IGN is worried...maybe TellTale should listen?
http://ps3.ign.com/articles/118/1183778p1.html No need to copy/paste the whole article. He addresses most things that we've been worrying about. Pacing, animation, gameplay...TellTale, please read what he has to say and take it into account.
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I think its a good fit.. TTG has in my opinion turned in a pretty solid story in the past.. and the gameplay they are proposing is new for them I can see it working well... I know that it might not but I am pretty sure its going to be a fun game... and I anticipate it being true to franchise.. more so than Back to the Future.
Anyway, I think that as far as a TellTale game, this is looking awesome. The story seems solid, I like the adventure style gameplay with Heavy Rain mixed in and I just love the fact that we're on Isla Nublar again. This is looking good for a telltale game.
I think what it is is that when people think dinosaurs on an island they automaticly want to explore. They want to just go out and looks at things. They basicly want a Trespasser. I'm all for that kind of game as well. But we have to stop and remember that this is a TellTale game. They do adventure and storytelling. Not FPS and Platforms. We have to think inside the TellTale universe.
I must agree with the stiff characters and animations, thats a major problem anyone has with the game right now, they better fix that properly!
About the pacing, I must agree there also. I dunno, it just kinda feels overrated at times, I mean the action sequences in the first film were very dosed, most of it was suspense with some peaks of action, in the game there are sequences with non-stop action, but not as good directed as in a "real" movie. I cannot really name what doesnt feel right, but at least I know now that I'm not alone with this feeling.
I know we cant expect anything else gameplay-wise from telltale, but I understand that people dont care about that, they just want a proper JP-Game they can look forward too and dont have to worry about if the animations will look better in the final game or if the gameplay really will be good enough...
While they're at it, they should take this into account, too: "Even if the game is more expository than exhilarating, this is Jurassic Park in all the right ways. Just know going in that it's a bit boring to actually play."
The lack of exploration is a departure from adventure games, not a feature of them. Adventure games invented exploration in gaming, long before there was any such things as shooters and platformers. If you want to defend the lack of exploration in this particular game, that's fine. But please stop staying lack of exploration is justified on the basis of it being an adventure game; such a statement is laughable to anyone with any familiarity with the genre, and to keep repeating it is just willfully ignorant. Explorable gameworlds are an essential part of adventure gaming and they're well within "Telltale's universe":
I was just saying that some gamers want a FPS free roaming Jurassic Park game and that's why a lot of people feel uneasy about a linear adventure Jurassic Park game.
As for me, I like the direction Telltale is going with this game and I can't wait to play it.
Exploration is not defined by 3D graphics, or any kind of graphics for that matter: the first adventure game was all about an explorable gameworld and didn't have graphics at all. Exploration is not defined by control scheme; gamepad, keyboard or point-and-click are equally valid methods for moving a character. Exploration is not defined by continuity; maps and other kinds of "express travel" devices are more common in adventure games than other genres, but that doesn't make exploration any less important.
Wrong. Very few adventure games have linear gameworlds. I posted that screenshot to specifically show a game that, like the vast majority, allows the player to explore a variety of locations in any order they wish. The number of and size of locations vary widely among adventure games, but even in an adventure game with a relatively small gameworld, exploration is still an essential component of gameplay.
Apart from the recent trend toward free-roam sandbox style games, non-linearity was just as common in shooters and action-adventures as it was in adventures. It varied from game to game in all genres. Play Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father or Myst or Grim Fandango, compare it to a shooter like Doom 3 or a typical platformer, and then talk to me about linearity. :rolleyes:
Okay... King's Quest; most games in the series apply but let's take KQ2. Note that that map is not incorporated in the game -- players had to actually explore and discover the environment for themselves. The gameworld represented in that image is totally continuous and free-roam.
There are gamers who complain about every title that isn't free-roam sandbox; countering such complaints is easy even without mischaracterizing the adventure genre as you have repeatedly done. The serious criticisms come from the perspective of long-time adventure gamers -- or any gamer who relishes being immersed in a richly interactive gameworld -- lamenting the lack of any exploration, not caring whether that exploration is "free-roam" or the more traditional kind of exploration in gameworld-oriented games, the full range of adventures, shooters, platformers, etc.
I think that will ultimately be a great game, interesting and entertaining for fans and a lot more people want to see more graphics governess.
