BTTF Ep 3: Citizen Brown Predictions thread (Spoilers Warning!)



  • Thing about the notebook. Marty gave it back to Doc when they got back to 1986. Doc had it when he left Marty's house to go to the bank and take care of his estate.

    You know originally i thought marty would need it to show FCB to help him fix/build a time machine but then I realized that the notes in the book should disappear.
  • edited February 2011
    You know originally i thought marty would need it to show FCB to help him fix/build a time machine but then I realized that the notes in the book should disappear.

    that's what a lot of people thought, but if you check your inventory during your second trip to 1931, the notebook is gone from it, so Doc had it with him and it likely vanished along with him. Or it fell into the DeLorean's floorboard. We don't know the ultimate fate of the notebook just yet, but it's easier to simply assume it's vanished.
  • edited February 2011
    It is fairly obvious though that the time machine is broken, and not just from plowing through a sign(and I dunno what Doc did to that DeLorean, but that is one sturdy car). As soon as Marty arrives back in 1986, the time circuits start making the same malfunction noise that they did in BttF2.

    that's far the delorean has been handling alot of abuse throughout these episodes. and didn't doc say in the second movie that a 1950's ford would tear through the delorean like tin foil, yet crashing into a billboard leaves the car unscathed =P.
  • edited February 2011
    KaiRubix wrote: »
    that's far the delorean has been handling alot of abuse throughout these episodes. and didn't doc say in the second movie that a 1950's ford would tear through the delorean like tin foil, yet crashing into a billboard leaves the car unscathed =P.

    Technically speaking, the car shouldn't have survived crashing into the theater upon returning to 1985 in the first film.
  • edited February 2011
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Yes very true. I overlooked the fact that there is no flux capacitor anymore lol.
    But how can Marty persuade Doc to make the flux capacitor if his own future is altered because there is no time machine in the first place. Won't time catch up and cause Marty to forget everything about time travel or something?

    His memories have never changed because of time travel before...

    As for the DeLorian still existing, it's a temporal duplicate--something that shouldn't exist in the first place. The rules for it are probably going to be different.
  • edited February 2011
    The whole alternate 1986 reminded me of that Simpsons episode where Homer changes the past and returns to find that Ned Flanders is in charge of everything.


    They even let you keep the part of the brain they cut out.
  • edited February 2011
    Now I have one thing that bugs me. When Emmett and Edna were set to go to the movies, she looked all happy about it. Just before they entered the theater, she saw someone in front of it, might have been Eunice form the speakeasy. She frowned and turned away, taking Emmett with her. Are we supposed to think that if Eunice did not go into their way, they would've gone to see Frankenstein anyway?
  • edited February 2011
    Can't help but think that the idea of Marty convincing FCB that he invented a time machine leaves plenty of room for callbacks to Mary convincing 1955 Doc Brown of the same thing in BttF Part 1.
    "Then tell me, Alternate Universe Boy. Who's president in your 1986?"

    Then again, I thought Episode 2 may have a "there's only one man who can help me" run to 1931 Emmet somewhere in there mirroring the end of BttFII but that didn't happen either.

    Perhaps I'm just a wishful thinker.
  • edited February 2011
    There's also a pretty good chance that Marty has to save Bill from the end of Left 4 Dead's The Sacrifice in order to help FCB fight the zombies plaguing 1986B. FCB invents the Reptar Wagon which Marty uses to aid Bill who is killed by a Biff tank on the steps of the courthouse while George dons his Batman persona to protect his son the way his dad never did for him.

    Oh, and Dr. Perry Cox is the speakeasy arsonist.

    My heart would explode in a firework of joy.
  • edited February 2011
    I just hope we get to spend more time in an alternate timeline than rush back to 1931 again.
  • edited February 2011
    Am I missing something, why are some of you saying episode 3 will be in "1984"
  • edited February 2011
  • edited February 2011
    One thing I'm curious about is why in the concept art in the bttf launcher does it show Citizen Brown with hair, but in the preview they show him bald. kind of a weird change. how does doc missing frankenstien make him lose his hair?

