BTTF Ep 3: Citizen Brown Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • edited March 2011
    gnarkill wrote: »
    Thanks guys, just wanted to know that it was a legitimate source. I don't get those newsletters for some reason, even though i signed up for them months ago.

    Dang! Was hoping to get episode 3 this week as this is my spring break and its 30 degrees with 2 feet of snow outside right now.

    I actually wouldn't be surprised if we saw the game released earlier than that. I mean, if you think about it, next week is the last week of March, so it'd have to be out by then anyway. Essentially, Telltale isn't telling us anything we don't already know :p

    If they said it would be coming out this week and end up putting it out next week, they'd be late. If they say next week and it comes out this week, it's early, and next week it's on time. After that it's late anyway because we'd be in April.

    I mean I could just be blowing smoke, but if they had no idea when this month it'd be finished, saying the last week would be the safe choice ;)
  • edited March 2011

    That's because Judge Doom was played by Christopher Lloyd, lol.

    I knew that, it's just really scary seeing Doc look like the Judge. :D
  • edited March 2011

    Technically speaking, the car shouldn't have survived crashing into the theater upon returning to 1985 in the first film.

    The thing about DeLoreans is that they are built like tanks. Seriously.

    The reason a 1950's Ford would do that kind of damage is because older cars from that time period are built to withstand anything (not purposefully though). Current day cars have crumple zones and usually when a car accident occurs with such an old car, the older car usually comes out victorious.
  • Everyone seems to think that it is impossible for Marty to travel back to 1931 to fix his timeline, but the flux capacitor still exists. It's just... darker than normal. It doesn't even seem to be fading out of existance, from what I can tell. Is there any way that FCB can
    fix the capacitor?
    attachment.php?attachmentid=2427&d=1300770373(how lucky I am to have been able to get this screenshot).

    Here's what I know:
    1. "After a rough and tumble return to the 1980's, a time-stranded Marty finds himself in a topsy-turvy version of the world lorded over by the enigmatic 'First Citizen Brown.'" is the summary for this episode.

    2. The next episode is about,"It's time for the Hill Valley Expo! Back in 1986, Marty and First Citizen Brown must join forces to create an epic invention so that he can prevent the young Emmit from making the worst mistake of his life." Since this is the thread for episode 3, I won't make too may speculations about this fact.

    Knowing facts 1 and 2, I assume that this episode will be about getting to know the current timeline, trying to talk to FCB, and attempting to befriend him, and the episode ends with them in 1986 thinking of how to prevent Emmit from making the "worst mistake of his life." Perhaps it's like Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood of Tales of Monkey Island?

    It seems that FCB's motto is "Relax... We have everything under control." I'm just pointing that out. I don't know if it's important.

    It also seems that this is, once again, a drastic change in the future, as FCB seems to know Marty as a model-citizen with "zero demerits, until this morning"".

    Reeducation program... FCB in charge... makes me wonder if FCB helped the United States make a successful satellite before Sputnik... or if this drastic change in the future has even changed the outcome of WWII and everything else... Maybe Hoover was elected a second term, like Doc joked about at the end of episode 1?
  • Everyone seems to think that it Maybe Hoover was elected a second term, like Doc joked about at the end of episode 1?

    or even worse, Nixon is elected to a fifth term.
  • edited March 2011
    I don't know what happens. I just can't wait!!!
  • You know what I'm NOT looking forward to? Episode 4; the premise looks like it will just be revisiting the first 3 episodes with Citizen brown and 1931/young emmett being the main plot points. episode 5 looks like it could be everything we wanted when we found out about this game though.
  • edited March 2011
    You know what I'm NOT looking forward to? Episode 4; the premise looks like it will just be revisiting the first 3 episodes with Citizen brown and 1931/young emmett being the main plot points. episode 5 looks like it could be everything we wanted when we found out about this game though.

    Hopefully they aren't going to make Episode 4 just about would be such a waste of an episode!!!
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited March 2011
    I doubt that episode 4 will just be a revisit of the previous episodes. The synopsis of episode 2 makes it sound like we'd be only revisiting episode 1 all over again, but we did get to see an alternate 1986 too. :)
  • edited March 2011
    Well I just want it out soon, hope telltale give us some screenshots or something, althought they didnt last time :(
  • edited March 2011
    At the end Marty travels back in time and meets the person that INVENTS THE MANURE TRUCK/WAGON! He actually is like "hey your that guy that invents ways of hauling maneur!" than it happens!!!1!!
  • edited March 2011
    Lol marty gets to meet the man who caused the tannens so much grief :D
  • Jennifer wrote: »
    I doubt that episode 4 will just be a revisit of the previous episodes. The synopsis of episode 2 makes it sound like we'd be only revisiting episode 1 all over again, but we did get to see an alternate 1986 too. :)

    kind of. We do revisit a scene from the first episode (in the park) but the second act takes place 3 months later and do see other settings (the speakeasy).

