I was hoping for news about Episode Three – Long Road Ahead on the TellTale blog, but instead found the unexpected announcement of Walking Dead stats. The first three blog commenters sought information about Episode Three, not news of expansion of the Telltale website.
I may be more patient than other players. I hope that the Telltale’s focus on expanding the Walking Dead to iOS and its streaming of stats has not delayed its work on Episode Three. I like new features, but I believe Telltale will keep players happier by closely adhering to their announced release deadlines.
I was hoping for news about Episode Three – Long Road Ahead on the TellTale blog, but instead found the unexpected announcement of Walking Dead stats. The first three blog commenters sought information about Episode Three, not news of expansion of the Telltale website.
I may be more patient than other players. I hope that the Telltale’s focus on expanding the Walking Dead to iOS and its streaming of stats has not delayed its work on Episode Three. I like new features, but I believe Telltale will keep players happier by closely adhering to their announced release deadlines.
Wow I did not even check the blog. The TTG company has to know people are getting upset over the lack of information.
I dont understand why they are not more proactive to their customers. All they would have to say is something like "the game is submitted we will update you with more information next week......."
Sorry for Doule posting and i never said its good. i said its the best we can do to wait and see what Telltale games does. may they announce on monday that episode 3 will come August 22nd or not even going to release soon. Who knows all i got to say is Lets hope for the best
It's cool to hope for the best but to post a release date from an unreliable source like wikipedia (that you yourself said you don't believe) isn't exactly the greatest thing to do. You're just going to get people hopes up and then they're going to be pissed when it doesn't happen.
It's cool to hope for the best but to post a release date from an unreliable source like wikipedia (that you yourself said you don't believe) isn't exactly the greatest thing to do. You're just going to get people hopes up and then they're going to be pissed when it doesn't happen.
Is that like telling customers the update would be done by mid Auguest?
Websters definition of done and TTG's must be very different.
They said that it will "be ready" by mid-August. That's also different than saying it will be "released" mid-august don't you think?
There were shouts calling for them to talk when they didn't update the public about episode 2. They decide to talk and make an announcement about episode 3 and now there's complaints about that. Hilarious.
It's cool to hope for the best but to post a release date from an unreliable source like wikipedia (that you yourself said you don't believe) isn't exactly the greatest thing to do. You're just going to get people hopes up and then they're going to be pissed when it doesn't happen.
yea but i did say MAYBE so its up to the people that look at the link to believe or not believe. wouldnt be my fault im just trying to provide what i searched up. if i do get hopes up to anyone and it doesnt happen then i will say Sorry ahead of time because i dont mean anything like that to happen.
They said that it will "be ready" by mid-August. That's also different than saying it will be "released" mid-august don't you think?
There were shouts calling for them to talk when they didn't update the public about episode 2. They decide to talk and make an announcement about episode 3 and now there's complaints about that. Hilarious.
Well when someone tells me to be ready for work at 7am. I'm dressed and ready at 7am.
If the company said the update would be ready I should be able to download it and play the game...
yea but i did say MAYBE so its up to the people that look at the link to believe or not believe. wouldnt be my fault im just trying to provide what i searched up. if i do get hopes up to anyone and it doesnt happen then i will say Sorry ahead of time because i dont mean anything like that to happen.
Nevermind. If you can't see why it was pointless to post that then... yeah
My super secret source has revealed to me, and me alone, that Episode 3 will be out On August 28th to compete with the release of, Guild Wars 2, Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC and The Secret World's Game Update 1.2 Dubbed "Digging Deeper" all 3 of these titles coming on August 28th so TTG will go head to head with these releases by keeping the Dead Alive and Walking!!! That is all for now, return to your squabbling.
My super secret source has revealed to me, and me alone, that Episode 3 will be out On August 28th to compete with the release of, Guild Wars 2, Mass Effect 3 Leviathan DLC and The Secret World's Game Update 1.2 Dubbed "Digging Deeper" all 3 of these titles coming on August 28th so TTG will go head to head with these releases by keeping the Dead Alive and Walking!!! That is all for now, return to your squabbling.
Why does IGN have the release date at August 31st? Are they guessing or do they get access to that info? Oh and it says the iPad ep3 releases december 31st.
Why does IGN have the release date at August 31st? Are they guessing or do they get access to that info? Oh and it says the iPad ep3 releases december 31st.
IGN are guessing. They use placeholder dates when they don't have any official information.
I went for late July, hoping that Telltale can get back on track with the whole "monthly" thing.
