Star Wars Blu-Ray....MORE CHANGES



  • edited October 2011
    You've convinced me that I need to transfer my VHS tapes to DVD before they degrade any more. And quickly.
  • edited October 2011
    You've convinced me that I need to transfer my VHS tapes to DVD before they degrade any more. And quickly.

    Whereas I'm personally convinced that I need to buy myself a copy of the Star Wars Blu-ray set and forcibly insert it into Mr. Lucas' rectum, all the whilst shouting "why don't you CGI yourself up a fucking enima".
  • edited October 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    Whereas I'm personally convinced that I need to buy myself a copy of the Star Wars Blu-ray set and forcibly insert it into Mr. Lucas' rectum, all the whilst shouting "why don't you CGI yourself up a fucking enima".

    I'd rather just sic Dashing on him.

    Your way's probably more lenient, come to think of it.
  • edited October 2011
    What we need is the world's foremost disguise artist. We put him into character as Lucas, kidnap the real thing, and insert him into Lucasfilm to do our bidding.
  • edited October 2011
    What we need is the world's foremost disguise artist. We put him into character as Lucas, kidnap the real thing, and insert him into Lucasfilm to do our bidding.

    But has that already happened?
  • edited October 2011
    *I* think it's better this way!
  • edited October 2011
    XD! Everyone loves Jar Jar.XD
  • edited October 2011
    tobar wrote: »

    Oh, yeah, I'd forgotten about that. In that case, we need to find the real Lucas. Either that or just replace the imposter with our own.
  • edited October 2011
    tobar wrote: »

    The following is the response from the Library of Congress' librarian Zoran Sinobad:

    "While both STAR WARS (1977) and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (1980) are on the National Film Registry, the Library has not yet acquired new prints of either one. When the request was made for STAR WARS, Lucasfilm offered us the Special Edition version. The offer was declined as this was obviously not the version that had been selected for the Registry. We have not yet requested a print of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, added to the Registry late last year.
    > The Library of Congress does hold the original release versions of STAR WARS, THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK and RETURN OF THE JEDI, but these 35mm prints were acquired as copyright deposits in March 1978, October 1980, and June 1983 respectively. All three are classified as archival masters and as such cannot be accessed for viewing/research. The existing condition reports for STAR WARS and THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK (there is no report for RETURN OF THE JEDI) indicate that the former has minor scratches but is in good shape overall, while the latter has extreme color fading. We also have an additional 35mm print of the original STAR WARS (received June 1979) with English subtitles for the deaf.
    > If you have any further questions, you are welcome to contact Lynanne Schweighofer, our Preservation Specialist and in-house Star Wars expert, at < >.
    > Sincerely,
    > Zoran Sinobad
    > Reference Librarian
    > Moving Image Section
    > Library of Congress"
    So there it is. The National Film Registry can at least be commended for declining the offer to store the Special Edition, as it conflicts with their mandate. So, it seems, they never had a print ever. But, the news may be even worse: not only does the NFR not have an original Star Wars print, they don't have any version. Of course, do you really think they will be provided with a 1980 print of Empire Strikes Back? Of course not.
    I don't understand what this bolded section refers to if the the NFR doesn't have any prints.
  • edited October 2011
    I believe it means that a different branch of the Library of Congress does have prints of those films, but that the prints aren't available for anyone, including the NFR, to make use of, and even if they were, they're in shoddy condition.
  • edited October 2011
    I believe it means that a different branch of the Library of Congress does have prints of those films, but that the prints aren't available for anyone, including the NFR, to make use of, and even if they were, they're in shoddy condition.

  • edited October 2011
    tobar wrote: »

    As a moviemaker... I'm speechless.

    When my ex deleted all my childhood movies that I had stored on the PC (as a stupid act of revenge for breaking up with her), I was sad.

    But those were my little experiments... not years and years of work shared with actors and crew members.

    Lucas had no right to do this. When something wonderful is being made, one has to understand that he does not own it anymore. The World owns it.

    ...I really lost the last bits of respect I had for this man.

    I'm not a fan of Star Wars, but I did see all the movies and I understand why people love them so much. This is unfair and I'm really sorry the fans have to go through this.

    You can still find the 1977 version through less-than-legal ways, as a digital download, so not all is lost.

    But still... I'm so sorry.
  • edited October 2011
    XD Lucas is really sticking it to us.
  • edited October 2011
    doodo! wrote: »

    The new Krayt dragon cry reminds me of 0:40 into this video...
    doodo! wrote: »
    And should this make me very disturbed?

    Yes. Yes it should. It's further evidence that Lucas is nothing more than a souless money grabbing gimp. Seriously, that shit's embarrassing.
  • edited October 2011
    That is what I said...
  • edited October 2011
    Why can't George Lucas stop raping my childhood?
  • edited October 2011
    I recently ripped my Star Wars GOUT discs and had Handbrake detelecine it and convert it to anamorphic widescreen.

    So, now I have my classic Star Wars and to hell with the Special Editions.
  • edited October 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    I recently ripped my Star Wars GOUT discs and had Handbrake detelecine it and convert it to anamorphic widescreen.

