Some of you may have thought this meant a hard date of August 15th, but we wanted to be as clear as we could to let you know the latest news on the release date. The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearingfinal submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms. As soon as we hear back from our partners on when Episode Three will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, PlayStation Network, PC, and Mac, we’re going to break that news to you right here.
I as much of the rest of you wish EP3 to be released ASAP, but if you actually read what they have said, eventhough they have finished testing and tuning, they are still just nearing final submission.
Then they send it to thier partners for certification on digital platforms and then As soon as we hear back from our partners on when Episode Three will be available they will announce the final release date!
Some of you may have thought this meant a hard date of August 15th, but we wanted to be as clear as we could to let you know the latest news on the release date. The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearingfinal submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms. As soon as we hear back from our partners on when Episode Three will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, PlayStation Network, PC, and Mac, we’re going to break that news to you right here.
I as much of the rest of you wish EP3 to be released ASAP, but if you actually read what they have said, eventhough they have finished testing and tuning, they are still just nearing final submission.
Then they send it to thier partners for certification on digital platforms and then As soon as we hear back from our partners on when Episode Three will be available they will announce the final release date!
So, expect 1-2 weeks still is my guess!
I bellive the same thing based on the facts from the article. That leave us with 2 likely dates (for the x-box at least). Wensday 22. or 30.
I am seriously feeming for some click and play linear zombie action. ^u^ The story line is so addicting. If it were a book, it would have been an all nighter, no stopping me.
But I shall settle in for an end of August release. Eek!
I am seriously feeming for some click and play linear zombie action. ^u^ The story line is so addicting. If it were a book, it would have been an all nighter, no stopping me.
But I shall settle in for an end of August release. Eek!
it is a book a comic book and its awesome you should read it
This still isn't out? I'm gonna laugh at the loss of customers they get for season 2 from their insane delays, 2 friggin months is too long to wait for an episode, sorry.
I don't think they can lose the customers they have. -said as a business stance, not as a fan. I mean, the people who ordered literally cannot undo the sale. They've made a healthy return already, getting less money now really won't prove anything to them.
I wish I didn't buy the season pass, I could have waited just a little longer to get the first two episodes free and then bought the rest and saved money.
i dont regret getting the season pass i can wait but if they wait more longer im skipping it and doing other games. i can wait for i have games to play in replace of Episode 3
i dont regret getting the season pass i can wait but if they wait more longer im skipping it and doing other games. i can wait for i have games to play in replace of Episode 3
Jesus.. it's almost like your advertising your vids to make money...
im not advertising anything im speaking my opinion on the situation
ok, you have a couple of threads with different topics told us your doing both a twd/spiderman playthrough vids and you want it out soon and you doing this and that... and your sig...
up to you, i dunno if that is against the forum rules tho..
it is a book a comic book and its awesome you should read it
I watched the First Two Seasons of the Walking Dead show. Then found this game.
Then I picked up the first 3 volumes of the comic book and was disappointed that it was the same characters as the show. (Yes, I know the comic came before the show.) For some reason, I had thought the show was based on the comic but with different characters, just how the game is based on the comic, but with different characters. It was interesting to see the differences. Maybe it's my high reading speed, but I feel like some of the characters are blurring together. "Carol" or betty or some other chick died...but then half a volume later, seems alive, and turns out it was that other chick, not carol...then carol dies too and I'm like... I hardly know any of these characters anymore. Dale, Andrea, Glenn, Mr. Greene, Lori, Carl, and Rick. That's it. Who the heck are these twins who were just murdered? They got introduced and I think that was their only face time in the whole volume. Jiminy Christmas. And despite not knowing who all was dying, it was pretty damn heavy and I needed to take a break after volume three (about a week ago.)
I know Clem and Lee and Kenny far better than I know all of the above. I miss them.
...but I feel like some of the characters are blurring together.
Kirkman has been accused of this actually. None of his characters are really all that different. He's filled his comic with Alpha type personalities with the exception of Carol. Everyone acts by and large the same and all of their dialogue is pretty interchangable.
I'd really like to find it for you, but there's a "Letter Hacks" where someone brings it up and Kirkman has a good response. I think it's pretty recent.
I watched the First Two Seasons of the Walking Dead show. Then found this game.
