I was in for the right PC guessers and I'll stick to that!
Thought up an interesting way to determine who of the nine lucky ones gets the commission. I could throw a die but I want to avoid the impression that I had picked one at will, so we're doing it this way:
The Mathematical Association of America has a website named A Number a Day. The numbers are mostly arbitrary, so I can not know what tomorrow's number is. The nine voters in alphabetical order and the number of tomorrow, June 27th, will determine the winner, with 1 = Adrianasun, 2 = DonBer, 3 = Ellenflowers and so on, continuing with 10 = Adriansun again to infinity.
Today's number is 913, which would have been a win for number 4, fellow mod Hero1. Let's see how your chances are tomorrow, hero...
OK that way, any questions?
They'll never give me that power... they're too afraid. FOR A REASON!
Yes, I've got one...
Today the number it's 913. What are we doing with that kind of number if there are only 9 and 7 voters?
We can add the digits until we get one digit number.
Just saying, didn't PC get Episode 1 first? So aren't you guys being a bit selfish saying that Xbox getting Episode 2 first is bad? (I'm a PS3 user so I'm neither of those)
Besides, to those of you complaining "We had to wait three months!", no, you had to wait two months; suck it up and move on. The game will be released within the week, you can survive.
No sir, not selfish at all considering many of us puckered up the cash for the whole season. We paid for something we don't have yet, unlike our fellow xbox players who pay for their episode upright.
Just saying, didn't PC get Episode 1 first? So aren't you guys being a bit selfish saying that Xbox getting Episode 2 first is bad? (I'm a PS3 user so I'm neither of those)
Besides, to those of you complaining "We had to wait three months!", no, you had to wait two months; suck it up and move on. The game will be released within the week, you can survive.
I would agree with you if PC users weren't forced to buy the whole season.
Reload the complainer-matic, man, this is not over.
I can't wait until the whole game is out, for the people that still don't get each episode is only 2 hours, so they start making "WE WAITED 2 MONTHS FOR THAT MUCH CONTENT?" threads as if the 2 hours an episode thing is a major discovery.
No sir, not selfish at all considering many of us puckered up the cash for the whole season. We paid for something we don't have yet, unlike our fellow xbox players who pay for their episode upright.
I can't wait until the whole game is out, for the people that still don't get each episode is only 2 hours, so they start making "WE WAITED 2 MONTHS FOR THAT MUCH CONTENT?" threads as if the 2 hours an episode thing is a major discovery.
dont forget when season 1 is finished and done new threads will arise along the lines of 'wer iz seeson too! dis is BS!'
Most game companies (hell most companies in general) don't really comment on issues that they might be facing and stuff like that other than official press release type things done by PR & marketing people. So it's not fair to blame the actual developers when they've probably been told not to discuss whatever is going on. So the onus is on the PR people who I'll readily admit are dropping the ball big time on this. So just be clear on who you all are actually angry at, 'cos it's certainly not people like Jake.
I don't know that they have official PR people. I mean, would you let your company's name get dragged around like this if you were a PR person? I think it's a company full of developers, which a charming as they may sound, would be a terrible mistake.
I don't know that they have official PR people. I mean, would you let your company's name get dragged around like this if you were a PR person? I think it's a company full of developers, which a charming as they may sound, would be a terrible mistake.
I don't know.. I don't care!
I only paid $5 for EP1 and deposited enough to pay $5 for EP2 tomorrow!
And YES fair.. if Xbox user's had to wait day's after PC and PS user's and this time it's reversed, then YES it's fair!
I think you'll survive 2 day's. Hell, Clem is a 1st grader surviving the zombie apoc by herself for longer than that, I think you can handle just a couple day's for a video game!
pc users had to pay for all eps. up front wat makes xbox so god damn special
do you find it funny that when twd a new day came out it was released on the ps3 and pc first and the 360 2nd and now that twd starved for help comes out it is now the roles have been reversed
do you find it funny that when twd a new day came out it was released on the ps3 and pc first and the 360 2nd and now that twd starved for help comes out it is now the roles have been reversed
pc users had to pay for all eps. up front wat makes xbox so god damn special
There are two explanations:
Microsoft said that they will only update Xbox Live tomorrow and they cannot wait until Friday.
Microsoft becomes Micro $ oft and tell to Telltale that if they let them release before, Micro $ oft will make to Telltale some offer they can't refuse (free ad? Good score on Micro $ oft charts? Who knows...)