Oh, that will never happen, they changed their "monthly" release policy to a "whenever" release policy--it works out much better for them. The monthly release thing suckered me into buying the entire game. Maybe after I finish the game I'll try to get a refund because they altered the users agreement without any notification.
I really enjoy the game, but I get a strong feeling that we're paying to be beta testers because the gsame is certainly not polished and doesn't seem complete. Sadly, I'm such a jack-hole that I would purchase season 2 through 10 of TWD if they would create them.
My guess for episode 3's release date was for when hell freezes over. No, not really a date, but it's just a tactic I picked up from TTG--vagueness.
Some of their guys do work weekends (or at least have in the past) for crunchtime, but they have to eat and sleep and avoid going crazy too. Releases are always done midweek so that they have all hands on deck.
I know this is just a joke but the gaming community is pretty unfriendly to women in general, it would be appreciated if you could find a way to express yourself here without remarks like that.
Noted I'm venting at the dude responsible for releasing info, either lie about it properly so you have plenty of time for your team to develop each episode or stop being indecisive and giving "maybe definitely mid early late august to September" as a possible deadline. I'm not boycotting them or anyof that bullcrap (language!) because I know I'll throw money at each and every walking dead game they develop, I just want reliability and proper feedback, is it that much to ask :')
Noted I'm venting at the dude responsible for releasing info, either lie about it properly so you have plenty of time for your team to develop each episode or stop being indecisive and giving "maybe definitely mid early late august to September" as a possible deadline. I'm not boycotting them or anyof that bullcrap (language!) because I know I'll throw money at each and every walking dead game they develop, I just want reliability and proper feedback, is it that much to ask :')
I can't believe how much defense there is towards TT's behaviour in the deployment of this game. When someone makes good points about not getting a product as promised and paid for, a lot of people come back with 'it's just a game and get over it, or stop being impatient'. They said around the middle of the month for episode 3, the middle is come and gone by 3 days and we still don't have another word on it. It's just unfathomable that they don't give more info. I like CiscoKidd, I think he's hitting the nail right on the head with his posts.
Vainamoinen is currently blowing my mind, when I started lurking on here he seemed like a pretty intelligent guy. I sure hope TT is paying him for defending them on here because it's at the cost of his own dignity. When he snapped at Ciscokidd first big rant post, accusing him of instigating conspiracy theorys, I lost all respect. The kidd was just expressing his thoughts, offering some plausible explanation for the delay. He may be right, you don't know, his evidence may not be rock solid but considering we're all on the otherside of the proverbial brick wall, that is all any of us have to go by. Also when the kid posted TT's PR contact info and Vainamoinen belittles that saying it will slow production of the game if everyone emails TT. That might be the stupidest thing he's said on here, I know it comes from a place of anger and frustration but dang, that's what the email addresses are there for, I mean you don't believe that Vainamoinen, do you?
I've been wanting to express my opinion on this God-awful game launch, but I felt most of points were pretty well expressed by CiscoKidd and others. Some of them may be upset and come off as irrational at times to those of you are patient enough to wait many monthes for something you paid for in advance, but I consider those points to be mute. What TT is doing here is wrong, wrong wrong, but pawn customers excusing it is unbelievable, you paid too, you should be pissed.
At the very least TT should offer a refund, I'm sure glad I didn't pay for it, I'll tell you that. That's all for me.
Dismissive of questionable theories founded in nonexistent clues and tautological argumentation I certainly am! But still it was and is a weighing of arguments here. As to a hopefully non-dismissive TL;DR version of my argumentation above: Kidd tried to interpret a business strategy Telltale has aimed at and applied for at least two years now as a spontaneous, beginning-of-Season decision. I found that unlikely. But of course, believe what you want to.
The different stances remain here for you to evaluate them and judge for yourself. Heck, I even make an effort at collecting all those stances from all over this forum to eventually have them here in this thread for a representative overview. But I gather people get angry about that as well, because they like to have their own thread for their own complaint, regardless of its similarity to other community members' opinion. As if anything is gained when the entire forum is spammed with one and the same thread.
I haven't stated that production would slow down if too many people e-mailed Telltale. I will say that at one point, no one can expect to receive an answer. And I will also say that people with valid support issues get less of a chance to hear back from them. Telltale is a small company. Large scale clogging of their communication channels diminishes their communication efficiency, well of course!
And lastly, no, I do not believe that the e-mail addresses provided are there to ask a question thousandfold that was already answered to the best of Telltale's ability one week ago.
The episode's been submitted. It is out of Telltale's hands.
