There's going to be a second season of the game? Has this been confirmed?
Because, well, obviously that would be great. Even if it means waiting two months per episode.
All i know is if that i hear no word from telltale by next tuesday, august 21st. I'm going to there offices and going to raise hell. Fact going to make plenty of calls. You guys can all thank me that if a announcement is made its because of my doing. Ok thank you bye bye
All i know is if that i hear no word from telltale by next tuesday, august 21st. I'm going to there offices and going to raise hell. Fact going to make plenty of calls. You guys can all thank me that if a announcement is made its because of my doing. Ok thank you bye bye
like you're the first person to do that and have success..
All i know is if that i hear no word from telltale by next tuesday, august 21st. I'm going to there offices and going to raise hell. Fact going to make plenty of calls. You guys can all thank me that if a announcement is made its because of my doing. Ok thank you bye bye
I think you meant you will be going to "their" office? Otherwise it sounds like you're talking redneck, "I'm going to that there office and makin me some hell raisin!"
All i know is if that i hear no word from telltale by next tuesday, august 21st. I'm going to there offices and going to raise hell. Fact going to make plenty of calls. You guys can all thank me that if a announcement is made its because of my doing. Ok thank you bye bye
All i know is if that i hear no word from telltale by next tuesday, august 21st. I'm going to there offices and going to raise hell. Fact going to make plenty of calls. You guys can all thank me that if a announcement is made its because of my doing. Ok thank you bye bye
Don't do that devildogrob. Don't call them and push their buttons. TTG could make season 2 a rehash of season 1 but instead of looking after sweet adorable Clem we're stuck with looking after Duck! That would fix our wagon but good.
Just hang in there. Be cool. I know it's a ZA but it could be worse.
That sounds logical, given Episode 4 would release on Halloween.
But i doubt Episode 5 would be on New Years Eve
Yeah I was thinking maybe episode 5 could be a 3 month period.
Yeah I say that is because back to the future outatime was 2 month apart, and they said they were testing it more. so it might not be release until January. Or could be December 28.
But episode 2 was released on the Friday, June 29th, my birthday, not the 31st. There wasn't even a 31st in June! lol
Yeah your right lol, what confused me, is I did see June 31, 2012 on IGN before. I forgot about that I did come here and said there is no 31 in June, after that they changed it to the 29th thanks for pointing that out.
Did you ever think if episodes were released monthly we would actually be getting ready to download Episode 5?!
I am getting ready to replay Ep 2 so it is fresh in my mind
Don't do that devildogrob. Don't call them and push their buttons. TTG could make season 2 a rehash of season 1 but instead of looking after sweet adorable Clem we're stuck with looking after Duck! That would fix our wagon but good.
Just hang in there. Be cool. I know it's a ZA but it could be worse.
Not to intervene in anyone's disagreement but I think DevilD has a perfectly logical reason to be upset and can certainly handle it anyway he or she would like.
I mean TellTaleGames press releases 139,140, and 141 all say and I quote
"The first of five monthly episodes of The Walking Dead"
It was not until press release 142 where the company changed the wording and dropped the monthly.
"The Walking Dead: Episode Two - Starved for Help is the second in a series of five episodes. "
Folks who have followed my threads and posts know what I believe the delay is. I think it is rather odd that TellTale actually wrote a response to my delay theory and posted it on the thread that I started. A response to a post not in the Questions for TWD team thread is pretty rare these days.
The TTG response in my thread was something like TTG has a seperate team working on the iOS programming and that was not causing the update delays.
But after thinking about their response I'm just not sure I believe it. I was new and had no idea that TTG does not really post all that much in the forum. Why address my theory if it was so far in left field....
If TTG has had this seperate iOS programming team working along with the development team then why did the company always wait until the game was complete before getting it iOS ready?
Back in 2011 the company had about 140 employees give or take some. We are not talking about some large tech company, TTG is a small to mid size gaming company.