Pick your choice.
EDIT: This confirm my theory. "Micro $ oft" word it's censored. See? **********
I don't know that they have official PR people. I mean, would you let your company's name get dragged around like this if you were a PR person? I think it's a company full of developers, which a charming as they may sound, would be a terrible mistake.
C'mon nerdmom keep up:D:D
I know it's alot to catch up on 100 plus pages but I did it, so can you;)
Wow glad I got a date FINALLY.. If it doesn't come out I won't be surprised. TTG has failed me 3 times already lets go for 4. I trust IGN with dates tho. Really shocked PC isn't first since ep 1 was first for PC. Oh well I waited two months whats 2 more days.....
Microsoft said that they will only update Xbox Live tomorrow and they cannot wait until Friday.
Microsoft becomes Micro $ oft and tell to Telltale that if they let them release before, Micro $ oft will make to Telltale some offer they can't refuse (free ad? Good score on Micro $ oft charts? Who knows...)
Pick your choice.
EDIT: This confirm my theory. "Micro $ oft" word it's censored. See? **********
The Mathematical Association of America has a website named A Number a Day. The numbers are mostly arbitrary, so I can not know what tomorrow's number is. The nine voters in alphabetical order and the number of tomorrow, June 27th, will determine the winner, with 1 = Adrianasun, 2 = DonBer, 3 = Ellenflowers and so on, continuing with 10 = Adriansun again to infinity.
Today's number is 913, which would have been a win for number 4, fellow mod Hero1. Let's see how your chances are tomorrow, hero...
OK that way, any questions?
To use math terms: The result is tomorrows number modulo 9, if the contestants get assigned 0-8 as their numbers.
OMG, seriously... Today is the Playstation network release not the 29th. Holy hell, Let me guess the release time 11:59pm, June/29/2012.
Wait... I think I read into the release date wrong..., they said this week June/29... maybe what they really mean is Jun..ly/29ish/20__ something. "Monthly" obviously does not mean consecutive months... so I wonder what "this week" could mean?...
$50 says because friday is mid release week PS3 will hold off until next Tuesday. JUL/03/2012.
I only have two semesters of computer science, and they weren't fun!
I Computer Science
Just saying, modulo makes it easy to determine the winner that way.
What you described is basically the same thing, it just sounded like you were solving it manually instead of pressing the modulo button on a calculator to determine e.g. 913 mod 9.
pc users had to pay for all eps. up front wat makes xbox so god damn special
Choice!!! I have a PC too.. I chose to play the game on my Xbox and not my PC.
If you don't have a Xbox or PS and PC is your only option, then perhaps you need to complain to whomever made the decision that PC user's must pay for the entire game up front.
In my opinion, most of the new people on here are here just for the Walking Dead and wouldn't be very likely to buy any of the other games on here regardless of their opinion of the company. Granted, now it's even less likely that'll happen.
I'll buy more TTG games in the future, if they do anything I'm interested in. But not along this episodic schedule, and from what I've learned here I'll never pre-order.
No offense, but the relationships that game developers and gamers have is a touch too co-dependent for me. This acceptance of dysfunctional behavior as the "norm" is pretty unsettling. In any other marketplace, no business would be allowed to accept money, renege on their promises, refuse to communicate, then tease and string along their clients with vague promises and information without some sort of backlash beyond complaining on forums.
A lot of folks are irritated with newbies like me complaining about this 2 month delay. But sometimes people on the outside have a bit more perspective on an issue that those who have been in the middle of it for awhile. Apply this kind of behavior to any other interaction you have in your life, any other media, any other type of business, any relationship for that matter and perhaps you'll begin to understand why people are so angry.
I know how to wait, I'm waiting for a game right now, and I'm investing close to $1,000 dollars to upgrade my computer so that I can play it. The game release date keeps getting pushed back. But you know what the developers haven't done? They haven't taken my money, made promises they weren't keeping, refused to talk about the game development. In fact, they released specs on the game so that I can be prepared to play it when it's released. That's the way a company who wants not only to keep existing customers, but bring on new customers handles business.
Yes, I've got one...
Today the number it's 913. What are we doing with that kind of number if there are only 9 and 7 voters?
We can add the digits until we get one digit number.
EDIT: Ok, I see you have edited your post. Sorry.
No sir, not selfish at all considering many of us puckered up the cash for the whole season. We paid for something we don't have yet, unlike our fellow xbox players who pay for their episode upright.