    Edna is every bit as strict as her brother so it's also likely she ordered (or at least influenced) Doc to cut his hair, possibly to not look like a hippie.
  • edited February 2011
    I'll be the first to make this likely prediction; docs notepook was an important prop to get early in the first episode but hasn't been used yet. I'll predict that it's needed in episode 3 to convince doc somehow. Seems the delorean is broken somehow so marty will need doc to fix it. Not sure if doc falls off his toilet and hits his head in 1955 to invent the flux capacitor.

    I think that one way Marty convinces Doc that time travel is possible--despite First Citizen Brown never inventing time travel--is that Marty would have to prove he's Harry Callahan (or whatever name he used back in 1931).
  • edited February 2011
    I'm not sure if it was mentioned, though I'm sure everyone noticed that the clock was still working. I'm guessing that Edna made Doc fix the clock tower after the lighting bolt hit it.
  • ALV910 wrote: »
    I think that one way Marty convinces Doc that time travel is possible--despite First Citizen Brown never inventing time travel--is that Marty would have to prove he's Harry Callahan (or whatever name he used back in 1931).

    I'm actually re-cinding the statement you quoted for reasons stated later in the thread. Since the rules of BTTF time travel indicate that pictures/newspapers change with the timeline, I'd assume that human notes would as well and thus doc's notebook should either become empty or have different notes. Though as mentioned, this book has so far not been used yet and the writers did make a point to have it as a 'puzzle' in the first episode.
    I'm not sure if it was mentioned, though I'm sure everyone noticed that the clock was still working. I'm guessing that Edna made Doc fix the clock tower after the lighting bolt hit it.

    Is that the clock tower that marty crashes into?

    And yes it's very likely that marty will have to convince doc that marty is the same character doc runs into in 1931. But should FCD even have the mental ability to create/fix time travel? Doesn't seem like he slipped off his toilet and hit his head in 1955 giving him the inspiration for the flux capacitor.
  • edited February 2011
    I'm actually re-cinding the statement you quoted for reasons stated later in the thread. Since the rules of BTTF time travel indicate that pictures/newspapers change with the timeline, I'd assume that human notes would as well and thus doc's notebook should either become empty or have different notes. Though as mentioned, this book has so far not been used yet and the writers did make a point to have it as a 'puzzle' in the first episode.

    Is that the clock tower that marty crashes into?

    And yes it's very likely that marty will have to convince doc that marty is the same character doc runs into in 1931. But should FCD even have the mental ability to create/fix time travel? Doesn't seem like he slipped off his toilet and hit his head in 1955 giving him the inspiration for the flux capacitor.

    The notebook still can't be used because Marty gives it back to Doc and no longer has it in his inventory.

    No, but in the preview video of Citizen Brown, the clock is shown to still be working.

    And that shouldn't be too incredibly difficult. Marty should very easily be able to remind Citizen Brown of Callahan/Crockett/Corleone.
  • edited February 2011
    The notebook still can't be used because Marty gives it back to Doc and no longer has it in his inventory.

    No, but in the preview video of Citizen Brown, the clock is shown to still be working.

    And that shouldn't be too incredibly difficult. Marty should very easily be able to remind Citizen Brown of Callahan/Crockett/Corleone.

    assuming that TTG can have the name carry over, I think I have now been called every name EXCEPT the one I picked ;)
  • edited February 2011
    You know, I've only had the name mess up once. And in that instances defense, I did play through as "Harry Callahan", but Corleone was what I was referred to 99% of the time. The only mess up was with Edna. So, as usual, it's her fault. :p
  • edited February 2011
    I had a really hilarious situation in Episode 1.