Then I picked up the first 3 volumes of the comic book and was disappointed that it was the same characters as the show. (Yes, I know the comic came before the show.) For some reason, I had thought the show was based on the comic but with different characters, just how the game is based on the comic, but with different characters. It was interesting to see the differences. Maybe it's my high reading speed, but I feel like some of the characters are blurring together. "Carol" or betty or some other chick died...but then half a volume later, seems alive, and turns out it was that other chick, not carol...then carol dies too and I'm like... I hardly know any of these characters anymore. Dale, Andrea, Glenn, Mr. Greene, Lori, Carl, and Rick. That's it. Who the heck are these twins who were just murdered? They got introduced and I think that was their only face time in the whole volume. Jiminy Christmas. And despite not knowing who all was dying, it was pretty damn heavy and I needed to take a break after volume three (about a week ago.)
I know Clem and Lee and Kenny far better than I know all of the above. I miss them.
I definitely think you just read through too fast! You have to take it nice and slooow, baby. Enjoy the ride! lol. Well I plowed through it all in a few days cause it was so damn good and I just had to keep reading to see what was gonna happen next! Then went back and re-read it all awhile later lol, which is really cool cause it's like you're re-living those moments all over again, and you like, try to warn them about things, lol, like Noooo, don't do that! Don't do it! Something bad is gonna happen! Oooh, nooo, I told you! *sob sob sob* It's cool cause like, reading through again, all the intense moments and stuff still give you (or me anyways) the same feelings as the first time. Like seeing Goku turn super-saiyan for the first time.. it's just as badass the 2nd or 10th or 50th time as it was the very first time and gives me just as many goosebumps! LOL Okay I'm probably sounding like a big loser now..
But anyways.. one of the things that I personally love about the comics is how attached you get to the characters and how drawn in you get.. it's like you're right there with them (for me anyways lol). I guess that's one of the things I really like about the game too. You feel like you really are Lee, lol, especially when you have to make those tough choices! It gets pretty intense :P
I too miss the game characters and can't wait to reunite with them and see what happens in the next exciting episode of The Walking Dead: The Game!
...Oh, and the twins were Allen and Donna's little boys... introduced when Rick first gets to the Atlanta campsite, but not much talked about, like comic book Sophia. Donna (SPOILER)
bites the big one in the first little villa place they try to live in when they first leave the Atlanta campsite, and Allen dies in the prison, leaving the twins to Andrea and Dale.
I watched the First Two Seasons of the Walking Dead show. Then found this game.
Then I picked up the first 3 volumes of the comic book and was disappointed that it was the same characters as the show. (Yes, I know the comic came before the show.) For some reason, I had thought the show was based on the comic but with different characters, just how the game is based on the comic, but with different characters. It was interesting to see the differences. Maybe it's my high reading speed, but I feel like some of the characters are blurring together. "Carol" or betty or some other chick died...but then half a volume later, seems alive, and turns out it was that other chick, not carol...then carol dies too and I'm like... I hardly know any of these characters anymore. Dale, Andrea, Glenn, Mr. Greene, Lori, Carl, and Rick. That's it. Who the heck are these twins who were just murdered? They got introduced and I think that was their only face time in the whole volume. Jiminy Christmas. And despite not knowing who all was dying, it was pretty damn heavy and I needed to take a break after volume three (about a week ago.)
I know Clem and Lee and Kenny far better than I know all of the above. I miss them.
Spoilers are written with BB code, like this. [/spoiler]<---Switch these two things around and
Those boys are in TWD from issue #2 all the way up to #61, if you didn't know who they were you mustn't have been paying very close attention. What adds to that is Donna died in #9 whereas Carol died in #42, there is no one called Betty. How could you not notice? they clearly have different names as well as different looks. Were you even reading it or just looking at the pictures?
Kirkman has been accused of this actually. None of his characters are really all that different. He's filled his comic with Alpha type personalities with the exception of Carol. Everyone acts by and large the same and all of their dialogue is pretty interchangable.
I'd really like to find it for you, but there's a "Letter Hacks" where someone brings it up and Kirkman has a good response. I think it's pretty recent.
A wimps mentality wouldn't get you very far in a ZA.
Spoilers are written with BB code, like this. [/spoiler]reverse these two things and
Those boys are in TWD from issue #2 all the way up to #61, if you didn't know who they were you mustn't have been paying very close attention. What adds to that is Donna died in #9 whereas Carol died in #42, there is no one called Betty. How could you not notice? they clearly have different names as well as different looks. Were you even reading it or just looking at the pictures?
A wimps mentality wouldn't get you very far in a ZA.
Oh cool! I like the spoilery code thingy ty, that's good to know! :P
Oh my gosh, actually, I DID forget all about those twins! Hershals twin daughters! Introduced when you get to Hershals farm, but don't really get much face time until
Thomas chops their heads off!
