I'm usually the guy who says quit complaining here but yeah... I'm a little taken back on this revelation, the minute i saw the achievements appear i thought "all right some episode 2 tonight!!!"...er...no. Oh well at least we have an answer now.
Not to be a Debbie Downer but Really????PC Friday??? some people just keep getting the shaft...WTFWTFWTF?????
i.e., "The wait is over. The Walking Dead: The Game Episode 2 is coming this week. Yes, in a bit of last minute news, Episode 2: "Starving For Help" will land on Xbox Live tomorrow, Wednesday, June 27th. PC and PS3 versions of the second of five downloadable episodes will arrive on Friday, June 29th."
Somebody from TTG posted THAT link a couple pages back
i.e., "The wait is over. The Walking Dead: The Game Episode 2 is coming this week. Yes, in a bit of last minute news, Episode 2: "Starving For Help" will land on Xbox Live tomorrow, Wednesday, June 27th. PC and PS3 versions of the second of five downloadable episodes will arrive on Friday, June 29th."
Read a couple pages ago, buddy. Alan Johnson himself told us.
I'm glad we've finally gotten news and a release date. While I do play on xbox I still think it's dumb that all platforms aren't released on the same day. (the same way I thought it was dumb when xbox got ep. one later) Especially after seeing somewhere that the delay was caused by microsoft. sorry pc and ps3 users... if it's any consolation I cant buy ep. two until next week ):<
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know we're launching The Walking Dead - Episode 2 on Xbox 360 tomorrow and PSN (North America) Friday and PSN (EU) soon! EDIT PC coming this Friday too!
Thanks for the forst REAL info here. But you this must be a bad joke. It iss written here
"A company spokesperson said the announcement of the dates comes so late because Telltale had to wait "until all of their platform partners confirmed their publishing schedules."
That the platform partners and their release schedule was the problem (don't know why you couldn't tell us this secret information) and now the version which does not need any schedule comes later? I really still don't get it. Maybe now - after the big secret is out (and I still don't know why this has to be a secret and why there had to be such silence) you can give some infos to shed some light on the situation.
This is bordering on the absurd...why in the 9 hells would a game built on a pc for the pc at the same time and doesn't have to pass certification have to wait two days after the xbox?
I played devil's advocate for you TTG. And you just Mushroom stamped me for it. Thanks.
After this long - and very silent - wait for the second episode to come out, I am not interested in continuing the game at this time, only to possibly have to put up with yet another 2 month wait for the third episode. I loved the first episode and really look forward to playing the whole thing through, but I will just wait until all five episodes have been released and any bugs have been sorted out, before I go back to playing again.
Chances are that after this experience (I initially liked the idea of playing this game episodically), I will just wait until the whole game is ready to play before I pay for it.
Thanks for the forst REAL info here. But you this must be a bad joke. It iss written here
"A company spokesperson said the announcement of the dates comes so late because Telltale had to wait "until all of their platform partners confirmed their publishing schedules."
That the platform partners and their release schedule was the problem (don't know why you couldn't tell us this secret information) and now the version which does not need any schedule comes later? I really still don't get it. Maybe now - after the big secret is out (and I still don't know why this has to be a secret and why there had to be such silence) you can give some infos to shed some light on the situation.
This is Microsoft that did this didn't they? Did they make you have to delay the game 2 days? I can't think of another reason(besides perhaps testing servers) to delay the PC version.
I mean that is what happened with the Skyrim Daungaurd DLC, its on 360 now, while PS3 and PC users have to wait at least another month!
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Shouldn't Season Pass holders take priority?
No priority, everyone should get it at the same time. Now the rest of us without XBOX consoles will have to stay off of the Forums to avoid major spoilers. This is BS!
This is bordering on the absurd...why in the 9 hells would a game built on a pc for the pc at the same time and doesn't have to pass certification have to wait two days after the xbox?
I played devil's advocate for you TTG. And you just Mushroom stamped me for it. Thanks.
I know it sucks for us pc gamers that we have to wait....but that last line just made me giggle lol!