    I told Edna my name was Harry Callahan. But when you are introduced to Emmett and repeat it, my Marty said Corleone. From then, I'm thinking purely by coincidence, Emmett called me Michael Corleone and Edna called me Harry Callahan.
  • edited February 2011
    cant wait for ep 3
  • edited February 2011
    I'm actually re-cinding the statement you quoted for reasons stated later in the thread. Since the rules of BTTF time travel indicate that pictures/newspapers change with the timeline, I'd assume that human notes would as well and thus doc's notebook should either become empty or have different notes. Though as mentioned, this book has so far not been used yet and the writers did make a point to have it as a 'puzzle' in the first episode.

    Is that the clock tower that marty crashes into?

    And yes it's very likely that marty will have to convince doc that marty is the same character doc runs into in 1931. But should FCD even have the mental ability to create/fix time travel? Doesn't seem like he slipped off his toilet and hit his head in 1955 giving him the inspiration for the flux capacitor.

    No, it's the clock tower that the lighting bolt hits in the first movie, the one that Marty and Doc have to use to power up the DeLorean.

    In 1931 it's working for obvious reasons, but any other time it's not until Episode 3, and like I mentioned, I bet it's because Edna made Doc repair it after the lighting bolt hit it.
  • edited February 2011
    Crashing into the clock tower only happens in the BTTF ride.
  • Nekoai-kun wrote: »
    Crashing into the clock tower only happens in the BTTF ride.

    And 2015 in part II
    I had a really hilarious situation in Episode 1.

    I told Edna my name was Harry Callahan. But when you are introduced to Emmett and repeat it, my Marty said Corleone. From then, I'm thinking purely by coincidence, Emmett called me Michael Corleone and Edna called me Harry Callahan.

    I think everyone notices the glitch in episode 2 with the alias for Marty not being consistent. Something I did somewhat wonder; in part III Emmet uses his own name in the year 1885 but the alias Carl Sagan in 1931. I guess it's because there was another emmit brown in 1931 (his younger self) or the fact that emmet probably believed he would live out the remainder of his days in the 1885 timeline while he had no desire staying in the 1930s.

    Also marty uses his own name in 1955 (people call him calvin but that's what lorraine assumes his name is) but the alias clint eastwood in 1885 (probably because he doesnt want to tell his ancestors he is also a McFly).
  • edited February 2011
    What I'm wondering is, how far does Citizen Brown's power extend? Is he in control of the whole country, with Hill Valley being his center of operations or just a smaller area that includes Hill Valley?
  • ragdoll556 wrote: »
    What I'm wondering is, how far does Citizen Brown's power extend? Is he in control of the whole country, with Hill Valley being his center of operations or just a smaller area that includes Hill Valley?

    George indicates in the preview that it's spefically hill valley under citizen brown which is not a great place to live (a play on the hill valley sign of the first film). All 3 films have pretty much been centred around hill valley aside from going outside of town at the start of part 3 when doc sends marty from 1955 to 1885. Personally I hope they never leave hill valley.
  • edited February 2011
    The billboard Mary crashed into reminded me of the T.J. Eckelburg billboard described in "The Great Gatsby"
  • edited February 2011
    I'll be the first to make this likely prediction; docs notepook was an important prop to get early in the first episode but hasn't been used yet. I'll predict that it's needed in episode 3 to convince doc somehow. Seems the delorean is broken somehow so marty will need doc to fix it. Not sure if doc falls off his toilet and hits his head in 1955 to invent the flux capacitor.

    Looks to left as branches part and raptor head emerges and exlaims, "CLEVER GIRL!!!!!"
    No seriously, thats a good point considering the picture of Marty's dad had a use in the second episode... keep up the good predictions and I'll have to spend some time on the BTTF forums and not just the JP forums!
  • edited February 2011
    I think we will actually see an alternate Marty in ep3.

    I originally thought we could use the tape recorder with young Emmet's voice on to convince FCB, but then I realised it was gone from the inventory ofter a puzzel in ep1.