Or Sony's, or Microsoft's, as they will need their time as well.
Tautology in this post was the crucial thing why I unpacked the conspiracy theory argument (which was, I concede that, rather mean). I admit I get cranky when I see it. During my time at the University - Linguistics no less - I spent a bit too much effort towards analyzing these mechanics.
There were several instances where CiscoKidd wanted to raise suspicion about one course of action Telltale had taken, and my argument was that if the opposite course of action had been taken, he'd have been suspicious as well. That's the tautology, the catch-22, the conspiracy trap. Telltale communicates, it's suspicious, Telltale doesn't communicate, it's suspicious. Rather unfair judgement, don't you think?
I hope I've communicated that more clearly now.
And I'm TRYING to get into PR... but companies over here just don't let me.
Originally Posted by CiscoKidd81
If your truly upset over the situation and would like to contact TTG here is their information from the TTG website.
For technical support or compatibility issues with any of our games or assistance with product activation or purchases.
Sure. Why don't we all spam Telltale's communication channels with useless shit. The episode is sure to come so much faster if customer service has its hands full repeating that the episode was submitted to Sony and Microsoft and they're waiting to hear from them.
Release date discussion goes in the release date thread. As the discussion has obviously amalgamated with the original topic of this thread, I'm going to close this one.
Well have been checking in to see when episode's may be released and didn't think I would sign up. I read many of the threads and have been very patient. I get it, sometimes things don't go as planned. But I had to register after reading this moderator's response to a thread. Moderator's name is Vainamoinen*. Useless shit how arogant. When you buy a product and are having a problem you call costumer service/support. I/we believe there is a problem. I was not really to annoyed about the delay until I read your, at best disrespectful post to the paying Costumer's that come to this forum for answers so we don't have to as you put it, “Why don't we all spam Telltale's communication channels with useless shit. The episode is sure to come so much faster if customer service has its hands full repeating that the episode was submitted to Sony and Microsoft and they're waiting to hear from them.” You as a moderator should know and have a little more respect and be above the petty bull that can be on the forums. Cursing and telling paying costumers it isn't ok to contact the company about their product that they are having a problem with is ridiculous. With that being said it would be nice to have a little info on about how long it takes Sony and Microsoft to make the approval not some stupid statistic video. We have all seen the statistic's. I will say that the game is great and I am one of the lucky few playing on the pc that hasn't had to deal with to many bugs. I believe that the rest of the episodes will be great as well. It is not the wait that gets me it is the lack of costumer service/support and now moderator responses that do!
Vainamoinen, I get what you're saying about conspiracy theories, if TT say nothing they look bad, if they make vague statements about possible release dates they look bad (especially when they are not true), if they come straight out and deny ONE users theory they look bad. But they could just be forthcoming and honest. If they are not being decietful why would they not give us more info. These guys know exactly what they are doing, it's the same way politics works (or doesn't work).
I just hope that they learn from this and next time they decide to release a game they should try to finish making more of it first, like most companies.
By the way I'm developing an indie game of my own. If I realeased the Main Menu now would any of you buy it? I promise I'll add one level to the game each month, I promise. The main menu is Really cool.
as others i think me included if ttg gave us the 100% uneditted truth
what would happen ?
Huh? Ask Vainamoinen for some English lessons bud.
Anyway it's not black or white, it's doesn't have to be the %100 unedited truth, there is no such thing anyway, but what they are doing now is simply NOT ENOUGH.
My biggest issue right now is that the last update from them said around the middle of August. When I read that I really doubted it but I certainly expected that by the middle of August they would at least give us an update. I guess they got us because the middle of August could technically be considered any day except the 1st and 31st. They're not stupid they know when they say around the middle of the month, that people are going to start looking for it around the middle of the month. Why not at least give them an update.
I'm sure on Monday or Tuesday we'll get an update thanking us for our patience and understanding and then they'll feed us a bunch more potential dates or release projections that will most likely end up being false. I've got a feeling I am going to completely hate this game by the time they are done.
I may be more patient than other players. I hope that the Telltale’s focus on expanding the Walking Dead to iOS and its streaming of stats has not delayed its work on Episode Three. I like new features, but I believe Telltale will keep players happier by closely adhering to their announced release deadlines.
Wow I did not even check the blog. The TTG company has to know people are getting upset over the lack of information.
I dont understand why they are not more proactive to their customers. All they would have to say is something like "the game is submitted we will update you with more information next week......."
But no they give us another stats video......
