BTTF Ep 3: Citizen Brown Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • edited February 2011
    I think Citizen Brown will contain only 1986 gameplay, as in the preview image for episode 4, it shows Young Doc looking at both science equipment and scales. The scales represent Law, and the path Edna wants him to take, the science equipment represents Science of course, which is the path Marty wants him to take. As the description mentions "Stopping Emmett from making a big mistake", I'd say we fix the past in Episode 4.
  • edited February 2011
    Maybe Jennifer will be in this one? Not just her voice like in the trailer, but adding her as a character.
    ... Does anyone else notice how much Citizen Brown looks like modern day Christopher Lloyd?
  • I think Citizen Brown will contain only 1986 gameplay, as in the preview image for episode 4, it shows Young Doc looking at both science equipment and scales. The scales represent Law, and the path Edna wants him to take, the science equipment represents Science of course, which is the path Marty wants him to take. As the description mentions "Stopping Emmett from making a big mistake", I'd say we fix the past in Episode 4.

    Well seems apparent the next time travel will be to 1931 and likely either at the end of episode 3 or start of episode 4. What I wonder is how episode 3 will end. Really every back to the future film/episode has ended on a cliffhaner
    part I: flying delorean heading off to the future
    part II: marty running into 1955 doc helping him save his future self in 1885
    part III (not supposed be a cliffhanger): flying train heading to an unknown time
    episode 1: marty fading
    episode 2: landing in citizen brown timeline
    episode 4; probably the events which lead to the cinematic chase part 5 is projected to be.

    what could the last image of episode 3 be? I hope it wont be like 'we are running out of time so cutting it off here' as you mentioned, the timeline wont be fixed until part 4.

    I guess i could see the inevitable time travel happen right at the end of episode 3 between the episodes.
  • edited February 2011
    Hey Guys what do you think will happen back to the future Citizen brown?

    I posted a video on youtube of my thoughts on the game and i go though the footage at the end of get tannen
  • edited March 2011
    When I finished the second episode, I was a little disappointed with the pacing and the objectives. The first episode had a lot of heart when compared with Get Tannen which just seemed like an extended scene from It's About Time.

    When I saw the preview for Citizen Brown, I was intrigued and it looks very promising. The idea of having Biff has the good guy for once and Doc as a potential anti-hero is a refreashing concept.

    In terms of the third episode, it seems quite clear that Trixie and Arthur married as opposed to Arthur and Sylvia. While it's tempting to say that Edna and Emmett married as well, I have a feeling something happened between the two of them which pushed Emmett too far, leading to his dictatorship. I think it's safe to assume that Doc will be trying to prevent Marty from going back in time during the course of the episode.

    In terms of the speakeasy arsonist, I have a feeling Einstein accidently started the fire. I think it would be wonderfully ironic considering Edna's support of the burned down speakeasy and her hatred for dogs.
  • edited March 2011
    This has been mentioned, but...Trixie Trotter = Sylvia. Seriously, Trixie Trotter is very likely a stage name.
  • edited March 2011
    But if Trixie and Artie were so close, wouldn't she reveal her actual name at some point? He says several times that he's awaiting Sylvia. On the same note, Trixie says she's been tutored by Arthur and I figured that he would learn her real name through all the tutoring sessions.

    Of course, I could be looking into this too much. Your theory is entirely plausible.
  • But if Trixie and Artie were so close, wouldn't she reveal her actual name at some point? He says several times that he's awaiting Sylvia. On the same note, Trixie says she's been tutored by Arthur and I figured that he would learn her real name through all the tutoring sessions.

    Of course, I could be looking into this too much. Your theory is entirely plausible.

    she's working for Kid Tannen and not exactly proud to do so. Plus performers quite often do have alternate aliases. I think the writers made a point of having Artie to say he does not know a Sylvia.
  • edited March 2011
    Also, was anyone paying attention to the models for George and Lorraine for the First Citizen Brown preview? George is different and is wearing glasses, and Lorraine looks very much like how she looked at the beginning timeline in BTTF1. Looks like undoing time travel undid his parents getting together after George grows a spine.