In IGN is said Available On: PC, Xbox 360, Wii, iPhone, iPad, Macintosh.
And for PS3 by PSNetwork? canceled for this platform?.
Seems more appropriate to me.
Who says JP needs to be a FPS ? Why not a game similar to the King Kong movie game with some good first person survival action ?
Good post.
Lack of free exploration doesn't need to be justified because its not intended to be that type of game. Its not like they wanted to make it an exploration game and failed miserably by having the exploration be limited.
THE GAME IS NOT INTENDED TO BE FREE ROAMING. Its too late to change something like that anyway. People need to deal with whats being created and if they don't like it don't be part of it.
Now the animation is another issue, but once again probably won't be changing.
Better animation and movements means nothing. Like the saying goes "its all relative." Improving their animation doesn't necessarily means they're going to revamp it to look like the best graphics seen to date on a video game. It could simly mean they improved the lighting and shadows...who knows.
Plus don't trust press realeases on why things are delayed. Most of the time they're full euphemisms for what actually is delaying the game. which could be anything from realeasing it on all platforms at the same time due to an executive decision to they just plain and simple didn't meet their deadline.
This is a pretty naive statement.
That wasn't a statement, and i did not say animation was the only reason.
It's quite obvious that the game will be technically awful. Both graphics and animations look outdated, this is not something you can change in three months, especially if you're an "independant" editor. The game was postponed for commercial reasons.
But, facts are facts.
BTTF looks like shit. And Jurassic Park tried too hard to look realistic, which makes the clumsy animation and low res textures look pretty horrible.
Also, I think everybody got Heavy Rain wrong. What was interesting about that game, was NOT the QTE. It were the choices, to make (or not) actions. To be able to decide, even in action sequences, what to do. Sure it was limited, but you still had several ways to interact on the story AND on the actual game sequences.
From what we saw, you can pick some dialog lines but it doesn't affect anything really, and the game sequences are just about "push that button"... No choice is really required. JP the game seems a little too much limited
Let's play Pong !
Sounds like denial to me.
Wait, have you ever honestly trusted anything from IGN, arguably the most biased, open-to-bribes, and terribly rude gaming site out there?
Yeah? Have you read the comments on Youtube, even more negative than IGN ever could be
IGN is lame and can't be taken seriously. And the overall comments are pretty negative about JP.
Now let's just focus on The Walking Dead
But if we can get past that and give the game a chance maybe it won't be so bad. I am completely for the cinematic experience. Its unlike a game I've ever played before so I'm excited about it. Thast not to say that I wouldn't want a free roaming Jurassic Park game. That would be awesome too!
This isn't about "trusting" IGN. It's not like the article came out of the blue and people are accepting it on blind faith with nothing else to go on. Do you also accuse Opposable Thumbs of being biased and overly negative? The IGN piece is notable only because it is consistent with some people's concerns about the game based on their own observations of the released material. That's the real issue here, and it doesn't go away by simply asserting that IGN is biased and overly negative.
We should "just enjoy" things we don't actually like because... why? Because you say so? I think you're mistaking the discussion forum for a cult. I'm a Jurassic Park fan just as much as anyone else, but that doesn't mean I'm going to swallow any old JP product without considering the merits of the product in and of itself.
You clearly took my words out of context. THIS is what I'm talking about. Everybody getting all up in arms, there's no use in it. Just calm down, they're gonna make it either way, IGN should have never even posted that because now it's caused another ruccus on the ole JP:TG Forums. Now my friend could we not argue?
Why CAN'T people talk about their concerns? Why CAN'T people express opinions? Are people also not allowed to talk about how happy and excited they are about the game, since they're "going to make it anyway" and as such saying anything about it that is a strong opinion is a waste of time? Or does that kind of logic ONLY apply when you don't agree with the person wholeheartedly? I don't know how the kind of attitude you're exhibiting here could even be considered remotely polite, let alone reasonable.
I suppose you're right, but it could turn into an argument, either way, nobody understands the point.(I feel like Ian Malcolm) I'm just saying that we should calm down and just chill for a moment see what Telltale has to offer a little before the game is released and then make your decision. Sorry if I've come across in a negative manner.
We've seen concept art, screenshots, previews, interviews, and even gameplay videos. There's quite a lot to talk about and have opinions about already.