You are entitled to your complaints then.
Reload the complainer-matic, man, this is not over.
I have a 360, PC and PS3 and decided to play on PS3. Then this!
I would agree with you if PC users weren't forced to buy the whole season.
I can't wait until the whole game is out, for the people that still don't get each episode is only 2 hours, so they start making "WE WAITED 2 MONTHS FOR THAT MUCH CONTENT?" threads as if the 2 hours an episode thing is a major discovery.
how many times has xbox got everything first
dont forget when season 1 is finished and done new threads will arise along the lines of 'wer iz seeson too! dis is BS!'
I don't know that they have official PR people. I mean, would you let your company's name get dragged around like this if you were a PR person? I think it's a company full of developers, which a charming as they may sound, would be a terrible mistake.
they have Alan Johnson who is head of PR
pc users had to pay for all eps. up front wat makes xbox so god damn special
Maybe the Xbox users complained more. :rolleyes:
There are two explanations:
Microsoft said that they will only update Xbox Live tomorrow and they cannot wait until Friday.
Microsoft becomes Micro $ oft and tell to Telltale that if they let them release before, Micro $ oft will make to Telltale some offer they can't refuse (free ad? Good score on Micro $ oft charts? Who knows...)
Pick your choice.
EDIT: This confirm my theory. "Micro $ oft" word it's censored. See? **********
probley but i got both a 360 and a ps3
C'mon nerdmom keep up:D:D
I know it's alot to catch up on 100 plus pages but I did it, so can you;)
Oh god please tell me you didn't read through all that!!
Haha, The ign jamoke that wrote the article also called it Starving for help...Really, this guy is putting the first face on the release? Scary:eek:
Hells Yeah!! And it was fuuuuuuuuuunnnn!!
Why do you think I'm so jaded?
EDIT:Holy crap!
To use math terms: The result is tomorrows number modulo 9, if the contestants get assigned 0-8 as their numbers.
Trust IGN? Do they still have that article online where they announce Back to the Future and Jurassic Park as "pilot episodes"? Wait, let me check...
...yeah. Don't trust them.
Wait... I think I read into the release date wrong..., they said this week June/29... maybe what they really mean is Jun..ly/29ish/20__ something. "Monthly" obviously does not mean consecutive months... so I wonder what "this week" could mean?...
$50 says because friday is mid release week PS3 will hold off until next Tuesday. JUL/03/2012.
In response I will not buy nor play the game until Friday when WE as a whole can all play.
No No.. Please stay seated.. No Please.. No applause needed. I'm just doing my part.
(hope they don't find out I work all day Wed. and Thurs. and won't get a chance to play until Friday anyway)
bghjkl called in first, damn. I could have made 50 bucks!!
all yours buddy, i deleted my post because he may be right.
Just saying, modulo makes it easy to determine the winner that way.
What you described is basically the same thing, it just sounded like you were solving it manually instead of pressing the modulo button on a calculator to determine e.g. 913 mod 9.
Choice!!! I have a PC too.. I chose to play the game on my Xbox and not my PC.
If you don't have a Xbox or PS and PC is your only option, then perhaps you need to complain to whomever made the decision that PC user's must pay for the entire game up front.
I'll buy more TTG games in the future, if they do anything I'm interested in. But not along this episodic schedule, and from what I've learned here I'll never pre-order.
No offense, but the relationships that game developers and gamers have is a touch too co-dependent for me. This acceptance of dysfunctional behavior as the "norm" is pretty unsettling. In any other marketplace, no business would be allowed to accept money, renege on their promises, refuse to communicate, then tease and string along their clients with vague promises and information without some sort of backlash beyond complaining on forums.
A lot of folks are irritated with newbies like me complaining about this 2 month delay. But sometimes people on the outside have a bit more perspective on an issue that those who have been in the middle of it for awhile. Apply this kind of behavior to any other interaction you have in your life, any other media, any other type of business, any relationship for that matter and perhaps you'll begin to understand why people are so angry.
I know how to wait, I'm waiting for a game right now, and I'm investing close to $1,000 dollars to upgrade my computer so that I can play it. The game release date keeps getting pushed back. But you know what the developers haven't done? They haven't taken my money, made promises they weren't keeping, refused to talk about the game development. In fact, they released specs on the game so that I can be prepared to play it when it's released. That's the way a company who wants not only to keep existing customers, but bring on new customers handles business.
thanks man! Hopefully no one steals it