I'm glad we've finally gotten news and a release date. While I do play on xbox I still think it's dumb that all platforms aren't released on the same day. (the same way I thought it was dumb when xbox got ep. one later) Especially after seeing somewhere that the delay was caused by microsoft. sorry pc and ps3 users... if it's any consolation I cant buy ep. two until next week ):<
Thank you for your sympathy...It beats getting flamed lol
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean. Shouldn't Season Pass holders take priority?
i was meaning (coming from someone who cannot programme for shit and has very little idea how these things work) maybe it is easier to release a seperate chunk of the game rather than having automated systems update dlc... does that read right?
Oh well, either for some reason they update today, on Friday (for this single update?) or the following Tuesday, I don't mind, as it's in a week long wait.
Wish I wouldn't have gotten rid of my crappy xbox a few weeks ago.. damn. That's funky that they're putting it out on xbox before ps3 and pc... oh well, I just can't wait to play it!!! lol
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know we're launching The Walking Dead - Episode 2 on Xbox 360 tomorrow and PSN (North America) Friday and PSN (EU) soon! EDIT PC coming this Friday too!
Thanks for the update, but I'm curious as to why it's released on xbox first. Why was the PC version held up, when it doesn't rely on publishing schedules, like the console versions do?
now we get the joy of all the xbox users (myself included) spending all day tomorrow waiting for the game to ACTUALLY be released, then we shall have to build our own little fortress to protect the others
Alright, so after my rant yesterday (about a refund). I thought I should write a followup.
After work I went home loaded up TWD:game and played Ep.1. Man I really like this game... I am just so freaking furious with the support.
I really wasn't a big fan of Monkey Island, Sam and Max, Jurrasic park or Back to the future. However TWD is brilliant and I cannot wait for the following 4 episodes. This is probably where all my frustration settles. I hate rude people but I hate arrogant and ignorant people mostly. If the greater population asks you a question, don't give a half-assed answer it will only cause much larger issues. Telltale games lack of support almost lost TWD a customer and more.
Also I wanted to point out I was completely j/ks about boycotting purchases and downloading instead. The comics have my wallet until the end, and I'll be watching every Season 3 ep on AMC.
The walking dead is incredible, I just completely disagree with how Telltale is handling this situation. Refunds or not, it just goes to show how a 3rd party can mess up everything if they don't have the same vision. TWD almost lost me as a customer, when it was sole fault of Telltale games.
I have one hope today.
On June/26/2012 the last week of June, TWD:Game Episode 2 will be released.
If not, telltale games lost a subscriber. My season pass will be the last purchase I make from telltale.
You've got two years of Telltale experience, so it's far easier for you to have that confidence! And I share it of course. But a full month's delay without a word, that's not chicken feed. Not in this world.
So it bears repeating: Every one of Telltale's Seasons was finished, all episodes were released. And although some delays occurred, the Seasons were always finished in a reasonable time frame.
I'm not afraid they won't release the game. At $25 a pop and over a million (I'm assuming full) copies sold, it would be a terrible mistake for the Telltale not to eventually make it out playable. That would have to be illegal somewhere in the world. Telltale certainly isn't foolish.
My concern is the business aspect of this. As a rule I prefer dealing with smaller companies, and was actually enjoying the anticipation that comes with waiting. At this point though, I feel like I'm dealing with a large, faceless company. Telltale is becoming less like "those guys that make cool games" and more like the giant "Them" that are a part of the nameless, faceless conglomerate that "We" have to concede to because "They" have our money and "We" don't have any other choice. When I start feeling like I'm being held over a barrel about a video game, there's a problem.
As a relative newbie to the gaming world, I have to say that something is a little crazy with the idea that you don't even get the most basic form of whatever you pay for.
Just saying, didn't PC get Episode 1 first? So aren't you guys being a bit selfish saying that Xbox getting Episode 2 first is bad? (I'm a PS3 user so I'm neither of those)
Besides, to those of you complaining "We had to wait three months!", no, you had to wait two months; suck it up and move on. The game will be released within the week, you can survive.
Not to be a Debbie Downer but Really????PC Friday??? some people just keep getting the shaft...WTFWTFWTF?????
Somebody from TTG posted THAT link a couple pages back
Fair? Is there a Season Pass for xbox?
Read a couple pages ago, buddy. Alan Johnson himself told us.
Sorry, I didn't notice it was from TTG themselves... what page?
no, and that could possibly be the reason why its coming earlier, also its nice to see the guys in read lurking about watching the shit storm lol
Thanks for the forst REAL info here. But you this must be a bad joke. It iss written here
"A company spokesperson said the announcement of the dates comes so late because Telltale had to wait "until all of their platform partners confirmed their publishing schedules."
That the platform partners and their release schedule was the problem (don't know why you couldn't tell us this secret information) and now the version which does not need any schedule comes later? I really still don't get it. Maybe now - after the big secret is out (and I still don't know why this has to be a secret and why there had to be such silence) you can give some infos to shed some light on the situation.
Got it! Thanks!
Well, I made my one complaint the day it was late back in May, and although I'm not happy about the delay, at least it's finally here.
I will certainly stick by my guns and never buy a non WD IP product from Telltale, but here's hoping it's good!
Did IGN release the info before TTG themselves did? If so, that's kinda lame.
I played devil's advocate for you TTG. And you just Mushroom stamped me for it. Thanks.
Chances are that after this experience (I initially liked the idea of playing this game episodically), I will just wait until the whole game is ready to play before I pay for it.
would be nice to know indeed
I mean that is what happened with the Skyrim Daungaurd DLC, its on 360 now, while PS3 and PC users have to wait at least another month!
*puts on tinfoil hat :F*
No priority, everyone should get it at the same time. Now the rest of us without XBOX consoles will have to stay off of the Forums to avoid major spoilers. This is BS!
I know it sucks for us pc gamers that we have to wait....but that last line just made me giggle lol!
Thank you for your sympathy...It beats getting flamed lol
i was meaning (coming from someone who cannot programme for shit and has very little idea how these things work) maybe it is easier to release a seperate chunk of the game rather than having automated systems update dlc... does that read right?
Oh well, either for some reason they update today, on Friday (for this single update?) or the following Tuesday, I don't mind, as it's in a week long wait.
After work I went home loaded up TWD:game and played Ep.1. Man I really like this game... I am just so freaking furious with the support.
I really wasn't a big fan of Monkey Island, Sam and Max, Jurrasic park or Back to the future. However TWD is brilliant and I cannot wait for the following 4 episodes. This is probably where all my frustration settles. I hate rude people but I hate arrogant and ignorant people mostly. If the greater population asks you a question, don't give a half-assed answer it will only cause much larger issues. Telltale games lack of support almost lost TWD a customer and more.
Also I wanted to point out I was completely j/ks about boycotting purchases and downloading instead. The comics have my wallet until the end, and I'll be watching every Season 3 ep on AMC.
The walking dead is incredible, I just completely disagree with how Telltale is handling this situation. Refunds or not, it just goes to show how a 3rd party can mess up everything if they don't have the same vision. TWD almost lost me as a customer, when it was sole fault of Telltale games.
I have one hope today.
On June/26/2012 the last week of June, TWD:Game Episode 2 will be released.
If not, telltale games lost a subscriber. My season pass will be the last purchase I make from telltale.
Sorry Telltale,
:-( sad smiley
You don't have to apologize. IT'S unreasonable since Telltale didn't say anything about delays or releasing dates one month ago.:o
Now Xboxers have priority. Their money have more value than ours, maybe?
Once more, another lack of respect...
At least the release date is known...
I'm not afraid they won't release the game. At $25 a pop and over a million (I'm assuming full) copies sold, it would be a terrible mistake for the Telltale not to eventually make it out playable. That would have to be illegal somewhere in the world. Telltale certainly isn't foolish.
My concern is the business aspect of this. As a rule I prefer dealing with smaller companies, and was actually enjoying the anticipation that comes with waiting. At this point though, I feel like I'm dealing with a large, faceless company. Telltale is becoming less like "those guys that make cool games" and more like the giant "Them" that are a part of the nameless, faceless conglomerate that "We" have to concede to because "They" have our money and "We" don't have any other choice. When I start feeling like I'm being held over a barrel about a video game, there's a problem.
As a relative newbie to the gaming world, I have to say that something is a little crazy with the idea that you don't even get the most basic form of whatever you pay for.
Besides, to those of you complaining "We had to wait three months!", no, you had to wait two months; suck it up and move on. The game will be released within the week, you can survive.
our money comes in shiny shiny points
I guess Friday it is... *sigh*
This, cant understand that.