    Also, I have a theory about Tannen-ruled McFly family still being started from Biff getting decked. Perhaps in that timeline, Marty helped Doc out with the time machine and convinced his dad to stand up to the Tannens. That Marty didn't realize that this would only make things worse instead of better, so when he returned and found that he had been run out of town, he had no choice but to actually leave.
  • Also, was anyone paying attention to the models for George and Lorraine for the First Citizen Brown preview? George is different and is wearing glasses, and Lorraine looks very much like how she looked at the beginning timeline in BTTF1. Looks like undoing time travel undid his parents getting together after George grows a spine.

    Also, I have a theory about Tannen-ruled McFly family still being started from Biff getting decked. Perhaps in that timeline, Marty helped Doc out with the time machine and convinced his dad to stand up to the Tannens. That Marty didn't realize that this would only make things worse instead of better, so when he returned and found that he had been run out of town, he had no choice but to actually leave.

    Lorraine is like Lenny from the buttefly effect; character is thinner when happy. She's fatter (I hate using this word but it is accurate) in the first timeline and the 1985 A timeline. George does need glasses naturally by the 1980s, I dont think alternate timelines change this; he wears them in every scene in the first timeline, obviously he is dead in the second timeline, and does inquire about his glasses in the lone scene he's in part III (which is of course the happy timeline). He's not wearing glasses at the end of part I but he was just playing tennis so it's possible he was wearing contact lenses. So maybe you are onto something; its never stated whether george is ever wearing contact lenses but typically happier people are more concerned with their appearance (ie. rarely see happy people wear track pants) and thus more likely to choose contacts over glasses.

    I do think that while George does intimidate biff, this actually makes biff hate him. Biff never has a reason to haten george otherwise, he just bullies him because he can. But biff does murder george in one timeline (and george still would have punched him out in this timeline) and paralyze george in another (which george probably does still punch biff out as they reference biff crashing into a manure truck which happens while marty is back in 1955).

    By the way the latter is a point that although minor has not been discussed here yet; it appears that the compromised timeline we see with Kid tannen not in jail in 1986, this is the first time aside from possibly in 2015 that Biff knows that it was Marty McFly who travelled back in time to 1955 to make him crash into the manure truck. We'll probably never find out but it would be interesting to find out how Biff finds this out. We never see what happens to doc in this version of the timeline other than the presumption that he is alive in 1986 and probably well beyond since he doesnt fade out like he does in the FCB timeline (meaning that in the paralyzed George timeline, Doc either lives a long time or still invents the time machine).
  • edited March 2011
    Well obviously Biff is kind of wimpy. And notice everyone's outfits are pretty much the same. Personally, I like the way old Doc looked more than new doc (according to the picture on the billboard). I wonder if the new Doc will remember what Mr. Corleone, or Mr. Callahan, or the other one look like and remember him.
  • edited March 2011
    Do you know when episode 3 comes out?
  • between march 10th and march 31st
  • edited March 2011
    I bet that Emmet doesn't wanna go back at the end of the episode. So in EP 4 Marty convinces his younger self to watch frankenstine and lay some dirt on Edna.
  • I bet that Emmet doesn't wanna go back at the end of the episode. So in EP 4 Marty convinces his younger self to watch frankenstine and lay some dirt on Edna.

    FCB cant go back in time with marty. The reason being that changes to the timeline do not affect human memory so if he went back with marty, he'd still retain all his memories from the first citizen timeline but marty clearly wants the old doc back.
  • edited March 2011
    Anyone else see the similarity between FCB and Judge Doom?

    EDIT: As others pointed out, it seems I'm not the only one.
  • edited March 2011
    Anyone else see the similarity between FCB and Judge Doom?

    See first page, and yes, I did. xD

    I dunno, I think it might be cool to see FCB and Marty go back in time together into 1931.
  • edited March 2011
    church1138 wrote: »
    I dunno, I think it might be cool to see FCB and Marty go back in time together into 1931.

