, (unfortunately without flying or mr. fusion) because the older one was gradually erased from existence. After that Marty and FCB travels back to 1931 to stop Emmett from being attached to Edna, and to save his science career, because at the Expo something went terribly wrong, causing him to turn his back on science forever! (Hey, that sounds like one one of Telltale's original plot ideas!) Cue Episode 4, Double Visions.
Awesome ! Dead on !
Here's the answer i got in another thread; doc has been time travelling for years (with einstein). In the FCB timeline, doc presumably does not time travel and thus does not live to be the age he is in his previous timeline (ie. Doc is 90 but in the FCB timeline he doesnt live to be 90). As for einstein, it's quite possible (and likely) that at some point during docs time travels, einstein dies and this is a different dog (we'll call him einstein 2). So einstein 2 disappears because in the FCB timeline, he hasn't been born yet (and maybe never will, it's possible he could be a descendant of einstein 1)
Had they stuck around in 1931, doc would have probably taken a week to fade out much like marty does in part I but travelling to the future makes it instant. I am of the school that the delorean crashes because doc does not invent the time circuits/flux capacitor or get the hover conversion done in the FCB timeline.
"If I had my druthers, all dogs would banned from public places!"
So FCB never get Einny, who never travels through time.
Awww man, that would be some really good foreshadowing on Telltale's part.
This would definitely be interesting. The edna we see in 1986 appears to be either divorced, widowed, or never married. So we'll either see a big character change in her or maybe it's the same edna but with more spying power.
Never thought about this until now but the stricklands are all about discipline so that could explain what we see in the timeline where cursing is prohibited. BTW wonder what Mr. Strickland thinks of his brother in law being a real nutcase and dangerous.
So if Doc never created the time machine, then shouldn't the delorrean start to fade away or something? What about Marty's timeline? His future will be altered, as he never would have time travelled in the first place.
I guess in the next episode we would have to travel back to 1931 to stop Emmett and Edna from hooking up right? That's if Marty fixes the time machine before it erases from existance (time should catch up sooner or later).
the delorean should not fade away because doc likely did not build the car itself so the car was still made. But i think it crashes because of its own timeline being altered, without time travel it never would have had a hover conversion done hence why it cant fly anymore and it probably does not have working time circuits or a flux capacitor hence why its not as simple as marty going back and convincing doc to see frankenstein; he needs citizen browns help to build the time machine.
But how can Marty persuade Doc to make the flux capacitor if his own future is altered because there is no time machine in the first place. Won't time catch up and cause Marty to forget everything about time travel or something?
I'm thinking Doc got some kind of life-prolonging surgery for Einstein as well as himself. He loves that dog.