    I guess the added involvement of doc gave it more variety.
  • edited March 2011
    Wouldn't Episode 4 take place according to the date on the Hill Valley Exposition banner? Hey, I hope we get to go in Hill Valley High School. Emmett is 17, remember? If anything, the exposition will be held in the gym and thus be a callback to the "You're just too darn loud" scene in the first film.
  • edited March 2011
    Julianne wrote: »
    Wouldn't Episode 4 take place according to the date on the Hill Valley Exposition banner? Hey, I hope we get to go in Hill Valley High School. Emmett is 17, remember? If anything, the exposition will be held in the gym and thus be a callback to the "You're just too darn loud" scene in the first film.

    Yeah and also explore the school more. maybe some trophys to emmet like: Biggest geek ever
  • episode 5 looks like it could be everything we wanted when we found out about this game though.

    Yeah, but the summary is somewhat vague. For all we know it could be the worst of the series Somebody please take a delorian or a time traveling elevator from T.H.E.M. or something to the future and tell us how good it is and what the worst complaint about it is so that TTG can avoid that flaw and prevent themselves from wanting to avoid it, and thus create a time paradox...
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah, but the summary is somewhat vague. For all we know it could be the worst of the series. Somebody please take a delorian or a time traveling elevator from T.H.E.M. or something to the future and tell us how good it is and what the worst complaint about it is so that TTG can avoid that flaw and prevent themselves from wanting to avoid it, and thus create a time paradox...

    Fixed. The description anywhere on the site says it's a series, not a season.
  • Fixed. The description anywhere on the site says it's a series, not a season.

    OK. You win.

    On the subject of this general thread, will Doc exist in this episode? Will he ever exist again, or will he be the Citizen Brown in these next episodes? Outtatime's description says that paradoxes are avoided, so maybe FCB becomes Doc when time is fixed?.
    It also says that mysteries are solved... perhaps the speakeasy arsonist becomes known?
    And btw, who is that last character? Can the same person really be three different characters?
  • edited March 2011
    I think Doc will reappear if/when Marty sets young Emmett on the proper path. Until then, it'll probably be Citizen Brown or nothing. And of course, I'm assuming that Doc CAN reappear. I really think Marty's got his work cut out for him in the next few episodes. He has to make sure young Emmett becomes the somewhat mad scientist he's supposed to, doesn't get involved with Edna, make sure that Doc invents the time machine in 1985 and that Marty himself goes back to 1955 and meets with 1955 Doc, etc. etc. etc.
  • edited March 2011
    Also note that Episode 4 will still have FCB Doc. As its description says that FCB Doc will help marty make an epic invention.
  • I think Doc will reappear if/when Marty sets young Emmett on the proper path. Until then, it'll probably be Citizen Brown or nothing. And of course, I'm assuming that Doc CAN reappear. I really think Marty's got his work cut out for him in the next few episodes. He has to make sure young Emmett becomes the somewhat mad scientist he's supposed to, doesn't get involved with Edna, make sure that Doc invents the time machine in 1985 and that Marty himself goes back to 1955 and meets with 1955 Doc, etc. etc. etc.

    I dont mind having FCB as a central character for the next 1-3 episodes. But hopefully when Marty does go back to 1931 to see young Emmet, he doesnt bring FCB along to change the timeline. Because if he did, he'd retain his memories from the FCB timeline and lose all the ones from the timeline we know. I'd assume jules and verne are wiped out of the FCB timeline and we know einstein is (hence his disappearance.) So i'd imagine at some point we will need to get thr real doc back.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm looking forward to the part with Griff probably in Episode 4 or Episode 5. Also looking forward to assassinating Edna in the past to stop the alternate future. Should be edgy.
  • I'm looking forward to the part with Griff probably in Episode 4 or Episode 5. Also looking forward to assassinating Edna in the past to stop the alternate future. Should be edgy.

