Episode 2 Release Dates are out!!! June 27th for Xbox / June 29th PSN/PC/Mac
New poll by community request! No prizes on this one for getting it right, except of course everlasting glory and the undying adulation of fellow forum members.
If for some reason you're looking for the dead thread, it's over here (closed to new posts).
divisionten edit: My prize for a comission still stands. One random person who guesses the correct date (as decided by a RNG) will receive a comission of their choice as described in the earlier poll. I have to pick randomly this time because Puzzlebox beat me to poll making. So get guessińg!
WINNERS: By a random D10 die roll (disregarding numbers 8-9-0 for the first and 0 for the second) we have our winners!
The_Ripper and trueblue43 will receive a commission for correctly guessing the date!
If for some reason you're looking for the dead thread, it's over here (closed to new posts).
divisionten edit: My prize for a comission still stands. One random person who guesses the correct date (as decided by a RNG) will receive a comission of their choice as described in the earlier poll. I have to pick randomly this time because Puzzlebox beat me to poll making. So get guessińg!
WINNERS: By a random D10 die roll (disregarding numbers 8-9-0 for the first and 0 for the second) we have our winners!
The_Ripper and trueblue43 will receive a commission for correctly guessing the date!
This discussion has been closed.
... everlasting glory and the undying adulation of fellow forum members?
And whoever said you guys don't listen.
Was it such a good idea to close the other thread? You could have left all of the angry people there complaining about the release date and started a whole new positive thing here. Now everyone will be moving along to argue with each other at a whole new thread. Just my opinion.....
The bigger issue is that the release date is June. That old poll confused newbies. Now that we have this one, it's neat and right on the top of the WD forum.
TOUCHÉ! Valid Point. :cool:
Nothing offensive about the Queen
Awww that unfortunately never works anyway.
I'm still thinking that Telltale would have to notify us about this delay and don't keeping in silence.
The delays are normal at developing videogames but companies tell to their customers about the delay. "We are having technical issues/new ideas to develop in this episode/whatever and we don't have an estimated release date but it will be some day on June". Wow, it's piece of cake.
Repeat, I don't mind wait more for a videogame but the Telltale's manners managing this have not been the best, I think.
Well, keep guessing, guys.
Yeah, pretty much this.
how about Duck as a zombie chomping on Larry eating his face off lol
I know they will release the games and not just take my money. I guess my worry is more to the, if this game was released late. Will the other 3 be as well? Perhaps, since they have gotten just bad backlash of this one. They already have people working on the next one, so it will release more on time.
Edit: I couldn't help but laugh at how many votes ' When hell freezes over' got. I have complained and I fully support those who are worried. But, I don't think a meltdown of ' it's NEVER gonna be released.' is anything more than an exaggeration.
I wouldn't count on it. There was 2 months between BTTF 1&2, yet the rest of the episodes were released monthly. It was the same for Sam and Max too. Now this may be because the release of episode 2 cooincided with christmas time, but I am optimistic, that the rest of the episodes will be monthly, as per usual.
another one......
I'm glad the flamers and trolls havent immediately flocked here. It's peaceful ... for now.
As for a date ... I'll guess June 12. It's my birthday.
An art commision? Hmmm, you know what'd be cool? All the characters from Ep.1 on a movie style poster all cool n' stuff. xD
... a little like this lol
Um, Diablo 3 took like 11 years after the Diablo 2 expansion. They spent time on that game. A long time. They just underestimated how many people were going to actually buy the game. Therefore their servers couldn't handle the number of people that logged on all at once. Besides that, there weren't any real problems with the game. TWD isn't really the same since they are releasing "supposedly" monthly. Your examples don't really make sense me to.
To maybe correct you on something...i don't believe that 11yrs ago they had planned for a diablo 3. What i mean is that first off they had other games to develop like warcraft 3(both expansions) and then again others like world of warcraft and maybe starcraft(if it wasn't yet in existence.) Secondly i don't think they had any new ideas yet to how they would want diablo 3 to be/seem like
Would you just calm it down a little bro ? I know you're frustrated and I don't blame you. On the other hand I don't blame the developers as maybe they're onto a surprise that is in releasing both episode 2 and 3 simultaneously so all the fans won't have to wait that long for episode 4. Don't forget that what they are doing isn't just a simple mathematical sum like 1+1 or as such, but the thing they are doing is that they're combining EVERY ONE'S DECISIONS AND CHOICES to be adjusted to your progress through episode 2. It's not that easy you know. You're not a developer and neither am I so we can't understand and underestimate what they're going through. Imagine trying to combine every single story and decisions/choices for like millions of TWD players
PS: I know they should notify us about the release date and I totally agree, but on the other hand maybe they want to surprise us in a way
At the very least it is a strange way to release games because you tend to lose the flow of what is happening after not playing the game for so long. It happens to me in most TT games, but I still like them.
i know, right? It's kind of sad that being disappointed has been misconstrued as "trolling". Don't get me wrong...it is pretty annoying seeing the same comments over and over, but it's even more unfortunate someone from TT hasn't cleared the air at all.
We very rarely delete threads. You will find that the one-post-wonders making new threads about release dates just get merged into the existing discussion.
No it wasn't. There's even a link to it in the first post here.
It was also filled with trolls and porn. and plus now everyone has a new clearer chance to make their points instead of resorting to "You are Stupid You are Stupid, and don't forget You are Stupid!" {Dexters Lab reference}