I firmly believe TTG made record profits as the TTG press release's have indicated from TWD season pass sales when Episode 1 was released. Realizing they had a short window to capitalize on the popularity and hype from Episode 1 bein so damn good TTG executives green lit early development of the iOS version to maximize profits causing the monthly updates. There is no way the iOS sales would be as high if they developed the iOS version after Episode 5 was released for the PC, XBOX, and PS3.
So yes I think customers who bought a season pass are well within their rights to be upset that the game is not being delivered as advertised. I also think people have a right to ask for a refund since the product has already been discounted on steam and is now free for people with a PS3 Plus membership.
Being a Sr Poject Network Engineer Project Manager if I tasked a group of 12 Netork Engineers to create a design proposal for company XYZ implemented over 6 months in pretty darn sure company XYZ would be livid if we took 12 months to implement something that we advertised to do in 6........
And that is what is going here. The Walking Dead game was advertised as 5 monthly Episodes. It should have been completed in 6 months or at the very most 7.
At the rate this game is being deployed its going to be December before Ep 5 gets deployed.
I'm apologise in advance for the length of this post. I'm just frustrated like everyone else....
All i know is if that i hear no word from telltale by next tuesday, august 21st. I'm going to there offices and going to raise hell. Fact going to make plenty of calls. You guys can all thank me that if a announcement is made its because of my doing. Ok thank you bye bye
But after thinking about their response I'm just not sure I believe it. I was new and had no idea that TTG does not really post all that much in the forum. Why address my theory if it was so far in left field.... )
Telltale has lied many times and even posted fake reviews for one of their own games, so yes they would lie about that.
Sooooo... not only does ttg say new episodes released every month (and not do what they say). BUT now.. for playstation plus subs. the first 2 episodes are FREE!!! I paid for a season pass.. FOR THIS GAME.. and now people that just happen to have a sub. for playstation plus can get what i have for FREE!!! I say everyone that paid for the game itself should get something nice... with in the game.. if its a episode 6, or something.... Just feel ripped off right now. AND I was just starting to get over the late release dates... :mad:
Sooooo... not only does ttg say new episodes released every month (and not do what they say). BUT now.. for playstation plus subs. the first 2 episodes are FREE!!! I paid for a season pass.. FOR THIS GAME.. and now people that just happen to have a sub. for playstation plus can get what i have for FREE!!! I say everyone that paid for the game itself should get something nice... with in the game.. if its a episode 6, or something.... Just feel ripped off right now. AND I was just starting to get over the late release dates... :mad:
First: Breathe. It's just a game.
Second: They aren't getting it for free. Playstation Plus costs money.
I don't get angry that I have to buy albums that Spotify subscribers get for "free," because Spotify users paid for the privilege (or dealt with ads) and lose access if they stop paying. The same is true with Playstation Plus.
Sorry, lengthy post following. I hate conspiracy theories, and I find CiscoKidd's post up there to be madly in line with those argumentative indoctrination mechanics employed by conspiracy theorists.
It was not until press release 142 where the company changed the wording and dropped the monthly.
"The Walking Dead: Episode Two - Starved for Help is the second in a series of five episodes. "
A company's change of plan is the best thing that can happen to a conspiracy theorist, because they get to make up the reasons for it.
So it's taking longer than expected, that's why the wording was changed. Reasons for this seem to be many, among them are the tailoring of the episodes to the community's reactions right in this forum, the unexpected complexity of the new game mechanics or the coordination of simultaneous releases (for all the other platforms, mind you). But here you are with an at least less likely theory than those half dozen other ones, giving it that "one true" feel right out of the box.
I firmly believe TTG made record profits as the TTG press release's have indicated from TWD season pass sales when Episode 1 was released. Realizing they had a short window to capitalize on the popularity and hype from Episode 1 bein so damn good TTG executives green lit early development of the iOS version to maximize profits causing the monthly updates. There is no way the iOS sales would be as high if they developed the iOS version after Episode 5 was released for the PC, XBOX, and PS3.