I just wanted to try the spoiler thingy
As far as mentioning volume 3, I don't really know what's in each volume or where they end and begin as I read issue by issue
Episode 3, I know! It feels like it will never come out! My guess was Aug 21st but I thinking more towards the 24th maybe. Idk I just hope it comes out this month! lol
Seems that everyone too weak has killed themselves (hanging, double suicide, feeding themselves to a chained zombie) or been killed. Kids mostly (the twins, Sophie in the show), but Carl is the opposite of this rule.
It's on it's way beyond mid-August, you know that very broad release date we were tossed.
I'm begining to think that Duck is based on the project manager and Kenny and Lilly are based on the programmers.
What's the excuse this time?
It's on it's way beyond mid-August, you know that very broad release date we were tossed.
I'm begining to think that Duck is based on the project manager and Kenny and Lilly are based on the programmers.
What's the excuse this time?
my dear fellow,
it is the 16th of august one day past the half way point of the month.
that is not way beyond...
ttg has never confirmed a release date for ep3 they said it would be 'ready', yes lots of people like you take 'ready' as released that is a wrong assumption.
in this case 'ready' means to be distributed for certification...
it is the 16th of august one day past the half way point of the month.
that is not way beyond...
ttg has never confirmed a release date for ep3 they said it would be 'ready', yes lots of people like you take 'ready' as released that is a wrong assumption.
in this case 'ready' means to be distributed for certification...
chillax it will be here soon...
Lol, I just don't get why people are so fussy about the exact release date. We'll be playing ep 3 soon enough and then the complaining will begin about ep 4 and 5 then season 2. To me, it just goes to show how good the game really is. People are anxious to play it, but sometimes I wonder if they are being serious or if the world is really filled with impatient, overgrown teenagers who want it their way NOW!! We have created these monsters as a society, they are the Walkers, feeding on us all and stealing our humanity.
Lol, I just don't get why people are so fussy about the exact release date. We'll be playing ep 3 soon enough and then the complaining will begin about ep 4 and 5 then season 2. To me, it just goes to show how good the game really is. People are anxious to play it, but sometimes I wonder if they are being serious or if the world is really filled with impatient, overgrown teenagers who want it their way NOW!! We have created these monsters as a society, they are the Walkers, feeding on us all and stealing our humanity.
There's going to be a second season of the game? Has this been confirmed?
Because, well, obviously that would be great. Even if it means waiting two months per episode.
There's going to be a second season of the game? Has this been confirmed?
Because, well, obviously that would be great. Even if it means waiting two months per episode.
yes it has been confirmed. Why so early idk why but yes
then they should've sold it an episode at a time for 5 bucks instead of the season pass which i bought for 25 bucks which they advertised an episode a month, but then switched it to periodically. im not bitchin but its gonna take almost a year to finish playing it.but its cool love the game. and if they do come out with a second season im sure as hell gonna wait for all episodes to be completed before purchasing that way i can sit and play the 1st to the last without waiting.
Some of you may have thought this meant a hard date of August 15th, but we wanted to be as clear as we could to let you know the latest news on the release date. The team has finished play-testing and tuning, and we’re nearing final submission to our partners for certification on digital platforms. As soon as we hear back from our partners on when Episode Three will be available on Xbox LIVE Marketplace, PlayStation Network, PC, and Mac, we’re going to break that news to you right here.
I as much of the rest of you wish EP3 to be released ASAP, but if you actually read what they have said, eventhough they have finished testing and tuning, they are still just nearing final submission.
Then they send it to thier partners for certification on digital platforms and then As soon as we hear back from our partners on when Episode Three will be available they will announce the final release date!
So, expect 1-2 weeks still is my guess!
I bellive the same thing based on the facts from the article. That leave us with 2 likely dates (for the x-box at least). Wensday 22. or 30.
But I shall settle in for an end of August release. Eek!
it is a book a comic book and its awesome you should read it
June 21st i believe
Sort of a bad deal for you boycotters.
I wish I didn't buy the season pass, I could have waited just a little longer to get the first two episodes free and then bought the rest and saved money.
Jesus.. it's almost like your advertising your vids to make money...
for shame...
We all got to make a living somehow...And obviously he will still play it hahaha
im not advertising anything im speaking my opinion on the situation
ok, you have a couple of threads with different topics told us your doing both a twd/spiderman playthrough vids and you want it out soon and you doing this and that... and your sig...
up to you, i dunno if that is against the forum rules tho..
other wise i got only a small gripe with it
I watched the First Two Seasons of the Walking Dead show. Then found this game.