It's cool to hope for the best but to post a release date from an unreliable source like wikipedia (that you yourself said you don't believe) isn't exactly the greatest thing to do. You're just going to get people hopes up and then they're going to be pissed when it doesn't happen.
Is that like telling customers the update would be done by mid Auguest?
Websters definition of done and TTG's must be very different.
There were shouts calling for them to talk when they didn't update the public about episode 2. They decide to talk and make an announcement about episode 3 and now there's complaints about that. Hilarious.
yea but i did say MAYBE so its up to the people that look at the link to believe or not believe. wouldnt be my fault im just trying to provide what i searched up. if i do get hopes up to anyone and it doesnt happen then i will say Sorry ahead of time because i dont mean anything like that to happen.
Well when someone tells me to be ready for work at 7am. I'm dressed and ready at 7am.
If the company said the update would be ready I should be able to download it and play the game...
Nevermind. If you can't see why it was pointless to post that then... yeah
When it is finished it still has to be sent to Microsoft and Sony.
Year can see it either way..I see a company saying the update would be ready by mid Auguest as I should be able to download it and play..
I can completly understand though your side of be ready as ready to submit...
I highly doubt that
I'd trust that over Wikipedia.
IGN are guessing. They use placeholder dates when they don't have any official information.
People are pissed b/c Telltale said "Expect mid of August."
Well, it's past mid of August and Telltale went mute on us.
It's moreas based on respect to customers to update us on what the dilly is.
It'd be nice to say "Oh, yea, it's undergoing certification process with Sony/MS. Best case for release: 1 week. Worst case: 3 week."
But instead we get the silent treatment. **rolls eyes**
True but he sounds fishy because of a "secret Reliable Source" that "Only he" knows. Sounds fishy to me but yea i agree with ya
Oh, that will never happen, they changed their "monthly" release policy to a "whenever" release policy--it works out much better for them. The monthly release thing suckered me into buying the entire game. Maybe after I finish the game I'll try to get a refund because they altered the users agreement without any notification.
I really enjoy the game, but I get a strong feeling that we're paying to be beta testers because the gsame is certainly not polished and doesn't seem complete. Sadly, I'm such a jack-hole that I would purchase season 2 through 10 of TWD if they would create them.
My guess for episode 3's release date was for when hell freezes over. No, not really a date, but it's just a tactic I picked up from TTG--vagueness.
September at the earliest...
Doubt all you want, but my 14 year neighbor who cuts my grass would say otherwise.
and you 'think it's funny to make shit up' ARE NOT HELPING..
time to re-activate ban hammer for inciting rage/arguments about release day ?
As far as I know, they never said it will be mid of August 2012.
That would be rather unpleasent, if they waited to august 2013;)
ready does not mean released tho...
Vainamoinen is currently blowing my mind, when I started lurking on here he seemed like a pretty intelligent guy. I sure hope TT is paying him for defending them on here because it's at the cost of his own dignity. When he snapped at Ciscokidd first big rant post, accusing him of instigating conspiracy theorys, I lost all respect. The kidd was just expressing his thoughts, offering some plausible explanation for the delay. He may be right, you don't know, his evidence may not be rock solid but considering we're all on the otherside of the proverbial brick wall, that is all any of us have to go by. Also when the kid posted TT's PR contact info and Vainamoinen belittles that saying it will slow production of the game if everyone emails TT. That might be the stupidest thing he's said on here, I know it comes from a place of anger and frustration but dang, that's what the email addresses are there for, I mean you don't believe that Vainamoinen, do you?
I've been wanting to express my opinion on this God-awful game launch, but I felt most of points were pretty well expressed by CiscoKidd and others. Some of them may be upset and come off as irrational at times to those of you are patient enough to wait many monthes for something you paid for in advance, but I consider those points to be mute. What TT is doing here is wrong, wrong wrong, but pawn customers excusing it is unbelievable, you paid too, you should be pissed.
At the very least TT should offer a refund, I'm sure glad I didn't pay for it, I'll tell you that. That's all for me.
The different stances remain here for you to evaluate them and judge for yourself. Heck, I even make an effort at collecting all those stances from all over this forum to eventually have them here in this thread for a representative overview. But I gather people get angry about that as well, because they like to have their own thread for their own complaint, regardless of its similarity to other community members' opinion. As if anything is gained when the entire forum is spammed with one and the same thread.
I haven't stated that production would slow down if too many people e-mailed Telltale. I will say that at one point, no one can expect to receive an answer. And I will also say that people with valid support issues get less of a chance to hear back from them. Telltale is a small company. Large scale clogging of their communication channels diminishes their communication efficiency, well of course!