    FCB's history is probably well known and easy to find out. The trick will be to find out what he left out of his biography regarding 1931. So...probably alot of reading...and getting FCB to fix the DeLorean while distracting Edna from what is going on.
  • edited February 2011
    And 2015 in part II

    Yeah, but all Griff and his gang crashed into was some colored glass. They didn't destroy the clock face at all.
  • You know one of the things that i love about the back to the future films is that they add in plot points and things to see that you'd only pick up having seen the films before (this making them rewatchable);
    In part II they have the last time departed in the time circuits as 1955 just before they leave 2015 and theres the buford tannen reference as well as doc foreshadowing him wanting to go to the old west an study women.

    Well in episode 2, when marty is flying the delorean, doc remarks that it's odd the 1986 newspaper shows hill valley crime at an all time low (obviously reflecting the citizen brown timeline we are about to see).
  • edited February 2011
    Nekoai-kun wrote: »
    Crashing into the clock tower only happens in the BTTF ride.

    Yeah and according to Doc Brown I was the star of that ride. So technically it was me that crashed into the clock tower, while chasing Biff in my 8 seater Delorean. I demand that this be cannon :)
  • edited February 2011
    Evil Doc has a baby with Edna who dies in childbirth. Doc is retired from being the first citizen after his career as a powerful judge in Hill Valley. His son is the new obstacle that Marty must overcome, and once he finds out that Marty comes from an alternate present he will stop at nothing to take out Marty so that he won't be erased from existence.

    PS- Hire me TTG, you won't regret it. lol
  • edited February 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    I originally thought we could use the tape recorder with young Emmet's voice on to convince FCB, but then I realised it was gone from the inventory ofter a puzzel in ep1.

    I hope Marty has to go back in time and steal it from himself.
  • Blayze wrote: »
    I hope Marty has to go back in time and steal it from himself.

    doesn't look like marty will be time travelling until doc fixes the DeLorean.
  • edited February 2011
    doesn't look like marty will be time travelling until doc fixes the DeLorean.

    Could be stolen by Marty from Episode 4 or 5, for all we know. All *I* know, though, is that I'd prefer if its disappearance was actually plot-relevant, rather than due to not being plot-relevant any more.

    Edit: Heh. Ep 4/5 Marty could steal it and give it to Ep 3 Marty for his use, telling him that he'll just have to do the same when he gets to be him.
  • Blayze wrote: »
    Could be stolen by Marty from Episode 4 or 5, for all we know. All *I* know, though, is that I'd prefer if its disappearance was actually plot-relevant, rather than due to not being plot-relevant any more.

    Edit: Heh. Ep 4/5 Marty could steal it and give it to Ep 3 Marty for his use, telling him that he'll just have to do the same when he gets to be him.

    Except it does not happen that way in BTTF, this isn't Bill and Ted. If it did, then a future marty/doc would have gone back to 1955 to bring marty back to the future instead of relying on the lightning bolt. Marty has to fix this problem himself and can't rely on a future version of himself.
  • edited February 2011
    Alright, so we know that Doc is changed, and Marty needs his help to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it and the Delorean. But Doc kinda seems like the bad guy now. I think Marty can convince him by telling him all about Micheal Corleone and all that stuff in 1931. All Marty needs to do is no not make Doc fall in love with Edna, so that Doc goes to the movie, and then the end. But some of the episode might be like trying to escape the alternate 1986 and Doc. Say what you think will happen!
  • moturu wrote: »
    Alright, so we know that Doc is changed, and Marty needs his help to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it and the Delorean. But Doc kinda seems like the bad guy now. I think Marty can convince him by telling him all about Micheal Corleone and all that stuff in 1931. All Marty needs to do is no not make Doc fall in love with Edna, so that Doc goes to the movie, and then the end. But some of the episode might be like trying to escape the alternate 1986 and Doc. Say what you think will happen!

    there's already a thread for this but anyhow the time circuits and flying circuits short out at the end of episode 2 (because in the FCB timeline, Doc doesnt invent time travel or get the hover conversion done).
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