Treat things that are plain as day as your own deduction. The more secretive a company appears, the more suspicion you can apply.
What you "believe" is completely irrelevant. Record sales were announced in the blog, so record profits were made. Taking your professional background into account, I say I can not believe that you yourself, in the same situation and with seven episodic games on your back, wouldn't have thought of this marketing strategy wayyyyyy before episode 1 was released. The strategy also applies regardless of the initial success of the game. Had the Walking Dead game been a dud, I am very sure you would have suspected they lengthened the overall release period in order to instigate more sales in hopes that the franchise's popularity might still rise while the Season progresses. And for sure, the theory has already been voiced that they're hoping for another push during Season 3 of the TV show!
Back in 2011 the company had about 140 employees give or take some.
Exaggerate your facts; treat mere speculation as facts.
The article you linked to says, direct quote, "This year, revenues are expected to grow at the same pace, and the studio is expected to jump to 140 employees from 90." So not only are you mistaken about Telltale's 2011 employees, but your next logical step would be mere speculation about Telltale's present manpower.
If TTG has had this seperate iOS programming team working along with the development team then why did the company always wait until the game was complete before getting it iOS ready?
If you're not sure about something, treat it as fact anyway. Make something up.
Where do you get your facts from? Back to the Future and The Devil's Playhouse - the games that hallmarked Telltale's first steps towards mobile device releases - both had iOS episodes released before the Seasons were finished on PC, while those devices were actually the leading platform in the Law & Order game.
But after thinking about their response I'm just not sure I believe it. I was new and had no idea that TTG does not really post all that much in the forum. Why address my theory if it was so far in left field....
Suspicion is a given and needs no logical explanation. When in doubt, call somebody a liar.
If they keep quiet about the matter, something smells fishy. If they address the matter, something smells fishy. Win-win for conspiracy theorists. Tautology rules. Your question was answered because you raised it. Congratulations.
TTG executives green lit early development of the iOS version to maximize profits
By the same logic, a change in plan is always suspicious while a kept plan can at least be called ruthless.
The ios version was always planned and not spontaneously sped up. The mobile fans kept pestering the forum about a release date for their platforms long before you registered; the release schedules of Telltale's former games should indeed have raised the expectancy that the iOS episodes would not lag that much behind the other platforms.
Being a Sr Poject Network Engineer Project Manager
Apply the authority of your own profession to the topic at hand, however incomparable the two subjects might be.
I am a Project Manager myself in RL. And if I had to pinpoint one single thing that might actually apply to projects in every business area, it would be "The more complex a project, the more people, processes, contractors and resources involved and the more novel the flow is, the more incalculable delays are to be expected". Basic chaos theory if you will.
Well I'm just trying to gather whatever information I can and come up with something. Had there not been such a gap in episode releases then there would be no need to speculate. If TTG planned the marketing as well as you said then I would have hoped they would get the wording on their press releases correct. The fact remains I said monthly. Something changed after the fact. It's not like they released 1 press release. There were 3 or 4 over a 4 month period. A error like that should have been caught.
Whatever the reason is how can anyone defend TTG being late this time? I mean they just came out and said the update would be ready mid August. Today is the 17th and it's Friday I would had hoped it would by today.
So yes I think that TTG was no sure how big a hit this game would be. It exploded. And for whatever reason. They are not hitting the deployment schedule that was described in multiple press releases over a couple of months.
Thats some marketing department
U can choose to subscribe to my theory, make your own, or just take the delay.
Excuse the errors if there are many. I'm on my iPhone.
All those pm functions you listed should have been worked out well before episode 1 was released. Research, contractors, yea I agree a bunch are involved but any program manger worth his weight would have had all that worked out ahead if time. As the hosts on the Sirius xm xfl radio would say. Come in man!