Then I picked up the first 3 volumes of the comic book and was disappointed that it was the same characters as the show. (Yes, I know the comic came before the show.) For some reason, I had thought the show was based on the comic but with different characters, just how the game is based on the comic, but with different characters. It was interesting to see the differences. Maybe it's my high reading speed, but I feel like some of the characters are blurring together. "Carol" or betty or some other chick died...but then half a volume later, seems alive, and turns out it was that other chick, not carol...then carol dies too and I'm like... I hardly know any of these characters anymore. Dale, Andrea, Glenn, Mr. Greene, Lori, Carl, and Rick. That's it. Who the heck are these twins who were just murdered? They got introduced and I think that was their only face time in the whole volume. Jiminy Christmas. And despite not knowing who all was dying, it was pretty damn heavy and I needed to take a break after volume three (about a week ago.)
I know Clem and Lee and Kenny far better than I know all of the above. I miss them.
Yeah... It is kinda becomming a little to much.
Kirkman has been accused of this actually. None of his characters are really all that different. He's filled his comic with Alpha type personalities with the exception of Carol. Everyone acts by and large the same and all of their dialogue is pretty interchangable.
I'd really like to find it for you, but there's a "Letter Hacks" where someone brings it up and Kirkman has a good response. I think it's pretty recent.
I definitely think you just read through too fast! You have to take it nice and slooow, baby. Enjoy the ride! lol. Well I plowed through it all in a few days cause it was so damn good and I just had to keep reading to see what was gonna happen next! Then went back and re-read it all awhile later lol, which is really cool cause it's like you're re-living those moments all over again, and you like, try to warn them about things, lol, like Noooo, don't do that! Don't do it! Something bad is gonna happen! Oooh, nooo, I told you! *sob sob sob* It's cool cause like, reading through again, all the intense moments and stuff still give you (or me anyways) the same feelings as the first time. Like seeing Goku turn super-saiyan for the first time.. it's just as badass the 2nd or 10th or 50th time as it was the very first time and gives me just as many goosebumps! LOL Okay I'm probably sounding like a big loser now..
But anyways.. one of the things that I personally love about the comics is how attached you get to the characters and how drawn in you get.. it's like you're right there with them (for me anyways lol). I guess that's one of the things I really like about the game too. You feel like you really are Lee, lol, especially when you have to make those tough choices! It gets pretty intense :P
I too miss the game characters and can't wait to reunite with them and see what happens in the next exciting episode of The Walking Dead: The Game!
...Oh, and the twins were Allen and Donna's little boys... introduced when Rick first gets to the Atlanta campsite, but not much talked about, like comic book Sophia. Donna (SPOILER)
Spoilers are written with BB code, like this. [/spoiler]<---Switch these two things around and
A wimps mentality wouldn't get you very far in a ZA.
Oh cool! I like the spoilery code thingy
Anyway! I digress, episode three eh? It wont ever come out amiright?
Edit: nice save Zombie face, editing your post.
Oh my gosh, actually, I DID forget all about those twins! Hershals twin daughters! Introduced when you get to Hershals farm, but don't really get much face time until
As far as mentioning volume 3, I don't really know what's in each volume or where they end and begin as I read issue by issue
Episode 3, I know! It feels like it will never come out! My guess was Aug 21st but I thinking more towards the 24th maybe. Idk I just hope it comes out this month! lol
Seems they have competent employees at Skybound. TellTale employees could learn a few things from them.
I'm begining to think that Duck is based on the project manager and Kenny and Lilly are based on the programmers.
What's the excuse this time?
They just love to mess with impatient people?
my dear fellow,
it is the 16th of august one day past the half way point of the month.
that is not way beyond...
ttg has never confirmed a release date for ep3 they said it would be 'ready', yes lots of people like you take 'ready' as released that is a wrong assumption.
in this case 'ready' means to be distributed for certification...
chillax it will be here soon...
June 29=Episode 2
August 31=Episode 3
October 31=Episode 4
December 31=Episode 5
It just seems that is the plan.
And every episode will be on the 31 of the month.
Lol, I just don't get why people are so fussy about the exact release date. We'll be playing ep 3 soon enough and then the complaining will begin about ep 4 and 5 then season 2. To me, it just goes to show how good the game really is. People are anxious to play it, but sometimes I wonder if they are being serious or if the world is really filled with impatient, overgrown teenagers who want it their way NOW!! We have created these monsters as a society, they are the Walkers, feeding on us all and stealing our humanity.
There's going to be a second season of the game? Has this been confirmed?
Because, well, obviously that would be great. Even if it means waiting two months per episode.
But episode 2 was released on the Friday, June 29th, my birthday, not the 31st. There wasn't even a 31st in June! lol
yes it has been confirmed. Why so early idk why but yes