Steam Sale Spotlight
Hereupon exists a place to discuss current Steam Spotlight deals and your opinion of the games' value and/or the sale price.
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What is your opinion of the FarCry games for PC?
They were 30 € bundled then (1 for 10 and 2 for 20).
It is a great deal though, I think I'll buy them actually though I don't have that much money at the moment.
By the way what's the point of having a bundle that is exactly the same price as buying the 2 games individually?
Serious Sam: Double D is now out, and you get 20% off if you already own any Serious Sam game on Steam. Dunno how much that is in US terms, but in the UK it's £4.79, down from £5.99.
I won't be getting this (I've resolved to drastically cut down on buying new games until I've gone through some of the other ones I own), but it looks interesting and kinda fun. I like the idea of stackable weapons!
Actually it's a penny cheaper if I got them separately (here in the UK at least), the bundle being £3.74 & individually they cost £1.24 & £2.49.
I must say that I'm happy with them being available separately as I've already got Far Cry, and the sale has got me thinking of getting Far Cry 2.
And there's the daily deal which is interesting me - 75% off The Polynomial. Don't know much about the game but it does look interesting and it's has a great price (£1.50 here) but only for the next 3 and a bit hours. Gonna try out the demo at least first.
I found myself being unimpressed by just flying around at random looking for stuff to shoot or powerups to fly through. The only 'objectives' that I could tell exist are the Steam achievements. The evidence of this being that the music playlist just loops endlessly, while in Audiosurf each 'level' is only as long as each track.
Perhaps I only gave the game 30 minutes of my attention so far, but I can say for certain that when I first started the game I had no idea what I needed to be doing; and that once I figured out what to do, I was underwhelmed by the ability to fly around and shoot seemingly inconsequential enemies. In Audiosurf, there is a lot more to the gameplay.
Today's daily deal is actually really impressive. The Next BIG Thing has 50% off (£15 or $15... wait, how the hell does that work?), and considering it only came out in April, that's pretty good!
Also, the King's Crusade collection (the original game and its three DLC packs) are half-price as well (£10.49, or $14.99).
I won't be getting either (having played Runaway and its sequels, TNBT holds no interest for me, and I'm just not into historical strategy games) , but they're both great deals if you're interested!
And for the record, the Far Cry 1 + 2 deal is £3.74, or $7.49. The US pays a bit more here, which makes a nice change
I'm gonna harp on about price conversion here, so if that doesn't interest you, feel free to skip this bit.
And this isn't the only game they've done this with. I'm gonna use Hector as another example. Full priced in the UK it's £17.50. In the US it's $19.99. You don't have to be a genius to realize that that's not right. Converted to pounds, the US price is £12.25. Uh, that's a fiver. I could be using that to buy a pint. Maybe two, if I went to the right pub. But it's bull.
It works the other way too! Let's go with Call of Juarez: The Cartel. In the UK, that's £19.99. Convert that to dollars, it's 32.62. Actual US price: $49.99. Yeah, that's fair. There's others as well. It's just a great big shambles, and it really needs looking at. Useless, the whole thing. THere's a great site that shows you the compared prices - Check it out and see for yourself just how badly Steam is balanced.
For real? That means us foreigners over the pond pay about $25.
I do want The Next BIG Thing, but I've still got Runaway 3 to play so I guess it can wait.
Any time I post prices like that, they're the actual prices that Steam charges. Check Steam prices for a pre-converted figure.
Nah, I get the ripoff price. I just converted to dollars to indicate how much more expensive it is.
Today's daily deal is the imaginatively named Alien Shooter, which is £1.33, or $1.66 (converted: £1.02, which would annoy me if it were much more expensive).
Alternatively, you can get the Shooter pack (Alien Shooter, Alien Shooter: Revisited, Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded and Zombie Shooter) for £3.66, or $5. You'll have to use the Search bar for that one though (the actual title is 'Complete Shooter Pack'), since they're not really advertising the collection.
The games, if you've not heard of them, are basically isometric shooters. I can't really tell you more because I don't own them (nor will I, it's not my sort of game).
EDIT: The weekend deal! It's the Call of Duty series, all of which (well, the ones available on Steam, anyway) are half price, with Black Ops being 33% off. So, the amount that one should have been with from the very start.