    But is Edna the reason that FCB came to be instead of Doc? Didn't the timeline change at the very end of Episode 2, when Emmit and Edna did not see Frankenstein? There is evidence that Edna had an influence on such strict rules(No saying ****? seriously?), but I can't help but wonder if her death is absolutely necessary. She obviously doesn't die in the starting timeline...

    I just imagine it(when we fix young Emmit's future) will be like the bogey man episode of the Wallace and Gromit games, except the player isn't directly involved and has to meddle with that relationship, (i.e. trying to get (young)Edna to whitness young Emmit drunk). If that DOES happen, I called it!
  • edited March 2011
    In the new Behind the Scenes video, Alternate Jen walks down a street and there's a poster with a bottle crossed out and type that says: Another Day Dry. I say Edna is definitely involved with this censored version of 1986.
  • edited March 2011
    But is Edna the reason that FCB came to be instead of Doc? Didn't the timeline change at the very end of Episode 2, when Emmit and Edna did not see Frankenstein? There is evidence that Edna had an influence on such strict rules(No saying ****? seriously?), but I can't help but wonder if her death is absolutely necessary. She obviously doesn't die in the starting timeline...

    I just imagine it(when we fix young Emmit's future) will be like the bogey man episode of the Wallace and Gromit games, except the player isn't directly involved and has to meddle with that relationship, (i.e. trying to get (young)Edna to whitness young Emmit drunk). If that DOES happen, I called it!

    Emmett? Drunk?? Did you not watch BTTF3? "How many did he have?!" "Just the one."
  • Emmett? Drunk?? Did you not watch BTTF3? "How many did he have?!" "Just the one."

    I'm thinking there was something to do with his drink being out for so long having the bad effect. The bartender shouts at him "Emmet NO" as he drinks it.
  • edited March 2011
    But is Edna the reason that FCB came to be instead of Doc? Didn't the timeline change at the very end of Episode 2, when Emmit and Edna did not see Frankenstein? There is evidence that Edna had an influence on such strict rules(No saying ****? seriously?), but I can't help but wonder if her death is absolutely necessary. She obviously doesn't die in the starting timeline...

    I just imagine it(when we fix young Emmit's future) will be like the bogey man episode of the Wallace and Gromit games, except the player isn't directly involved and has to meddle with that relationship, (i.e. trying to get (young)Edna to whitness young Emmit drunk). If that DOES happen, I called it!

    Shes worse than Biff, though not as evil. Assassinating Edna is the ONLY choice. It would be easy...accident with Doc's rocket drill. Oopsy! :confused:
  • edited March 2011
    Assassinating Edna is the ONLY choice. It would be easy...accident with Doc's rocket drill.

    Back to the Future: The Game - Encouraging homicide since 1931.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm thinking there was something to do with his drink being out for so long having the bad effect. The bartender shouts at him "Emmet NO" as he drinks it.

    He shouted that because he realized that they were in a hurry. Remember before he gave Doc the whiskey, he said, "Emmett, you remember what happened the 4th of July." He knew Doc couldn't hold his liquor.
  • edited March 2011
    The good thing about FCB is no clara and the kids!!!

  • FIGULS wrote: »
    The good thing about FCB is no clara and the kids!!!


    I'm sure they know it's all about Doc and Marty. That is why Jennifer got rendered unconcious for most of part II
  • edited March 2011
    Not sure if this has been mentioned before, but isn't Edna a bit old for the teenaged Doc Brown? When I seeing the ending of the part two when they are at the movie theater I couldn't help but to think, shame on Edna for going after someone so young! I mean, isn't she in her late 20's to early 30's right? O.o Cougar! lol
  • Shes worse than Biff, though not as evil. Assassinating Edna is the ONLY choice. It would be easy...accident with Doc's rocket drill. Oopsy! :confused:

    If Edna is killed how will Marty know when to go to find Doc? Wasn't it old Edna who collected the newsapers, including the one that led Marty to 1931(which he used to find out Arthur's and Doc's future in episodes 1 and 2)?
  • edited March 2011
    If Edna is killed how will Marty know when to go to find Doc? Wasn't it old Edna who collected the newsapers, including the one that led Marty to 1931(which he used to find out Arthur's and Doc's future in episodes 1 and 2)?

    Alternate timelines as covered in the films, especially in the extra features on dvd/blu-ray changing past events causes the timeline to splinter into an alternate.
    The original timeline still exists, just you're not in it anymore.
  • Nobody will be killed and stay dead. That was one constant in the trilogy and the reason why they cut out Marshall stricklands death in part III. Doc has been killed twice and george once but each time it is prevented.
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