    Personally, I'm hoping that the episode has an antagonistic approach to FCB. Even in the first episode, there were times where you needed Doc's help in order to move forward in the game. He seems to have the answers to your problems within the game and even goes as far as explaining the timeline issue to you. I think it would be interesting to see how everyone fares without his help.
  • This may be the first time marty has to educate doc on the space time continuum. He wont have doc here to solve his problems and tell him what to do, he will have to figure it out for himself.
  • edited March 2011
    FCB cant go back in time with marty. The reason being that changes to the timeline do not affect human memory so if he went back with marty, he'd still retain all his memories from the first citizen timeline but marty clearly wants the old doc back.

    You sure?
    You absolutely positively 100% sure????
    last chance to re-check....
  • edited March 2011
    go to:

    Select episodes...
    Select the episode: double visions...

    its synopsis says:

    "It's time for the Hill Valley Expo! Back in 1986, Marty and First Citizen Brown must join forces and create an epic invention so that he can prevent young Emmett Brown from making the worst mistake of his life."
  • edited March 2011
    I've got a hunch einstein will have a near death experience, you heard it here first
  • edited March 2011
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited March 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    "It's time for the Hill Valley Expo! Back in 1986, Marty and First Citizen Brown must join forces and create an epic invention so that he can prevent young Emmett Brown from making the worst mistake of his life."

    Very true! But then again, the episode description was pretty misleading for the second episode, and I fully assume this trend to increase. In Tales of Monkey Island (2009), TTG has even managed to release an episode trailer for the second episode which has one crucial story element carefully displayed wrong on purpose, just to keep spoilers from everyone in this first look.

    So, I'm not really sure how this "other Doc" problem will be solved. If Citizen Brown, with his all-different past, were to help Marty to make things right, we could well assume that he has to vanish at the end because his past is erased. But then again, we still have a Marty at the end of BTTF I who returns to a family in which he had an entirely different childhood, but he still remains the Marty who once lived with an alcoholic mother and loser father. So I'd say Citizen Brown could well replace our good ol' Doc. I don't know how I'd feel about it, but it would be well within at least one of the logics of temporal mechanics the movie triology employs.
  • edited March 2011
    I read the decription for ep 2 and it is a good summary of what we have to accomplish by the end of the episode. If you ask Marty's parents about Jennifer, they don't know who she is, therefore suggesting that she doesnt exist in tannen controlled 1986.
  • Kamagawa wrote: »
    You sure?
    You absolutely positively 100% sure????
    last chance to re-check....

    Yes I am; citizen brown would not have any of the memories that 'normal' doc has of his various time travels. If he goes back in time and restores the timeline, he would retain his FCB memories. Plus normal doc is quite a bit older than FCB due to his various time travels.
  • edited March 2011
    My tentative guess is that FCB will be killed in the course of helping Marty. The goal of this series seems to be that young Emmet goes out of control; He's going to create something that is going to have an effect on the the time stream. I think in order to protect everyone's existence and prevent the paradox of all paradox's Marty and FCB will eventually join forces. As far as getting the original Doc back, this would just be a matter of traveling back to 1931 and picking him up. This will most likely be done after the events of episode 4 and FCB has been "dealt with."

    Further prediction: Young Emmet will be the antagonist here. I think we are going to have to put the smack down on him, and then go back in time again again to fix everything, once the paradox danger has been averted. Maybe?
  • edited March 2011
    Yes I am; citizen brown would not have any of the memories that 'normal' doc has of his various time travels. If he goes back in time and restores the timeline, he would retain his FCB memories. Plus normal doc is quite a bit older than FCB due to his various time travels.

    I think there will be a point where old doc will fade in during ep4 while you are busy with the expo. FCB may remain or fade out. Old doc will fade in even if FCB is in the past because when restoring the timeline, you will prevent old doc from fading out. I think this might be the case because old doc is well into his 100's, while FCB is in his 70"s. The episode's name is double visions, so we might see more than 1 of doc (old doc & FCB) and marty The issue is, what will happen to FCB?
  • edited March 2011
    I know this probably wont be in the game, but wouldn't it be fun if Citizen Brown would travel with Marty back in time to 1931 and happen to bump in to the real Doc?
  • Kamagawa wrote: »
    I think there will be a point where old doc will fade in during ep4 while you are busy with the expo. FCB may remain or fade out. Old doc will fade in even if FCB is in the past because when restoring the timeline, you will prevent old doc from fading out. I think this might be the case because old doc is well into his 100's, while FCB is in his 70"s. The episode's name is double visions, so we might see more than 1 of doc (old doc & FCB) and marty The issue is, what will happen to FCB?