    So, now I have my classic Star Wars and to hell with the Special Editions.

    OK, I know you don't like them, but isn't wishing eternal damnation on them a little much?
  • edited October 2011
    Wishing eternal damnation on George Lucas would be too much. However, for the Special Editions to be cast into oblivion would be a blessing to say the very least... especially that stupid Jedi Rocks song.
  • edited October 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    Wishing eternal damnation on George Lucas would be too much. However, for the Special Editions to be cast into oblivion would be a blessing to say the very least... especially that stupid Jedi Rocks song.

    They're already being tortured down there, but making them listen to Jedi Rocks is way too cruel even for someone like Hitler or Osama bin Laden.
  • edited October 2011
    Scnew wrote: »

    What is this I don't even.

    He was a fairly pointless character to begin with. I'm sure he'll be no less pointless here.
  • edited October 2011
    Such is the trend with pointless changes George likes to make.

    You know, what baffles me all the more is how little effort ILM is putting into fixing certain problems, such as Luke's lightsaber in ANH being green; Vader's lightsaber being pink; lightsabers having dull colored cores; and additionally the various continuity errors never fixed.

    Many issues were successfully fixed by the likes of Adywan, so I don't know why it should be so hard for ILM to fix, especially since the Star Wars franchise ought to be the LucasFilm's most important property.
  • edited October 2011
    Chyron8472 wrote: »
    I recently ripped my Star Wars GOUT discs and had Handbrake detelecine it and convert it to anamorphic widescreen.

    You should get that looked into for the sake of your poor suffering Star Wars discs...
  • edited October 2011
    GOUT or "George's Original Unaltered Trilogy," refers to the Bonus discs from the 2006 Original Trilogy DVDs

    It's the Special Editions that have gout so bad it hurts.
  • edited October 2011
    Are any of the deleted scenes worth it? We haven't see them over the past 30, 40 years. Are any of them any good?
  • edited October 2011
    Are any of the deleted scenes worth it? We haven't see them over the past 30, 40 years. Are any of them any good?

    You can view a lot of them on YouTube. Personally, I didn't find them to be all that exciting, with the possible exception of the alternative opening to Return of the Jedi.
  • edited October 2011
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    Sure, why not. He was underused.

    That's actually George's reasoning behind it.

    Hey, they brought him back in the comics, so why not for real?
  • edited October 2011
    mikey485 wrote: »
    The changes make things better. I used to always wonder what Darth Vader was thinking before he threw the emperor down. Now thanks to Lucas is finally know

    Oh yeah, I totally know what you mean. I had always interpreted that scene as Darth Vader considering whether he should eat calamari chunks or bantha steaks for dinner that night. Now I know better.

    Are you fucking serious?!
  • edited October 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    Are you fucking serious?!
    ...pretty sure they weren't. Seemed like an obvious joke to me.
  • edited October 2011
    ...pretty sure they weren't. Seemed like an obvious joke to me.

    Sorry, I lost my sense of humour around the same time that C-3PO misplaced his hetrosexuality chip!
  • edited October 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    Sorry, I lost my sense of humour around the same time that C-3PO misplaced his hetrosexuality chip!
    That doesn't make sense. You wouldn't know when that occurred at all! Though Star Wars events can be measured relative to each other in terms of Galactic Standard Years, but comparing those and events recorded in earth time(that is, the loss of your sense of humor) is impossible, as the only relevant information that we have is a vague assertion that the events of the Star Wars films as late as "Return of the Jedi" occurred "A long time ago" relative to their years of release. We can't even take the years of Grimm's Fairytales written relative to the timespans they cover in order to get a baseline, as that's assume that "A long time ago" is equivalent to "Long, long ago", which itself is an unfounded assumption. Since there's no basis of comparison, you can't really make a claim about something that happened to you occurring in tandem with an in-universe Star Wars event.
  • edited October 2011
    I think that instead of measuring that event in terms of chronological in-universe time, one should measure it in terms of the movie production timeline.

    Having never seen the Clone Wars show, I'm assuming Davies is saying 3PO in the prequels sounds gay. In the real world production timeline, I figure 3PO would then have "lost his heterosexuality chip" (as Davies puts it) sometime before or during Attack of the Clones. If only referring to chronological order in-universe, one would have to say that, thanks to George, he (retconningly) didn't get one until some time before A New Hope.
  • edited October 2011
    C3PO has always sounded gay, as a result of being both British and timid at the same time.

  • edited October 2011
    LuigiHann wrote: »

    This is a Star Wars thread. We can nerd out if we want.

    Also just because 3PO is easily scared and voiced by a Brit, that doesn't make him gay. I would say prequel-3PO sounds gay because his voice is, at times, noticeably higher pitched than in the OT, and because (thanks to George Lucas) he often has pun-filled and/or pop-culture-referencing lines of dialogue (eg. "oh, this is such a drag.")
  • edited October 2011
    More "C-3PO is gay" tomfoolery ...

    Also, Obi-Wan steps on a LEGO brick...
  • edited October 2011
    That LEGO video both humors me and annoys me greatly.
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