Well I'm just trying to gather whatever information I can and come up with something. Had there not been such a gap in episode releases then there would be no need to speculate. If TTG planned the marketing as well as you said then I would have hoped they would get the wording on their press releases correct. The fact remains I said monthly. Something changed after the fact. It's not like they released 1 press release. There were 3 or 4 over a 4 month period. A error like that should have been caught.
it was, tell tale changed it to periodic release around the end of may.
Whatever the reason is how can anyone defend TTG being late this time? I mean they just came out and said the update would be ready mid August. Today is the 17th and it's Friday I would had hoped it would by today.
they said it would be ready NOT RELEASED. most of us forum vets knew this was gonna cause fallout because of people interpritation.
This was a pr fail they should of just said we expect the game to be complete for certification by this time...but in an attempt to appease the trolls and whingers, who would still complain about lack of info they used the wrong words a bit like a politician spin doctor does..
All those pm functions you listed should have been worked out well before episode 1 was released. Research, contractors, yea I agree a bunch are involved but any program manger worth his weight would have had all that worked out ahead if time. As the hosts on the Sirius xm xfl radio would say. Come in man!
yeah should of... but with a limited number of resources and trying new stuff (the choice of dialogue to make a story) things don't go to plan do they? they made an estimate during the build of ep1 it took them a year or so after bttf to plan it..ttg aren't the only ones who guessed wrong..
sooooo i guess telltale games have until monday to announce the release date of episode 3 the long road ahead and up until wednesday to realease the 3rd episode to keep there promise of mid auguest because if they don't i be very very angry and might turn into the hulk
What's the point of them saying the game will be 'ready' to us? The thing fans care about is when we get the game.
Maybe so we would have an idea of the time frame that we're looking at?
People complained that they were too quiet. They say something, and there are complaints that they said the wrong thing. I think they're in a lose/lose situation honestly.
Lol, whooa, I just scrolled through a ton of a long ass posts! Shit gets crazy here when we're nearing release! lol
Well, I'm still hoping for some time next week! *crosses fingers*
What's the point of them saying the game will be 'ready' to us? The thing fans care about is when we get the game.
Exactly, if the game is finished then release it for those who ordered the season. No need to wait for everybody to get it the same day. If Xbox/PS3 users don't get it the same day, then they can take that up with Xbox/PS3 for taking so long to certify it. JUST RELEASE THE GAME ALREADY.
Lol, whooa, I just scrolled through a ton of a long ass posts! Shit gets crazy here when we're nearing release! lol
Well, I'm still hoping for some time next week! *crosses fingers*
Comments "Telltale has announced that a second season of The Walking Dead: The Game will follow the first five episodes. "
Thank you! That's so awesome!
In the meantime, about to jump into the comics...
like you're the first person to do that and have success..
I think you meant you will be going to "their" office? Otherwise it sounds like you're talking redneck, "I'm going to that there office and makin me some hell raisin!"
That it is still mid-august? Give them a week before you pull the "its past mid-august card, where is it!"(because that's when I'll start too
That was an option actually... for every platform except for steam I believe.
We are going to hear news the very next day and question if this is why we got the info
But i doubt Episode 5 would be on New Years Eve
Don't do that devildogrob. Don't call them and push their buttons. TTG could make season 2 a rehash of season 1 but instead of looking after sweet adorable Clem we're stuck with looking after Duck! That would fix our wagon but good.
Just hang in there. Be cool. I know it's a ZA but it could be worse.
Yeah I was thinking maybe episode 5 could be a 3 month period.
Yeah I say that is because back to the future outatime was 2 month apart, and they said they were testing it more. so it might not be release until January. Or could be December 28.
Yeah your right lol, what confused me, is I did see June 31, 2012 on IGN before. I forgot about that I did come here and said there is no 31 in June, after that they changed it to the 29th thanks for pointing that out.
Oh no, they wrote the Soda Poppers into The Walking Dead!