Anyway. The actual prices:
Call of Duty War Chest (CoD1, United Offensive and CoD2): £9.99, or $14.99
World at War: £9.99, or $9.99 (which, converted, is £6.16, which is annoying because I'd pay that much but not a penny more for it)
Modern Warfare: £9.99, or $9.99 (which is also converted to £6.16)
Modern Warfare 2: £14.99, or $14.99 (converts to £9.25)
MW2 Resurgence Pack: £5.49 or $7.49
MW2 Stimulus Pack: £5.49 or $7.49
Black Ops: £26.79, or $40.19
You can get CoD1, United Offensive and CoD2 individually, but just one costs about the same as all three put together, so there's absolutely no point in doing so.
For the record, I'm not getting any of them. No interest in the lot.
I think I've been spoiled by the amazing £5 games 2 years after release.
Yeah, I had the window open a while before I posted, so I never saw the spoilered update since I hadn't refreshed. xD
It's an indie game. Need I say more?
talk about overpriced for people in the UK. Okay yeah. you forgot something.
I have it from a pack and never got into it really. So I also never tested the DLC I got as a free price in the Summer Camp.
I already own the game, otherwise I'd probably snap it up. It's been cheaper (during the Summer Sales, I believe), but it's still a bargain, considering it's actually two games - a remade Escape from Butcher Bay was included, remember?
Is it good?
At that price, it's not a bad deal at all. So much so that I'm getting it. Sure it's got a Metacritic score of 61, but I've spent more on worse.
a puzzle game
WTF is Hamilton's Great Adventure
Price: 4.99€ / 3.99 £ / 4.99$
EDIT: Ah, but you didn't mention that it won't run on WinXP! The game requires Vista or Windows 7 to run. For some reason.
That reason is it isn't forwards-compatible. It is not brain science.
Heres what TotalBiscuit thinks of the game.
I linked that in my post.
The reason for no XP: Direct X 11 is required for some odd reason. I see NOTHING in there that would not work in DX 9.
Didnt notice that you put it there.
Having bought and played it for an hour and a half (one achievement requires you to run around in a wheel for half an hour, which wasn't nice), I can tell you that the game plays very much like The Lost Vikings, if anyone remembers that.
It's basically a puzzle platformer, where most of the puzzles require you to clone yourself and place these clones on switches. You can also combine your clones (or yourself, if you can remember which one that is!) with various animals (or an explosive barrel) for added fun.
For the price, it's a great little puzzler and I'd recommend it. Seriously, under 2 bucks? Admit it, you've spent more on less. Speaking of which...
Midweek Madness (despite it being Tuesday)! A few Eidos games are on offer, namely Hitman and (shudder) Kane and Lynch. Each game is 66% off, with the bundle of all of them being 75% off.
The exact titles and prices:
Hitman: Codename 47 - £2.04 or $3.40
Hitman: Silent Assassin - £2.04 or $3.40
Hitman: Blood Money - £2.04 or $3.40
All three Hitman games - £5.10 or $8.50
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men - £2.70 or $5.10
Kane & Lynch: Dog Days - £4.00 or $5.10 (wait, how's that work?)
K&L: DD Alliance Weapon Pack - 66p or $1
K&L: DD Multiplayer Masks Pack - 47p or 67c
K&L: DD The Doggie Bag - £1.35 or $2
The Whole Lot: £11.35 or $17.75
Veritable mixed bag there! The Hitman games are good, but the Kane & Lynch series... well, isn't. It's a moot point anyway as I own all the games (but not the DLC, I've far better things to spend my money on).
It's a multiplayer platform shooter, apparently, so I have no interest in it whatsoever. Oh well.
First off, the Daily Deal. It's STORM: Frontline Nation, which is now £6.50 or $10.
It's a turn-based strategy game. Make of that what you will.
And next, the Weekend deals. Yes, that's plural.
Civilization V is 75% off, as is the digital edition. The DLC bundle, sadly, is not on offer.
Civ 5 is £7.50 or $12.50, while the Civ 5 Digital Deluxe (actual name) is £10 or $15.
Next, Need for Speed! The franchise is on offer, or at least the games on Steam are. Here's the list:
NFS: Shift - £3.75 or $5
NFS: Undercover - £3.75 or $2.49 (WTF?!)
NFS: Hot Pursuit - £10.20 or $10.20 (Grr)
NFS: Shift 2 Unleashed - £14.99 or $14.99 (Do they even check these?)
Finally, Call of Juarez: The Cartel is out now. Having played it, I can honestly say... don't. Just don't.
Digital Deluxe Edition includes: