Your assumption is wrong I've preordered the game and never did got any steam code, and it make me wish I had bought it on steam, I chose TTG directly because I thought it was better as without steam between TTG should get more of the money for the same value.
Yep. Half the reason I bought it from TellTale's own site is because I thought I was doing them a favour.
The Steam version is up, the xbox version came out 2 days ago, and we TTG loyal true customers don't have it yet. That's instant bitching rights if you ask me!
Your assumption is wrong I've preordered the game and never did got any steam code
I said "many are not eligible", not "all". And of course you should get this key. I just get a little amazed browsing through that Steam key thread with all the users claiming "no key received" with register dates from May and even June 2012...
But what I think I remember reading is that ep.2 will be downloaded through the game. which would mean we wouldnt have to wait on an update through psn right??
Is it wise to post a screenshot of the achievement? If someone was skimming this thread, they may encounter a spoiler. :c (I have been avoiding looking at achievements, so sorry if I am wrong on the spoiler content!)
PSN always updates on a Tuesday, the date had already gone by the time Microsoft finally let TellTale do anything. I wouldn't be surprised if we had to wait till next week Tuesday to get episode 2.
Yup, there was a psn update at 12am tuesday morning You May have called it...
doesn,t update till wednesday here in the uk, so i guess we ain,t getting it till wednesday
Yeah, I'm actually part of a Steam trading group, never used the service tho. You can sell whole accounts, codes, items, all kinds of stuff. Legitimate as far as I know? I don't see why not. I have a couple Steam codes I've never used, and they can be used by anyone one time to redeem the games. I also have a code for EDF I haven't given my bro in law yet as a gift, since he doesn't have a Steam account yet.
Is it wise to post a screenshot of the achievement? If someone was skimming this thread, they may encounter a spoiler. :c (I have been avoiding looking at achievements, so sorry if I am wrong on the spoiler content!)
I immediately saw what it was and skipped down the page in a hurry. Spoiler tag that nonsense....
If we have to wait until Tuesday, I'm never paying for a Telltale game again. It's utter bullshit, I'm sorry. I didn't get the game on Steam because there was no info on if it was at ALL compatible with my graphics card, though it did say it wasn't recommended.
I'm really upset right now. I know that games have delays, but this is unprofessional. The release date should be the same for all systems, regardless of backdoor doggy-style deals with Microsoft, if that was the case.
What a great way to handle and treat your customers. I'm sure you're proud of yourselves, Telltale.
(a) only the pre-orderers were given Steam codes. We must assume that after the game launched, more people have ordered the game and they're not eligible for an additional Steam version. And a lot of people in the Steam code thread asking for codes these days haven't actually preordered...
(b) not everyone wants The Steam on their computers. I for one just don't. Call it personal taste.
(c) I have the feeling that not much MORE can go wrong with the TTG servers than last time, so let's see. I presume we'll swiftly see the end of the PC/Mac waiting here.
Midwest here, Hi-dee-ho. I have it loaded-down now.
Should I have trademarked "The Steam"? I see it has become very popular. Smiley
Oh-kee-do-kee then, I am going to go and play, Smiley.
Telltale doesn't have control over when the console stores update.
This is true. But Xbox didn't have to get it first, either, did they? Especially after a two-month delay. I know that this sufferance is nothing compared to people who waited so long for Duke Nukem Forever or others, but I feel like I've been given -- like many other PSN users -- the finger, just because I don't own an Xbox or a better computer?
They should have waited until everyone could get it at once. That would have been fair. I mean no disrespect towards you.
That's what the big mystery is. If we don't, if we end up having to wait until Tuesday, I can only imagine the gaggle of people that's going to run down Telltale's building with pitchforks and torches, claiming they've all turned into walkers and need to be put down before they put us down.
I agree they should have waited til everyone could have it at once. Now I have to worry about my friends with xbox version spoiling it for me and I can't even look at these other forum topics now. So basically have nothing to do but refresh this one topic incessantly.
Yeah just booted up steam and it's updating. I'm one of those, who got given a steam key because of the episode 1 delay. Now it seems that steam gets episode 2 before the official site, which doesn't really make a lot of sense.
This is true. But Xbox didn't have to get it first, either, did they? Especially after a two-month delay. I know that this sufferance is nothing compared to people who waited so long for Duke Nukem Forever or others, but I feel like I've been given -- like many other PSN users -- the finger, just because I don't own an Xbox or a better computer?
They should have waited until everyone could get it at once. That would have been fair. I mean no disrespect towards you.
Are you aware of how many PC users get the finger while console users have it made?
Yeah. Anyway, not turning this into a console war, so I'll shut up here.
EDIT: Still not getting the game on Steam. What's going on?
Second priority: people who bought our product through a second-party vendor.
Third priority: people who bought our product directly from us.
Yeah, that's a good business plan.
+1 Way to be TTG
No, the Steam users can't play yet either.
Meanwhile, on Hershel's Farm:
I said "many are not eligible", not "all". And of course you should get this key. I just get a little amazed browsing through that Steam key thread with all the users claiming "no key received" with register dates from May and even June 2012...
All right, that gif feels very strange with the Soundtrack to The Artist (Track 18) playing in the background.
...Still doesnt take away bitching righs ;op
pahahahah... atleast Ripper is here to keep crackin me up with these hilarious pictures xD
The client have updated something from the game BUT they cannot play either.
Look, don't you think that if they could play the achievements would be a bit higher?
Click here for achievements (spoilery)
No, you REALLY don't. As do I.
And I have an invisible unicorn for sale.
RAINBOW unicorn.
I immediately saw what it was and skipped down the page in a hurry. Spoiler tag that nonsense....
I'm really upset right now. I know that games have delays, but this is unprofessional. The release date should be the same for all systems, regardless of backdoor doggy-style deals with Microsoft, if that was the case.
What a great way to handle and treat your customers. I'm sure you're proud of yourselves, Telltale.
Rainbow shitting Unicorn GUN(Red Faction Armageddon)
I've fixed it. Sorry you two.
Midwest here, Hi-dee-ho. I have it loaded-down now.
Should I have trademarked "The Steam"? I see it has become very popular. Smiley
Oh-kee-do-kee then, I am going to go and play, Smiley.
I made a censored version, if you'd like it.
Telltale doesn't have control over when the console stores update.
This is true. But Xbox didn't have to get it first, either, did they? Especially after a two-month delay. I know that this sufferance is nothing compared to people who waited so long for Duke Nukem Forever or others, but I feel like I've been given -- like many other PSN users -- the finger, just because I don't own an Xbox or a better computer?
They should have waited until everyone could get it at once. That would have been fair. I mean no disrespect towards you.
All dialogue relating to that item was great. Such a good series.
/replayed all three seasons while waiting for episode 2
That's what the big mystery is. If we don't, if we end up having to wait until Tuesday, I can only imagine the gaggle of people that's going to run down Telltale's building with pitchforks and torches, claiming they've all turned into walkers and need to be put down before they put us down.
I'm not joking, I'm posting this from the cellular!
If it doesn't I'm gonna get out my Lucifer Spear and ARMAGEDDON on them!!!!
Are you aware of how many PC users get the finger while console users have it made?
Yeah. Anyway, not turning this into a console war, so I'll shut up here.
EDIT: Still not getting the game on Steam. What's going on?