I am getting ready to replay Ep 2 so it is fresh in my mind
Still im gonna wait and see this story through, if there's something that TTG's games have it's quality.
now it has been 2 month waiting for ep 3 before we waited 2 moth for ep 2
' I bought the game based on what the description says [monthly] not 2 MONTHS!!
forget that!..
they announced that it will be realsed in mid agust , BUT there is no exact DATE , are you kidding me??
whatever the reason was I think as a compny you have to stick with what you are saying officially
Thank you telltale
Not to intervene in anyone's disagreement but I think DevilD has a perfectly logical reason to be upset and can certainly handle it anyway he or she would like.
I mean TellTaleGames press releases 139,140, and 141 all say and I quote
"The first of five monthly episodes of The Walking Dead"
It was not until press release 142 where the company changed the wording and dropped the monthly.
"The Walking Dead: Episode Two - Starved for Help is the second in a series of five episodes. "
Folks who have followed my threads and posts know what I believe the delay is. I think it is rather odd that TellTale actually wrote a response to my delay theory and posted it on the thread that I started. A response to a post not in the Questions for TWD team thread is pretty rare these days.
The TTG response in my thread was something like TTG has a seperate team working on the iOS programming and that was not causing the update delays.
But after thinking about their response I'm just not sure I believe it. I was new and had no idea that TTG does not really post all that much in the forum. Why address my theory if it was so far in left field....
If TTG has had this seperate iOS programming team working along with the development team then why did the company always wait until the game was complete before getting it iOS ready?
According to this article
Back in 2011 the company had about 140 employees give or take some. We are not talking about some large tech company, TTG is a small to mid size gaming company.
I firmly believe TTG made record profits as the TTG press release's have indicated from TWD season pass sales when Episode 1 was released. Realizing they had a short window to capitalize on the popularity and hype from Episode 1 bein so damn good TTG executives green lit early development of the iOS version to maximize profits causing the monthly updates. There is no way the iOS sales would be as high if they developed the iOS version after Episode 5 was released for the PC, XBOX, and PS3.
So yes I think customers who bought a season pass are well within their rights to be upset that the game is not being delivered as advertised. I also think people have a right to ask for a refund since the product has already been discounted on steam and is now free for people with a PS3 Plus membership.
Being a Sr Poject Network Engineer Project Manager if I tasked a group of 12 Netork Engineers to create a design proposal for company XYZ implemented over 6 months in pretty darn sure company XYZ would be livid if we took 12 months to implement something that we advertised to do in 6........
And that is what is going here. The Walking Dead game was advertised as 5 monthly Episodes. It should have been completed in 6 months or at the very most 7.
At the rate this game is being deployed its going to be December before Ep 5 gets deployed.
I'm apologise in advance for the length of this post. I'm just frustrated like everyone else....
Hahaha you gave me a good laugh
Telltale has lied many times and even posted fake reviews for one of their own games, so yes they would lie about that.
First: Breathe. It's just a game.
Second: They aren't getting it for free. Playstation Plus costs money.
I don't get angry that I have to buy albums that Spotify subscribers get for "free," because Spotify users paid for the privilege (or dealt with ads) and lose access if they stop paying. The same is true with Playstation Plus.
Sorry, lengthy post following. I hate conspiracy theories, and I find CiscoKidd's post up there to be madly in line with those argumentative indoctrination mechanics employed by conspiracy theorists.
A company's change of plan is the best thing that can happen to a conspiracy theorist, because they get to make up the reasons for it.
So it's taking longer than expected, that's why the wording was changed. Reasons for this seem to be many, among them are the tailoring of the episodes to the community's reactions right in this forum, the unexpected complexity of the new game mechanics or the coordination of simultaneous releases (for all the other platforms, mind you). But here you are with an at least less likely theory than those half dozen other ones, giving it that "one true" feel right out of the box.
Treat things that are plain as day as your own deduction. The more secretive a company appears, the more suspicion you can apply.
What you "believe" is completely irrelevant. Record sales were announced in the blog, so record profits were made. Taking your professional background into account, I say I can not believe that you yourself, in the same situation and with seven episodic games on your back, wouldn't have thought of this marketing strategy wayyyyyy before episode 1 was released. The strategy also applies regardless of the initial success of the game. Had the Walking Dead game been a dud, I am very sure you would have suspected they lengthened the overall release period in order to instigate more sales in hopes that the franchise's popularity might still rise while the Season progresses. And for sure, the theory has already been voiced that they're hoping for another push during Season 3 of the TV show!
Exaggerate your facts; treat mere speculation as facts.
The article you linked to says, direct quote, "This year, revenues are expected to grow at the same pace, and the studio is expected to jump to 140 employees from 90." So not only are you mistaken about Telltale's 2011 employees, but your next logical step would be mere speculation about Telltale's present manpower.
If you're not sure about something, treat it as fact anyway. Make something up.
Where do you get your facts from? Back to the Future and The Devil's Playhouse - the games that hallmarked Telltale's first steps towards mobile device releases - both had iOS episodes released before the Seasons were finished on PC, while those devices were actually the leading platform in the Law & Order game.
Suspicion is a given and needs no logical explanation. When in doubt, call somebody a liar.
If they keep quiet about the matter, something smells fishy. If they address the matter, something smells fishy. Win-win for conspiracy theorists. Tautology rules. Your question was answered because you raised it. Congratulations.
By the same logic, a change in plan is always suspicious while a kept plan can at least be called ruthless.
The ios version was always planned and not spontaneously sped up. The mobile fans kept pestering the forum about a release date for their platforms long before you registered; the release schedules of Telltale's former games should indeed have raised the expectancy that the iOS episodes would not lag that much behind the other platforms.
Apply the authority of your own profession to the topic at hand, however incomparable the two subjects might be.
I am a Project Manager myself in RL. And if I had to pinpoint one single thing that might actually apply to projects in every business area, it would be "The more complex a project, the more people, processes, contractors and resources involved and the more novel the flow is, the more incalculable delays are to be expected". Basic chaos theory if you will.
I completely agree. But that means if Episode 5 releases before November 24th, no one should be complaining.
Whatever the reason is how can anyone defend TTG being late this time? I mean they just came out and said the update would be ready mid August. Today is the 17th and it's Friday I would had hoped it would by today.
So yes I think that TTG was no sure how big a hit this game would be. It exploded. And for whatever reason. They are not hitting the deployment schedule that was described in multiple press releases over a couple of months.
Thats some marketing department
U can choose to subscribe to my theory, make your own, or just take the delay.
Excuse the errors if there are many. I'm on my iPhone.
All those pm functions you listed should have been worked out well before episode 1 was released. Research, contractors, yea I agree a bunch are involved but any program manger worth his weight would have had all that worked out ahead if time. As the hosts on the Sirius xm xfl radio would say. Come in man!
they said it would be ready NOT RELEASED. most of us forum vets knew this was gonna cause fallout because of people interpritation.
This was a pr fail they should of just said we expect the game to be complete for certification by this time...but in an attempt to appease the trolls and whingers, who would still complain about lack of info they used the wrong words a bit like a politician spin doctor does..
yeah should of... but with a limited number of resources and trying new stuff (the choice of dialogue to make a story) things don't go to plan do they? they made an estimate during the build of ep1 it took them a year or so after bttf to plan it..ttg aren't the only ones who guessed wrong..
Game. Set. Match.
Maybe so we would have an idea of the time frame that we're looking at?
People complained that they were too quiet. They say something, and there are complaints that they said the wrong thing. I think they're in a lose/lose situation honestly.
Well, I'm still hoping for some time next week! *crosses fingers*
Exactly, if the game is finished then release it for those who ordered the season. No need to wait for everybody to get it the same day. If Xbox/PS3 users don't get it the same day, then they can take that up with Xbox/PS3 for taking so long to certify it. JUST RELEASE THE GAME ALREADY.
I'm sure the ALL CAPS scared them. It'll be out any minute now.
was worse for ep2...