And lastly, no, I do not believe that the e-mail addresses provided are there to ask a question thousandfold that was already answered to the best of Telltale's ability one week ago.
The episode's been submitted. It is out of Telltale's hands.
Or Sony's, or Microsoft's, as they will need their time as well.
And does tautological argumentation just apply to things you disagree with or can I use that too?
You should be a politician, or at least get into PR.
Tautology in this post was the crucial thing why I unpacked the conspiracy theory argument (which was, I concede that, rather mean). I admit I get cranky when I see it. During my time at the University - Linguistics no less - I spent a bit too much effort towards analyzing these mechanics.
There were several instances where CiscoKidd wanted to raise suspicion about one course of action Telltale had taken, and my argument was that if the opposite course of action had been taken, he'd have been suspicious as well. That's the tautology, the catch-22, the conspiracy trap. Telltale communicates, it's suspicious, Telltale doesn't communicate, it's suspicious. Rather unfair judgement, don't you think?
I hope I've communicated that more clearly now.
And I'm TRYING to get into PR... but companies over here just don't let me.
Originally Posted by CiscoKidd81
If your truly upset over the situation and would like to contact TTG here is their information from the TTG website.
For technical support or compatibility issues with any of our games or assistance with product activation or purchases.
For press inquiries and review code requests.
For sending feedback on current games.
For any other inquiries not covered by the addresses above.
Sure. Why don't we all spam Telltale's communication channels with useless shit. The episode is sure to come so much faster if customer service has its hands full repeating that the episode was submitted to Sony and Microsoft and they're waiting to hear from them.
Release date discussion goes in the release date thread. As the discussion has obviously amalgamated with the original topic of this thread, I'm going to close this one.
Well have been checking in to see when episode's may be released and didn't think I would sign up. I read many of the threads and have been very patient. I get it, sometimes things don't go as planned. But I had to register after reading this moderator's response to a thread. Moderator's name is Vainamoinen*. Useless shit how arogant. When you buy a product and are having a problem you call costumer service/support. I/we believe there is a problem. I was not really to annoyed about the delay until I read your, at best disrespectful post to the paying Costumer's that come to this forum for answers so we don't have to as you put it, “Why don't we all spam Telltale's communication channels with useless shit. The episode is sure to come so much faster if customer service has its hands full repeating that the episode was submitted to Sony and Microsoft and they're waiting to hear from them.” You as a moderator should know and have a little more respect and be above the petty bull that can be on the forums. Cursing and telling paying costumers it isn't ok to contact the company about their product that they are having a problem with is ridiculous. With that being said it would be nice to have a little info on about how long it takes Sony and Microsoft to make the approval not some stupid statistic video. We have all seen the statistic's. I will say that the game is great and I am one of the lucky few playing on the pc that hasn't had to deal with to many bugs. I believe that the rest of the episodes will be great as well. It is not the wait that gets me it is the lack of costumer service/support and now moderator responses that do!
I just hope that they learn from this and next time they decide to release a game they should try to finish making more of it first, like most companies.
By the way I'm developing an indie game of my own. If I realeased the Main Menu now would any of you buy it? I promise I'll add one level to the game each month, I promise. The main menu is Really cool.
as others i think me included if ttg gave us the 100% uneditted truth
what would happen ?
they still get complaints, they may loose sales, they may loose out on contracts for games..
google max clifford and check out his clients..
pr is powerfull good and the bad
Huh? Ask Vainamoinen for some English lessons bud.
Anyway it's not black or white, it's doesn't have to be the %100 unedited truth, there is no such thing anyway, but what they are doing now is simply NOT ENOUGH.
My biggest issue right now is that the last update from them said around the middle of August. When I read that I really doubted it but I certainly expected that by the middle of August they would at least give us an update. I guess they got us because the middle of August could technically be considered any day except the 1st and 31st. They're not stupid they know when they say around the middle of the month, that people are going to start looking for it around the middle of the month. Why not at least give them an update.
I'm sure on Monday or Tuesday we'll get an update thanking us for our patience and understanding and then they'll feed us a bunch more potential dates or release projections that will most likely end up being false. I've got a feeling I am going to completely hate this game by the time they are done.
as others (i think me included) 'have said' ...
my bad i missed out the punctuation and some words. i am english and was in a rush to post as kettle was on..
Yeah this isn't much of an improvement, I'm not sure anyone on here knows what you're talking about half the time.