    It doesn't really seem to work that way in the films. For instance when they travel to alternate timelines, they dont fade out and have their real selves fade in. Now amittedly this is an extreme case here where docs 20-40 years of time travelling are now prevented. Also this would be the first time someone who's been completely erased re-appears so not sure what the rules would be for that.

    I guess i can see what you are saying happen; if the timeline gets fixed and FCB is back in 1931 where it happens, he should be transported to wherever doc would have been 8 months into his time travels; so if Doc was gone for more than 8 months the first time he travels through time himself (when he goes to 2015 at the end of part 1), he'd be whenever doc was 8 months into his time travels, otherwise he'd be transported to 1885.
  • edited March 2011
    There seems to be a pretty common expectation for Marty to have to explain time travel to FCB. It makes sense since episode 1 mirrored certain elements of Part 1 (meeting an adult as a teenager) and episode 2 had elements of part 2 (going back to a day that's already been traaveled too, creating a hellish alternate time line). A cool element of Part III was having the role reversal between more time experienced Marty and a love struck Doc.
  • edited March 2011
    I have a question... would FCB recognize Marty the first time the two meet each other?

    I mean, FCB is a direct result of Martys actions in the past. He MUST remember him somehow!
  • Sp1ke wrote: »
    I have a question... would FCB recognize Marty the first time the two meet each other?

    I mean, FCB is a direct result of Martys actions in the past. He MUST remember him somehow!

    None of the characters seem to recognize marty from his trip in 1955, doubt anyone does from his trip further back.
  • edited March 2011
    None of the characters seem to recognize marty from his trip in 1955, doubt anyone does from his trip further back.

    In Part I, I guess Doc (with bulletproof vest) does remember him... and the letter warning him about that night is the proof...

    I don't think that Doc simply forgot who wrote that letter.
  • Sp1ke wrote: »
    In Part I, I guess Doc (with bulletproof vest) does remember him... and the letter warning him about that night is the proof...

    I don't think that Doc simply forgot who wrote that letter.

    Well because Doc is the only person marty specifically tells that he's from the future. 1955 doc and clara (and possibly the guys in the saloon in 1885) are the only characters who are specifically told about the time machine. 2015 biff is the only character who figures out for himself about the time machine and he overhears it.
  • edited March 2011
    I love the game alot! The 1 thing I can not stand is the time in between the games. I want to play it NOW!!!!
  • edited March 2011
    The reason we have a First Citizen Brown is because future Doc no longer existed. If he had continued to exist, then he would have taken the place of FCB, just like Marty(and later Doc) took the place of himself in the new timeline. Since this new timeline keeps Doc from time traveling and later getting the treatment at the rejuvenation clinic. So, in order for Marty to put things back the way he remembers it, First Citizen Brown has to stay behind.
  • edited March 2011
    Has anyone considered the possibility... that Doc is still secretly in love with science, EVEN as First Citizen Brown, but just hasn't invented the flux capacitor, since it took at least one very concrete thing (bumping his head) for him to get the inspiration?
    Obviously, the plot hole is watching "Frankenstein", but even if he hadn't watched it back in 1931, do you really think he'd just GIVE UP on science and everything he loves about it??? I don't think that would necessarily apply to a guy like HIM! He could've watched "Frankenstein" at a (not too much) later point in life anyway! Why not?
    Also, he could've still bumped his respective head by the same logic.
  • edited March 2011
    I think he IS still interested in science. The trick here is simple. 1st Citizen Brown would NOT have been influenced by Frankenstein, but now probably influenced by George Orwell's 1984. Which frankly, scares the willies out of me. Poor Doc, having to be subjected to that book. :(
  • edited March 2011
    I've got a few ideas of who the Speakeasy Arsonist is:

    1. Edna: She loathes the speakeasy because of all the poor and drunk resorting to go there.
    2. Trixie Trotter: She wants revenge on Kid for treating her and Artie like dirt sometimes.
    3. Artie: (same reason as Trixie).
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